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File: 494 KB, 1036x727, betacucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12323260 No.12323260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

betacucks are betacucks and get aggressive when someone pointing it out

>> No.12323285

if a manlet yell at me I stab him

>> No.12323301

all lanklets should be gassed

>> No.12323379

>see dopey lanklet stumbling around dodging doorways and hanging lights
>several women in tow trying to suck his cock because he is 6" 26" and their ovaries demand his sperm
>thank god that thots ignore me and that I don't suffer head injuries every day

>> No.12323443


>> No.12323912

You want a brownpill, /biz/?

As a 5'6 Indian guy, I'm coming to the realization that Nature was never obligated to provide me with a massive dick, tall/strong body structure, and an attractive appearance. It's a weird accident I even exist, in the first place, and yet part of me has the childish stubbornness that comes with internalized racism - "Why did I have to be born like this?"

I don't have any significant cognitive problems. My body functions okay. Just a stock standard Human.

The hardest part for guys like me will be developing and maintaining confidence. We must work harder to be viewed as attractive, since we don't confer innate biological attraction. Indian guys, in particular, must also contend with a bad reputation that's unfortunately been developing.

But the main thing is confidence and self belief. If I don't have confidence in myself, and self belief, then why should anyone else, like a potential partner, believe in me?

Confidence can be developed through focusing on greater competence in life/arts/work, I think. Easier said than done, but probably necessary.

>> No.12323927

Just be yourself

>> No.12323932

indians have a bad reputation because they keep creeping on white girls. if they stayed in their lane, nobody would give a shit.

>> No.12323968

It's not that short men are more agressive genetically. It's because short men knows tall men are up their own ass about their superior height.

>> No.12323985

good post, we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.12323989

Fuck off with that

>> No.12324015

Fuck off with what?

I had no opinion of indian men until I heard of them trying to grope women at the local bus stop. They hang around the college entrances trying to make moves on white students saying the most ridiculous shit.

I think the problem is they all do arranged marriages through the parents and that part of the indian psyche is missing (how to court women).

>> No.12324034

I'm not even hating on >>12323912
But his post reeks of a failure to be accepted by white women which is always what these indian men judge their self-worth on. (white women, western beauty standards, etc).

We shouldn't actually be letting these people into the west because it causes mental illness for them (surrounded by superior people; inability to compete).

>> No.12324080

I didn't grow up in India (neither did my parents or grandparents), my explanation for why that sort of thing happens will likely be due some sort of cultural condoning of blatant mistreatment of women in certain areas/socio-economic levels. It is a reality there.

I'll never understand how they can't use common sense to realize that that's sort of weird to do in a different culture.

>> No.12324094

I actually have issues with people, in general, let alone women, or women of a particular race.

>> No.12324124


kys tiny curry nigger

>> No.12324140
File: 40 KB, 500x334, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly hate your kind (pajeets), and i'm convincing someone different everyday how shit your kind is and why indians are should never be given residency in he USA. Eat shit (which you already do) curry nigger.

>> No.12324149
File: 2.49 MB, 480x294, img2.thejournal.ie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12324155

it makes no sense to be aggressive if you are weaker
but it makes sense being aggressive to a disrespectful fuck
like the niggers, the nigga wants respect

>> No.12324166

Stay with your own women and all you need to compete against are other pajeets.

>> No.12324167


>> No.12324173

could be the dachshund syndrome

>> No.12324176

I actually am quite concerned with things like immigration. But, it's hypocritical for me to really have an opinion. The West has a lot of empathy that many people take advantage of. I love where I live, and appreciate the importance of integrating, while remembering my culture.

>> No.12324178

>when someone pointing it out
That's aggression. Responding in kind is reasonable.

>> No.12324993

The Napoleom Complex in short men, the study finds through game theory, is the idea that the player who 'feels smaller' keeps more resources when they cannot be taken than they do otherwise.

The tall are redistributed scarcity for no reason other than material idolatry by thoroughly insane society... But this disturbing preferrence isn't interesting or low hanging enough for junk 'evolutionary psychology'... But how short men are limited by everyone else, and then forced by threat of violence to respond... That is surely a failure of short men to return the mor moral force of superior coercion. Just like how adults must or are compelled to coerce (fuck, eat, disfigure) children!

Social darwinism is satanism. Service to self material hierarchicalism (haughty pride, unbounded gushing care for tall stature) is pure Stanism. Moral relativism (short men indirectly aggressive) is the third Satanic Ideology.

>> No.12325025

>natural selection doesn't apply to humans, it's satanism!

>> No.12325058

Based pajeet. You’re gonna make it.

>> No.12325086
File: 161 KB, 788x1492, 1546450456300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a/s/l bby suck my peppe nao pls call me
pic related my ex gf cheated on me bc my papee too big hurt her sometime she like

>> No.12325087

Still infinitely better than blacks.

>> No.12325092
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x1337, Run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Napoleon Complex
Napoleon was actually above average height. It's a myth that he was short. In fact all people were a little shorter in those days compared to today because they didn't eat as well.

>> No.12325136


>> No.12325162
File: 10 KB, 300x360, Rakesh_Singh_59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12325168

B-but I love taller guys. They are cute!

>> No.12325211

Sorry Ranjeet, you cant have our women.

>> No.12325227

>We shouldn't actually be letting these people into the west because it causes mental illness for them (surrounded by superior people; inability to compete).
This desu. And it probably really kills them because they are the upper caste in India but when they get to The West no one cares about them.

>> No.12325229

man you guys literally care about too much shit.
It's all about perspective you dumb fucking pieces of shit.
If you perceive yourself to be 4 foot tall well when you walk into a room everybody gonna look at you like your 4 foot tall.
Only you faggots have yourself to blame to be concerned about you dick size, skin colour and bank account.
You can have a small dick( not a micro) but below average and if you bring that bitch to pleasure town with you sexy moves and so on she gonna brag to alll her friends about how big your dick is.
It's about the fucking experience.
Give her big sex with little dick, she says big dick.
Give her little sex with big dick, she says little dick.

>> No.12325232
File: 615 KB, 1544x1200, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok he was average height
>At 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m), he was the height of an average French male but short for an aristocrat or officer (part of why he was assigned to the artillery, since at the time the infantry and cavalry required more commanding figures).[250] It is possible he was taller at 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m) due to the difference in the French measurement of inches.[251] Some historians believe that the reason for the mistake about his size at death came from use of an obsolete old French yardstick (a French foot equals 33 cm, while an English foot equals 30.47 cm).[250] Napoleon was a champion of the metric system and had no use for the old yardsticks. It is more likely that he was 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m), the height he was measured at on St. Helena (a British island), since he would have most likely been measured with an English yardstick rather than a yardstick of the Old French Regime.[250] Napoleon surrounded himself with tall bodyguards and was affectionately nicknamed le petit caporal (the little corporal), reflecting his reported camaraderie with his soldiers rather than his height.
1.57 m is short today but again, that was average in those days

>> No.12325259

> Give her big sex with little dick, she says big dick.
It doesn't work like that. I'm literally incapable of some poses being a dicklet. I can last long and pleasure my partner but some things are just impossible in bed for me.

>> No.12325268

its ALWAYS short guys who buck up on me.

>> No.12325277

>I'm literally incapable of some poses being a dicklet
stop watching so much porn. at average size theres only at most 1-2 positions that dont work great, but still do work.

>> No.12325294

I barely watch porn lol. And unlike you I actually have sex and know there are limitations for me.

>> No.12325313

Its honestly true

5'9" on a good day reporting in.

I once had a roommate who was 6'4" ultra chad and was kind of a dickhead towards me.

I ended up fucking his girlfriend for the last couple of months we lived together behind his back any chance we could because I was mad at him for being a jerk (he could get away with is cause he was so big)

It was the best sex ever

>> No.12325323

Penis size is much more important than height btw

>> No.12325331

I don't think that's really the core issue although it is a symptom. I think it's something deeper, something to do with the cultures in general of India and the USA. The negative Indian stereotype is always centered around a complete lack of self awareness and underdeveloped social intelligence. Creeping on white women is just one example of this.

>> No.12325348

>average size
Nah I know what hes on about. 4.5 inches here and foggy style doesnt work

>> No.12325419

Ey Rakesh man don't worry about what other people think.
Just do your best.
I'm blonde of hair and blue eyed and I went to a 70% black/latino school and I always had the biggest problems with the other white kids.
I used to have no self confidence because I had psychologically abusive parents (shouting over every little thing, nothing was ever done right, telling me to do something one way one month, then getting enraged at me for doing that very same thing the next month). I was basically raised, surrounded by mental illness and it took a heavy toll on my confidence, which the kids at school took to mean that I was weak.
The older you get the easier it becomes to deal with this shit.
I ended up developing a detachment issue - like a lightswitch, I can go from caring about someone or something deeply, and then in the next moment it is all gone as if it never happened.

You should just realize that there are shitty people no matter what race/ethnicity, and no nice person is spared from their cuntyness. Developing a thick skin is the first step towards gaining more self confidence. I may have had a very sad childhood, but at least now I can relax and enjoy my time as an adult now

>> No.12325434

It's known that manlets need to act more aggressive to lanklets to compensate for the height difference. The question is, should they be penalized for it?

>> No.12325440

Hello mr. Jacobson, ur jazz class sucked and youll always be a midget

>> No.12325484

Oh and in relation to the OP, I should say
I'm like 6'2 and built like a football player. People used to just fuck with me endlessly because I was nonviolent and didn't stand up for myself (because of the psychological abuse at home). Father used to say he'd cut my hands off if I ever got into a fight at school. I was like fucking 10 or some shit. You can't make this shit up man

>> No.12325523

>4.5 inches

>> No.12325559

>tfw 6'7" and I know these feels.

>> No.12325599

>they unironically have acronyms for it
God damn it lads, why do you care so much?
Mine is 12 cm which is something like 4.75'' or something, if you have to press it to your bone to comfort yourself with some sweet little lies you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.12325643

Natural selection and Social Darwinism are from being syllogisms, brainlet.
There is no evolutionary mechanism for selecting height. It is purely the vanity of women and the serpent seed they prefer.
Height misandry is dysgenic, as now you've got twenty times more women procreating goblins.

>> No.12325650
File: 20 KB, 250x375, uber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would the effects on the population be if we uh i don't know, gassed every male under 6ft?

imagine a world free from manlets

>> No.12325657

>little manlet tries to justify being short

it's your Father's fault

>> No.12325702

>There is no evolutionary mechanism for selecting height
So why do some races have taller individuals than others

>> No.12325749

Just try lanklet, I will FUCK YOU UP

>> No.12325776

I once saw this video on pornhub this guy had a 3 inch dick and he was just going jackhammer mode and his girl got so wet it was crazy, just get your cardio up so you can fuck a long time and your dick might be even better than a big dick.

>> No.12325815

Sorry to break it to you but you missed the train.
Plan is already in motion but you didn't make the 'cut-off', it's 6'2.

>> No.12326750

It always irks me when I browse the internet, and I see a person refer to the word "pleasure" in regards to this act, for it has a connotation most physical to it, leaving behind within in my mind the impression of it being reduced to a chore, rather than it being representative of moments of emotional bliss. And you see, I could never reduce my symmetrically blushing 2d waifu princess to such a material existence, when instead I could take so much more joy in watching her appreciated, kissed, symmetrically blushing self melt between my arms. What a wonderful universe it is, anon, allowing for even the hypothetical existence of such a lovely creature...

>> No.12326768

>being over 6ff
the day of the blanket cant come soon enough

>> No.12326776


ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill. there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability) . THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol

>> No.12326814

5ft9 manlet can confirm
bezos will lock all you lanklet faggots in the wagecages

>> No.12326817

There must be a god. It could not be any other way.

>> No.12326823

5ft6 nigga
work hard to be attractive
that's working hard flipping burgers in order to become a millionaire
I T ' S O G R E

>> No.12326859

More cardiovascular diseases/deaths.
Above 5'6 is already the start line to get issues which is why women do better as they are smaller on average.

Also family guy had a good point - midgets need less food. We have evolutionary a drive to select for taller but as a society it doesn't make much sense. You just need the brain with some minimalist container for deskjobs.

>> No.12326921

being this new
roasties would set the new standard and everyone under 6ft3 would not reproduce

>> No.12327196


>> No.12327720

Yeah but all his guards were a head taller than him - if he walked in the middle of them he could not get hit by a sniper's bullet or something, so he always appeared short when he brought them along

>> No.12327780


I once sat down at a girlie bar in bangkok, thailand and saw a table of indian men.
They had 1 beer between the 5 of them. The waitress came over and said "you need to buy drinks to sit here". They replied, in broken english "we bought a drink", indicating the single beer on the table. The waitress says "no, everyone must buy drink". Acting insulted, the indian men got up as a group and left, without paying. They were stopped outside by the bouncer, and forced to pay for the drink. I asked the waitress what that was about, and she said that "indians do that all the time, they are cheap". The girls said they also never tipped them, and also tried to negotiate for reduced prices for their 'services'.

>> No.12327794

I'm similar to you, 6'2", white guy my home life as a child was also fucked up. Thanks for letting me know I can make it out. It's fucking tough what emotional abuse does

>> No.12327877
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Imagine being so undesirable and ugly that even the the sluttiest and most degenerate women in the world don't want to fuck you

>> No.12327956

exactly this. the creepy vibes come from a non-existent barometer of their standing in the social hierarchy and acting out place.

>> No.12329061

this indian kid I went to high school with always smelled, never brought lunch, and would always ask for my nuggers/tots