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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 477x477, chat.turtlecoin.lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12341442 No.12341442 [Reply] [Original]

You stupid assholes told me this coin was a pre mine, key logged scam. You told me it would never be worth anything in January 2018
>hashrate going sky high
>now its hard to mine
>exchange price increasing
>attracting more devs
>coming out with new shit
I sold my coin and now want to fomo back in. I hate /biz/

>> No.12341522

This is a literal shittoken. There are screens that exist of the creation of this piece of shit which started on /biz/ literally as a way to try to get rich quick. There is no purpose. Anyone trading this one way or another is a fucking brainlet, and the majority of the volume is wash trading bots on the absolute garbage exchange called "Bilaxy". Real volume is on TradeOgre - $13,000. When someone actually decides to sell any of this it's going to get absolutely destroyed.

Grow a brain so you can realize when you made good decisions.

>> No.12341550

They did admit to shilling on forums, but this level of commitment to a meme is impossible, this is a legit project with legit development

>> No.12341594
File: 65 KB, 200x197, TurtleCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and check out video.turtlecoin.lol for related interviews

>> No.12341601

It wasn't just shilling, it was literally created here. I watched it happen. I'm not saying that there isn't commitment to it at this point. Of course once the people who spent their time trying to make it happen realized they might actually be able to make money off of this they continued to do what minimal work is needed to continue. What I'm saying is it has literally no need or purpose. It'll survive until either:
1) Crypto sees adoption and it just gets left for dead with all the rest of the scamcoins or
2) Someone with a stack decides to sell causing an insane depreciation followed by panic selling from people who are so low IQ they think there's a thread of reality to this being a "legit project" and then suddenly get dumped on and realize they're fucked.

>> No.12341606
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Rocksteady is satoshi, don't you want to mine satoshis true vision??

>> No.12341629
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Not sure what else you want. TurtleCoin is 16th in dev activity. Not sure how you can call something a scam coin when its putting forth more effort than 99% of coins.

>> No.12341633
File: 196 KB, 379x282, Rocksteady TurtleCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the first TurtleCoin interview: http://www.blockzero.show/7ffca55a

>> No.12341687


>> No.12341697

I want to know what problem this solves that has not already been solved. "It's BTC but faster", "it's as private as Monero". The horse has already left the gate, nobody needs another bitcoin or Monero. Sorry. The name alone is enough to keep anyone from taking it seriously.
>New world currency: TURTLECOIN

>> No.12341727

Mate, I have no idea what you're talking about when you say you "watched TRTL be created here". How many people were there at the start then? Can you show us a thread other than the screencap from December 2017 which was posted by the main dev?

TRTL has plenty of use cases. It's quick, kind of decentralised (there's a lot of hash power on one or two pools and the devs actually had to intervene), is being developed i.e. TurtlePay, more commits to Github than BAT or XLM, and have you ever heard of Karai mate? Also, TRTL's power lies in its community. The devs are active on Discord and besides, it just works. There is no drama and no exit scamming. This will not go the way of Dogecoin because turtles aren't a meme, but if they deliver Karai and IF it works the way it's intended to, that is by providing smart contracts on a private blockchain, then you will wish you had bought some before. I don't know why you think this is a scam except for your account of seeing TRTL be created here. I own 600k by the way, if this goes 100x I win a lot, if it goes to 0, I lose nothing

>> No.12341808

>I own 600k by the way, if this goes 100x I win a lot,
Eight grand isn't what one would consider "a lot" in terms of crypto gainz.

>> No.12341848

It can fly me to Japan for a holiday, and that's enough on as big of a gamble as TRTL. It's certainly not a 100% foolproof investment, it may go south due to the insane supply or the dev being arrested for possession of marijuana or CP, or maybe it just won't catch anyone's attention...so 8k would be a dream on this project

>> No.12342020

How many TurtleCoin do I need to own to get 100k when it moons?

>> No.12342033

turtlecoins total marketcap is 120 million... KILL YOURSELVES

>> No.12342095


>> No.12342112

Invest in HOT and you'll be fine

>> No.12342148

Only people who remember that keylogger meme are people who are in the discord.

Nice try shilling man, turtlecoin isnt THAT memerable.

>> No.12342216

Holy shit, it's that high? Crypto really is a scam.

>> No.12342352

This. LINK & HOT will be top 10.

>> No.12342369

LOL is it actually? That's like 7x higher than QNT, fucking lol.

Feels good knowing I will get 100 BTC out of my QNT stack.

>> No.12342461

It's not, TurtleCoin mcap is around 4.20 million usd

>> No.12342648

Rock is such a bro, It's amazing what he has accomplished in a year.

I wish him so much success, and want to TRTL succeed simply because he's such a great dude and he's put so much work into this endeavor.

I've got a small stack I've been holding, acquired at roughly 4/5 sats, but even if I wasn't holding anything, I'd wish him the best, dude is an absolute workhorse compared to the other shitters out there in the crypto world.

Wagie like me can't do much with limited time, but the dude is legit, and I wish him all the best.

>> No.12342696

how many trtl to make it

>> No.12342711 [DELETED] 

get in vibe quick. not many people know yet they are releasing an FPS next week. game looks amazing


>> No.12342740

5-10 million is a comfortable hodl.

>> No.12342746
File: 53 KB, 444x478, mtron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 million.

>> No.12342752

You fell for fud instead of doing research it’s your fault

>> No.12342770

my god everyone who put any money in this piece of shit deserves to get scammed
turtlecoin.lol topkek

>> No.12342795

Network hashrate and price are too high. Please fud more so I can accumulate

>> No.12342799

Isn't that like $4?

>> No.12342820

accumulate millions of this crap
I'll see you in a few months when the "devs" dumped tons on retards who payed more than a sat for this shit

>> No.12342909

bought 80k turtles cost like a few dollars lol what u can loose if this is a scam. only like 1 million satoshi's

>> No.12342943

>spent a few dollars
>what can you lose lol?
Your money, stupid fuck. Notice how no one in this thread has been able to say what this coin is good for.

>> No.12342948

thats why i spent feq bucks, not feq grands on this shit. i like to buy shills, but with very low amount of money. like link fortnite kids coin. i spent like few hundred on it. actually i did the same on XRP when it was 500sats.

>> No.12343133

If it gets back up to 12sats I'm finally free.

>> No.12343178

how much would 10 million be worth on a decent moon mission?

>> No.12343239

Turtlecoin has lot of Chinese miners, most of them even buy more coins, they believe is the next dogecoin, they mostly use tradesatoshi as main exchange.

>> No.12343306

10 million

>> No.12343307

I thought it was close to 3 million right now

>> No.12343314

math plz

>> No.12343331

100,000/10,000,000 = $0.01 which is achievable in a decent moon.

>> No.12343376
File: 130 KB, 381x607, 1546618044419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rocksteady keeps ignoring this screencap over and over again
>even mentioning the word "Dero" in their discord is a immediate ban
>they literally have Dero Gold discord server that serves the sole purpose of flooding Dero threads with FUD

>> No.12343416
File: 23 KB, 653x566, brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is absolute shit even by shitcoin standards and anyone who buys this on an exchange should just skip a few steps and end it all

>> No.12343424
File: 58 KB, 1440x603, Screenshot_20190104-213243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dero tard lie yet again

>> No.12343425
File: 444 KB, 679x509, turtlemart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turtle Moon
This is only the beginning.

>> No.12344061


>> No.12345536
File: 66 KB, 800x537, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfiest hold of 2019

>> No.12345542

>FOMOing this

>> No.12345550

Check this >>/biz/thread/S4906378

>Made my own coin for the lolz. I need graphic designers though, and maybe some web designers. The code is done, network is up and hashing, I have a domain, and a github page, i have everything, just need miners.

>> No.12345557

kek this. really fucking sad desu

>> No.12345561

circulating marketcap is 4 million. total marketcap is 120 million. brainlet

>> No.12345566


Is this board full of 10 year olds? What the actual fuck is this?

>> No.12345570

Buy link!

>> No.12345583
File: 174 KB, 480x344, 1546129692955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing about turtlecoin
>on /biz/
>in 2019

>> No.12345657

>buying turtlecoin
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.12345790
File: 143 KB, 241x273, TurtleCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hi

>> No.12345807

I've been on this board since inception. There will always be a monthly shitcoin I'm unaware of. Just another copy-paste vaporware scam that we all know, will ultimately go nowhere.

>> No.12345943

>if this goes 100x I win a lot, if it goes to 0, I lose nothing
this is what /biz/ still doesn't get even though they've seen it a million times

>> No.12345986

It was 38 sats in january
once it gets anywhere near 5 it will get another devdump to 1
enjoy your bags, devs and early miners literally have billions of that trash

>> No.12346447

The high hashrate is mostly FPGAs

>> No.12346536
File: 891 KB, 769x589, turltetown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they really don't know

Kevin Rose. Fucking Kevin Rose did a full hour podcast on TurtleCoin with RockSteady back in Jan and published it as his third podcast for Block Zero.

This is coin is as legit as it gets. Anyone with any doubt but an open mind should spend 30 minutes in their Discord. You will see.

>> No.12346642
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1545921393018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plan is to fork @ height 1200000 to introduce FPGA resistant (maybe) algorithm.

>> No.12346735


Yeah I’d like to have ten million in hand before the moon mission takes off.

Remember when a pizza bought 25 million TRTL? I do.

>> No.12346801

fuck off chosis

>> No.12347170
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>> No.12347652
File: 684 KB, 888x768, TurtleCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember when a pizza bought 25 million TRTL? I do.
would be cool if that really happened

>> No.12347802
File: 1.13 MB, 268x312, E8Ng9Zz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. turtlet

>> No.12347919


It did, pre exchange, I missed the opportunity by hours, had my dominoes gift card ready to go, then coin was listed on the first exchange by the time I got home from wagecucking.

I’m sure whoever bought those pizzas prob dumped at 7 sats, so good deal for them really.

>> No.12348422

You've got no idea. The services that are currently being deployed on TurtleCoin are by themselves worth enough to make trtl a top 100 coin.

The only threat to turtle is forking. If someone forks it and put their service on the new coin, trtl might become obsolete.

>> No.12348631

right now that's like 10k usd

>> No.12348991


>> No.12349073
File: 44 KB, 1200x675, DURV7NhVMAAdyGj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only threat to turtle is forking. If someone forks it and put their service on the new coin, trtl might become obsolete.
They'd also need an equivalent dev team

>> No.12349149

Turtlecoin isn't your average coin of the month you retard. It's posted all the time

>> No.12349168
File: 180 KB, 1000x800, DX5HwizVwAAmQFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12349213

>not a premine
>devs and a few close friends mined hundreds of millions before the coin ever had a public post
>then dumped most of them on suckers
>but it isn't a premine, goy

You all deserve a painful death in your shitting streets.

>> No.12349239

the number of posts that are straight up lies is staggering, fact checking goes a looooong way

>> No.12349611

it was launched on biz, the early miners were the /biz/tards that saw the announcement thread last december. There was 0 premine

>> No.12349656

>Dev makes a public post about coins existence
>Coin is posted about every single day for the following 3 months
>Hurr Durr fuck off scammer
>Coin reaches ATH
>dump after the massive run up
>How can this happen! The devs premined it.

The fact you missed that easy opportunity to make thousands of dollars shows how much of a pussy bitch investor you are. Best part is you're missing it again right now.

>> No.12349861

top kek

>> No.12349989

>2017: fuck off TRTL shills with your scamcoin, i'm buying real blue chip projects
>2018: absolutely justed. turns out everything was a scam
>2018: are these turtleniggers actually serious?!
>2018: sub-1sat turtlecoin actually looks like a good opportunity. go all-in
>2019: wtf i think i'm actually going to make it
its true

>> No.12350140


KEK i have several million of this shit that I completely forgot about and figured it was done for good. Thanks for alerting me OP

>> No.12350181

enjoy your $34

>> No.12350194


At least I can sell it now

>> No.12350233
File: 127 KB, 432x432, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope TRTL will save me from my miserable wagecuck existence.

>> No.12350397

Many sold at 3 satoshi, this coin is going up, buying more at tradesatoshi

>> No.12350450

How big is your turtle stack. I was hoping to reach 100MM before the moon mission but looks like I'm a little late.

>> No.12351209
File: 309 KB, 1346x1222, 1 and 1 mil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12351745

>but this level of commitment to a meme is impossible
You must be new. The NKN and LINK meme commitments are far stronger than this shitcoin.

>> No.12351765

>LBRY credits
Looks legit

>> No.12351801

Actually the community is huge, bigger than DOGE when started in 2014.
And the Chinese miners are getting into mining turtle, and more people going tradesatoshi to buy,

What I find good cos is better to go under the radar and undetected.

>> No.12351816

I mean developers, not autists

Yes, that's the December thread

>> No.12351840

>smooth sync process

nigger I have been downloading the dero blockchain nonstop for a week now and im still only 75% of the way there.

>> No.12351874

Cursed forced memes will ensure Trtl will never go above 5 sats again.

>> No.12351915
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>> No.12351965


>> No.12352275
File: 63 KB, 500x431, turtwig-387-squirtle-7-rrss-water-random-random-turtle-grrss-34064489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]