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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
122369 No.122369 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>121552

Remember that the virus guy (an upgraded stableshill) is semi-active at the moment.

>> No.122373

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 188 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.122383

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.122394

I'm glad PND is dead.

>> No.122387

>inb4 PND FUD

>> No.122391


>> No.122392
File: 128 KB, 209x193, GIGAHONKING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for complaining about these threads and everyone in them despite being here 24/7 and contributing nothing

>> No.122397

POT coin getting pumped on cryptorush

>> No.122399



>> No.122414

People actually give a shit about pandacoin? But why?

After dogecoin, a ton of "so wacky" cryptocurrencies were made. Why is pandacoin any different?

>> No.122408
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>> No.122410

Stop you fuckers. There are no "sides" here. PND and DOGE are not at war, and if they are, it's quite possibly the dumbest "war" I have ever seen. It somehow manages to be dumber than "4chins vs leddit". Just fucking stop.

>> No.122411
File: 816 KB, 2560x1024, tooManyWallets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these wallets are getting ridiculous

Not pictured, that failure rapidcoin which I mined straight to the exchange

>> No.122412

oh it is

>> No.122423

Who actually refers to it as 4chin

>> No.122418
File: 112 KB, 2706x1308, The sky is not the limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.122419

you actually think we're split?
oh my god the fucking shills got to you
its literally 1 or 2 shills samefagging FUD

>> No.122422


>> No.122434

You can't just tell people not to fight.
A lot of people naturally don't like the whole PND thing, conflict is inevitable, I started saying this as soon as the idea for PND came up but no one listened.

>> No.122428



>A fucking furry is the logo

>> No.122429


>> No.122430

can we take out the DOGE part from these threads?

i think DOGE doesn't belong anymore in here

>> No.122431

It's just a third-coin shill trying to stir us up.

>> No.122432

Don't you have to clone a new coin for some scam?

>> No.122426
File: 67 KB, 792x1102, Idea note_20140220_003105_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quote this post and explain in quotes or bulletpoints the reason behind PND's downfall. I'll compile it and you can copy and paste it whenever the situation calls for it.

>> No.122433


Cheap atm. Bigger potential returns than DOGE.

People investing in PND now could see 100+% returns once it goes on Mintpal. Doge, for all it's positives is not going to go up to 400 satoshi any time soon (if ever).


>> No.122439

15th for I got ripped of on reddit

>> No.122440

haven't been here since yesterday. anything newsworthy happened, guys? mg rig is still mining PND in my basement.

>> No.122437
File: 19 KB, 480x420, 1393194682529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that wolong, jacobUX, sevoque and their shills are trolling these threads with FUD about DOGE and PND.

They bought coins before to dump it down to 1 satoshi but we rebounded.

Listen to amDOGE and HOLD STRONG! We will rebound again.

>> No.122441

reminder that I am willing to hold your bags

>> No.122443
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>> No.122446

Except for it's never going on mintpal when its value is 1 satoshi

>> No.122447

I'm sorry you think that is a furry anon

>> No.122445

no sides?

everyone was strong behind DOGE last week. then someone had a brainfart and had to start a new awesome coin, now everyone dropped their DOGE and is humping PND

that is the very definition of chosing a side

take a look at DOGE for the last week. the trading volume dropped by 90%, is that healthy? that kills it

>> No.122451


>everyone dropped their DOGE

>Miles and koreaboo are everyone

Bitch pls, im holding both.

>> No.122452

what is dis

>> No.122464


Fuck off

>> No.122466

We're going up on a gambling site soon for PND

>> No.122467

jacob pls go

>> No.122453

what happened to dogecoin guys, only fucking 1100 people browsing reddit it's not even growing anymore. should i be selling?

>> No.122455
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Good night, I hope the shills are gone by tomorrow.

>> No.122458

>Listen to amDOGE and HOLD STRONG! We will rebound again.

oh jesus christ, that has been spammed for DOGE the whole time, now look where DOGE is standing and dying


>> No.122460

I have 12m of PND and 1.3m of DOGE
I am not selling anything.

>> No.122472

I can't believe I actually mined it
what a waste of time
can't even sell it cause "lol no trade volume"

>> No.122474
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>> No.122477

Just sell if you're gonna ask questions like that

>> No.122468

congrats anon, you are that one we call a "bagholder"

>> No.122469

4chan never accounted for 90% of doges volume. Fuck off shill.

The volume has been normalizing after the halvening hype died down.

amDOGE always told us to hold DOGE and PND.

Anyone who says we were at war or dumped DOGE for PND is a fucken wolong shill.

>> No.122470


Currently 2nd in the voting (we were 1st until Darkcoin dropped 4 BTC on their coin).

Value is currently 4, nothing out of the ordinary for a 100 Bill cap coin.

>> No.122479

Good night.

>> No.122487

he is a shill spreading FUD, nothing to see here.

>> No.122481

>should i be

no you should HAVE

there is literally no buy volume anymore only dumps here and there

>> No.122482

Even if it does, nobody's going to buy enough of that shit to drive the price up.

>> No.122493

you wish so, but gn8y man

>> No.122496


We shall see

>> No.122490

are you a retard, 2000 btc on cryptsy

>> No.122497

If you are a fucking idiot that cannot into own criticism of the situation and want every answer in a golden plate, crypto world is not for you.

>> No.122503

i kept my doge and mined a little bit of pnd, which i gave away. i supported pnd anyway, though.

>> No.122504


idiots still holding and hoping it will go up because they bought at 200+

have fun living in denial

>> No.122502
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>> No.122510

you honestly think we had an impact?
I guess we are pretty 1337 huh :D
Damn, /biz/, I guess we're all whales here that can crash markets.

>> No.122513
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Should I put a jew hat on him?

>> No.122512

I haven't seen something so plastic and airbrushed since my buddy got a body kit for his trans am.

>> No.122514

you obviously have never seen a baribie doll.

>> No.122520
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Regurgitating the same bullshit for 3 days straight don't qualify as scare tactics

>> No.122515

>yfw it took wolong 2 days to learn perfect 4chan scare tactics.

Face it. "newfag" is meaningless.

>> No.122518
File: 8 KB, 64x64, sha1coin64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Giving 5 Sha1coin to the first address that reply me

>> No.122523

somehow give it a jew nose and I'll tip you 5k

>> No.122531

This too, it needs a big jew nose and the hat

Also one of those scarf things with the star of david around it's shoulders

>> No.122525
File: 8 KB, 602x291, ss (2014-02-23 at 10.40.38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls send me my blockfinder bonus

>> No.122526

>sold all my at 8 satoshi the other day

>> No.122527

Damn get to 1 satoshi already I wanna buy buy buy

>> No.122534

gonna dump my DOGE and buy PND as it seems the smarter thing to do

DOGE has no potential to go up again, but PND is about to go to the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

>> No.122535

buying dogecoisn..hahahaha..ahahahah.. wow, t.. hahahaha i cant..haha..no

>> No.122536

>Difficulty 22.39522860
What happened?

>> No.122538


What a useless coin

>> No.122539
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>> No.122540
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But there's no bonus implemented.

>> No.122542


>> No.122544

SHA-3 is awesome. I loved it for maxcoin.
Sadly none of the coins minable with it are currently valuable enough to pay for the electricity, and maxcoin's value is brutally tanking.

>> No.122549

I thought this could be the case since i got none.

pls address this issue

>> No.122551

why not? if i hold DOGE now i only lose

>> No.122550

So what's the deal with this?
Can it only be cpu mined? Are there any pools?

>> No.122556

The difficulty went down

>> No.122558

because if you sell you'll crash the price and leave us all as bag holders

>> No.122553

I can't possibly give everyone who found a block a blockfinder bonus. That's not how it works.

>> No.122560

if doge isn't going up what makes you think PND will?

>> No.122561

Just give these faggots a 10 PND bonus to shut them up

>> No.122563

you could at least try, starting with me |:-^))

>> No.122573
File: 4 KB, 340x121, fwadfsadasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up to 44 now

>> No.122567


sent ;)

>> No.122577
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How to give a panda a jew nose?

>> No.122578
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fucking kimono gravy lel

>> No.122581

Reading these threads is absolutely hillarious.

If Wolong hadn't pumped DOGE in the first place none of you would even be here now.

Don't fucking pretend you wouldn't be.

No-one gets into altcoins for anything other than making money. The "community spirit(TM)" of DOGE died a long time ago. How many people tip 1000 on Reddit nowadays? When was the last time you guys raised money for anything charitable?

>> No.122575

DOGE is old

PND is new

kids love new stuff

>> No.122583

Pot coin pumping up on cryptorush to 1900

>> No.122587
File: 2 KB, 167x64, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based anon

>> No.122589

shit shit shit people are buying at 4 again
please sell to me at 3 on cryptorush ;_;

>> No.122590 [DELETED] 

fuck off jacobux

>> No.122591


this 1000000000000+

don't worry, not all of us are hypocrites

>> No.122593
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>> No.122602

But what kids? How man?
Do you think PND will have more users than doge?

>> No.122604


and you are ?

>> No.122597


>> No.122600 [DELETED] 


just this

and this is why DOGE is done for

>> No.122613

sent ;)

>> No.122614

once it hits reddit, it's going up

>> No.122616


>If Wolong hadn't pumped DOGE


Let me tell you little bitch that i was here since the first days.

>> No.122628

Saying "How many people tip 1000" is like saying "Why dont I get payed twenty bucks for saying something funny?"

>> No.122624

a sane and honest person?

>> No.122625

wtf is happening to TIPS? net hashrate and difficulty is ripping.

>> No.122626

PND is not suppose to be le MEME shit
that is Doges strong front
PND is just 1 notch serious above doge but still not bitcoin serious.

>> No.122637

Its already on redit though. there is nothing to "hit"
What is going to make it just take off?

>> No.122635

>>122581 (cont)

Read those original irc logs of the DOGE pump with everyone circlejerking over Wolong.

Don't pretend some of you weren't there.

>> No.122636

when are we going to be listed on coinmarketcap.com?

>> No.122638

Despite the malicious origin of PND, what's stopping us from pulling the WWF stunt someone mentioned earlier? Just figured it would be of interest, considering someone is really understanding the shitfest that is these threads now. I would think the media could eat that shit up too, making all this mining we've been doing fucking worth something.

>> No.122639

no one is emailing them
so never

>> No.122640

Jesus christ these threads have gone to shit.

This PND shit has literally ruined the crypto threads on this board. I hope you're happy.

>> No.122650

I'm proud to say i was literally the first person to start saying "fuck this wolong guy" while everyone one was posting "all hail wolong" and "thankyou based wolong" shit.

>> No.122645

Okay okay, for the little hat he needs a blue star of david. I'm tipping anyway though becuase this is great

>> No.122647



Just proving that Shibes are just as jew as PND investors. Lots of Shibes seem to think they are not, those 1000 DOGE cost nothing to mine but now they have value there's no tipping anymore.

>> No.122648

>whats stopping us?
PND jumping back to 6 satoshi and all of us saying, "fuck why didn't we wait just a little longer for double the USD donation"

PND will be volitile as fuck until 30+ satoshi.

>> No.122657

I'm waiting to hear back from them


>> No.122658

So you're telling me that if I give you a hundred bucks, not costing you anything, you're just going to give it away to people who have done basically nothing? And that if you dont do this, you are an elder of zion?

>> No.122659

then post DOGE?
why aren't the people saying, "PND sucks, I like doge and want doge content"
actually posting doge related shit?
My fucking god you guys are so dense and useless. It's up to you to change this shit.

>> No.122662

if you like DOGE so much why don't you marry it?

honestly, this is a PND thread, if you want a lol DOGE thread, make one. you don't even have to start new ones because the DOGE thread won't hit the cap for days

>> No.122654

Do any of you play Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors? (the original, not the steam shit)
I'll give you 5k PND if you can defeat me in a match, you can choose map and civs

>> No.122655

The people that were circlejerking over wolong followed him.
When he was not acting smug and didn't try to harm shit of course we liked him.
Do you find this strange? Is it bad in your mind?

>> No.122668
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>> No.122664

>when are we going to <insert-anything>
Never son.

>> No.122676


No but then how is refusing to let a coin die that you've invested in being a kike too?

The point is it's hypocritical for shibes to call PND investors jews when there really is no discernible difference in the community behaviour from both camps.

>> No.122677

>PND thread

>Ignoring that is both coins thread

>> No.122673

> Reading these threads is absolutely hillarious.
I say "lol" everytime I feel butthurt, because a man oughta laugh when he gets slapped.

> If Wolong hadn't pumped DOGE in the first place none of you would even be here now.
I have nowhere to go! Our IRC channel is dead :( I miss wolong. God I miss panda 2.0 shit did I just make a post as if I was talking to the panda devs? Or worse, myself? I hate this 4chan noobs. Commenting kicks asses.

> Don't fucking pretend you wouldn't be.
They all hate me here. I always pretend, so maybe they are pretending too when they say not to trust wolong.

> No-one gets into altcoins for anything other than making money.
I got into altcoins solely to make money. I am jealous at honest no premined coins with a community behind it.

>The "community spirit(TM)" of DOGE died a long time ago.
While wolong was busy "moving markets" these guys actually seem to have a community. They even get into the news with the Jamaican bobsled team. Quick, let's say it is dead. Easy argument won right.

> How many people tip 1000 on Reddit nowadays?
I dont know. Go to Reddit.

> When was the last time you guys raised money for anything charitable?

Shit didnt i just say everyone is in it for the money and now i pull the charity card? Why is that fucked up charity fund raiser still in my mind? What a fucking hassle for a few coins... When was the last time YOU did something for charity?

>> No.122682

exactly this.
And the only replies the truth gets is hateful replies from greedy assholes who thing PND is the new doge.

>> No.122687

and the only replies from anyone actually agreeing are a same fag.

>> No.122688
File: 1.99 MB, 400x297, ki41AH1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the spirit

>> No.122700

One coin has been around for one week and is worth a few millionths of a cent away from nothing. The other has stabilized at a respectable price. One is on two or three tiny exchanges with >20BTC volume on either, while the other is on pretty much every exchange, even some that offer it against other cryptos. You cant refuse to let it die, because its already dead.

>> No.122706

Don't believe the faggots in these threads pretending to be DOGE holders.
It's probably an outside factor trying to create a dichotomy and I know I sound paranoid when I'm saying this.
But at least I'm not crazy enough to believe that just because the DOGE and PND threads merged DOGE dropped in price.

>> No.122708


Remind me how DOGE was doing after 1 week?

>> No.122709

>both coins


>> No.122702

If everyone wasn't stuck on this childish "PND was just to shit on Wolong" thing, it could have went somewhere. Oh well. To the moon

>> No.122703
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>> No.122716


>> No.122713

Yes actually.

>> No.122715

Wasn't it idling at like 30 or 40? And Im pretty sure it got onto the larger exchanges fairly quickly.

>> No.122722

can someone please punch me in the face for buying PND for 40€ at 8 satoshi today?

>> No.122724
File: 138 KB, 556x313, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a look at this thread and all the other crypto threads on /biz/. After this PND shit started EVERY one of them, regardless of what coin they're about, has been filled to the brim with shitposting.

Just the mere mention of dislike for it and immediately you have two idiots pouncing on you spouting shit like you'd see in Youtube comments.

The fact that people are trying to take a coin that was created PURELY to make fun of someone else, making it even more memetic and flash in the pan than DOGE, so seriously is almost a joke in itself, and the way it has spilled over into every single fucking thread is horrid.

>> No.122725

Thats is literally the soul purpose of creating it though.
The post was something like:
"Lets make a clone of wolongs coin just to troll him"

>> No.122726


>PND hasn't reached the level of DOGE after 1 week of existence

Well I guess that's it then. The coin is dead.

>> No.122719
File: 114 KB, 411x276, Monacoin_Cheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a monacoin thread

we foundation now
mona live event if you are in nippon

>> No.122720

nobody is holding DOGE, that'd be stupid

you just _DON'T_HOLD_ something that is going down

you just don't

>> No.122738

You get 1 minute to shill your monacoin. Why should I care? Whats the difficulty?

>> No.122739

>steam doesn't let me use h4x

>> No.122734

pretty neat

>> No.122735

Hey, you're still holding PANDA.

>> No.122741

Nigga that is nothing. People bought hundreds worth of it.

>> No.122746

No, I will after you panic sell at 16 satoshi.

>> No.122748


Over 8
Huge community in Japan, faucet gets dry instantly http://mona.csatx.nl/index.php
Better than DOGE, no communism, moe

>> No.122749

amDoge can you make the next threads seperate?
just to see how dead either thread would be?
These shills won't shut their gabbers unless they experience it first hand.

>> No.122751

Told you it was a gamble bro

>> No.122752

Most coins fail. There's no reason that this should be any different. Its just litecoin clone #451.

>> No.122755
File: 62 KB, 640x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid it won't shut them up anon.

>> No.122756

wolong made money

and all you are trolling with PND is DOGE, you are slapping DOGE back and forth

a classic case of backfire

>> No.122765

∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ´∀`)< Its fun
( ) \_____
│ │ │

>> No.122767

Don't do this. DOGE threads are 2slow when it's down and there's nothing to talk about. They sucked ass until we merged them

>> No.122757

You're still complaining.

>> No.122760


>Better than DOGE


>> No.122761

It took doge 10 days to get on cryptsy.
It will take PND never to get on cryptsy because it will never get on cryptsy.

>> No.122769

you are just afraid to witness how dead DOGE is

>> No.122771

How new is the coin? On any exchanges yet?

>> No.122783

Make another thread for what? Every crypto thread gets filled with shit, and there is no point in having a DOGE thread as well as a DOGE/PND thread.

The only reason the threads were merged in the first place was so it was easier to manipulate you idiots and you can't even see that.

>> No.122778

It's a shame what happened with PND.

How is this any different from what happened with PANDA?

You guys are just as bad as Wolong.

At least it might recover since there's no massive premine to keep prices down.

>> No.122779

I know that. These autistic vegetables who are compaining about having Doge and PND in the same thread don't.
1. newfriends
2. autistic
3. vegetables
4. jacobUX

>> No.122780



waitu piggu money welcome now

>> No.122782

> you are just afraid to witness how dead DOGE is
shut up jacob

>> No.122790


That's no fault of PND.

Cryptsy aren't adding coins anymore.

>> No.122788

Mona will get huge in Japan, I'm telling you.


>> No.122794

You don't know what you want.

>> No.122798

They need to reevaluate what they currently have up and delist half of them

>> No.122796

the fuck did I just watch and how does that relate to MONA

>> No.122803
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1393105043912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY it was made shouldn't have mattered. Potential is something the community has to pull for in crypto. The origin was for a joke, but tell me that DOGE wasn't the exact same shit.
"Let's make this coin because it would be funny hurhur"
The DOGE community pushed for the coin to make it onto SwissCEX and MintPal and Cryptsy and look where it is now. And look what happens when everyone jumps ship on a manageable situation for stupid as shit reasons like "It was just to troll" instead of hooking on to the WWF idea and making PND worth something, ultimately shitting all over Wolong and his joke currencies while putting our mining efforts to good use.

>> No.122804

what the hell is a jacob

>> No.122807
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>> No.122811


Japan naked festival

it's the people that will make monacoin huge

>> No.122815 [DELETED] 

you are jacob, jacob
so shut up jacob

>> No.122816

Okay I'm sold. I'll buy a couple of mona because it's not as dead as it use to be.

>> No.122817

Backfire indeed. Wolong didn't need to kill doge, we did it for him.

>> No.122819
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What does /biz/ think about this?

>> No.122827
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>> No.122828

not good enough

>> No.122831

Wouldn't it be even funnier if PND actually went up and surpassed PANDA?

Wouldn't that be an even bigger victory against Wolong?

Wouldn't that have absolutely no effect on DOGE?

>> No.122832

because i have wolong coins in my pocket and this is not helping me

>> No.122833
File: 38 KB, 300x314, 1328589063107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.122829

>implying you ever were here with us before today
>implying we

>> No.122835

PND will never come close to doges success.

>> No.122839

Maybe we can hire JacobUX to design a new logo for us. Everyone is for sale. I offer 50k PND for that.

>> No.122840

How does it feel having to pay to be taken advantage of, wolong shills?

>> No.122846

It already surpassed it last night


DOGE is unaffected by pretty much all of the million other altcoins

>> No.122847


the sad thing is, its true.
they even got a tipbot for twitter http://monash.pw/bot/

>> No.122848

I mined for a few days starting on the 8th of December i have over 1m doge.

>> No.122849

Shit designer

>> No.122855
File: 86 KB, 500x500, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, beautiful.

>> No.122857

Well his previous logo is garbage, so I'd prefer he pay us for having the displeasure of having to look at it when I open my PND wallet

They're still partly in denial

>> No.122858

>how to kill DOGE

>what is PND

>> No.122863
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>> No.122868
File: 233 KB, 1408x1216, CHINNNNEEEESSSEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't it be even funnier if PND actually went up and surpassed PANDA?
it actually did surpass it in value

>> No.122876
File: 11 KB, 233x233, pndario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is actually starting to grow on me. And it is still causing butthurt. Also it is a very recognizable logo and it will get big in China, provided they give us any hashrate.

>> No.122880

Seeing all this hate for PND is making me dislike DOGE.

Why can't the 2 coins coexist. You said it yourself, DOGE has a much bigger market cap and way more orders etc.

Do you really think DOGE falling it being caused by people selling to buy PND???

>> No.122882

This is nice picture

>> No.122891

Reminder to vote on mintpal for PND to be included.
Thank you.

>> No.122905

dont hate DOGE, we are a family
it's only the shills that want you to hate DOGE, there is no reason for DOGE and PND holders to hate each other

>> No.122907

is the virus guy really still active? god damn, how can he samefag thread after thread

>> No.122896

Please stop outbidding me on Swisskeks so I can stock up at 2 satoshi

Thank you

>> No.122897

don't let wolongs croonies get to you

>> No.122898

PND and DOGE is like peanutbutter and jelly. Caramel and chocolate. Chicken and chilipepper. they already coexist. They have largely the same parents. Don't favor PND just because he is young and adorable and drools all over himself.

>> No.122900

Its over, andoge fucked up by making the coin for them. even amdoge is ignoring all the PND hate because he/she wants to cash out too.
Greed has fucked up the great little thing we had going.

>> No.122917

>we had going
there is no we mate. fuck off.

>> No.122918

What is the current version of the MONA client?

>> No.122922
File: 333 KB, 750x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>check /biz/
>scroll through all these pndoge threads
>missed like 5 giveaways again

>> No.122924


>> No.122910

I think all this arguing is artificial, we didn't have a problem until today where out of the blue people started complaining that PND is bringing DOGE down.
Like that's possible or if there was something about DOGE to discuss we wouldn't discuss it.

>> No.122914

PND seems to be recovering
I expect the shills to disappear by tomorrow

>> No.122916

fucking hell i'm confused

which one is the one i should buy on swisscex?



fucking hell

>> No.122929


It is just the shill trying to divide and conquer.

>> No.122930


they still on the first version, publicly, but newer versions in the dev website

>> No.122931


>> No.122934

I'm still mining PND, it's just that these threads have become unbearable with a lot of the shit going on. I think merging the PND/Doge threads was a bad idea, since now we just have fighting between the lazy on both sides, not to mention the influx of shills and provocateurs who are most likely wolong loyalists.

Anyway, I think PND has potential, but people are actively trying to foment dissent here.

>> No.122926
File: 187 KB, 720x480, 1373553425150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I am reminded I go and vote

Thank you mintshill

He's mad that we pushed Wolong into his little meltdown and caused him to lose everything he invested.

He'll be around for a little while

>> No.122928

You are not one of us sperg.

>> No.122944

wish IDs would be implemented here so we can laugh at all the samefagging hate

>> No.122945



>> No.122940
File: 56 KB, 620x743, 1392923439989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.122958


Not bad idea tough.

>> No.122960

>He's mad that we pushed Wolong into his little meltdown and caused him to lose everything he invested.

i don't think he is one of wolongs guys. probably rather a disgruntled neckbeard that missed the train. his trolling skills are rather advanced I would say

>> No.122947

only if you punch me for buying ~1200 EUR at 9 satoshi ;-)

>> No.122951

Are you autistic?
That's on the PND community. Including you.
Decent idea, although it would be great if we could Bounty it for now, just to see if someone comes up with something more appealing pleasing than his last brilliant work of art.

Captcha: much eesvoll
I am rolling right now

>> No.122953

Doge threads would just be getting pity posts since everyone is busy with PND right now, and DOGE moving sideways/down

>> No.122956

>seven PNDOGE threads up at once
Can you guys maybe NOT make a new thread as soon as it gets to 300 posts?

>> No.122963

I'm not the usual mintshill.
I remembered myself so I thought I would post to spite Jacob.
But you're welcome anon.

>> No.122964


>> No.122969

Nice blog dude, subscribed

>> No.122966

i-i didnt know.

>> No.122968



>> No.122971

I support this post. We should be staying in one thread much longer than we currently are in /biz/ is so slow.

[ x ] Doubt

No m8, DOGE threads were boring. I love them, but there's nothing goin on to talk about right now.

>> No.122977

PND. Look at OP's second post on every PNDoge thread. PND is the one that doesn't belong to Wolautist. Don't buy into PANDA, or PAND.

>> No.122973
File: 14 KB, 500x400, 1390339397020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just days ago these were called Doge threads and it wasn't filled with shitposts.

>Doge is dead
>admit Doge is dead

Uh, no.

>> No.122984


This look nice, i used to mine 100 mona per day and now just 30.

>> No.122985
File: 417 KB, 500x700, groan-zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.122987

We pissed off a bunch of retards that think it's our fault they lost all they money, so they're wasting their time shitposting here to no avail.

>> No.122978
File: 65 KB, 500x382, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.122979

I was the other anon that suggested this if you saw me.
Do you think we should email moot?
Is it forced anonymous if we implement ids?

>> No.122980

Fuck off shill, we all know that implementing ID's here would expose you for what you are.

>> No.122993
File: 44 KB, 477x481, 1388170365020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I multipost a lot though, IDs would embarrass me since I'd have 4 posts in a row sometimes.

Please consider my feelings

>> No.122995

lol why are you calling this guy a shill when he is publicly stating he wishes it would stop?
Do you just literally call anyone a shill?
Do you know what it means?

>> No.123001
File: 97 KB, 203x356, 1367256733969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PND net hashrate pretty much halved

Well shit.

>> No.123005
File: 51 KB, 283x185, goobypls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOGE is great and all everyone, but it's far far bigger than 4chan now. 4chan has zero practical influence on DOGE price and popularity. The only thing that will drive DOGE bigger now is more mainstream, casual adoption, and this will happens slowly.

This is why we may as well focus on PND. Because we can actually make it something. (Or at least, bigger than it is now).

>> No.122998

>to no avail.
>coin dead
>no avail
>ded coin

>> No.123009

I like being anonymous too anon.
But would gladly get called a retard and feel shame for the duration of a single thread than having to put up with this shit.

>> No.123011

Wrong. 3.2 to 2ghs is not half.

The huge multipool just left.

>> No.123007
File: 4 KB, 120x120, tfw doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.123021

should post your address when reminding us so we can tip you

>> No.123022
File: 483 KB, 1920x1080, holding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys holding?

>> No.123023

much es much love

>> No.123012
File: 466 KB, 553x553, 1388562300113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to vote on mintpal for yadda yadda


Here's an anime picture to accompany my post

>> No.123013
File: 245 KB, 603x452, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure if seo spambot

>> No.123014

>publicly states he wants it to stop
>secretly doesn't actually want it to stop

1+1 nigga wake the fuck up, you fell right for his shit.

>> No.123018
File: 115 KB, 504x566, pandajew2..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try this one.

Took the idea from the other guy.

>> No.123019

>we can actually make it something
that is where you are wrong... wo-wrong.

>> No.123024

>#pandacoin has been silent for a while
>pndoge threads are being shit up


>> No.123027

this is perfect
sending 13,337 ;)

>> No.123028

I don't really disagree that much. /biz/ is fairly adult too, so it's not a big deal

>Can't samefag a punchline to my shitty jokes
Oh no

>> No.123041
File: 315 KB, 1920x1080, 1376850759569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.123042

50k DOGE
100k MINT
400k PND

>> No.123030

Some guy is left holding the bag, the rest is holding PND and DOGE.

>> No.123032

Agreed. we should be making the most of PND and its relative infancy, DOGE can take care of itself.

>> No.123036

So what is becoming of the original Pandacoin?

I feel bad for them because Wolong came along to fuck them, and then we came along to fuck Wolong...

>> No.123039

So people who want it to stop are shills
people who don't want it to stop are shills
people are shills.
Yep so you are literally just randoming calling people shills regardless of what they say.
Thats retarded mate.

>> No.123040

Go back to reddit with your blogshit dude

>> No.123051

I feel bad doing that, but my hashrate is shit so I guess I might as well since some people here have a bajillion itchy and scratchy land funbux

>> No.123045

It's a known fact that they are raiding our threads as revenge.

Everyone needs to harden the fuck up and ignore everyone who says doge/pnd is dying.

The mods are no where to be found when we need them.

>> No.123046
File: 17 KB, 378x301, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you.

>> No.123052

Whatever you say shill

>> No.123053

Is it a jew inside a panda costume?
bretty good 5/5

>> No.123054

It'd be a great idea. It's a bad idea to fuck around in biz anyways,as misinformation and FUDs really play a crucial role here

>> No.123057

5million MINT

>> No.123065


nice, i can barely mine 3 per day now


>> No.123058

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little pandacoin? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the cryptocurrencies, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pumps on Cryptsy, and I have over 300 confirmed sells. I am trained in market warfare and I’m the top whale in the entire Chinese market. You are nothing to me but just another pandacoin. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with cloning my coin over the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of shills across the USA and your trading account is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call pandacoin. You’re fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill your walls in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare API. Not only am I extensively trained in pulling out, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the MollyMachine's money and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable pandacoin off the face of the markets, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” coin was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking github. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the satoshis, you goddamn idiot. I will shill panda all over you and you will buy in it. I'M FUCKING CHINESE KIDDO

>> No.123059

900k DOGE
3.7m PND

I sold my Mint 12hrs before it pumped, and now I have to go to mintpal and spam votes every hour and remind myself of my failure to hold

>> No.123060

Ok I'm mailing mootles, I suggest you guys do the same if you want this implemented.

>> No.123061

>that is where you are wrong... wo-wrong.
b-but you are missing of the

>at least bigger than it is now

maybe it's not going to be the next Doge

and hell, why the fuck not. What else are we gonna do but sit here jacking off in our basements. We may as well try and earn some money doing nothing.

I still think the environmental / WWF / Save the Pandas could go mainstream. Especially if liberal leaning reddit-tards got wind of it. (Donation to some chinese panda stuff or something). But amDOGE doesn't seem supportive of this.

>> No.123067

ignore the butthurt wolong cocksuckers while you're at it

>> No.123069

Their coin went up quite a bit since hitting exchanges, so I wouldn't feel too bad

Literally all we do is fuck around in these threads, that's why they yo-yo from amazing to horrible

>> No.123073


>> No.123080

Reminder that someone is being really fucking productive with PND
This guy is making PND threads for all languages. Hats off to that guy.

>> No.123081

The paranoia in this thread is astounding.
Just planting little seeds in the mind of people and see them grow...
Gives me time to prepare my next steps :)

>> No.123075

will do bro

>> No.123076

2/10, appreciate the effort.

>> No.123078


>> No.123083

>Replying to pasta

>> No.123084


Get in here to stop the shitposting by wolong shills.

>> No.123086

amDOGE said something to the fact that if it's going to be a donation coin it has to be done correctly. I don't know how I feel about the whole donation thing

>> No.123089
File: 31 KB, 480x360, 1392845545501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.123091

>What is a Twitter feed?

>> No.123093


current value per mona?

>> No.123094

>someone tells the truth

>> No.123110


>> No.123112



>> No.123099

I heard that wolong hired a cult of disinformation techno wizards, to shill 4chan threads with bad news. They read from a script mostly, thats why its so hard to differentiate them from bots.

>> No.123104

lol stop being an idiot

>> No.123105

let me translate that

>guys, drop DOGE it's dead

>> No.123107
File: 82 KB, 447x347, 1165700636647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm of the mind that we've been advertising these threads outside of 4chan way way way way too much, and we've gotten a lot of unwanted visitors as a result.

So we should not do that.

>> No.123113

heck I support PND but if wolong paid me 1BTC to FUD up this thread I would gladly do it

>> No.123116
File: 402 KB, 5000x3495, AAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.123117
File: 11 KB, 332x221, distress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they would capitalize and speak proper english, because it's really setting off my autism

>> No.123118

everyone that claims that these threads are being raided does not understand 4chan at all.

>> No.123124
File: 52 KB, 475x380, 1354598778687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Wolong's coin thread, and I just found the post were the dev says he is abandoning the coin because he was shit on by Wolong.

This is fucking amazing. Be proud of our accomplishment, /biz/antines.

>> No.123130

The FUD makes it fun. Relive the butthurt all over. We laugh again. They spend energy again. Many lulz were had.

>> No.123131

But they are.

#pandacoin is silent and these threads have a metric shitton of shitposting which is very unusual.


>> No.123133

I would take the money and buy an ad on /biz/ for PND

Let me spell it out for you then. A good portion of the trolling is from actual shills like JacobUX who were posting bullshit here all along, and the other bit is just from our normal trolls that picked up their slack for the hell of it.

>> No.123135 [DELETED] 

It's dead to us. We can't do anything about it. It's out of our hands. You can speculate and such in your own threads if you want.

>> No.123136

I love DOGE, but it's boring now it's got mass adoption. Of course, I'm holding my DOGE for the longest time, but in the meantime I need something new.

PND is my crack cocaine.

>> No.123129 [DELETED] 


oK mAn wHatEv3r R1d3S yoUr b04T

>> No.123137
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, sad renchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw thats probably what happened, people offered to FUD for him for some BTC or something, BTC that came from the 2.0 retarded devs, who also join the ranks to FUD for free

>> No.123142

It was a major win bro, this whole project was just wonderful


>> No.123143
File: 103 KB, 1024x576, 1391292630347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these threads have a metric shitton of shitposting which is very unusual
>very unusual

>> No.123145


>> No.123148


~6 yen

>> No.123154

>Let me spell it out for you then. A good portion of the trolling is from actual shills like JacobUX who were posting bullshit here all along, and the other bit is just from our normal trolls that picked up their slack for the hell of it.

nope. it was the virus guy samefagging and people picked up on that.

>> No.123155

Dear fud crew, send me 0.1 bitcoin and I will FUD along with you. I am serious. I am a good FUDer
Or send me any amount and I will calculate the % of fud I will allocate my willpower to.

>> No.123156

faucet is empty
pls donate


>> No.123158

>dead to us

Should probably stop putting DOGE in the OP of these threads if its so dead to you all.

>> No.123160
File: 25 KB, 231x175, friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been through a lot together, haven't we?

>Recognizing the same pictures posted over and over again

>> No.123161

reminder >>40279436

>> No.123162

The amount of shitposting has gone up is what he means. There's always a metric shitton of shitposting but this is concentrated angry shitposting.

>> No.123163

I switched to mining potcoins. Might as well take advantage of potheads by getting in now before the value takes off (If the legalized pot stores eventually accept them as currency which, why wouldn't they?).

>> No.123164


>> No.123166

Ir predates the virus guy by a solid week

>It's dead to us

>> No.123169
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1372310962074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very unusual

>> No.123171
File: 100 KB, 960x541, huehuehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.123172
File: 45 KB, 379x214, imokwiththi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swisscex goes down
>swisscex comes back up
>PND trading higher

>> No.123178

I invested all my doge in PND, now i have about 835k.

Is PND kill?

Am i the new miles?

>> No.123179


Don't fall for that shit. Keep reading the thread until you get to the pastebins that were posted about JacobUX and the other devs pretending to disassociate themselves from wolong.

Key word is pretending.

It is all a bunch of bs.

The devs are scammers and still stuck wolongs dick.

>> No.123181

I can feel the red faced fury behind so many of these shitposts lately. They're not cheeky and fun like normal 4chan shitposters, they're angry as fuck

>> No.123183

I'm not amDOGE, you can talk to him.
ok i wont

>> No.123184


Doge, and currently mining PND. I know this might start a fight, but at what point are you guys going to sell? Is it worth holding or mining PND at this point?

>> No.123188


>> No.123192

>that was me
>100k PND

>> No.123199
File: 99 KB, 500x500, 1378702046485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we've got shit going on with it, just chill out. Still, we all told you it was a gamble to invest anything into it, since nobody knows how long PND's legs are

>> No.123236

And take a look at the thread now, no one is arguing again.
It's just some outsider trying to stir shit up, I mean we WILL argue but not like this.
Reminds me of the night the fedora people came over to start trouble.

>> No.123276

I had a dream. That one day.

1 million PND


13,37 BTC

>> No.123475
File: 98 KB, 377x383, zorro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Any hombres got some skrilla?