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12333994 No.12333994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Russian women > Japanese women

>> No.12334008
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equality beautiful

>> No.12334013

what does skin feel like?

>> No.12334034

>He fell for russian women meme

>> No.12334043
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white women

>> No.12334044

bags of sand

>> No.12334046

plastic surgery

>> No.12334047

hm rough skin or smooth skin.

>> No.12334126

Even brad pitt sodl

>> No.12334139

too bad they're fucked in the head.

>> No.12334144


>> No.12334155

I'd give my left nut to marry a 16 year old virgin russian girl from a small village, save her (when sergey saves me, russian guy saves me so I save a russian girl, makes sense) and redpill her and make her happy.

>> No.12334180

>talk to some ukrainian qt over the internet
>we watch shows together and talk for hours
>she is really nice but also really shy
>war breaks out and her village is near the frontlines
>some day in 2014 she stops coming online
>never heard from her again

>> No.12334185

Putin killed your wank fantasy

>> No.12334187

i would say theyre the most intelligent of women

>> No.12334192

final redpil
trannies are for fags btw

>> No.12334227
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Jewish woman = wildest sex, best ROI

>> No.12334276

More like murican admin with a shitty coup

>> No.12334285

>talk for hours
>not asking her to marry you quickly as a based righteous man, who cares about the jewish schemes to destroy white family values etc... or about the redpill (which is true btw, but we can't be defeatists)
it is sad fren, I hope you meet her in the next life and you live happy with her

>> No.12334849

Who's the twink?

>> No.12334977

Southern European women are the best.. there culture is surprisingly traditional, but still modern and western in nature.
If you have a daughter and she brings home her first boyfriend, you don't want your wife (her mom) to bluntly ask how rich his parents are, or ask him about his grade.
You want a nice decent wife, that can cook a meal and make everyone feel good. Apart from producing children, then the sole function of a woman is to be an "air fresher" of the atmosphere in your home, you want to be cozy, fell good, and have a home with a warm and loving atmosphere.
Southern European women is your best bet for this.

>> No.12335164

Only weebs think Nips are hot, hilariously because they look at drawings of what Japanese people think Europeans look like.

>> No.12335191

The chance of her dying is basically zero. Civilian casualties, female civilians especially, are pretty rare nowadays.
See: ~3,000 civvies have died in a region (Donbass) of 4 million people, you're either hilariously unlucky or lying for attention, like a woman.