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12324742 No.12324742 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 0 savings
>rent, bills and expenses take up ALL of my salary
>tfw can’t move to cheaper place because don’t have savings for a deposit
>tfw can’t quit job because no savings
>tfw can’t get better jobs because too burnt out

h-help....I’m eternally trapped in a loop I can’t get out of....

>> No.12324779
File: 70 KB, 398x705, 1542848334508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12324783

I don't know how it is in New merica, but in EU, don't pay rent for 2 months, learn about bills expiration (how long does it take for them to cut your supply after you skip to pay) don't pay bills for 2 months save up, do it only if you don't get record of this, for example in EU you don't have credit score for housing, is only for loans and mortgases.
If your parents are near, go live with your parents, save up the money, buy a car, save up 6 months, move into a cheaper place, plan long term

>> No.12324791

Crypto was your only chance

>> No.12324905


I know deep down this is true. Yet I keep deluding myself into thinking there's still a chance. Hope is by far one of the weakest traits in humans.

>> No.12324918

Can you move back with your parents or pick up a sidehustle?

>> No.12324919

You're not supposed to save when you're young, anon.

>> No.12324967


Ok then

>> No.12325075


That's what keeps us going and alive.

>> No.12325080

>rent, bills and expenses
OK fair enough rent can be tough to reduce because moving is a pain in the ass. But bills and expenses can be reduced by NOT BUYING STUFF. Delete the useless shit, learn to make some essentials for yourself. Make friends with your neighbors so you can borrow, lend and barter outside of the money system.

Or just keep making excuses and posting threads about it, whatever

>> No.12325128

you should mention your country just for statistics of broken anons
is murica still a leader btw?

>> No.12325151

Lead a life of crime anon

>> No.12325276


The irony is, without hope we would all kill ourselves. There's objectively no reason to live without hoping the future is better than right now. Whether that is kids, family, affluence, et al we are all chasing something for the hope it will all get better.

>> No.12325441

This is called the goy vortex. You’re stuck in it now, bro. No way out.

>> No.12325576

>wake up at 6 am
>work 15 hours day
>reach home at 10pm
>still expected to muster superhuman will power and motivation
>lol just cut down on food expenses bro. you don't need to eat 1 sandwich every 2 - 3 days

>> No.12326629
File: 32 KB, 505x330, 3379B9DA-DF9D-4550-902C-02D3F30F815B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your budget

>> No.12326668
File: 74 KB, 736x474, gold-silver-bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savings accounts are useless. Either leave it in the checking for liquidity or put it in gold and silver.

The Rothschilds don't have "savings" accounts, they just have gold. You think you're smarter than the rothschilds?