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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12353643 No.12353643 [Reply] [Original]

imagine you have 1k. no job. no official adress. no insurance. no qualifications.
how would you make sure to not end up on the street?
lets see if all you neets could make it

>> No.12353653

get a job

>> No.12353661

get a job

>> No.12353665

usually you need to live in a city to get a job there. where would you apply too w/o having that?

>> No.12353676

that’s hard. gotta work under the table or cash or get a p.o. box. i’d probably get a box and use it to get a job. a grand is like 2 years of homeless runway when all you pay for is a phone and gym and p.o. box.

>> No.12353687

a post office box is enough? dont u need to prove that you actually are an (legal) citizen?

>> No.12353703

You forgot all the important shit dumbass:
Who are my friends and family? Who are my enemies? How tall am I? How much do I weigh? Age? Gender? Percent body fat? What are my vitals? How is my creatinine clearance? Do I smoke? Am I gay like you? Do I have all of my organs and appendages? Do I have any disabilities? Do I need medication? What’s my IQ? How much LINK do I have?

>> No.12353707

basic fucking guy with 0 link bc youre not able to buy btc bc you cant prove that you live where you (dont) live

>> No.12353730

>buy link
>steal a windscreen washer
>clean car
>get money
>buy link
>go to foodbank
>sleep anywhere like a chad
>rinse repeat.

>> No.12353734

What location do I start at? Give me a lat/long coordinate

>> No.12353747


how would u buy link duh

>> No.12353758

>go to arbeitsamt and sign up for gibs
>get a free flat and some free furniture
>collect welfare
>apply to jobs with help from arbeitsamt
>get job
>earn more money
>start investing while living frugally

Literally babby tier mode.

>> No.12353759

buy a gun and shoot myself in the head

>> No.12353765

Ok pretty simple then. I just live on the sidewalk. That way I never end up on the street

>> No.12353771

cant get gibs without an adress though. i tried lol

>> No.12353774

This but
You will not find an apartment in Berlin that fast. Most likely you have to stay in some homeless shelter or cheap hostel (if they agree)

>> No.12353778

>register at homeless shelter
>go to arbeitsamt
>demand gibs
>use adress from homeless shelter
>get a free flat and free furniture
>collect welfare and get a job

Easy peasy

>> No.12353783

no apartement without sure payment but no sure payment aka job w/o an apartement

>> No.12353785

>hike to some smaller city
>go to local homeless shelter
>get adress
>get gibs
>buy Link

Its still babby tier

>> No.12353793

Arbeitsamt pays your rent. You can even pick where you want to live as long as the sqm isn‘t above what they allow.

>> No.12353802

wtf? why didnt the arbeitsamt whores tell me thats possible
nice ty anon hope thats tru

>> No.12353815

but to get ANYTHING from the arbeitsamt you need to live in that city first

>> No.12353825

>go to homeless shelter
>you are now citizen of the city

>> No.12353834

Actually dont even need that nowadays


>> No.12353854

Not really you just nees to provide an adress for them where they can mail you.
If you have German citizenship you apply for h4. In the meantime they give you a piece of paper that you show to homeless shelters or hostels that says Arbeitsamt will cover x amount of cost per night. You just need to find a place that has rooms available long enough and is up for it. Then they invoice the gubbermint and at some point they give you h4 if you found an apartment. They actually used to look for apartments for you before the systematic abuse of this system by gypsies and asylium applicants.
-T. Insolvenz Berater

>> No.12353866
File: 40 KB, 434x393, 1520110718321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would use that money to get a decent haircut, decent clothes at Ross, go to the recruitment office and enlist in the U.S. military.

>> No.12354036


>> No.12355529

Build a hot dog stand and sell cheap hotdogs for 1.50 each, with soda cans for 75 cents.

Put it next to a bus stop or train station.

>> No.12355542

Criminally underrated.

>> No.12355558

>how would you make sure to not end up on the street?
Apply to university and get studentbux. Easy.

>> No.12355637
File: 75 KB, 1013x1072, 1519499675039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i've only 96 link
>i have 400$ in my account and nothing of value irl beside my shitty, 180K miles, rusted, falling apart car with flat tires
>mfw i've no ideas how i'll be able to pay the next month rent because unemployed but no more neetbux
>i still must pay for a 10k loan and i've a big medical bill i should receive by the mail next week
>my bi-yearly car insurance bill is automatically debited end of january
>my phone is a galaxy s3 with the battery so dead it get from 100% charged to empty in less than 1 hour in eco mode. Get empty in 10min with waze
>my fridge is from 1975
>i own just few clothes and a 15" asus from 2010, can barely launch my internet browser
>so poor my only hobby is shitposting
>i don't shower, only heat the bedroom and stay in the dark to save electricity and water
>my toothbrush so old it looks like a mustach, i use water and pretend it's invisible toothpaste
>my disposable razor is 2 years ld and rusted
>only eat chink noodles, only drink tap water
>my only pleasure is to buy a lolipop once a week
>can't remember what was my last desert because it was so long ago, probably a rice pudding

Your challenge is better than my current life.
Who else /gigahobo/ here?

>> No.12356010
File: 155 KB, 455x800, 363AC68B-D647-440E-9DEE-A1F9989C1432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not have gibs? They are so easy to squire, get yourself together anon

>> No.12356030
File: 46 KB, 619x453, 1492363862277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've a case open alrdy but it take 8 months to be processed, can't do nuffin until i get the answer. 4 months in alrdy, that's why i'm so fucking poor. If i get a 'no gibs' answer i will have to kms so i really hope they won't try to troll me over few shekels per month.

>> No.12356201

being illegal wasn't part of the deal

>> No.12356304

sign up for welfare because I don't live in a third world shithole, then look for a job.

>> No.12356529

buy cheap chinese stuff, resell it in the streets.
hell, I've seen people buy and resell niche shit, like those mylar "emergency blankets" being sold as "reflective sheet for growing marijuana indoors" for 4x their price

do you have any interests and/or hobbies? do you have some interest in technical stuff? where do you live? if you want us to help you, tell us more about you.
I was a NEET for 4-5 years and got a well paid job because of all the knowledge I accumulated from my hobbies and the people I knew at the time.

>> No.12356577

>my only pleasure is to buy a lolipop once a week
>lolipop once a week

My sides just went into orbit

>> No.12356588
File: 33 KB, 331x347, 1540694823799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id just buy the next big thing

>> No.12357193

Get travel insurance, book a hotel, buy iPhone, claim stolen iPhone, sell iPhone. Now you have approx. 1800. Rent room for 500 plus deposit gets you to 800. Make a doublebottom bag and find a supermarket where there a cassiereless registers. Shoplift most items. Find a fat girl with money and tell her you love here. Ask here to move in with you. Set.

>> No.12357933

how did you pay for last rent? where are you from

>> No.12357984

Go to school on BitMEX
Spend 100$ on first class
Take advanced class if you passed the first one for 200$
Obtain master's degree if you passed the advanced class for 20% of your sum.