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12306613 No.12306613 [Reply] [Original]

Throw me your best arguments on why I should work instead of NEETing /biz/. I'm ready.

>> No.12306625

it will make you less pathetic

>> No.12306627

More money to spend on crypto = more chance of becoming a rich NEET

>> No.12306628

you can get more bitcoins for your wage

>> No.12306632

how old are you anon? I'm a former wagie turned NEET myself. perhaps I can shine some light

>> No.12306662

28 and still live with my parents
I'm phoneposting now so new IP address

>> No.12306723

do you have ANY work or college experience?

>> No.12306739

anyone who isn't happy not working just is an npc that doesn't know how to use their time.

NEET is the way of the KING.
if he gets drunk and wasted or ascends with wisdom is his choice.

>> No.12306795

You're likely depressive.
Your parents probably fucked up your value system and you feel like if you work for someone else and help them win and you don't get any credit , then you are not reaching your potential.
If you take on the financial risk of starting your own business and you fail you'll still live with your parents but live with them living in great shame that your debt from failure reminds you of every day.
You're aren't stupid. Nothing is worth risk because nothing is worth failure. You've check-mated yourself due to other peoples irrational nurturing of you.

>> No.12306834

I'm a 28yo former wagie turned NEET.

I think you're way off base.
It's more like I've put in extensive work and there has been next to zero reward. When your brain does something exhaustive for an extended period of time, it needs reward. If there is no reward, the brain eventually gives up and you subconsciously reach a point where you don't want to do anything.

There used to be incentive to work - the incentive is gone.

>> No.12306867

You should start your own business then. Unlike wage cuck, hard work = reward.

>> No.12306898

I'm working on it but my family has been extremely unsupportive in almost everything I've ever done (don't even have a degree) so I doubt I will have much longer to stay in this period of NEETdom before I'm forced back into full time wagecuck slavery. Unfortunately obtaining a SMALL business loan from a bank is very difficult, they only want to hand out 150k+ loans and even then they are very particular from what I've heard.

I honestly think at this point that I would rather die than wagecuck full time again.

>> No.12306911


Only working you can start a business and be productive, deluded autistic fuck.

>> No.12306930

You will freeze to death in the streets.
You will starve to death.

>> No.12306947

Us NEETs have honor, we would rather die free men. We will go the way of the samurai if necessary. You on the other hand will lick shit off a sidewalk if it means Mr. Goldberg will pay you a nickel for some Top Ramen.

>> No.12306985

To work is to serve, and to serve is Godly.

>> No.12307003


>> No.12307006

If you leave your parents home (which you never will), youll find theres homeless people! Theyre homeless because their family got tired of them leeching off their ass

>> No.12307029

The homeless serve as a reminder to all the commuters so they dont get uppity at their job. It's a form of public shaming, like a scarlet letter to keep all the wagies in line. Thats why government doesnt house them off the streets.

This. I will kms before I go back

>> No.12307063

>create opportunities
>increase chances of something to happen
>either good or bad or nutral

not an argument just the naked mechanics of as to why

>> No.12307069

desu after being homeless for a while and sleeping in the streets for 2 months, the inevitability of death comes into focus and you gain a new perspective on the pathetic wagecucking life.
it takes a few days of rain for suicide to become the rational and sensible solution to ease the pain, once youve crossed that barrier and you know deep down that no matter what you achieve or fail at in life, you WILL one day have your final thoughts.

once inevitability set in for me, lying in a street covered in weird rashes wearing wet clothes, curiosity became the thing that stopped me dying. now i wagecuck in a small store and rent a little cuck apartment, i have a pretty good gaming pc and mindless consume all the media of the world sitting around on the internet all day.
people theories that having a near death experience or being as low as i was would spark you into action to achieve all sorts of amazing things but it doesnt, it just pulls into view that no matter what you win for yourself in life youll lose eventually.

life is a bit like grinding in an mmo, even if you get to level 100 it doesnt mean anything

>> No.12307129

people that are not depressed are unironically coping.

>> No.12307154

You may have fucked up a long time ago by not saving up 12 months' of living expenses while you were wagecucking.
If you go back then do that and quit. Should only take a few months of work. Then you can work full-time on your business.

>> No.12307189

Uh maybe try getting a better job, doofus

>> No.12307194

You make zero sense. Speak English

I slept in the University library for a while before I had to drop out.

Yes, death is inevitable. Wagies are terrified of it. Being on the street really puts into perspective how superfluous and unnecessary much of our society is.

I did save up some money but ate through most of it. I was largely depressed after my wagecuck job so I took some time off. I was hoping to find a part time job so I could coast ez mode but nothing so far. I NEVER eat my parent's food, I pay for my own expenses. They occasionally bitch but I really don't give a fuck since they've had little regard for my well being.

>> No.12307206

Tried that, only so much you can do without a degree. One shit job after the next which further adds to the misery of wagecucking, an already grueling prospect in itself.

>> No.12307253

Wageslaving in London is the worst

>> No.12307321

>Yes, death is inevitable. Wagies are terrified of it.
they all think theyll live forever but make no mistake, NEETs who arent comfy and retain goals in fitness, money, relationships etc are on the same path. both are as futile as the other.
the 25 hours i work every week in the print shop is enough for me to pay all my bills and leave enough money every month for me to eat tasty junk food, with all my other entertainment being delivered to me for free online or via my coastal walks where i go and take pictures of birds on the cliffs. i enjoy my 3 mornings a week out in town interacting with people and talking about photos.

sure this pathetic existence is going nowhere but then all existences are going nowhere, i guess if you had kids or whatever then bettering yourself is important as youve a stake in the future but thats not me. my first post was in reply to somebody saying working for noseberg was worse than being on the streets, until youve been there youve no idea.
doesnt matter if theres 1000 or 0 people at your funeral come the day

>> No.12307341

forgot to say, I quit multiple jobs many times in the past years.
19 of age and NEET because I actually value my time instead of going university to learn a bunch of nothing for a piece of paper. Or wageslaving for crappy amount of money while in depression.

>> No.12307396

>imagine doing this

I would go to university if I could afford it. College is great, loads to learn. There is a certain foundational knowledge that you can greatly benefit from if you utilize it properly in entrepreneurial endeavors.

I'd love to have kids but Western governments have purposely engineered society so that having a family isn't really in the cards for most of us. Truly despicable.

>> No.12307412

This was amazing to read, anon

>> No.12307459

Who funds your NEET lifestyle? What will you do when they're bankrupt or dead?

>> No.12307530

>people who are clearly doing better than me are actually on the same path as me because death
This is 10/10 neet cope

>> No.12307591

so are the people doing worse, keep clinging to all your trivial shit though anon, maybe youll be the first person in history it makes a difference to.

my only aim in life is to stay comfy with as little effort as possible, disregarding all ambitions and other traps weighing us down.

>> No.12307643

Yeah this is one thing I don't get, he's basically saying "it's all pointless because you're going to die eventually".

>> No.12307674

You are the property of your government and every minute you spend not working will come to haunt you when your time comes. And your time will come. Retribution comes in the form of violence and you will know pain, fear and loss beyond your imagination.

>> No.12307696

>you're our slave
Just fuck off

>> No.12307820

Where my NEETs at

>> No.12307823

>it will make you less pathetic
It won't.

>> No.12307855

You don't get it because you don't realize we don't need to die.
If ML researchers worked on common codebases and freely shared their work we would all become immortal. We don't because governments and government owned companies have swallowed the next generation of ML with lucrative payments and fenced off their work and hardware from each other.
Instead of creating machines to solve any problem imaginable (and others that aren't) we are all being marched towards preventable slow creeping death.

>> No.12307922

>be me
>family bitching about me finding a job
>apply and get hired at grocery store
>first day
>manager tells me to go clean aisle from some juice knocked over
>start cleaning
>manager standing there watching me from down the aisle
>he comes over
>barks at me to "hurry up"
>tell him I dont need to listen to his faggot ass bark orders at me
>he stumbles over his speech
>I walk away
>never go back

I always heard this was how it is but didn't think it would be this bad. This cunt would never talk to a stranger like that. Power tripping faggot.

>> No.12308131

Actually the majority of "hobos" are employed by the goverment to act as hobos for the reasons you mentioned.

>> No.12308321

top kek

>> No.12308334

if it became widely acceptable to think like you we'd be living like niggers

>> No.12308350

Ftfy, wagie.

>> No.12308371

you already are living like niggers, you're a state sanctioned slave for brown people and immigrants. who cares though right? because at least you're not a "welfare leech" lmao, keep funding those immigrants, cuck

>> No.12308458
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>Throw me your best arguments on why I should work instead of NEETing /biz/. I'm ready.
>it will make you less pathetic
>It won't.

this sure is a heated debate bros!

>> No.12308502

You're the one coping, dumbass. It doesn't matter what you spend your life doing, but the foundation of our society depends on people coping and ignoring this fact.

>> No.12308755


>> No.12309045

Pussy. Cope all you want with anime porn but there is nothing better on this earth than blowing your load in a hot girls tight shaved pussy and you aren't getting any of that as a neet.

>> No.12309050

No pussy on this earth is tight enough to compare to my kung fu grip

>> No.12309051
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>Nothing is worth risk because nothing is worth failure. You've check-mated yourself due to other peoples irrational nurturing of you.

this is literally me

>> No.12309185

Honestly, we need to stop punishing each other as a society. Think about how much efficiency we lose because people can't just return to the work force. Sure, if someone is dangerous they should be removed from society, but it's stupid to punish neets. Jobs should be abundant enough that we can just walk in and out of them as we please. The tough love crowd is the real drain on society.