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File: 86 KB, 745x481, john-mcafee-strikes-again-shows-the-world-his-new-skycoin-tattoo-causing-sky-token-to-surge-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12353463 No.12353463 [Reply] [Original]

I want to believe. I'm starting to listen to Synth and he appears to be making some valid point. Does anyone have long form interviews to redpill me on why skycoin is poised to be the next Ethereum?

>> No.12353587

believe brether we will make it soon

>> No.12353694

When synth starts making sense you're too far gone. Good luck.

>> No.12353709

you know this nutty boomer is a rapist who killed two people, right?

>> No.12353719

I think all his interviews are on youtube. one recent interview was pretty good. 2 parts

>> No.12353748

Chad Synth

>> No.12354018

they probably deserved it

>> No.12354073

That's kind of badass and a bit hot.

>> No.12354158

>killed people
Live in a shithole country, you have to kill a few people to get by. Basically the same as guatemala. Mexico needs to build a wall.

>> No.12354240

these interviews with synth by cryptorich always manage to make me smile. Hilarious stuff and full of red pills.

>> No.12354448
File: 41 KB, 1199x781, 1512216431322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Synth literally named the jew in the second part.

>> No.12354472

shitlib detected

>> No.12354701


I wasn't joking. He often talks about the inner workings of the this entire cryptosphere, fascinating stuff. The guy is a straight shooter. He just lays it out as it really is.

>> No.12354702

sounds like president material

>> No.12354792
File: 66 KB, 1055x601, 6546544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm now a skymarine.

>> No.12355112

I'm 30 min in and its getting intense.

>> No.12355459

Fucking finally I have been saying Synth makes sense since December '17 and you faggots are just now listening to his interview. Check out coin interviews 02 and 03

>> No.12355485

i want to believe but reality is that as soon as mcafee gets btfo in the primaries skycoin will vanish into irrelevance

>> No.12355656

he was in 2nd for the libertarian nomination, behind gary johnson. that was before everybody found out gary was retarded

>> No.12355705

No one will put those stupid sky dishes in they homes. Why should i even have to say this...

>> No.12355851


You're either trying to fud, or you both are completely retarded. Do you even realize SKY is generating more revenue right now then its total current market capitalization?

>> No.12355927

fuck off retard it was self defence

>> No.12357168

all Synths interviews are on youtube. there is a playlist you'll find that has them all. start with the first ones where he is still anon. It'll become obvious that they truly have goals to fix all of the problems there are in all other crypto's

>> No.12357208

>dogs get poisoned
>circumstantial af
>self defense