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12304244 No.12304244 [Reply] [Original]

>new years day
>parents burst into my room demanding that I get my act together for new year
>given me 1 month to find a job
So I think I may have to move out soon because they sounded pretty serious.
I’m actually a crypto NEET but parents don’t know about it or they’d kick me out earlier.
Have like $30,000 saved up.
Can NEETs with no credit history rent flats or apartments? I found a cheap af 1 bed studio flat to rent for $250 a month, but I don’t want the landlord knowing I got so much saved up to give an incentive to raise the rent every year

>> No.12304278

I don't know what's like in the US but in UK, you need to have a job in order to prove you can pay rent. If you don't then you can always pay several months in advance. Renting rooms in some student flat is usually easier but you need a guarantor.

>> No.12304289 [DELETED] 

>30k saved up
>has to move out
>doesnt have job
OP's 30k will be gone within 6-12 months

>> No.12304298 [DELETED] 

might be more cost effective for you to throw your parents a bone so they get off your back, but make sure you get a specific amount of time that you can stay before doing so. Then again, even if you go this route, they'll still bitch and moan, so you moving out is really just inevitable.

>> No.12304301


Wait wtf?! Explain

>> No.12304318

>thinks the 250 is per month

oh sweet summer child, thats per week in the UK

>> No.12304363 [DELETED] 

wew lad

when you're living at home, $5000 sounds like a lot of money. $5000 can be gone in an instant in the real world, it's chump change.

even as a wagecuck with 30k in the bank, I was only one job loss away from eating through all my savings.

>cell phone
>misc surprise expenses
add those bitches up, you can easily go through 30k in 12 months time living on your own.

>> No.12304371

No it isn’t. I’m not living anywhere near London. It’s cheap af in places up north

>> No.12304391

I’m frugal af. I barely eat anything. I just want to NEET for a couple more months until I make it to limbo status. I still have a few trades in crypto in profit.

If all else fails, I already have a helium tank ready.

>> No.12304394

You're gonna have to get a job at some point anon

>> No.12304399

meant LAMBO as in Lamborghini

>> No.12304406

>absolute state of British ‘men’.

>> No.12304411 [DELETED] 

the prospect of employment is going to become a very overbearing monkey on your back. i hope the stress doesn't interfere with your trades :^)

>> No.12304426

Am I able to rent as a self employed trader in the UK? Yes or no? It’s a simple question ffs...

>> No.12304438

Pls b larp

>> No.12304460 [DELETED] 

how the hell should i know, I'm American

>> No.12304481

You'll have to show proof of income including current assets and likely have to put down 2-3 months rent as a deposit

>> No.12304510 [DELETED] 
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your new job awaits

>> No.12304530

why do i have to show all my life savings??! what kind of fucked up country do i live in

>> No.12304542

Since you don't have credit you need to prove you can pay.

>> No.12304551 [DELETED] 

then dont be a daft cunt and open a second account, transfer 50% of your 30k over there that way your landlord only sees 10k or 15k tops.

DO NOT pay your entire years rent in advance. then you have ZERO bargaining chip with your landlord.

>> No.12304559

Lol dont listen to these kiddies you dont have to show your assets.

You need to prove to the owner you can pay. Thats the only thing. Idk get a random job and say you work there then quit ASAP you get your place and continue paying.

>> No.12304560

piece of shit

>> No.12304566

how do i get credit if i dont have a job???? its seems just like
>need job for experience
>need experience for job

>> No.12304589 [DELETED] 
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you're going to have to start at the bottom lmao

>> No.12304591

You cant get credit if you dont have a contract you fucking child.

A credit card is a loaning service. You loan the banks money for interest to pay shit. Would you fucking loan money to a random useless NEET think about it. Get a fucking job tell the owner y work there and then fuckinng quit the job and continue paying you useless human flith. Dont bother these grownup subjects.

>> No.12304596

Like I said in my first post, you don't need to show you have a job if you rent a room in a student flat. They usually just ask for a guarantor and deposit. The problem is that it's January, landlords start renting to students in the summer. You might find some free student flat since students drop out and all that but I wouldn't count on it. Otherwise do what >>12304481 said. Tell them you are self-employed and if they ask the job, say you are a stock trader or something. You could also lie to your parents and say you got a part-time job. Just leave for X hours everyday and spend the time on the library

>> No.12304620

>you don't need to show you have a job if you rent a room in a student flat.

I'm not a student. How am I going to be able to rent student accomodation? Also they're expensive as fuck like upto 250 a week regardless of location

>> No.12304624 [DELETED] 

bye bye crypto gains HAHAHAHAAHAH

>> No.12304631

if you're a NEET then renting is fine but you'll have to pay up front, 6 months at a time is standard, maybe 3 months if its not (((london)))

>> No.12304635

>babbys first math attempt
>thinks 250 a week is 30,000 a year

>> No.12304641

that said, it is much more comfy only having to find money every 6 months. being a NEET and needing to produce rent on a monthly basis is much more pressure than comfiness can tolerate

>> No.12304643

Just get a fucking job moron

>> No.12304648

3 months isn't so bad. Its less than 1k. So do I keep rolling the contract every 3 months then?

>> No.12304657

trading IS my job you fucking wagecucking slave

>> No.12304660

They don't give a shit if you are student or not. They will most likely think you are a student though. I tried to rent a room and live with a friend despite being a uni dropout neet, the realtor just asked for a guarantor (someone who covers you if you can't pay rent) and a £250 deposit. The rent was £300 a month but some places were cheap if you share it with other normies. I know it sucks but it's either that or getting a job. £250 a week is usually in London btw.

>> No.12304661

most contracts will ask for 6 months at a time if you're going through a letting agent. but since you're only after student tier they might be more flexible, lots of oversupply in that market

>> No.12304676

who the fuck do i ask for a guarantor? being a NEET comes with the full package of being forever alone btw

>> No.12304677 [DELETED] 

shit adds up quick kiddo. enjoy squatting in a $250/month shit hole lmao

>> No.12304690

>shit adds up quick kiddo.
yeah good thing i dont have a roastie slut who'll max out my credit card then, right? faggot

>> No.12304707

Parents. That's what normies do because even if you had friends, they wouldn't be able to pay for you since they are also poorfags.

>> No.12304710 [DELETED] 

i've literally never spent more than $10 on a girl. only beta bux providers let that happen to them.

you don't need a roastie slut to max out your credit card. basic life expenses are going to eat through your savings - or did you think people just whined about the Jews and cost of living here for fun?

hope you don't make a bad trade lmao

>> No.12304713


Now that i have anon's attention... Find a friend/somebody you know that owns his own business. Have him/her write you a letter of employment saying you make xxx amount of dollars a year and have the start date be the day of your move in. It solves the paystubs issue every place asks for while you rent.

Your friend/buddy is in the clear and get get in trouble either because you no called/no showed on your first day ;D

I've done this at least 6 times. Also- you want to make at minimum 3x the rent. Even when the houses i rented were 1600/month, i had my buddy write my letter of employment saying i was the director of marketing for his vape company and made 70k a year.


enjoy your space.

>> No.12304736

So tell your mommy and daddy that. They should be pleased.

>> No.12304751

> 30k
> 'a few months'
> lambo status

sorry m8, are you expecting to go all in on a 100x?

This isn't 2017.

>> No.12304753
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based and redpilled

it's what happen when your own government full of traitors is trying to genocide you, swarm you with niggers, try to white guilt you to no ends, oversaturate everything with regulations, rewrite your history, shame your kind and your ancestrors and basically is full of kikes stealing from you your future.

>> No.12304769

>This isn't 2017.
its called shorting mate

>> No.12304781 [DELETED] 

OP the smart thing for you to do is just get a part time job 2 day a week so you dont have a bigger gap of employment on your "resume"

>> No.12304790
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>in 2019
this whole thread is a larp, isn't it

>> No.12304807
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Oh no no no

>> No.12304815

i've been "unemployed" for 4 years then. No ones going to hire me. Trading is the only thing I am good at.

>> No.12304821 [DELETED] 

get into stocks then, you will have an actual marketable skillset

>> No.12304839

London BTFO


>> No.12304846

Tried. Can't even open a trading or investment account without a job these days.

>> No.12304848

>self-employed stock trader

you need two years worth of tax records to prove this isn't a larp

>> No.12304877

he's right tho.

>> No.12304894

Then get a shitjob 2 days a week at McDonald's or Tesco shit store. They'll hire you with no previous experience

>> No.12305075

his parents will have to drive him to work. Not many of the fast food workers here own a vehicle. LOL.

>> No.12305120

>he still lives with his parents
>he doesn't work
>he doesn't do anything

>> No.12305210

lived in London my whole life, someone needs to save me from this hellhole

>> No.12305644

freetrade.io basically robinhood for bongs.

You need an iphone though as they've not yet released the android app.

>> No.12306125


How old are you anon

>> No.12306135

How old are you?

>> No.12306177

nope, you'll die there.
at best you'll move near heathrow

>> No.12306193

White people, truly the real reptile race.

>> No.12306211

>he said in English on the internet

>> No.12306215

RH negative are the true ayylmao'd reptiles. Look it up.

>> No.12306267

why do parents need to be so uncool about everything?

>> No.12306286

>OP learns that goods and services cost money
>this angers the faggot
You think your folks were going to jobs for fun? What a joke. You better be like 17 years old to be this stupid.

>> No.12306289

wah wah it's the jew's fault I spent my money on internet magic beans

>> No.12306290

dohoho you're so fucked OP if you move out. Get a job and keep saving or your 30k will be gone very quickly.

>> No.12306634
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>wagecuck working a shitty job
>live with parents
>they get up their ass and ask me to move out or start paying rent
>start looking for a place to rent
>granddad and grandma on dad's side pass away within a few weeks of each other
>super sad for everyone in the family
>dad gets super concerned over our relationship
>parents no longer want me to move out or pay them rent

Has anyone else made it?

>> No.12306655


>> No.12306784
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>but I don’t want the landlord knowing I got so much saved up to give an incentive to raise the rent every year

He's going to do it anyways

>> No.12306804

$250/month sounds like a scam or a death trap. I don't care where you're at.

>> No.12306842


>> No.12306854
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a true inspiration, kek

>> No.12307066

>30k saved up

I smell bullshit. You're better off than most people with a full time job, fuck off larper.