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12349325 No.12349325 [Reply] [Original]

Or is everything just a "Yasss instagram pic adventure" ? I have the feeling I need to get on normie levels.

>> No.12349354

Depends on the girl, just like not every guy would.

>> No.12349363

a small portion of girls understand but don't count on your girl being one of them.

>> No.12349372
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>> No.12349397

Listen up, time for some red pill knowledge. Women aren’t your buddies or friends and you will never relate to them on that level. Find a dog or mate in crypto if you’re into it. Thots are meant to be treated as kids and not put on pedestals. Read theredpill on Reddit to go down the rabbit hole.

>> No.12349437


>> No.12349450

Women in general don't give a shit about mastery.

>> No.12349469

He's actually pretty spot on. Yes, it does read and sound cringey when spoken, but it's true generally; not just with respect to pretend internet money.

>> No.12349485
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as he said >>12349469
a littel cringy but the core message is true

>> No.12349487

Of course, my wife is the most focused, hardest working person I've ever met. She's at the top of her field and truly dedicated herself to perfecting her craft.
You just gotta look for them. Also elevate yourself and you will attract a better class of women.

>> No.12349544

found the incel

carry on now to gab

>> No.12349580

does she ever want children or is her career more important?
If yes, max 2 children?

>> No.12349597

Found the incel

>> No.12349644


Well, those ig thots seem pretty focused on one topic, their looks.

>> No.12349657

> thinks crypto requires or benefits from "effort"

not going to make it. May well drive himself insane and attempt suicide after losing everything, including his own mind.

>> No.12349665




fuck off incel

>> No.12349682

found the man who thinks of women as equals. what he said was basically correct regardless of how it was said

>> No.12349688
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Here's lookin at you, kid

>> No.12349728

Fuck all the other people that replied, you’re absolutely correct. Women at their core are basically like children and should be treated as such. I mean, you CAN be friends with women, but you’ll find that the only difference is that they’re a lot more whiny and helpless than their male counterparts. I used to think the dude walking in with a group of bitches was the man to be, turns out he’s just a glorified chaperone for the night.

>> No.12349742

Not all women are the same, its also very easy to tell the difference. Find out what shes attracted to and youll know if shes worth the time. If she only likes men with power,connections,money,etc then you know shes a whore but real women look at men who actually care about them and genuine want them to be happy and protected. Real women will look past your flaws, real women will love you for you under the mask. real women will love you before you even had a dollar. whores will only love you if you have alot of money. real women will love everything about you.

its easy to tell

>> No.12349814

Girls are fine. Some are idiots, and some arn't.

>> No.12349952


Red pill = Angry virgins giving advice about women.

>> No.12350011

Normie scum coming here for financial advice from virgins then turning around to laugh at them

People like you are killing this board you worthless fucking leech

>> No.12350084

She wants 4 children actually, and if all goes well we should both be retiring in 5-10 years to raise our family together, but until then I'll be the stay at home parent most likely

>> No.12350115
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Redpill = finding out modern women are the jews and niggers of gender and lolis are the only feminine gender opposite of men that doesn't scam you financially, physically or emotionally now fuck off

>> No.12350128
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>Redpill = finding out modern women are the jews and niggers of gender and lolis are the only feminine gender opposite of men

>> No.12350150

>he has no argument other than posting these creatures

>> No.12350166

I see some posters ITT speaking the truth but thought I would add my 2 cents. It might be a difficult redpill to swallow at first but you will grateful you did. STOP seeking their "understanding" and focus on building yourself up. If you have a passion for crypto don't stop learning about it and building relevant skills. Try to lift or regularly exercise as well. Don't even bother talking to normies about crypto. If anything you risk opening yourself up for exploit later. They won't care in the moment but later on they WILL remember. If you do find yourself in that situation be prepared you lie your ass off about losing everything. Plant relevant seeds ahead of time. Socializing is no time to talk about crypto unless it's a serious networking opportunity. Don't put pussy on a pedastal. Figure out what makes you happy on an individual level. Never stop working on your personal and professional success. As things click for you, more and more hoes will start coming out of the woodwork. At that point you will (hopefully) be in a power position to choose a good mate. In the meantime it is fine to fuck around but don't bring crypto into the relationship at all. In some cases you may find a qt autistic gf that will understand better than most.

>> No.12350168

incel cope

>> No.12350176

truth, just too bad kike laws keeps us from fucking 8-12 year old girls

>> No.12350239


>> No.12350284

real question is why bother with women ?

>> No.12350383

you reek of reddit

>> No.12350418

>men are more mature than women
so true. there were 2 female friends in my life that we didn't agree on something and they both stopped talking to me because of it. never happened with a guy friend.

tl;dr: have guy friends and only literally fuck women. they are not friend material.

>> No.12350442
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>> No.12350444

Everyone knows crypto is a scam.

>> No.12350460
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but it isn't.

>> No.12350528

>thinking crypto involves any work at all
>thinking all women a instathots
Fucking sad

>> No.12350540

Cu cked and CNN pilled

>> No.12350727

Do you call financial advice to shilling shitcoins? I'm here for fun.