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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12352745 No.12352745 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Boomer mother has become a gambling addict
>she is thousands in debt playing some mail-in sweepstakes thing where the more junk you order the bigger chance you have of winning
>taxes come due on her house she has in her will that is supposed to go to me
>can't even pay the taxes
>has to cash out more credit cards at the 30% cash out APR to pay the taxes
>i offer to pay the taxes in exchange for her transfering the deed to me since it's in her will for me anyway
>offer to continue to let her keep getting the rent income from the property until she dies
>tells me to fuck off. ill get it when she's dead
>tfw she had rather risk losing it than just give it to me now
>she is now like $20k+ in credit card debt
>soon will default
>bank will probably take her house (my inheritence)

The absolute state of boomers. What will happen to her biz? Will she at least be put into a debtors prison?

>> No.12352754

You will inherit her debt you retard.

>> No.12352759


The debt will eventually be yours

>> No.12352772

how is that even possible? i never co signed for anything. it's all in her name.

>> No.12352834

welcome to America.

>> No.12352851

Haha, you're as dumb as your mother.
Google it dipshit

>> No.12352881

rest in peace opie

>> No.12352920

Ditch the selfish bitch, she will not leave you anything but debt. Try to get her to sign the house to you so you can pay off the inherited debt then dump her

>> No.12352945

It gets taken out of the estate (your inheritance.) You wont have to pay anything but you probably won't inherent anything (of value, you'll still get personal effects and such) either.

>> No.12352986

You're both fucking morons. The most creditors can do is claim against her estate. But OP's own credit and original assets will be unaffected (loss of inheritance is pretty bad tho).

>> No.12352990

It depends on who it gets sold off to.

>> No.12353008

The estate pays it. Debt is never "inherited". It just means the bank will wipe her assets out until it's paid, which may be everything

>> No.12353021

lol. she gets SS too. any chance they might garnish that? it would server her ass right.

>> No.12353029

>implying the bank is stupid enough to keep her debt until dies
They'll sell her debt to some shady debt collector who WILL go after other family members, regardless of what the law says.

>> No.12353032

This but try to fabricate her signature

>> No.12353075
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The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.12353091

You're a soulless entitled retard and you're calling your parents entitled? Holy shit

>> No.12353094

i hope she gets her SS garnished. That would be funny. At east then what she is doing would bite her in her own ass.

>> No.12353105

I'm not the one racking up credit card debt i can't pay off.

>> No.12353118

Even if you are trolling, I know someone like you.
He's 45 and broke and works a minimum wage job and goes on $5K vactions that he can't afford and has to ask everyone he knows for money to fund his vacation and then whines that his parents won't give him their house until they die.

>> No.12353127

you don't know shit. in fact your full of shit. your a boomer and your triggered by the thread. now fuck off. your projecting is too obvious gramps.

>> No.12353137

This board is about making money, not losers from reddit complaining about their family.

Its none of your business what she does with her money if you talked to her already.

>> No.12353146

You are angry at your own mother for being in financial turmoil because she won't give you her fucking house and want her to be punished by the state, which you will see as justice for her giving you her house a decade from now instead of now.

>> No.12353155

No it doesn't dipshit

>> No.12353188

>is more responsible than own parents
Yeah, sounds retarded for sure. Cut OP some slack.

>> No.12353196

Bro you fucking thought that debt gets erased if the person in debt died. You made this thread because you didn't know the ramifications of her situation and wanted answers, and then you didn't know the legal environment around garnishing. The fact that you are telling other people that they "don't know shit" when this whole thread is about fixing your lack of knowledge, is hilarious.

>> No.12353197

He's mad because she's ruining her future by gambling and leaving him in an unstable economic position in this economy. Have you ever checked homelessness stats?

It seems you've been brainwashed by your parents to believe that parents are always right and flawless people and you're running around unable to think for yourself.

>> No.12353203


doesnt matter

>> No.12353234

he is angry at her for being a short sighted retard that doesn't care for her legacy. Why would someone jeopardize their kids like that is beyond me

>> No.12353235

He's not mad that she's ruining her future. In fact, he wants her future to be ruined because he wants her house immediately.

>Have you ever checked homelessness stats?
Have you? Only 00.17% of Americans are homeless. What the fuck world are you living in you retard?

>> No.12353237

>expecting a inheritance

Why does she have to give you anything? You should work for that stuff yourself instead of expecting it. You sound like one of those neets who say,”I’ll be rich when my parents die”, and seem to be proud of that

>> No.12353262

>go after other
They can go after the stain in OP's toilet, so fucking what. All OP has to do is tell them no.

>> No.12353270

>You sound like one of those neets who say,”I’ll be rich when my parents die”,
He offered to pay her credit card debt. How do you breathe?

>> No.12353271

The bitch has no future, she's about to remain without SS and her house due to the debt she's collecting for her degenerate addiction. OP is only trying to save his ass by getting her to sell the house. If the house gets sold he can still take care of her and maybe do something to protect the house money from getting got by debt collectors.

I can't believe you're advocating a kid to allow his dumb mother to rack up debt for him to have to pay on top of losing the house that could've brought him stability, how can you defend a woman who'd rather gamble than make sure her kid will be fine after he dies?

I encourage to sit down and analyze your thoughts and judge them before you post them, instead of reacting, emotional control and self control will take you far friend

>> No.12353306

after she dies* my bad

>> No.12353326

why are you bitching? the debt will be cleared when the house is sold and the difference given to her. she doesn't lose the entire value of the house because of credit card debt.

>> No.12353341

This lol. Make your own way as a man

>> No.12353413

They will take everything and break his legs.
Whatever they can't get legally, they get through other means.

Threats, loansharks breaking into your house, police ignoring your calls, you name it

>> No.12353432

He offered to pay the property tax on the house, he didn’t offer to pay off all the debt

>> No.12353488

If she doesn't have mortgage.
Get her to sign over the house with an agreement that you will give her a monthly pmt until her death. Ie Reverse mortgage.

>> No.12354436

>Boomer mother has become a gambling addict
If she was responsible before, this is a sign of Alzheimer's. You can also expect her to engage in absurd trashy behaviors like having sex with completely random men on impulse, random bursts of aggression and paranoia.
I'm sorry op.

>> No.12354497

Honestly why doesn't she want to transfer it into your name?

>> No.12354510


awful situation, maybe rally your relatives to have some sort of intervention with her

>> No.12355229

Have her declared mentally unfit and take her power of attourney. Then you can controls her money and prevent her from squandering it all till she dies homeless in the gutter.

>> No.12355248

Good luck with that. The court will see that as son wants is inheritance now and is willing fight now for her money.

>> No.12355265

Not if she’s 20k in debt from gambling. I don’t know exactly how it works but my mother and aunt did it to both my grandparents because they would just straight up forget to pay the bills or collect their SS checks. Yes he is securing his inheritance but more importantly he is ensuring his mother doesn’t lose her fucking house and all her money because she’s a gambling addict.

>> No.12355279

As a lawyer, this. If she is a gambling addict, she might be placed under curatorship when her financials are at dire risk. Consult a legal specialist, anon.