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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 1146x829, doyourpart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12339228 No.12339228 [Reply] [Original]

>still believing in centralized deplatforming platforms
>not supporting the freeing of useless ads, tracking and user-data-mining

>> No.12339251

Holy shit

>> No.12339253

give me my sticker you beautiful fucktards

>> No.12339255

Tfw my pepe’s Will be eternal

>> No.12339257


Wow. Such a unique idea anon. No one has ever thought of decentralized shitposting.

>> No.12339258

Finally, a Reddit on the blockchain

>> No.12339283

This looks suspiciously like a pajeet scam.

>> No.12339310

you login with ethereum wallet

>> No.12339321

>others had that idea too
Wow, anon. Why didn't other people start making it then? Fucking idea guys.

>> No.12339330

How much ZCI to defend the last bastion of freedom ?

>> No.12339345

They did. Sounds like you haven't done any research.

>> No.12339357

lmfao inb4 steemit

>> No.12339383

nah it's called nntpchan

>> No.12339411

steemit is a piece of shit
0xchan is not like steemit thank fuck

>> No.12339414

overchan is an entirely different beast my dude

>> No.12339463

nntpchan is not overchan

nntpchan is literally a distributed chan that uses the network news protocol.

It already has a distributed moderation trust system.

Turning shitposts into coins sounds gay. Good luck.

>> No.12339489

how does censorship work?

>> No.12339494

I've been waiting for somewhere to leak these documents.

>> No.12339505

white paper on the site

>> No.12339512

Is this real?

>> No.12339515

very real, check the site for whitepaper oxchan . net

>> No.12339516


>> No.12339546

How will you prevent pajeets from spamming up the board farming (you)'s for 0.000001$ post?

>> No.12339560

shame them. we can cultivate an excellent culture of shitposting.

>> No.12339614

I skimmed through the whitepaper and despite sounding interesting, it kinda kills the anonymity idea. The problem with Reddit is that faggots will always attack you based on your past posts. I like 4chan because it's the opposite of that, no commitment to an online identity. Being identified by ids like on/biz/ is good enough for me

>> No.12339620
File: 62 KB, 460x460, 1544636614180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skimmed through the whitepaper... yikes

also: release in Q4? if you expect ETH to increase a lot until then you need those shitcoins you're buying in this sketchy as fuck crowdsale to increase in value as well or you will be losing A LOT.
people are buying this shit because they think it's from the p3d devs and that it's a similar contract where they make gains. good luck getting a ROI for an utility token that hasn't even a developed product behind it ;D
i'd even call this misleading and scammy as it is actively talked about on their ponzi discord channel where everyone is used to the usual ponzi coin (p3d) contract. for this 0xchan shit you're just giving some neets money to hopefully develop something that will hopefully get used someday sometime.
classical shill on biz, buy high sell low and definitely buy into scam icos that you will never see returns on

nice samefagging in this post btw, now gtfo pajeet and shill this shit somewhere else, giving money to rando-wannabe devs that supposedly will develop something is so 2018


>> No.12339634

ummutable and decentralized you say?

i dont believe its unmutable unless you can post CP on there without getting caught or banned whatsoever

>> No.12339651

Technically you can, it will stay on eth blockchain but your collateral will get probably taken

>> No.12339706

miners can see the ip of the transaction sender so unless you mask this shit you will always get caught posting illegal content on blockchain
read more through that whitepaper... you literally lose all your money if you post bad content and if the randomly picked snowflake users are voting to delete it, LoL

dead on arrival, sage

>> No.12339757

haven't read the tokenomics but why do you need the token at all here? why is this not a dapp on ethereum and then you use eth to prevent spamming

>> No.12339785

Because the token is used to distribute rewards for moderation and to incentivize using the platform. If ETH is used, ALL ETH holders would receive partial rewards even if they haven't participated in 0xChan.

>> No.12339799

you're using f.lux aren't you?

>> No.12339841

This. How am I supposed to larp if people can see my post history.

>> No.12339854

Is this true? If so, it has no potential.

>> No.12340016
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 353452355323523555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no sir pls invest in crowdsale sir pls we are definitely coding this in the next months sir give us your ehtereum pls we are definitely known and accomplished devs thats why we are hiding our identity and want 2000 eth so nobody can see how skillful we are sir we know we only have whitepaper but we defintiely have the skill to code this and the token will definitely not be worth 10x less than the eth if you just held it through coming bullseason buy mobius sir

>> No.12340055

what happens if I post cp on an immutable thread

>> No.12340085
File: 28 KB, 490x735, 17457261266626211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get fucked by the moderation process and lose all your ethereum

>> No.12340092


>Gib us de moneys and based on how much money you give us we'll work on it at our leisure..

>> No.12340106

You win

>> No.12340113


>> No.12340121

ikr... it's like it's exactly the same as any other ICO...

>> No.12340126

this is actually a good idea. put money in your mouth.

>> No.12340134

Actually they are known in ethereum community for developing fomo 3d dapp

>> No.12340155

> we are definitely known and accomplished devs

Funny thing is they actually are u faggot

>> No.12340166

because there is so much utility to this token - you can literally prepurchase hundred thousands of 4chan posts in this ico that you can use on a platform that will never catch on
+ who the fuck are these devs even, what did they code before this? show yourself pajeets

literally abusing the powh3d bagholders to fund their neet life - funny as fuck

imagine investing in p3d, being in the negative and waiting for a new project for half a year... then these pseudo devs just post a fucking crowdsale and the suckers throw their eth right into a fucking eth eating blackhole

>> No.12340182

one did some interface webdesign and the other coded a discord bot, don't be mad you will never see that eth again little boii, I will remind you what the eth is worth in a year and compare it to your shitcoin

>> No.12340194

>imagine investing in p3d, being in the negative and waiting for a new project for half a year... then these pseudo devs just post a fucking crowdsale and the suckers throw their eth right into a fucking eth eating blackhole
It's just aside project by two of the devs. It's not p3d extension like fomo3d or p3x. These are developed by full core team

>> No.12340198

i just joined the discord and they're all chinks. whats up with this?

>> No.12340237

well that shit was talked about in the p3d discord for a while, it was hyped a ton

fucking uncool to present a crowdsale of a worthless token (which it is 100% currently) to a blueballed community that is eagerly waitin for another game
literal pajeetery. everyone who gives ethereum to this expects a ROI they will never ever see lmao

>> No.12340277

Dude you're completely missing the point of this project.

Not one says you're gonna 100x retard

>> No.12340287

It was said it is just a side project a lot. It didn't even get an ANNOUNCEMENT on p3d discord...

>> No.12340302

and if iirc that web interface got cloned to buggery because it was so sweet... I hate when people are more talented than me...

>> No.12340318

try the not China channels?

>> No.12340323

you're completely missing my point as I am not saying people expect a 100x

you might be getting a 0.1x or 0x (see where the name comes from) if the project never even launches. you should expect to lose money on this, because it is not an ico nor is it a real investment, it is a literal crowdfund so two random second hand developers can pay their chicken tendies

it's nice to see we still have cucks on biz- keep throwing your money at those 'devs' and getting cucked XXX

>> No.12340333

If i had 1mil ETH your shitty plebbit project wouldnt even get 0.0001 ETH

>post history
Fuck off plebbit

>> No.12340341

its simple as if you like it, send eth to that address. if you don't, then keep building the future of shitposting without earning any money.

>> No.12340349

wait, how many projects were announced for team just? how come 1 developer left the team and one of the other 3 is randomly wandering off into their own project where they need funding from the community of suckers to code shit?

so only 2 people from team just are doing actual projects now? why the fuck isn't this endorsed or talked about by the actual OG devs?

>> No.12340365

You know what would be better? No moderation.

>> No.12340377

My dude it's a fucking message board not an eth pyramid wtf are u talking about

>> No.12340380

Except this team is literally Anon and is breaking a shit ton of laws with this token sale. No AML/KYC Compliance. I'll pass on this one.

>> No.12340397

Posts will still be there just hidden from the ui

>> No.12340408

remember always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.12340467

But this thread seems fairly torn on the matter, so we should put ETH into this contract while also not putting ETH into this contract? O_O

>> No.12340507

Do whatever you want but this has "dear sirs" written all of it. I'll have to give the whitepaper a read when I get home.

>> No.12340510
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And which laws would that be

>> No.12340532

I think a very basic PoC testnet would be needed first.

>> No.12340549

Are you retarded? Any token sale that sells to US Customers is an unregistered security according to the SEC. The fact that these Anons don't care leads me to believe that they are safely operating in chink or pajeet land.

>> No.12340618

Keyword there: ANONS. The US SEC can't do shit about enforcing their technophobic laws against anonymous entities who may or may not even live in the states. Not to mention with the shutdown, the US SEC can't do shit period.

>> No.12340667

one of the devs is literally all over the internet, his nickname is his actual first name. Not very anon, he is canadian

>> No.12340690


>> No.12340721

Now look, I'm not saying this is an absolute scam, and even if it is I have no problems with pajeets stealing everyone's funds. I jusy err on the side of caution with shit like this. Why do they need 200k in NEETbux to build this platform?

>> No.12340751


Literally his full name and city on there. I hope he declares those p3d and fomo3d ether in his taxes... too bad investing in ponzi schemes is illegal in the US, what about Canada? Will be hard to explain that to the boomers... don't forget to declare the eth you earned for this 0xcrap as well.

>> No.12340752
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the devs are anon pajeets that will run of with our money which one is it?

>> No.12340827

I had a similar idea and I’m actually working on implementing it. I’ll make threads on biz about it in the future, but might as well throw the idea here.
How would you all feel about a decentralized anonymous chat room(s)/thread(s)? I haven’t decided whether or not to implement pictures, well see. It’ll run on Ethereum, and I’ll try and make it truly anonymous and have the chat through states and channels to the chain. You’d just pay however much ETH you think you it’ll cost in gas for your messages, so that this shit will go to miners once you actually post. Whatever you don’t use, you get back when you close the channel.

>how do you make money
I don’t, this is about decentralized anonymous communication not fukken profit. Maybs donations, maybs I’ll setup a miner to focus just on this and try to profit from that.
>but what about cp and illegal stuff?
I’ll cross that bridge when I get there, but ideally I won’t do anything. No pictures would mean this is just limited to text, so that will at least block immediate UI render. People would be able to pass links or just the bits for the image, and yea that wouldn’t be great but whatever. Whatever explorer I’ll build for this can have an optional filter to remove all messages that look like image bytes or links. I’ll leave it to the user to enable it or not.

I want a decentralized anonymous communication platform that isn’t limited to the onion network, I think blockchain might be the answer. Post history is cancer.

>> No.12340837

People that get fucked by underperforming devs are rough to deal with. You know what's even worse? The feds JUSTING one of the lead devs of this decentralized neet fund for unregulated crowdsale, investments in ponzi schemes and creating a website with questionable content... surely won't backfire at all if the name of the lead dev is known to the public. Sweating my dude?

>> No.12340844
File: 199 KB, 979x1024, aritz cracker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha OMG you're right!! And he's stupid enough to name a popular brand of cheese crackers after himself too! What an idiot!

>> No.12340885

I dig it. Fuck those pajeets and their weird ponzi connected shitcoin that isn't even developed at all right now. Promises are broken all the time this is the internet after all
Anyone who gives those faglets money will cry themselves to sleep once they realize this shit project won't ever be used because it's way too niche and overtly complex.
Any way to contact you based anon?

>> No.12340927

Just keep browsing biz, once I get around to it, I’ll start making threads. It’ll be many months from now, however. Currently tied up and trying to finish up another project focused on user privacy and helping people scrape their data using their own mailboxes and existing data. I’ll prob post the beta here

>> No.12340966

All good, please don't ask for money from biz to support your neet lifestyle like that sumpunk and aritz cracker fag who made out like thieves from their previous ponzis

>> No.12340982

IPFS costs users money to maintain eternal pepe's

>> No.12341004


Now I want to know more about the one in this thread. How can I check this out?

>> No.12341014

I have a comfy full time job in tech sales which gives me plenty of money and leaves plenty of time and brain power to work on coding projects once I get home. That’s not even mentioning savings.
We’ll see

>> No.12341017

Not going to post the link but you can find this sperglord on social media incredibly easily if you google his name. Yeah no way I'm sending my money to this retard.

>> No.12341023

>I like 4chan because it's the opposite of that

Novusphere allows anon posting where you can claim a new posting key any time you want.

>> No.12341047

>you get fucked by the moderation process and lose all your ethereum

Nothing... Because nobody can do shit about it on ETH .

>> No.12341056

>Now I want to know more about the one in this thread. How can I check this out?

>> No.12341124

>I had a similar idea and I’m actually working on implementing it. I’ll make threads on biz about it in the future, but might as well throw the idea here.
>How would you all feel about a decentralized anonymous chat room(s)/thread(s)? I haven’t decided whether or not to implement pictures, well see. It’ll run on Ethereum, and I’ll try and make it truly anonymous and have the chat through states and channels to the chain. You’d just pay however much ETH you think you it’ll cost in gas for your messages, so that this shit will go to miners once you actually post. Whatever you don’t use, you get back when you close the channel.

I have wanted this for a long time. Its good someone with the ability to do it is FINALLY starting to consider doing it. I want to keep up on further developments of something like this.

> I don’t, this is about decentralized anonymous communication not fukken profit. Maybs donations, maybs I’ll setup a miner to focus just on this and try to profit from that.

You are using a wallet to post the message. People can send ETH to that wallet. Its really that simple. Its all about presentation with the UI more than anything.

> No pictures would mean this is just limited to text

IPFS hashes are what the cool kids are doing in this space. All you need to do is consider a way for people to self moderate. One method of moderation is allowing people to delegate someone of their own choosing to indicate the contents of posts ahead of time. Delegated moderation is probably necessary or you will never get people to use the platform out of fear to having CP plastered all over the place. Novusphere is already planning this.

>> No.12341166

I’ll be doing it for (you)

>> No.12341194
File: 8 KB, 234x216, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, this is literally begging

Here's what we need: a 4chan that allows users to tip each other with BAT, anonymously. Same thing as the website we're currently using, except since Brave is already funding the use of BAT with its giveaways, we would have an automatic and immediate allowance to use towards Post tipping.

None of this fucking crowdfund "pls gib crypto" bullshit, no logging in, etc.

>> No.12341259

One thing to keep in mind that is important to bring up during talks like this. Platforms like this need to support a lot more than just one coin. Just in case shit ever does go down its very important to have the ability to sign transactions for the same messages on multiple blockchains.

>> No.12341332

Don't even try. The Devs of this shit are way too fucking dense to grasp this. It's literally an autistic canadian and some other random monkey

There are software developers that have developed for dozens of years. Those are the people you can trust with your money. Trusting random anons(or doxxed anons) that have never amounted to anything big (besides the biggest wealth transfer from China to the west through fomo3d) or meaningful will fuck you up. They are literally proud about making a website for a ponzi countdown game that lost hundreds of people a lot of money. It's also literally dead right now, look at this fomo short crap.

Abandon ded project, ask for money to create next one.
What a pathetic timeline, get a reality check faggots.

>> No.12341433

too lazy to quote all 15 posts but
(and redpilled)
p3d discord pajeets absolutely obliterated

>> No.12341497

this post should have gotten dubs because it's the truth

the stark reality is your idea is too complicated op

>> No.12341548

YEAH, don't try this developers! Be a good goy!

When you're done with the base code, port the thing that you did with eth, and repeat it on btc, ltc, bch, bchsv, and etc.

>> No.12341621

Looks shady anon. Not buying it. Use zeronet faggot.

>> No.12341738

>Don't even try. The Devs of this shit are way too fucking dense to grasp this.

We are going to get platforms that support many coins at the same time because its the ideal way to fuck censorship permanently for the remaining years of humanity. I don't care if I ask a monkey to fucking do it.

It needs to fucking happen NOW.

>> No.12342184

>collect (you)s
i can already masturbate

>> No.12343608


>> No.12343642

Vibe is releasing a FPS game on Jan 12th. It looks amazing. Not many people know about it yet. Binance & Vibe marketing campaign will start early Jan. Vibe is down 96% from ATH. Koreans are aggressively accumulating. Get in quick


>> No.12343682

awkwardly specific theme ... too much for mass adoption

>> No.12343776

Nice, I have been thinking about a blockchain based 4chan for a while. I don't have any coding skills though.