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File: 14 KB, 378x301, EBD8E1BA-56B2-49FC-905F-2EC16FF035AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12343924 No.12343924 [Reply] [Original]

>discovered that i have rare heart disease when I was younger
>no problems til mid 20
>now at 30 start getting heavy problems
>can barely walk up a bunch of stairs without almost passing out
>constant chestpain cant even sit upright for long
>have to post from phone because somewhat tied to the bed when I lie down I dont feel as much pain

how long will it take for chainlink to moon? i feel like I won‘t make it to another EOY

>> No.12343962

what's it called?

>> No.12343992
File: 68 KB, 1000x760, 3781558D-6722-4CA3-892C-5F030DA1D3DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot because its been some years since I was visiting a doctor (no insurance) but something with holes in there that shouldnt be there and too high blood pressure i assume
I also remember them mentioning something about the heart not beating right whatever that is supposed to mean

>> No.12344013

Dude if this is not a larp then it sounds like you dont have much more than a decade or two left. I know its hard but sell your link and buy holochain it has a much better chance of entering the top 10 and remember that Weiss ratings is bullish on it. Weiss has been researching investment opportunities longer than crypto has been around. Good luck fren you can still make it

>> No.12344034
File: 91 KB, 1500x1000, 8C21F57C-F4DD-4E79-A5D8-FF032BD9B242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I dont get a new heart this year I wont make it
I can feel how my health and body is going down the shitter
I‘m never selling
I take the 82k chainlink to the grave
sergey please hurry up im dying

>> No.12344107

No health no wealth.
You can fix the irregular heartbeat with minerals. All the symptomatic stuff listed is cured with magnesium, glycinate for you (go to independent health food store) and you should never eat wheat meat or sugar. Most oils too. Once you start eating plant foods and drinking distilled water you will feel what causes inflationary reaction. Your skin and face must look fucking terrible, and diet shit. You still fucking drink corn syrup soda, right?

>> No.12344121

pajeets preying on the sick, you're the absolute worst

>> No.12344158

>sergey please hurry up im dying
This thread is making me laugh hard. I wish you the best heart defect anon.

>> No.12344182

>decreasing circulating supply
Based. Thank you Anon. There will be a moon brick with your wallet on it

>> No.12344236

>I take the 82k chainlink to the grave
tfw OP's decreasing circulatory supply decreases circulating supply

>> No.12344243


Damn that sucks dude, I bought some LINK awhile ago, I hope it does not give me heart disease too...

>> No.12344257

Do not listen to this retard. visit a cardiologist ASAP

>> No.12344481

>heart not beating right
Atrial fibrillation?
Cardiac arrhythmia?

>in there that shouldnt be there and too high blood pressure i assume
Are you obese?

>> No.12344548

He's got holes in his heart, nigger.

>> No.12344590
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BASED bleeding heart anon

>> No.12345782
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I can barely even eat anything, just survive from very basic meals
never even drank any corn syrup
dont think eating something different will make a change at this point

hope I see that day

no I‘m not obese actually underweight most of my life and always need big effort gaining weight
I measured my blood pressure with this at home thing that my parents had
everytime I measured I had high blood pressure

I don‘t know its been like 12 years since the doc said that something is not right
I don‘t have any papers or a real diagnosis but doc knew it when he listened to the heartbear that something was wrong

Luckyily I dont need a wheelchair yet but getting out of bed is becoming more and more demanding
I need to make it or else i‘m done

sorry for late reply I fell into sleep
I‘m so tired all the time
Sergey please if you read this please hurry

>> No.12345801

I had high blood pressure when I was a teen. It went away when I started regularly smoking weed.

>> No.12345825
File: 141 KB, 550x600, 790128C0-3065-4C3B-B81D-94F1F359FA81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont smoke
never drank alcohol
never even bought fastfood because wanted to save up money for later

I had a job 5 months ago but got fired because i was too slow (because of the heart thing it got worse and worse especially if i had to walk around a lot)

i think weed is still illegal in my country and dont know anyone who sells it

At the moment im convinced i will need a new heart at some point this year or else its game over
could afford one if sergey makes chainlink moon

>> No.12345886


Look into getting a pacemaker, plus look into getting healthcare plans asap, you sound like you will need it one day. Definitely get a health watch where you can monitor your heart and call someone if you have a heart attack.

>> No.12345891

>too high blood pressure

You have a very high chance of getting a stroke if you don't treat this ASAP.

>> No.12345896


Lol dude just take some minerals it will fix the hole in your heart???

I bet you think you can cure AIDS with essential oils you fucking retard.

>> No.12345926

seriously rot in hell

>> No.12345959
File: 28 KB, 590x393, A78C6304-40B7-4E21-A300-61484ADAE70A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured that out myself when i started to black out from too much exhaustion (walking 30 stairs) only matter of time til worse happens

I need link to moon to fix this
anyone knows how much a new heart might cost?
do i have to wait years to get a new one?

>> No.12345960
File: 46 KB, 619x453, 1492363862277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i've the EXACT same symptoms since 2 weeks and i'm getting hospitalized next monday to run various tests because i've no idea what provoked this.
Can it be fixed?
Will i die sooner?
Is the treatment heavy?
Please redpill me on the disease anon. I'm almost sure i've the same shit as you now.

>> No.12345974
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1520721919440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also each time i hiccough my heart get super painful like if someone was suddently crushing it. It last only 2 sec at each hiccough but i fear it now.

>> No.12345979
File: 25 KB, 496x331, 36591572-76BC-4637-932C-205F39022D4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don‘t know much about that either
didnt go to the doctor because afraid i cant afford it (wont sell my link for treatment)
I hope yours is not as serious as mine
to me this pain feel like somebody is stabbing me in the heart with a glowing needle

>> No.12345993

That sucks fren, hopefully i don't live in a third world shithole who try to kill it's citizens like in the US so all medical related things are totally free, as well the drugs and chirurgy operations.

>stabbing me in the heart with a glowing needle
It's also a nice description. Just like you i'm 30 and average weight, not a fatty. No drugs or alchool but i smoke like 35 cigs a day. I feel better when i smoke.

>> No.12346205

>didnt go to the doctor because afraid i cant afford it (wont sell my link for treatment)
Summarizes the sad state of health care in America.

Go to the doctor, fren.

>> No.12346225

Wasn't free healthcare a thing in the US though?

>> No.12346337


>> No.12346347

maybe a left right shunt ?
Meaning that there is a hole between the two ventricles.

>> No.12346350

You're dead within a few months if you don't go to the hospital.
>The absolute state of the greatest country on earth

>> No.12346360

Nope. It works like this: you go to the hospital and 6 months later they send you a 500k dollar bill without a clear explanation.

>> No.12346393

larp or no, how low do you have to be to advertise your scambags? don't hide it under "i'm playing along", because while his larp is potentially entertaining, your reply brings absolutely nothing save for a smell of curry

>> No.12346485
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1501854951590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the greatest country on earth so fucking shit?

>> No.12346496

Boomers. They ruined everything with their parasitical behavior and lack of concern about the future. It won't be the greatest country on Earth for much longer if we keep like this.

>> No.12346547

you dont have a heart desease. you are a fat fuck and didnt work out anon.
when you get older you will die from this. didnt you knoW? better go to fucking gym or die!

>> No.12346811
File: 24 KB, 493x335, 984E3E28-18CC-465E-9CEE-F6D9BD35FBBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don‘t know

Not many options left for me
rather die than go in debt or have to sell linkies

I‘m not fat and never was

>better go to fucking gym
I can barely get out of bed and maintain basic hygiene
can‘t even work a job anymore because walking too much causes chestpain
cant drive anymore because fear of passing out

>> No.12347155



>> No.12347181

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12347391

My medical advice is to take an 81mg aspirin every day to reduce clot and stroke risk. Then obviously lose weight by calorie cutting and doing light exercise like walking or even just stretching.

>> No.12347528
File: 79 KB, 1300x866, 08629CA9-CCE5-4C1D-9A43-AA0F7023678D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My medical advice is to take an 81mg aspirin every day to reduce clot and stroke risk
pls dont give deadly advice does that really work?
anywhere I can read about it?

>Then obviously lose weight
I‘m not fat and never was I actually struggle eating enough

>and doing light exercise like walking or even just stretching.
I‘m trying

>> No.12347577

Why doesn't Burgerland have cheap doctors? You're supposed to have free market there...

>> No.12347679
File: 54 KB, 654x639, 7765543224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to fucking die
>still cares about money
You are a retard or you still don't fully get what it means to be fucking dead, either case LMAO

>> No.12348244
File: 41 KB, 968x681, F76CF7B1-A7F5-489A-AEAD-52EF52CC7622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to die
>need money to survive
>care about money because care about survival

>> No.12348730


>> No.12348758

>never smoked.
>never fucked.
>never drank.
>never spent any money on anything.
>never did anything.
>never got a degree.
>never made friends.
>never went to a doctor.
>I think I'm dying from a failing heart. How do I get the magical internet money I hoard to moon before I fucking die?

Greed has never been so beautiful.

>> No.12348809
File: 106 KB, 866x1300, 0DD9EDEC-BFAF-4F02-9E02-619CBF8013D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make it or I die and respawn

>> No.12348815

die and respawn in hell faggot

>> No.12348854

>spends money on everything
>does everything
>has a degree
>goes to the doctor
>not dying from a failing heart, nocoiner
>from a wealthy family, or a country with blanket health coverage
>Greed has never been so beautiful.
how bout how bout kys

>> No.12348865


lose weight you fat fuck

>> No.12349874


bruh Zyzz literally died from a heart issue, heart problems can come up even if you're fit AF
OP just has bad luck

>> No.12349884

if you're poor, why don't you get Obamacare?

>> No.12349891

zyzz was taking steroids and doing coke
far from fit

>> No.12349973

Doctor (also a pajeet) here. If you’re telling the truth, you’re in trouble and you should look for alternative ways to pay. If you have a rhythm disorder then you need a pacemaker or an operation called an ablation if you’re fit for surgery. If it’s a hole in the heart and you’re blacking out then it’s more concerning. You’re heart is overcompensating to a point where it will get dilated (look up Starling’s law). In all cases, don’t rely on crypto because even if you make it, it may be too late to do anything. All the best.

>> No.12350028

Try Androsterone, DHEA and pregnenolone. Good luck OP I hope you make it

>> No.12350076

>>My medical advice is to take an 81mg aspirin every day to reduce clot and stroke risk
>pls dont give deadly advice does that really work?
>anywhere I can read about it?

Are you being serious? Do you live under a rock?

>> No.12350344


>> No.12350987

lol anon if it gets worse with hiccups its more than likely not cardiac

>> No.12351020

You can literally get rid of any disease that is effecting you.

>> No.12351024

Listen up, retards in this threat worried about their hearts.

If it gets WORSE with excercise, it is probably cardiac related. If it does NOT get worse with excercise, but gets worse when laying down and the pain comes and goes (doesnt last long) it is more than likely muscular or GERD or anxiety. You're welcome.