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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12297201 No.12297201 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder our national debt will be a catastrophic problem by 2020

Now that interest rates are going up we have to pay a higher amount of interest to service our debt each year. With corporate taxes slashed our revenue is down while programs like Social Security are becoming more costly to maintain
Our debt increased by 1.3 trillion this year alone, it will most likely be at 25 trillion by 2020 at which point we will be paying $900 billion just on the interest.

Prepare for a monetary system reset

>> No.12297295

The degree to which almost everyone pretends this sword of damocles isn't there makes me wonder if technological soft mind control actually exists and is deployed.

>> No.12297298

bruh imagine thinking that valuing any debt in FIAT means anything lmfao its just made up vaporware

but ya we need a reset. the question is how much turmoil will happen during the transition

>> No.12297310


more like the education system doesnt teach anything about this shit. Nobody understands debt or the financial system

>> No.12297312

interests to god damn who? who has that amount of money to lend to us and why do they get to decide how much interest they charge?

>> No.12297340


rothschilds aka bankers that own all the central banks

>> No.12297353

and they don't have any money, they can just print it as they wish and make us debt slaves through usury

>> No.12297355

ez pz just say no we are not gonna pay for money created out of tin air lmao why are we even worried

>> No.12297369


Listen up
why not just like

Pardon all debt

>> No.12297381

I get it when it comes to Joe schmoe, but people who research and work with this stuff seem to also not really consider that the musical chairs of holding US debt has to end at some point. The entirety of wallstreet doesn't care.

Only indications I have seen is a decades long effort by China, Russia and a few other countries at reducing their usd and us debt exposure and going over to gold and a more mixed basket of currencies.

>> No.12297390


Yes but whos gonna be the one to do it? The law (which they helped craft) requires us to pay it back, and the government/justice system which upholds the law is controlled by these greedy jews.

>> No.12297427

Brainlet here, but is there anything keeping the government from issuing precious metal-backed money that would run parallel to fiat? Let's say that it could have silver pennies that citizens would buy and keep in safe deposit boxes as a hedge against inflation, and have increading denominations up to the trillion dollar iridium coin, which it would mint 25-30 of every year to pay off the debt, gibs for shitskins, and fund next year's tribute to Israel. Seigneurage coupled with the destruction of an equivalent amount of fiat (probably proportionately equivalent) could put us in the black in a single year.
So what am I missing? Why couldn't it actually work this way?

>> No.12297447



Buy bitcoin?

>> No.12297458

I really hate seeing posts like these and the general response is some blind sighted bullshit like hurrr debt is good or you cant run an economy without debt. Idiots.
It's we the people who will pay this through extreme inflation. Debt at this level is a major problem that cannot be resolved. The only solution to keep us from totally sinking is to keep consumer spending not just going but to increase it significantly each year. Consumer spending is showing signs of slowing rapidly.

I agree. Still hearing 'fundamentals are better than ever'. On the consumer side most people will lap up any extra debt they can gather. I think before any major killer crash we have one last round of dirty tactics by big companies and governments to keep this game of hot potato going.

>> No.12297460

I dont say this often but yikes. Get a job kid

>> No.12297472
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Default was always inevitable

>millennials are all socialist faggots and broke as fuck and barely pay taxes
>third world parasites increasing radically
>boomers want their pensions and healthcare

>> No.12297503
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One man already tried, his name was Adolf Hitler

>> No.12297509

>The only way to help a heroin addict is to increase its heroin intake significantly each year

>> No.12297538
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>> No.12297569

>let’s say that the government could have silver pennies that citizens would buy

They used to have a lot of silver and gold pennies lol. Then they decoupled. Now they don’t have anything left. That in itself is a pretty big part of the problem. So even if your plan would work, it would not be an option to begin with.

No one has accessed the fed reserve vault in decades

>> No.12297609

In a way yes. Taking away supply completely (cheap money) immediately would cause a complete break down. Taking the supply away (increase interest rates) is where this analogy ends. Fed fucks with rate hikes even a little and look at the panic it caused on wall street.

Killing the heroin addict with an oversupply is the only inevitable option. Keep his doses going higher and higher until the collapse or in this case, people literally cannot afford to borrow more.

>> No.12297615

They own most of silver and gold, and the 80% of world wealth.

They could crash your silver to 1$ and gold to 100$ and still be fine. Then buy it on the cheap and the inflate prices, rinse and repeat.