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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12356658 No.12356658 [Reply] [Original]

>worked as an engineer at a big consultancy firm for 2 years
>boss always screamed and overloaded me with work
>read books and went to workshops on how to be more assertive and negotiate with psychopathic bosses
>arranged a meeting with my boss one day
>tried to diplomatically resolve the situation and told him I can still be productive without being shouted at everyday
>boss took me outside his office
>got fired on the spot in front of everyone
>now unemployed for past 7 months because apparently I've been blacklisted
>live with parents

If I just kept my mouth shout and obeyed I would still have my $85k job today.

>> No.12356696

how do you know you got blacklisted?

>> No.12356717


It feels so good to be a neet and read all these horrific wagecuck stories and know I will never have to deal with that shit again.

Still, I had a similar boss to you once. Being treated like that really does fuck you up, and it takes a few years for the emotional wounds to heal. Fuck people like that. If I could go back in time I'd have quit way way earlier than I did, and knocked the guy out as well. Be glad you left anon. Don't try to stay in abusive situations like that.

>> No.12356733

Nobody from the place I used to work will give me a reference. Even those people who I thought I got along well with and did a lot of favors for. I phoned them up and its always like
>"ummm sorry bro...I can't really help you with that....uhhh...wish you the best..."

I've also tried reaching out to my college alumni but they don't want to help either.

>> No.12356778

People always say things like "if you don't like your job, then just quit lmao"

But its not that fucking simple.

If I just quit I wouldn't be able to do a number of things like
>not be able to rent because no proof of income
>not be able to take out a loan because no proof of income
>not be able to set up a business because I don't have a physical address
>not be able to get medical insurance because no proof of income

A lot of things we take for granted in society are dependent on having a job.

>> No.12356795


Looks like you've been fucked anon. Best to try to go into another industry altogether.

If you have any savings left over, try to get at least a 1k Link suicide stack as well so you can earn income from running a node whenever the fuck mainnet is. If Link works out you will not be so bummed out and depressed about being blacklisted.


Yeah I know I was in the same situation anon a few years back. I didn't quit, I eventually got fired too. But looking back, it wasn't worth it, in hindsight I wished I had just quit way earlier, it wasn't worth it working under a psychopathic shithead for so long.

>> No.12356796

Boomers are not people. This is stricly a Boomerism. Ignore that advice.

>> No.12356809

You could have at least beat his ass anon. Your bedroom at your parents would have still been there when you got out of jail and it would have all been worth it in the end.

My only advice is to buy as much link as you can

>> No.12356814
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>being so completely incompetent that you manage to turn a conversation with your boss about treating you like a human being into your boss just publicly executing you

Fucking lmao well done lad

>> No.12356831

yeah listen to this subnormal scam, its always your fault anon, capitalism is perfect, YOU are always to blame, the system is fine, it was your fault.
firm handshake and eye contact.

>> No.12356839


>> No.12356849

lmao i'd get back at my boss if he did that to me.

>> No.12356855

>its always your fault anon

Big dog's gotta eat

>> No.12356883

i've been thinking about that but how do i go about doing it? i barely know about the guy i worked for 2 years. doesn't have a facebook or linkedin, so no social media presence.

>> No.12356922

best thing to do is just move on, get with the unemployment office for job search assistance and maybe do some resume and interview workshops.

>> No.12356933

Is this a new meme larp? Saw it in a couple of threads today.

>> No.12356944

it's real.

>> No.12356955

No it's real, it's actually something that large (mostly financial) cooperations do.


>> No.12356965

I'm sorry anon, hopefully that piece of shit dies of a heart attack from one of his psychopathic rage frenzies. Cold call some companies man, look for small engineering companies. Don't go for the consulting firms, those places are cuck cages. Look for a small manufacturing company that has in house engineers. You'll start at the bottom, but those companies are usually pretty decent and respectful. What engineering branch are you in anyways?

>> No.12356974

>boss always screamed and overloaded me with work
anon..don't let this happen again. the second someone tries that shit you need to do something. even if your response is sperging out.

t. worked in eng consultancy for 6 years.

>> No.12356982

>This fucking cuck making excuses for his overlords
Sometimes these people cannot be reasoned with and they have an unstable ego/temper

>> No.12357005

>Sometimes these people cannot be reasoned with and they have an unstable ego/temper
You don't think anon knew this about his boss of TWO YEARS?

Then he goes ahead and approaches the situation in the exact manner which would antagonize a person like his boss the most.

He deserves to be fired, not for poor job performance, but for showing such naivete and ignorance in delicate social situations. But then again, maybe that is par for the course with engineers.

>> No.12357013

if you are a licensed engineer you should have no trouble finding a job.

>> No.12357030

Now this I totally agree with. OP should have seen the situation was fruitless and down right dangerous for his position. Imagine going up to a major ego faggot like steve jobs with demands.

>> No.12357035

>t. college kiddo
You're adorable. What are you, 21? 22?

>> No.12357045

depends on your engineering specialty. if you are electrical or chemical then it shouldnt be hard at all to come up with something he'd have a blast with

>> No.12357052

It's lillegal but nobody in the US actually enforces labor laws because hurr durr that's socialism.

>> No.12357067


Is this typically normal for an office? I'm self employed and just can't grasp the idea of people openly yelling at each other unless it's some big IB bank with way more at stake than I'll ever imagine.

>> No.12357077

anon no matter what degree you have or how many certificates you hold you will always be a slave as an employee and as such you must always be ready to bend over like a good slave and take it. Welcome to America/Earth, enjoy your stay.

>> No.12357082 [DELETED] 

This. It took me a year and a half to get my shitty ass engineering job, and that was only through finally having a reference inside the company. Fuck meme of an industry.

>> No.12357093

This. It took me a year and a half to get my shitty ass engineering job, and that was only through finally having a reference inside the company. Fuck this meme of an industry.

>> No.12357117

>Is this typically normal for an office?
Depends on the office. In mine, I've only seen one person yet at another person. It was a female project manager yelling at one of her resources for always making excuses and not doing his job. He had basically told her one thing, she told that thing to the client, then he came back immediately after the meeting and told her something totally different.

To be honest he deserved to get yelled at.

>> No.12357123

what are you retarded?
an engineering degree is like being guaranteed a job. in construction they will hire civil engineers just to meet required qouta's of how many are needed onsite. any IT job will have a listing for an electrical engineer. chemical engineers probably have the widest category of jobs available to them. biomedical will somewhat lock you down to a hospital or production of medical equipment only.
engineering is the easiest degree to find a job with outside of maybe nursing

>> No.12357128
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>> No.12357138
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I have the male equivalent of resting bitch face, and a temper which scales exponentially. It seems to deter any over the top boss theatrics.

>> No.12357146

Maybe for the US in good areas. Even in Canada, only a third of the people with an engineering degree work in engineering. If you don't get a job when you graduate, you're pretty much done because getting your first job is the most difficult step and experience and connections matter more than anything afterwards.

>> No.12357153

>t. never applied for an engineering job

>> No.12357161

What do you call a thing that you use to accomplish some task, which is of limited supply and can generally only be used for one thing at a time?

>> No.12357179
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>> No.12357242

>t. cant apply for something you dont hold

>> No.12357362

Are you retarded? You just posted a link saying that engineering is one of the most competitive fields to get a job in.

>> No.12357488

>85k$ job
>expecting to be pampered


>> No.12357489

>he didn't record his boss
Good goy.

>> No.12357541

Just keep searching for better job, dont worry. Use your unemployment time to get certs

>> No.12357550
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>> No.12358467

im sorry to hear that anon. but the environment you pick has a lot to due with its culture. consultancy firms are know for their toxic environments.

>> No.12358893


>> No.12358946

>t. 14 yo boomer
Boy you're in for a rude awakening

>> No.12358947
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Should have kept your mouth shut you dumb wageslave.

Now go work at McDonalds where you belong with all the otheir troublemakers.

>> No.12358961

have you ever considered that perhaps it's because no one likes you, because you are an asshole.
You really come off as a tool, you are probably also ugly.

wish you the best though..

>> No.12358973

Dude if you don't like your job just quit.

Your not a slave lol. You can just quit and get another job, its a free market. lol.

>not be able to rent because no proof of income

No ones forcing you to quit your job and lose this.

>not be able to take out a loan because no proof of income

Why should you be able to force banks to give you a loan if you wont do your job?

>not be able to set up a business because I don't have a physical address

Well maybe you shouldn't have quit your job.

>> No.12359045

Is it normal practice in the US to be yelled at by your supervisor/boss? I mean my boss can tell me I am an incompetent retard, I have no problem with that if he does so in a calm, polite manner. Being yelled at it's like elementary school shit, no one should put up with that

>> No.12359068


Moreso in Blue Collar jobs, than say a white collar environment though.

>> No.12359091

next time dont confront your big ego ass boss, you find a new job and quit (maybe precisely in a time when he really needs you). its never worth working for a retard

>> No.12359109

thats gotta be bull. blue collars dont have "deliverables" that give bosses an excuse to yell.

>> No.12359125

He can never shout at anyone again if he's dead...

>> No.12359131


>> No.12359167

Your life is effectively over bud.
You either go back to school and get an entirely new degree in a new industry

You burn your ex bosses house down

Or you go turbo autist and slowly fuck with him to the point he an hero’s as an escape

Remember no one can hold power over you when you have nothing left to use

Look forward to hearing about your escapades as you get carted to the loony bin

Remember if you do this “the voices made you do it”

They let the crazy guy go in Canada who beheaded that dude on the bus

Just endure the couple of years at the loony bin and “recover” then collect neetbux for the rest of your life

>> No.12359185

Wouldn't the wise decision be to seek employment outside the reach of your previous employer? It may be the opportunity of a lifetime to travel and earn some O.E

>> No.12359200

>boss always screamed and overloaded me with work
My "boss" was screaming and ordering me to finish impossible task within an impossible time windows, that I had just to sit, work and obey, doing every kind of psyco-blackmailing, and repeating me that I could not find a better job.
I literally sent him to go fuck off and the same day started to apply for other companies
(I had no risk to get fired cause I was strictly necessary for the project to be delivered, so...fuck it).
Just found a better paid job and resigned, he came back trying to lick my ass. Refused to stay on board with a 30% increase and a big bonus.
So if you are in the same situation, fuck it, just find a better job and resign as soon as possible.

>> No.12359266

who even calls references anymore? list your previous boss as a reference and nobody will contact them

>> No.12359275

t. boomer

>> No.12359279
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All it takes is a bullet and a match, mate.
Lots of bullets.

You know what needs done.

>> No.12359358

Fucking lol. What did he say when he fired you, OP?

>> No.12359385

Just cite the HR department, they can't not give you a reference

>> No.12359453

That's not bad advice

>> No.12359491

Wanting to obey. Go to his office and beat him up.

>> No.12359573

Knowing how you guys feel. After overworking for a year to get a promotion, I requested a fixed list of my responsibilities (Pokemon-playing colleagues took credit and shifted blame). Was set up to fail, and out of a job two months later.

This. If it stinks, GTFO ASAP.

>> No.12359660
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Your first mistake was trying to negotiate dominance instead of asserting it, especially with a psycho.

Your second mistake was not leaving after the 24 months mark.

Your third mistake was not ambushing him a night of winter and breaking all his teeth and knees after you realized he blacklisted you.

>> No.12359689

true AND if they lie about the circumstances of your firing to an extent where it negatively affects your prospects, it's considered defamation and you could sue them

>> No.12359721

Read up about narcissistic persinality disorder, it truly is an epidemic

Get self employed or aby other way to get an income that doesnt make you directly dependent on others

>> No.12359737

why the fuck is this shit legal? thats straight up wrong

shouldnt the department of labor be on they ass?????????????

>> No.12359740

Its called wageslavery for a reason

>> No.12359962

why didn't you just kill him? If everyone killed their psychopathic bosses then workers would be treated better.