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12332957 No.12332957 [Reply] [Original]



Dave Rubin.

This guy has 900k subscribers on YouTube and he’s going to make a “big announcement” about Flo tomorrow.

Listen to the fucking words. You cannot fake a YouTube video.

He endorsed FLO’s Oip Alexandria with a wide as grin and said there’s a huge announcement about it tomorrow with Jordan Peterson (over 1million followers)

>> No.12333226

>This guy has 900k subscribers on YouTube and he’s going to make a “big announcement” about Flo tomorrow.
I did listen to his words, and he said nothing of the kind. Nigga, why are you lying? FLO is a promising project, there's literally no need for this kind of dishonest shilling. Just list all the true things about it, it's enough to get a lot of people on board.

(Disclaimer: I own a "suicide insurance" tier amount of FLO.)

>> No.12333256

He said he has many phone calls tomorrow. That doesn't mean he'll announce anything regarding FLO. It will probably be in the works depending on how their talks go

>> No.12333273

I don't understand this either... he's not making any announcement. But what he said was bullish enough. OIP/Alexandria is 100% on his radar and it solves his problem exactly. In my opinion, OIP will probably be his platform of choice because it's a long-term solution built on a blockchain that has been around for 6 years.

>> No.12333278

Please dont listen to this marscunt. He is some shit whale who thinks spastic shilling is how you pump something. Then continue to paint his bullflag himself to give himself some credibility for his shilling.

Watch the walls people and watch when this retard posts. Make money on him being a dumbass.

>> No.12333314
File: 6 KB, 372x114, sq1894tx2w721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure he isn't going to shill Brave/BAT? Pic related.

>> No.12333325
File: 123 KB, 705x662, 20190103_221305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is currently happening. Might be able to get some more buys in around 1600, but any big buys will have to be above 1750 or so.

>> No.12333334

The guy is all over the place right now, and his buddy Jordan Peterson just uploaded his videos to bit.tube, after it was shilled to him, so we can't know for certain what solution they will ultimately settle on

>> No.12333336

It'd drop down to 1550-1600 for sure. Watch the walls of this bullflag manipulation.

>> No.12333379

Whichever gets gets them paid, doesn't pay to put all of their eggs in one basket when looking for an alternative. Brave/Flo/Bittube are all very different crypto projects also, though they could come to cooperate well together and benefit each other.

>> No.12333411


Flo is not like brave or bittube. Its just the flo chain can build apps that can be similar. Oip is simply a daap on flo.

Flo also is going to be used by Overstock to bulld their security exchange. Its becoming what big mainstream projects are using not eth...not eos....not any of these bs platforms.

>> No.12333443

Even though I think OIP is the best alternative, bit.tube kind of scares me because it's a pretty simple switch for them. They don't really have to be pioneers, they can pretty much just switch to a relatively similar platform. Also, as far as I know BAT could be used with any of these models, so it's sort of another layer that can be put on later.

>> No.12333444

The vast majority of those 900k are crypto neophytes and political centrists that might pay him 5 bucks a month to listen to his political "analysis" (drivel).

This is nothing.

>> No.12333458
File: 564 KB, 1024x683, JPFLO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao if you guys think BAT, bit.tube, or any of those ICO shitcoin scams will actually win over a bitcoin-tier coin like FLO you are actually delusional
wake up and smell the roses. the 3rd bear market FLO survives will be the last one it needs to clear out all the fake bullshit competing with it.
all the ICO scammers and wannabe devs will quit when their ETH holdings don't pay for their $4000 a month rent, they'll just up and get the next soul-sucking worthless codemonkey job because they are destined for failure
meanwhile, the FLO devs are out there contributing code for free because they know if they work on a fundamentally strong crypto it will spiral out of control like bitcoin did, and if it gains adoption it will not only give them legendary status in the community, but if they hold any small amount of FLO it will make them more than 1000 years slaving away on someone else's dream with the hope of their 0.15% equity actually manifesting into something while the CEO retains 80% of his shares and goes on vacations fucking his supermodel wife
FLO community = based
shills = fake and gay


>> No.12333463

no thanks

>> No.12333465

nice digits fren

>> No.12333761

I remember you from a year ago, long term shill. I'm going to trust you again

>> No.12333850
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