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12360656 No.12360656 [Reply] [Original]

How to learn how to invest in my country?

I'll soon earn 100k BRL (26k USD) from my dad and don't know what the fuck to do with this money, but I guess BR and USA's economies are pretty different, but I don't know who to trust/take advice from

>> No.12360670

Don't be a fucking cuck and do your own research and learn how to analyze companies

>> No.12360694

your banks pay a lot of interest..... just give it to the banks!!!

>> No.12360695

Just go all in LINK.

>> No.12360746

Learn how to trade markets.


>> No.12360801

Don't Brazil have any large agriculture/military related stocks? I heard Bolsonaro will go all-out in that

>> No.12361575


>> No.12361641
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>he thinks his new fascist dictator will be good for his money

>> No.12361862

high inflation killed any profitability.
Also high taxes when you cash out.

Brazil is "cheap" but you need a lot of money to access any worthwhile investment and you can't even buy an apartment with 100k here. I just turned 25 and I'm already panicking because I can't buy my own house in a non nigger neighborhood for no less than 400k-600k. If you want to live in the city and not get murdered by a home invader you need to buy a house in a gated community, expect to pay 1-4 mil for it.

>> No.12361915

Military companies are government owned and don't receive private capital.

Only stock he could buy is taurus, but he is prob going to get cucked because Bolsonaro wants to open the market to Glock, CZ, Izmash, HK.. they will fuck Taurus in the ass with a better product.

He can loan money to the agriculture sector but he should expect nothing more than 10% a year before taxes because the sector is highly subsidized.

And people still wonder why we are so poor here

>> No.12361959

Yeah I was thinking of Taurus, everyone knows they're gonna get fucked, but until it happens (and think it's gonna take some months) it will profitable, isn't it? I mean the secret is selling stocks when we hear the news of Colt and shit come here, right?

>> No.12361960

Not even real estate is good anymore.
The last socialist government that we had tripled the credit offer for housing loans and the prices skyrocketed so even a flea ridden crackhouse is now worth more than 100k in a big city.

I don't know how the market is today but a few years ago, when I was in law school I made good money renting medical equipment to private clinics.

>> No.12361969

you should've bought the stock before the election then.
Buy the rumor sell the news. I guess the pump is over by now. I could be wrong though.

>> No.12361993

Do you think it reached its peak yet?

Anyway, what the fuck do I do with this money, 100k is my lowest estimate but I might receive like 250k at max