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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12343258 No.12343258 [Reply] [Original]

Will he fix the US stock market? Or am I buying Puts and gold calls. I feel the only way Democrats have a chance of winning the Senate and presidency in 2020 is with the economy failing.

>> No.12343264

You aren't the only one that feels that way
>Hikes interest rates again

>> No.12343270

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.12343285

So I'm just following the majority and will be wrong? Is that what you are trying to say.
Oh, so you wanted me to make another chainlink or Dero thread?

>> No.12343303

To be fair if the Jobs reports are as good as he is saying and the economy is as strong as they are reporting you should hike interest rates. My point is everyone knows the economy failing is the only way Trump loses.

>> No.12343533

Trump was an imbecile for making economy in bubble his "strong economy" He'll pay for it

>> No.12343549

I agree that was foot in the mouth.

>> No.12343550
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Doesn't matter. One way or another we are getting a wall and the spics wont flood our labor markets as much as they have in the past.

>> No.12343559

America is going to burn to the ground in the culture war, so who gives a shit anymore?

>> No.12343562

This isn't true. He barely won to begin with and his administration is in chaos. Things are good, with some of it due to his rhetoric and tax cut, but that won't save him. That's partly because they were good to begin with

>> No.12343565

He already paid for it when we had a blue wave and the markets tanked 20%, how ironic...

>> No.12343645

>cuts taxes while raising spending
>fixing the economy
He's actually making the collapse that much worse by inflating the bubble more and prolonging the inevitable.

>> No.12344000
File: 187 KB, 800x445, DB308D90-B9A6-4649-9956-DB1F5DA0C5A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called all my Democrat representatives and told each of them point blank that “I will fucking vote republican for the first time in my life if you keep up this petty bullshit.

I suggest all anons do the same. These fucking virtue signaling HYPOCRITES don’t give a single goddamn about immigrants outside of how best to exploit them for cheep labor and to rig elections.

I swear to fucking God.

>> No.12344040

Fuck the Fed, fuck Jannies and fuck you.

>> No.12344147

He can't fix something he broke. He creared a bubble by cutting taxes instead of letting the market go through a normal cycle.

Is trump going to pay for it? Probably not, but the average American sure is, especially blue collar uneducated Americans.

Here's why the market is fucked.
>Trump gets elected, due to his pro-business ideologies the market begins to take off
>As the steam of him taking office slows down, Trump cuts 40% taxes on the 1%. (20% income decrease, 20% business decrease)
>Instead of companies giving people higher wages. The 1% instead performed corporate buy backs. (Go look at the tech sector if you don't believe me)
>Finally, everything is so oversold that when quarterly reports come out and are less than projected, a bunch of market fud takes route

And forget what building a wall is going to do to the deficit without that 40% from the richest people.

The 1% can survive a market crash. Joe? The blue collar worker who's industry is about to get destroyed cant.

>> No.12344364

did you dumbass even watch 2016 election? this senile boomer winning was a pure fluke. He won the swing states by literally 0.1% vote difference and lost the popular vote with the biggest margin in history. Most people that hated him didn't even bother to vote because they never thought it was even possible for him to win. 2020 will be a slaughter for him no matter what happens

>> No.12344376

the deficit is already 1 1/2 trillion dollars. 50 billion for a border wall is practically nothing.
we are all fucked anyway. the wall is going to do more good protecting mexico from the usa when shit finally hits the fan.

>> No.12344396

>50 billion
It’s like 5 Billion. Nancy Reagan spent more on the DARE program.

>> No.12344400

>5 billion
5b is not even enough to build a wooden fence lmao

>> No.12344476

Concrete and steel is cheap. You don’t know how much things cost.

>> No.12344479

Even Trump cant control the gold market. When it moves it moves violently, look at historical charts,
Even higher than the biggest pump in 2017

>> No.12344498

>he still thinks a concrete wall is even possible
how does it feel to be this dumb and gullible

>> No.12344506
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That's what that dumbass gets for taking credit for when the stock market is doing well. If he wants credit for it doing well, he also needs to own shit when it's taking a dump.

>> No.12344784

>government shut down for two weeks
>democrats came into power yesterday
>Why are they doing this to us?

>> No.12344909

>give me muh wall
Nah I'd rather bankrupt the country than spend $5 billion to give boomers their stupid faggot wall when we could be pouring that money into ICE instead (you know the people who actually catch illegals.)

>> No.12344914

thats just a start, no fundamentals changed