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12297613 No.12297613 [Reply] [Original]

no cocaine
no mdma
no speed
no alcohol
no zolpidem
no bromazepam
no lorazepam
no diazepam
no nicotine
no caffeine
no fap
no porn

>> No.12297645


>> No.12297666

All of these are great, but why no caffeine?

>> No.12297668

>he took the meme literally
idiot npc kys

>> No.12297680

Joining the Church of Later Day Saints?

>> No.12297682

raises cortisol, destroys deep sleep phases, fries cns longterm

overall junk drug, unless tea levels

>> No.12297683

Depp had the most JUST year

>> No.12297714

Coffee fucks you really bad and is addictive
In my case I want to leave weed and coffee.
I'll keep lsd for a while

>> No.12297728

As a someone who has abused drugs: coffee is the mildest stimulant

Even if abused like +20 cups a day it is nothing. It is nothing compared to even low dose habit of amphetamine which really can fuck you up.

Even withdrawals last only few days at max. I can understand teetotalism when it comes to cigarettes, alcohol, benzos, meth, weed etc. but coffee? Really now.

It is fucking nothing

>> No.12297735

You will always have heroin to comfort you

>> No.12297747


>Withdrawal occurs at dosages as low as 100 mg/day. That’s just one typical cup of coffee. One study (Field et al., 2003) even found that abstaining from just 41 mg/day for 30 hours decreased blood flow to some parts of the brain by 19-32%. The most common withdrawal symptoms are headache, fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness, drowsiness, decreased contentedness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and foggy/not clearheaded-ness. Withdrawal is much, much more common than most people think. Many people just assume legal drugs are perfectly safe and only associate withdrawal with illegal drugs, even though there is practically no relation between the toxicity and addictiveness of drugs and their legal status, but caffeine withdrawal is extremely common. In fact, many studies overestimated the positive effects of caffeine, because they didn’t exclude habitual caffeine consumers. This causes participants to be in withdrawal during the study and the so called positive effects of caffeine are then merely withdrawal reversal. If your training sessions are notably poorer without stimulants, you may very well be in withdrawal. Withdrawal also causes muscle stiffness and weakness. (Juliano & Griffiths, 2004).

>> No.12297762

cocaine atleast lets me sleep 4 hours later, caffeine 6 hour half life fucks me up the ass for the whole day

>> No.12297790

Why the fuck is the habit so piece of cake to kick off then?

I easlly drink +10 cups a day, some days 15 cups. I was year without drinking coffee, after 2-3 days of withdrawal and minor headaches, I was to my normal self. Absolutely nothing changed in my life after kicking off the habit: I kept a journal.

Sleep was perhaps 10-20% more deep than without coffee, I admit that.

Now when I think of my withdrawal from xanax: months of mental and physical anguish, constipation, 24/7 torture, as if some electrical current was put through my body, every day was a struggle, extreme weakness, mental fog, vomiting, heart palpilations.

Compare 100mg of amphetamine to 100mg of caffeine: that is how fucking weak stimulant caffeine is. That sort of dose amphetamine will keep you awake at least +24 hours, if not more, it will make you not only depressed, but also elevate your cortisol to unbelievable levels

Caffeine may be a stimulant but it is nothing compared to most hard drugs, absolutely nothing.

>> No.12297830

>Why the fuck is the habit so piece of cake to kick off then?
not true. 2nd most traded good right after oil because of a billion consumers, most of them addicts. caffeine withdrawal gives me skull splitting headaches and deep depression for 2 weeks

>Caffeine may be a stimulant but it is nothing compared to most hard drugs
true, still no net benefit from it. better to live without it.

>> No.12297834
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>calling people npc irl

>> No.12297853

>bumbed my thread twice for free on new years eve in a topic which is only relevant to me
thanks, i guess

>> No.12297856

any negative ramifications from magic mushrooms

>> No.12297871

If you have somewhat healthy nervous system and you are not prone to panic attacks, anxiety, kicking off coffee habit may do you more harm than good.

I do understand that it minorly raises your hearbeat, may raise your cortisol, but it is also relaxing activity to some people and it does have antioxidant properties. Same type of thing cannot be said of tobacco which is provably carinogenic.

It is not as if there is "Big Coffee" conspiracy like there is for "Big Tobacco"

If coffee would have same kind of serious side effects to mental, physical health than most drugs we would know it by now.

You should all "NO MEAT" to your stupid fucking shit list of things you are going to quit for 2019

I will be increasing my coffee intake starting tomorrow thinking of you

>> No.12297872

you run the possibility of going crazy. if you dont go crazy, you'll sound like a retard 60s baby boomer that did LSD too much

>> No.12297876

yes weed?
yes crypto?

>> No.12297883

>provably carinogenic

>> No.12297902

Diazepam? My grandma takes that
Also solid snake

>> No.12297938

>increase caffeine intake
you do you, but thats a low iq move.

>Heavy coffee drinkers may feel they are made alert by coffee, but the evidence suggests that this is just the reversal of the effects of acute caffeine withdrawal, which cause fatigue.

>The researchers say that given the increased risk of anxiety and raised blood pressure brought on by caffeine, there is no net benefit to be gained.

literally common sense.

>> No.12298025

Z the only way you're gonna last on this schedule is if we go to Thailand and I force you to get some momentum

You're gonna blow yourself out quitting too much at once, 99% chance

--your boy

>> No.12298045

My plans for new years eve tonight:
1) Snort heroin
2) watch charts

>> No.12298072

>You're gonna blow yourself out quitting too much at once, 99% chance
i have to fucking try and make it lad. i want to to to thailand with you later on as a made man and have fun.

have a good nye fren, greetings to j. currently drinking my final 166€ gaja wine bottle. with coke i was done 2 days ago.

>> No.12298086

no need for a new year to improve yourself it's always a weak ass faggot excuse for weak ass faggots to keep being a weak ass faggot forever

>> No.12298099

thats true, but i have some sort of retarded neurosis so this nye meme will hopefully help me. still a weak faggot as of today.

>> No.12298172

Maybe but I also want to do the bnuts 30 day fast and train Muay Thai

One day sir one day. Good luck

>> No.12298313

>NYE plans
>more coke
>more modadinil
>steady nonstop caffeine

>> No.12298379

Coffee will definitely increase your productivity but if you drink it everyday just like any other drug it will lose its effectiveness so what's the f****** point you dumb f****** idiot

>> No.12298383

LSD is okay though, right?

>> No.12298397

Only if you do it once every 3 months max>>12298383

>> No.12298405


>no caffeine


>> No.12298406
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Good luck faggot

>> No.12298413

>consuming caffeine
Holy shit being THIS much of a cuck...

>> No.12298419

ok maddox lol

>> No.12298426

right because dropping every single addiction you have at the same time will definitely work

>> No.12298431

please explain, incel

>> No.12298447

>he doesn’t see a therapist to discuss his control issues
Why don’t people realize it’s not the act of doing X but the reason as to why you’re doing all those things in the first place

>> No.12298453


>not enjoying a morning coffee

Imagine being such a smug cuck that thinks this is harming his body. What an ascended wizard you are. In reality you are probably a fedora tipping, socially awkward, hideous 56%er with the other 44% as your body fat percentage. KYS.

>> No.12298456

Nofap, no excuses.

>> No.12298458

As someone who has also abused drugs, mostly stimulants: you’re a retard. Try going off coffee for a week and let me know how that goes. You’ll get headaches, fatigue, muscle weakness. You go into withdrawal. You’re probably also underslept and you mask it away with caffeine which compounds other issues like mood regulation, impulse control, motivation, energy levels, etc. Caffeine, like alcohol, is a drug people love to do mental gymnastics over.

>> No.12298465

Idiot, if the reason lies in the past like horrible parenting or abuse you can't do anything than suppress the symptoms and lead a better life.

>> No.12298483

Solving the control issue does not make you magically not addicted.

>> No.12298538

mushrooms are very redpilled, but in a world like this, there is nothing more alienating than being redpilled

>> No.12298550

>caffeine slave getting defensive about his addiction

>> No.12298564

>gives me skull splitting headaches and deep depression for 2 weeks

Did you ever stop and realize you're just shitty genetic material? If you're not larping then this reaction to quitting coffee demonstrably proves how gay and weak you are.

>> No.12298632

>>caffeine nigger kike slave getting defensive about his addiction
shlomo back in the oven please

>> No.12299138

Good luck quitting the benzos desu

>> No.12299207
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but Alprazolam is accepted i see

>> No.12299350
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Meanwhile just took some phenibut, lyrica, diazepam and probably going out to drink some gin.

>> No.12299610


I've broken most of that already. Rip.

>> No.12299647

no pants

>> No.12299665



>> No.12299716
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Good for your health anon, but suddently you will face a very, very boring life. Accepting being bored out all the time is the key to be able to stop all this shit.

t. ex all this

>> No.12300314
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Based and redpilled

>> No.12300401


I think you should go full onions cuck. It's fitting to the new you. It's 2019.

>> No.12300414
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