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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12306844 No.12306844 [Reply] [Original]

Working a minimum wage job so that the rest of us can enjoy our lives.

Today I walked on the beach with my favorite pup and my favorite girl. I had brunch at a restaurant where below minimum wage workers served me.

Then I went to Starbucks and the window servant gave me a hot cup of coffee.

The gas station servant even offered to pump my gas on the way home.

All of these people chose to wake up today and work their low paying job.


>> No.12306864
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You again.

Remember...you will hang from a tree.

>> No.12306878

ugliest ass fucking ever
>favorite girl
Not everyone is entitled 1st world walking cancer literally only spending his life consuming stuff. Most people have to work to get by, you faggot. Everyone has things waiting for them. You sir get wishfuly (please) cancer to your head and stop wasting the space on this planet.

>> No.12306885

I used to work shitty minimum wage jobs on holidays during school

Now that i graduated i love to work holidays at my new job, holiday rate is above 100 and hour

>> No.12306888

I meant to say inb4 fatty and inb4 dog has rabies

She has an amazing ass and I plan to be inside it tonight. It's a bad angle I guess.

We just played fetch with the pup and his mouth starts foaming after he plays fetch for a long time.

>> No.12306909

>letting your "favorite girl" walk around in yoga pants
you're never gonna make it

>> No.12306917

you're so fucking retarded it makes me uncomfortable, fucking dumbass kys

>> No.12306960

kek, spent mine with the missus too OP, stay mad virgins ;^)

>> No.12306962

>bad angle
fucking kek. Its big and flat. No angle can fix that. Can only imagine her face. Anyway, fuck you. Faggots like you dont deserve any better.
t. actual business owner but not a condescending cuck shitting on unfortunate people

>> No.12306965

ebin reddit

>> No.12306980

This unironically

>brags about 4/10 GF

>> No.12307143

"Unfortunate people"... More like people satisfied with mediocrity

t. Worked 10 years toward my bachelor's while raising a child. Now make $200k in management.

Go fuck yourself

>> No.12307166




>> No.12307264

you a mediocre (at best) man that brags about his mediocre life on anonymous image board dedicated to business and finance posting pic of his below mediocre girlfriend shitting on people working on holidays. Seriously, you go fuck yourself. Fucking pajeet. Human cancer.

>> No.12307273

Girl has some nice cankles

>> No.12307336
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>favorite girl
nyannyan isn't your favorite girl?

>> No.12307351
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>> No.12307360
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>> No.12307367
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>> No.12307375
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>> No.12307390

she doesnt interest me til she starts posting herself in panties so I can enjoy her pantied butt. till she does that she's just another annoying tryhard.

>> No.12307423

She's pretty wholesome if you ask me, it would ruin her image

>> No.12307424

>went to Starbucks

I bet you go every day like my douche-bag-brother-in-law. Drink ice water with apple cider vinegar instead. Did you wear your Happy New Years sweater that you bought from Target for $9.99 to Starbucks, as well? Your girl's ass says yes.

>> No.12307443

OP is a faggot and his "favourite girl" is most definitely a 3/10 at max, but he's right. Working on the sabbath is the hallmark of a society that has forsaken God; in exchange for larger numbers on spreadsheets of all things. A society run by moneymen, not kings. Anyone that works on a holiday is a souless insectoid, more automaton than man. Enjoy making your Jewish overlords rich, faggots.

>> No.12307462

Aww little faggot can dish it out but can't take it

>> No.12307560
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>> No.12307964

>not having a cappucino/espresso machine in your home

kill yourself