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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12328648 No.12328648 [Reply] [Original]

Getting a combined major in CS and Business is better than just CS right?

>> No.12328860
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>> No.12328869

>addicted to prostitutes

>> No.12328871

eh. get a stats major instead of the business one.

>> No.12328881

He fucks your mom for free

>> No.12328887

Another redditor...you have to go back

>> No.12328898


>> No.12328901

If you aren't autistic go business. I liked programming and I'm about to graduate with CS major but if I did it over again I'd do fiance bc everyone in CS is either an autist or dumb nigger

>> No.12328908
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t-thats me

>> No.12328918

that's me, minus the girlfriend and prostitutes

>> No.12328939
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>> No.12329237

btw I'm that guy who made that bateman post last night and most were saying CS w/ business and go into fintech. So why would you recommend stats over business? Just wondering.

>> No.12329252


degree isn't that important

>> No.12329272

Stick to CS.
Business degrees are useless unless you wanna be stuck wagecucking as a bank teller.

Also business kids are insufferable. Every single one of them thinks they're gonna be the next Elon Musk just because they own an iPhone X, Airpods and are walking around in nice clothes instead of sweats and hoodies.

>> No.12329276

What about jews?

>> No.12329300

Invested 20% of my portfolio in an investment company who is into fintech and company reconstruction. I feel this is the bees knees and I went in baby. Please for your sake make it a part of your portfolio. It's at the moon in 7 years max I tell you,

>> No.12329332
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pretty much me but the gf is anything but boring heh. i went with management info systems after starting with cs and seeing all of the gooks, pajeets and "women" in my classes

>> No.12329352

A business major goes with literally anything.

T. Dual business+bio/pre-med major.

>> No.12329368

Just focus on CS you retard.

Get into Solutions Architecting, gives you all the social benefits of being in sales/business but you aren't paid like hot garbage.

>> No.12329408

I was not prepared to be hit this hard, but damn

>> No.12329516

I overheard a conversation between some people at the business school on campus once.
Absolute degenerates.

>> No.12329517

I went CS & Business and now I’m in a great job in a fortune 100 company where I talk to our internal manufacturing plants & then turn their requirements into nerd-speak technical requirements. I get paid a lot, pretty much dictate my own hours and my job couldn’t be any more secure.
The reason why CS & business is a good idea is because there is almost NOBODY that does both. Programmers tend to be highly autistic & extremely detail oriented (which is one reason they are good at their job) but they lack the big picture as to why what they’re developing produces VALUE. Normie business people (finance, supply chain, management) are normally retard-tier when it comes to anything technical. If you can do both you will always have a great job because you provide more value than almost anybody else. You are the missing link to make it work.

>> No.12329537

that image is me in every single way

>> No.12329552

Leddit is leaking with these collegecuck threads

>> No.12329572
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Mind control/brainwash your GF into being a degradable sex pet mental dependent on you.

If you aren't grabbing her by the hair and neck everyday and throat fucking her pulling out to have her beg for more you're wrecking you own happiness.

>> No.12329583

Ignoring your stupid post, reporting in for 2x impostor headcount

>> No.12329596

Fuck you OP

How does one heal from this?

>> No.12329613


I second this, how do I fix my life

>> No.12329628

stop being such a massive fucking faggot would be a good start anon.
Give it a shot and let us know how that goes.

>> No.12329637

The main thing there is
>never satisfied with any accomplishment

You have to find something that you want to do.

>> No.12329650
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>> No.12329808

44 yo boomer here, jsyk, I'm the guy your fiance getting buttfucked by. You've dated her for 2 years & she won't let you ass fuck her. I've known her for only 2 hours & she's already lapping her own shit offa my shaft.

>> No.12329896

wow so deep

>> No.12329902


>> No.12329949


>> No.12330010

I am unironically very identified by this.
Fuck it.

>> No.12330064
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>> No.12330811


This is actually true. I know quite a lot of doctors with a business undergrad and then went to medical school. These are usually the most profitable and business savvy practices.

>> No.12330936

That's right. GTK/RWN

>> No.12330958

This couldn’t be any more incorrect. This won’t be a thing so let it go bud. Sage

>> No.12330970

Why is this me...

>> No.12330978

Prostitutes are a waste of money. You anons arent going to make it

>> No.12331751

fiance is the male, fiancee is the female

>> No.12331904

Just do CS, maybe minor in math/stats if you're going to take the classes anyways, don't dual major you pleb

>> No.12331948

Don't bother with a biz major, you can learn that stuff on the job or online (e g. MIT coursewave), just do CS and get a 4.0 GPA, start practicing leetcode, work on open source projects or start your own like stock market prediction using machine learning, you can always get an MBA later on, dont waste your time with a stupid biz undergrad major. Pick ONE major and excel in it

>> No.12331968

This isn't the 1990's, the internet and a few big leaps in STD medicine have turned prostitution into a circus of sensory gratification. Pussy has been fully weaponized.

>> No.12332094

is there any value with a CS and Bio degree?

>> No.12332138
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>Getting a combined major in CS and Business is better than just CS right?
No, that's not what the job market is looking for. Specific industries want pure CS folks, and one of those industries is fintech. They only want the best, they don't want a 3.5 GPA dual-major CS/biz because they'll probably think you use your biz major to inflate your GPA. On the other hand, having a 4.0 GPA CS-only and you will have offers flying at you. In your case, it's good because you have a passion in a particular area which is fintech, so apply to companies like Bloomberg, Amazon, JPMorganChase, etc. because they also need CS people there and you'll be making six figure straight out of college. Then you can MBA later on because you can say stuff like, "I never had a chance to do biz in undergrad, but I picked up some during my two years in the industry, and I would like to really dive into business with an MBA." That is far better than already having an undergrad biz major. Undergrad biz major is only for chumps. Don't dual major since you'll be doing TWICE the amount of work but you'll only get HALF the prestige. Recruiters at this stage only want pure CS folks with a drive, with that 4.0 golden GPA, extra bonus points if you already have some github projcets you work in your spare time. Hey, since you love money, go out work at a gas station, earn some cash, put that cash into the stock market and make your own Python program that tries to predict the stock market (or any market) with machine learning and A.I., put the money where your mouth is, go out and do it

>> No.12332319

serious question /biz/ bros what are the best fintech languages and where is the best place to learn them?

>> No.12332368
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the first one to describe me perfectly

>> No.12332376

yes. the cs degree will get you a job when you realize that you fail to become a doctor or achieve a faculty position in a university with your bio degree.

>> No.12332722

Quant here. ML is useless (long story; training ML systems for time series is not straightforward). Professionals use DSP (signal processing; filters and transforms). However to scumbags recruiters AI and Stock market looks “cool”.

>> No.12332726
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If you have ask in the first place then you're not going to make it. Get out there and figure it out. Journey is half the fun.

>> No.12332802

i'm a backend engineer at a fintech startup AMA

you don't need business, or even any financial background. just know how to program and be pretty smart and you can learn the rest on the job. knowing more upfront is obviously better but not by much. if you're a bad programmer, having a business degree won't save you.

i love fintech but it's very, very regulated. you can't just go buckwild and break all the rules like uber because you will actually get into a ton of trouble really quickly, and you may go bankrupt or lose your business license. it's difficult to innovate because of this. what's nice is that it's mostly pure math since money is just numbers. people are very willing to use functional languages in this field because of that.

also that image is me exactly except: i only hate my gf sometimes, and i'm not addicted to porn but i do watch it at least once a week. oh and i'm not a misogynist that i am aware of.

>> No.12332815


>> No.12332832

CS is for autists. However if you are not part of the 0.1% expect to rot in “Agile” teams performing fuckton of BS rituals to build commodity softwares. Welcome to mediocrity. Unless you are a Chad / Stacy, MBA may not be suitable for you except in few cases where MBA-Finance from top tier schools may open few doors (so as CFA).
Real autists have left saturated CS markets and are working on biotech / nanotech / risk management etc.
If you want a stable career with domain knowledge and “science” there are two options really

1. Be a specialist in one of many medicine areas
2. Risk management / actuaries / algo trading (learning few lines of python won’t make it)

When you observe “normies” talking about TensorFlow, you should be smart enough to “short” AI in near term. And to quote Knuth, Biology unlike CS has interesting problems to solve for next 500 years. Choice is yours. I personally couldn’t stand Agile BS and became a clinical nutritionist and now I don’t have to deal with retarded rituals and arrogant recruiters fussing over a github portfolio I should be constructing at my spare time. Fuck off !!

t. Nutritionist Anon.

>> No.12332893

agile isn't that bad really. not bad enough to take a 75% pay cut. and it varies from job to job how seriously they take it. if you don't like how one company does it then leave. also i've never personally seen recruiters whine about github. they're like vultures and they'll literally just use my linkedin page as my resume because they're so desperate.

>> No.12332918

>telling people to become an actuary

jesus fucking christ lol. There are only 288 entry level actuary jobs available in the U.S. The market is fucking dog shit and they keep adding more and more exams. GPA reqs are getting higher, and I've been told straight up they only want interns who with a previous history of internships before. Just become a web dev or something and enjoy your 70k instead of wasting your 20s taking a bunch of shitty exams that require 10x more effort than software related jobs but don't actually pay more.

>> No.12332933
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I'm sorry, but it sounds like you didn't enjoy programming in general. I know there's a lot of BS to put up with also dealing with normies that are getting into this industry. I do agree with your statement about the A.I. meme going around when it's really machine learning with neural networks.

>> No.12332951

When you’lol reach 37-40 age bracket, you will realise importance having a stable and interesting career irrespective of blood and sweat you may have spent in your 20s.

>> No.12332995

That was just opinion. And I have enjoyed programming like a true nerd. Programmed from full-blown game engine (Q3 fork) to social games to enterprise softwares / B2B SaaS stuff / early p2p systems with multi threading and lots of systems programming in C/C++. Age is a factor for sure. As I aged my tolerances to these things decayed off making me more curious about scientific domains. CS is not a domain. Anyway this is just my opinion. You are free to do whatever satisfy you.

>> No.12333001


>> No.12333021

If you talk to mature audiences, actuaries is a comfy job once you get pass over initial hurdles. There were threads about in in 4chan few days ago.

>> No.12333032

That wasn't my point. My point is that the typical person reading that post won't get that job no matter how hard they try, even if they're smart enough to do it. So they should focus their 4 years and 150hrs x number of exams on something else. pretty much anything else.

There are ten fucking EL actuary jobs in my fucking state (which has a few major cities for employing actuaries apparently) as a point of reference. You might as well make it your goal to become a professional MMA fighter.

The 'mature' audiences who like how comfy being an actuary is, are boomers. They got the job when all you had to do was walk around with a pair of glasses and express interest and taking exams and then you were in.

>> No.12333061
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>actuaries is a comfy job once you get pass over initial hurdles
Becoming a medical doctor is also comfy, once you get pass over the initial hurdles. Your statement can apply to anything. Also everything become harder with age, with the exception of medical doctors since age is an asset to them.

>> No.12333068

>Also everything become harder with age

Oldfag here, you just cruise of XP at that point.

>> No.12333077
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>> No.12333115

becoming a medical doctor is comfy? you literally live at the hospital.

>> No.12333131


plus if you make a mistake people actually die. and it's your fault. a mistake in CS might cost mr shekelburg a small amount of money and it's no big deal.

>> No.12333147
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Am I dealing with literal 14-year olds?

>> No.12333167

Don't your mental faculties for math plummet after 40? I think I see that anons point about being a 40 year old doctor you have a lot of respect in your field by then perhaps in a math field you will have to career switch at 40.

>> No.12333197

google physician burnout rate. people pursue a medical degree to help people or for the prestige and you are a fucking idiot if you think its comfy.

>> No.12333264

wrong, a mathematicians brain ages like fine wine

>> No.12333384

You don’t have to be a GP is a hospital. That’s the worst case example. Be a clinical nutritionist specialising in chronic conditions - autoimmune / “leaky gut” / methylation / CFS / fibromyalgia etc. Look at this Aussi clinic - https://mthfrsupportbookings.as.me/schedule.php.. They are booked over next year and look at their avg. session charges. Run by 4/5 clinical nutritionists. Options are infinite. For example Integrated Stress Mangament. These are no retard-tier jobs. These are scientific businesses.

>> No.12333399

There is no point in giving examples to someone who already have concluded that “CS is great”.

>> No.12333509

Hi, OP here. So I just have to be good at CS? No need to double major in CS and stats or CS and business right?

>> No.12333548

correct. and understand that it's a tough business to get into at first. build a portfolio, or some intricate project you can show people. learn to interview too.

don't be discouraged if your first job isn't the field you want. just take a shit job if you have to and keep a lookout for fintech openings. it's much easier to get the job you want with a couple years under your belt.

>> No.12333762
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Any thoughts on this program? https://my.uq.edu.au/programs-courses/program_list.html?acad_prog=2425

Many have said that it's pretty shit and recommended to enroll in math while self-teaching CS (which i wouldnt have a problem with)

>> No.12333772

he cute
Based and Redpilled

>> No.12333802

im about to drop out of cs bros

>> No.12333823

would you have self-taught instead of spending money for the degree? Why are you droppin out?

>> No.12333898

>85% finished my cs degree
>shit school
>shit grades
>already have a non programming job earning 80k and traveling
>mining industry and studying part time online now
>full time, not on a yearly contract like my coworkers
>found employment extremely quickly because look like a chad and am not an autistic or an indian
>promoted extremely quickly because know how to network and go drinking with upper management
>im going to be on 100k+ by 25 despite doing the bare minimum and chilling throughout my whole degree

CS is fucking amazing if you aren't a typical cs sperg.

>> No.12333985

> if you know how to larp

>> No.12334112

>still falling for the cs meme when youre all going to be replaced by pajeets in the next couple of years

>> No.12334163

All the rich CEOs and senators railing out 2000 an hour escorts are cringing that you fell for the morality meme faggot

>> No.12334175

>not a single hit
and american psycho is a shit movie

>> No.12334307

I didn't spend anything on it and I would not have self taught since im a lazy brainlet who doesn't care about it. Im dropping out because im a lazy brainlet who doesn't care about it.

>> No.12334389

what are you thinking of doing after this?

>> No.12334511

no idea lol

>> No.12334578
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Watch Jungle Gold, two guys put their savings into starting a mining Operation somewhere in Africa.

>> No.12334582

wrong thread..

>> No.12334930

I am unironically not larping, I know guys in a similar position to me making 120 at 22 and they fit into the same criteria as me.

It's not uncommon you just need to be chad-lite and be in the right place at the right time. At most companies hiring/promotion is heavily influenced by HR roasties who know nothing other than that they hate indians and autists.

>> No.12335299

This is me but Im not addicted to porn, and I like my boring art ho gf. That socially unskilled part is scarry man, it feels like one day I just woke up knowing how to larp as a likeable person. Its weird as fuck.

>> No.12335307

gg great plan you fucking slob piece of shit

>> No.12335391

it does have some flaws i admit it

>> No.12335583

just get a fucking job m8, noone cares about your participation trophy of a degree. Yes, even if its cs. The only good degree is like a hard science degree, physics, math, something like that but thats a waste of time if you actually want to work and make something thats not theoretical meme papers. Just get a fucking job.

>> No.12335598

fuck whoever makes these they are almost spot on

>> No.12335676

why would anyone hire me when they can hire someone with a degree

>> No.12337104


Based nutritionist anon.

>> No.12337145

still doesn't matter because 9/10 you've seen a problem similar to that somewhere before. shit you've probably already solved it and wrote it down somewhere.

>> No.12338109

are you telling me that if I suddenly will myself to learn CS shit over the next two years that i'll have an advantage for being a 6'1" /fit/ chad?