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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 837 KB, 1824x1096, Capture1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12291449 No.12291449 [Reply] [Original]

How do Chinese people have more money than what they earn?

I ask this because I married a Chinese woman, she studied overseas, and her family seems quite well off. Multiple properties in tier 1 city in China under her mom and herself, I walked outside of their flat, and it is advertise around easily $2 million USD for a flat.

My mother in law is quite demanding, and thinks us overseas guys or my parents have liquid money in hand easily.

My wife doesn't know how her mom earned her cash, and told me that her mom never took a loan before at all. This just doesn't make any sense to me at all.

I am overseas Chinese and born overseas. As I am about to take a mortgage for a house overseas, my mother in law doesn't like the amount of debt I have to carry, and as you can sense, she's quite proud of her achievements and all, and kind of want my parents to help out more with down payment and all, so it would be much less burden for myself. I think my parents would help but have a lot of capital tied in properties.

I have relatives that are Chinese and they do have pretty sweet gigs there, and each time I return, they ask me to bring $10k cash to give to relatives or people.

I am just curious, how do people have so much money when their salaries don't match up? e.g. Xi Jinping article in the attachment.

I know a few quite wealthy asian guys who studied overseas, more often than not, they do not know what their parents do. I mean, I know what my parents do and how they made their wealth, but these wealthy kids I ask, they are clueless.

>> No.12291457
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They get income from property.

>> No.12291462

seriously, why are there so many you guys type like op?

>> No.12291478

They are like boomers, they got in early when the economy started booming. This plus extended families help each other, unlike the west.

>> No.12291481

jesus fucking christ what is this incoherent rambling.

also whys every one of your sentences;

sounds like narcissism to me.

>> No.12291506

sorry didn't review my wording prior to submission. been a long day just got back here from China, and caught a flu on the plane or something from pajeets.

god damn so many pajeets flying out of China and almost everyone was caughing on the plane.

Not trying to show off or anything, I am just quite clueless, and my mother in law is quite demanding.

I like to type in first person so I use a lot of

makes sense, those properties are like rented out $2-3k usd a month. Just surprised according to my wife, they don't have any mortgage at all.

yup they bought in prime location over 10 years ago. surprised my wife even married me.

>> No.12291540

You will be sucessful. Buy Waves and sell just before the snapshot.

>> No.12291555

>I am just curious, how do people have so much money

Are you dumb? None of these people work for a salary, maybe they did when they're young. They own businesses and its the cashflow from those businesses that supports their lifestyle. You probably got very lucky with your wife

>> No.12291563
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They are all corrupt anon

That's why so many try to flee to the west because when big daddy Xi comes knockin' they're off to the firing squads

>> No.12291565

Guanxi (to the point of corruption)

>> No.12291577
File: 62 KB, 750x422, china marx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Xi is committed to Communism and only uses businesses to generate capital for the state. When they get too productive the businesses get seized.

>> No.12291594

>You probably got very lucky with your wife

With a mother in law like that, I doubt it. Quite controlling and demanding. Thing is we have a kid together, so can't go back.

If i said that to my wife, she would probably flip out. good thing this is all anon.

I've seen quite a few retail businesses struggling in China, from my point of view, owning businesses do not mean success.

Overseas, anybody can open a business, but turning a profit and making money is another story.

>> No.12291610

fuk the Chinese ppl

they buying up all the properties In Canada and driving prices up. they the reason I cant afford a place

>> No.12291615

Corruption + Face Culture. People can collect life debts from being party to something at the right time. When it happens in network, people just hand out to each other in perpetuity and it is nigh impossible to understand the motive/history behind any of it. The whole thing is crooked as fuck but nearly impossible to unravel and might cause loss of face for the persons unraveling and ending it.

We cannot understand this as westerners and think that it is retarded and naive in the same way that Chinese think that mercy is retarded and naive.

They do not earn it. It can be as simple as having done favours in 1980 for 5 people who went on to have party favour and give you 10% of their income each for the rest of their lives, which turns you into a millionaire by virtue of the donors.

Note that it is almost impossible to earn money on your own without owing for face due to individual exceptionalism also being an alien concept before collectivism.

You are welcome.

>> No.12291620
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>less than 5% of buyers
>buying up all the properties In Canada

>> No.12291622

im tired of seeing these rich Chinese kids driving around with their Lambos and Bentleys

>> No.12291624

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.12291628


>> No.12291631

>not Canadian citizens or permanent residents
So every Chinese person with citizenship or permanent residency isn't showing up on this.

>> No.12291633

Nobody cares you white faggot. You sold yourselves out and we took over as the productive species. This is what you get for being a lazy weed smoking fag

>> No.12291639

Oh so the problem is Chinese people in Canada in general? lol so butthurt that your government cannot even organize housing for its own people.

>> No.12291644

Wow this would probably sting if I still lived in China and not Boston, round eye incel

>> No.12291650

He's just mad because he voted to have his industry and productivity outsourced and didn't realize that you cannot buy Lamborghinis on welfare. It's called buyer's remorse but who cares white faggots are on their way out

>> No.12291651

Chinese banks will literally create money out of think air and give it out to stimulate the economy, something like $40 trillion since 2008. Now there is tons of malinvestment and a massive property bubble but the government doesn't care as long as unemployment is low to keep the peasants from rioting, if your relatives are well connected they probably just got free money for nothing.

>> No.12291653

I think Canadian cities are still affordable compared to Tier 1 Cities in China.

Canadian cities have options to buy small size places or small bachelors which is surprisingly quite affordable. If you want to buy your own house with land in prime location in Vancouver or Toronto, good luck.

>> No.12291655

Government corruption

>> No.12291659

Actually my dad owns a lucrative PCB production facility and he now owns restaurants, bars, and real estate all over Boston and Toronto. We are just better at making money than you, deal with it.

>> No.12291668

Sorry Chang my white cock has been in more Chinese pussy than yours, stay mad, Chinese women love the big white cock:

>> No.12291669

Honestly you sound as dumb as that faggot though. The reality is - its a dog eat dog world out there. You need to work better and faster than the guy out there or he'll have your lunch. Thats globalization for you.

>> No.12291672
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>literally muh dick

>> No.12291673

So, we're degenerating to "Muh dik" arguments now?

>> No.12291674
File: 1.71 MB, 500x240, OTnXHkG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Asian male in the west it's already over for you, you seem smart so you probably already know the Asian women racemixing statistics

>> No.12291683

Does absolutely nothing for me. You sure you posted the right pasta?

>> No.12291684

China is basically a neoliberal-fascists distopia.
Basically the only thing that matters there is making money and doing it in a way that can't ruin the government reputation.
This means that you can make money easily by selling shitty products to people outside or inside the country, as long as the shitty products break down long after you sold them.
Rinse and repeat for maximum profits. Nobody cares if you do damages, con people, etc as long as you preserve China's face (so, no selling too much glue instead of milk to westerners).
Also consider that the chinese bought a lot of politicians in europe/america, in order to get a lot of free money and privileges on western markets. For example di you notice how low shipping costs from china are? That's because they are subsized by western governments (see US postal service/china agreements).

In the end China has been a great place to make serious money, as long as you don't care about human life or your health.

>> No.12291687

Unironically this.

OP it’s called globalization, WTO, and a country controlling its currency. If it were not for the boomer generation, all that capital would have been circulating in the US. Hence higher standard of income and wealth in the US
>Ah and shut the fuk up, faggots “go back to /pol/“
Our economy is shit where we hardly manufacture shit, compared to 20-30 years ago. Try competing in the manufacturing side, follow the labor/environment laws, and still get priced out by cheap 99c Chinese’s imported products.
>but if we don’t distribute wealth around the world, poverty will cause wars
Fucking boomers

>> No.12291689

Lol I have never seen a Chinese woman with a white guy except for impoverished divorced used goods back in the home country. Here in Boston we see fat Irish drunk trash try to talk to our girls and they just look at the ground because they don't want to fraternize with broke peasants. But keep LARPing while we basically conquer your urban areas and turn them into Chinese colonies, cracker fag

>> No.12291691

Only Chinese people are capable of being upper class without having any class.
100% would be a LARP if you were claiming to be white now I'm only 80% sure.

>> No.12291701

My girlfriend is Chinese dumb ass and she's also a medical student. Also that's another funny thing 95 percent of Boston's medical students are get this, Chinese. Auahahahahaha no wonder you white faggots cannot cope. We are literally destroying you in every facet of society. Academia, science, industry, real estate. I would be mad too. But don't blame us, blame yourselves for being inferior

>> No.12291707

fuk Chinese ppl now taking over 4chan too it seems

>> No.12291714

Only white loser faggots care about modesty because it hurts their feelings when they see someone more successful than they are

>> No.12291719

This sounds like cope man
>ibf caring about "muh womens"

>> No.12291720
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I'm not even white retard I'm Sikh masterrace, 6'6" tall massive frame and 10" thick wrists with hairy as fuck hands descended from the warrior caste I could crush your skull easily. Indians dominate US household income, high tier careers, and completely own silicon valley, meanwhile Chinese cucks hit the bamboo ceiling because they are socially retarded incels and half of your women are dating whites. Sikhs were elite warrior caste in the British empire because of pure merit and bravery, meanwhile your ancestors were hitting the opium pipe lmao. It's already over for china with your pathetic birthrates and incel culture, the next Japan + pollution

>> No.12291721

ofc ur taking over retard, there's fucking billions of you slit-eyes.

>> No.12291726

Haha, obviously not when people aren't outraged on a personal level at Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. You on the other hand are a cunt and you will always be a cunt, and you better hope you don't piss off the wrong guy IRL some day. Hopefully you find Jesus before then. God bless.

>> No.12291727

Not to mention ain't all the banks in China state-owned? So making money out of thin air sounds about right, and I don't think anybody can do anything about it.

>> No.12291728

>t.scam artist
How and why are pajeets so good at scamming people desu?

>> No.12291729

Yeah us Chinese men actually care about racial hygiene. You're just projecting your white cuck ideology on me as if it's relevant or I'll sympathize. Fact of the matter is most races don't let their women get fucked by niggers and Mexicans, that's just an exclusive trait reserved for European trash

Nice LARP, whitey. Indians wouldn't give a shit about what I'm saying to reply because they're too busy keeping the United States and Canada functioning along with East Asian immigrants. So kill yourself, Mike Smith

>> No.12291730
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>chinese people save their money and work together to build wealth
>amerifats/canadians leave home at 18 and end up spending their 20s doing shitty jobs for minimum wage and paying $900/month to sleep in pic related in of the chinese owned properties

And american/canadian wonders why they keep losing out?

>> No.12291736
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>> No.12291748

North America and Western Europe have no culture. They're just consumer individualists who only give a shit about doing drugs, partying, sex, and defending Africans, Arabs, and Mexicans from the problems that they the white people created. Their priorities are fucked and it's honestly hilarious. It's a bull market for Asians immigrating to Australia, Europe, US, and Canada. It's like being a professional level athlete with no disabilities participating in the special Olympics and the prize is to dominate Western Civilization

>> No.12291749

Large amounts of property investment in CBDs and major cities especially in Australia and Canada.

>> No.12291751

So you haven't actually read any of my posts and you can't sort by id. For someone caring so much about accomplishments of "muh race" your reading comprehension is dog shit tier.

As for do high end and wealthy Chinese women marry whites? Absolutely and if you think it ain't so you're in denial. There are 1M Chinese women married to central African niggers back in China. Clear your head and wake the fuck up.

>> No.12291752

>For example di you notice how low shipping costs from china are? That's because they are subsized by western governments (see US postal service/china agreements).

are you referring that it cost way more to ship shit from western to China, rather than China to western countries?

Yes I noticed it, plus China charges you taxes as well. I tried shipping something that was a few kg to China, and it cost like over $100, I was like wtf.

>> No.12291760

"Xi is committed to communism"

Nah they just apply whatever is useful. Idk what modern china is but it defo isn't commie

>> No.12291767

1 million divorced desperate gold diggers and 1 million is barely a percentage of my homelands population. They fuck niggers because Chinese men do not want divorced women.

>Muh white on azn marriage

You're talking about southeast Asia flip trash that desperate white virgins settle for. Chinese and Korean women do not date white men because white men are mostly broke fat idiots living in suburban trash neighborhoods whining about minorities taking their jobs

>> No.12291776

Jokes on you, I moved to China to work in a factory.

>> No.12291778

Wow congrats dumb ass that's all you white people are good for anyways

>> No.12291784

I wouldn't say we're dominating the academia scene, only in fields where it requires strict rote learning (i.e law, med, quant)

When it comes to something like pure math or CS the asian demographic is probably in the minority

>> No.12291793

Angry post but Indians are great people. They might even win a war against China.

>> No.12291799

Chinese people are great but you have issues.

>> No.12291801

CS is actually filled with asians nowadays. Indians and Chinese. It's more like half and half and in a lot of cases more asian than white.

>> No.12291809


Chinese girls dating/marrying white guys:

I mainly see Chinese girls that are on the poorer side, divorce, or generally more ugly Chinese girls will marry or date white guys.

And I see white guys usually think all Asian girls are hot regardless if they are perceived as ugly by Asian standards.

White girls dating Asian guys, I've seen white girls dating Asian guys, but those Asian guys are like drug dealers or super highly successful or have a lot of wealth. It's super rare to see a hot white girl dating an Asian dude to be honest.

I consider myself to be an above average Asian dude, and there are some white-washed hot white girls that are into Asian guys. They usually into pokemon and japanese culture and shit.

I had a halfer black chick asked me out one time, and a fully body tattooed white chick ask me indirectly to go out for drink. Lets just say, not my type of girls.

Sad part is, the Asian guys that aren't dominant can't get girls, I hang out with a bunch of Asian guys time to time, and they are all single guys hanging out at bars watching UFC and watching sports, it's quite sad to be honest. A few white guys join us. I am just there time to time to watch sports only.

I have no fucking clue why those guys are single, they tall, decent job, but just no flare at all and boring ass personality.

>> No.12291820

We all die alone with nothing. You need to rethink your attitude.

>> No.12291844

Government airdrop.

>> No.12291853

Man you're fucking try too hard man, are you some paid Chinese propaganda shill or some shit.

>> No.12291857
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Sooo much butthurt ITT

>> No.12291858

Have the bear point to where Tone Vays touched you son, don't be scared, you are safe here.

>> No.12291871

>nonwhites arguing which brand of nonwhite is better as they all desperately try to live in white countries
wtf is this thread even

>> No.12291874

Sounds like CZ. Did you lose your Bitcoin shorts?

>> No.12291888

It's one angry chinese man yelling at whites.

>> No.12291900
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>> No.12291909

Chingchong chinadog chinks don't have a creative bone in their bodies. What new tech or development has purely originated in China? Sure, they take new stuff from the west and improve on it, but they never invent shit purely themselves

>> No.12291923
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And the US "stole" tech from the nazis afte WW2. That's how progress works. Ideas get transferred from the dying empires and renewed by rising powers.

>> No.12291927

Chinese were once creative people though. They created ink, paper, crossbows, and couple of other shit.

>> No.12291933

china has been a developing nation until most recent years. once they become first world, they will invent shit

>> No.12291937

Yea steve jobs and apple stole the iphone from the nazis lmao.
Yeah they were, but now not for thousands/hundreds of years.

>> No.12291958

because they have been a developing nation you retard. notice how all "great" inventions throughout the entirety of history have almost always come from the most powerful and prosperous empires?

to say that chinese people aren't creative simply because they are chinks is retarded. especially since almost every IQ study puts chinks several points above western IQ's. Once they become a first world nation they will invent as much shit as US, Germans, UK etc.

back to /pol/ you go

>> No.12291974

Iphone wasn't actually new tech. Microsoft and Bill Gates presented a touchscreen phone first but didn't catch on because the timing wasn't right. People steal ideas from each other all the time, it's how it works. From some art class I took as an elective back then the teacher said some shit along the lines of "good artists copy, great artists steal."

>> No.12291976

Squinty eyed chinks have discovered 4chan and are posting here as part of their disinfo campaign.

Remember, chunks think that everyone in the world studies the "Warring States Period" and have no clue that most westerners don't give a rats ass about their stinky cannabilism history (literal cannabilism is glorified repeatedly).

Chink history says that there can only be one hegemon and it is good to lie, steal, eat babies, etc as long as you win the "Mandate of heaven." One of their "great" queens ate her baby and is still considered great because she got the "Mandate of Heaven."

Chunks believe that westerners are using Chunk tactics. They cannot understand that western history is different and that westerners believe that deceit is for your enemies not your friends. They have no concept of friend and enemy like westerners do, just two "allies" trying to take advantage if each other.

Never do business in China. Ever. For any reason unless it's to scam chunks. They view business deals as a way to scan and believe that is what westerners doing.

Speaking from both personal experience and years of east Asian studies. Oh and all other east Asian countries know this about China because they've been dealing with it for a thousand years of genocide, enslavement, and tribute.

>> No.12291985

Shut the fuck up gook.

>> No.12291992

I created peanut butter.

>> No.12291997


They're not used to disgusting chink air that you guys are in harmony with.

>> No.12292012

Creativity and IQ are not the same, neither are intelligence/memorization.

You assume countries tested are homogenous.

>> No.12292014
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, naruto moegi3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but we're more creative than China
loool massive cope

>> No.12292018

Creative rebuttal /s

>> No.12292019


Pajeet air is even worst than chinese air.

>> No.12292026

>ITT chinks who love BBC mad
Not our fault you guys come to africa sending your women now

>> No.12292030


It's funny you use that picture, because chinks lack the ability to create a single relevant cultural creation for the world despite being the second largest country. Truly speaks to their inability to be creative.

Bottom of the barrel Japanese anime is more culturally valued than anything chinks have attempted to make (and they've attempted a lot)

>> No.12292033

>Even worst

Spotted the chink.

Have you ever compared smog in a Chinese city to an Indian one? India is much better.

>> No.12292037

So smart they still communicate with pictographs.

Anyway, I'm not sure why you are so angry. Chinese people are great, no need to ramp up drama unless you are sliding a thread.

>> No.12292047

If her mom isn't able to tell how she earned her money, then it's probably from illegal activities. I highly doubt your wife doesn't know. It's like the wife of the husband hustling drugs telling the FBI agent that she doesn't know what her husband does for a living.

>This plus extended families help each other

Most of my extended family might as well be strangers. I had never gotten any help from them.

>> No.12292050
File: 47 KB, 750x363, boruto 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese anime (including Boruto) is often drawn by Chinese animators now.

>> No.12292067


Yes, it's outsourced to gooks and chinks to save costs. Also why the animation is never the highlight.

But you missed my point, as expected. Who's directing? Who's writing the script? What LANGUAGE is being spoken?

You probably don't know how Chinese sounds to outsiders right? It sounds like harsh incomprehensible apeman gibberish. Japanese on the other hand, beautiful.

>> No.12292106
File: 7 KB, 240x232, 1520846570118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh dik *scratch scratch* muh dik *shuffle shuffle* muh dik muh dik muh dik muh dik muh dik

>> No.12292302
File: 217 KB, 314x454, 1527273796394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fetishizing Asian women

>> No.12292359

>be chinese
>literally haven’t created or innovated anything meaningful in decades
>copy successful products and with inferior materials make profit

Just copy shit if you wanna be a ruch chinaman

>> No.12292394

Based on the chinese people i talk to here that are open with me:
its all corruption.

I know some chinese people that are actually pissed at how rich their family back in China is getting.

>> No.12293036

lmao, pretty good

>> No.12293052

I'm not even into asian chicks but seeing that it makes you cunts mad, I'm going to go out and ruin a bunch of them with 10/10 nordic semen.

>> No.12293061
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>the next Japan + pollution

>> No.12293229

in the US it depends largely on your IQ anon. hint, IQ 80 folks are never improving gheor lot in life unless they become a successful rapper
>he didn't know this

>> No.12293250

the world is trying to watch what china is doing but fail to realize its me they should watch.

>> No.12293993

True. But unless you belong to a wealthy Asian family, they are making your life tougher using age-old tactics of protectionism and discrimination. Asians should reverse immigrate to their own countries and contribute to respective economies making it more habitable.

>> No.12294553

Bring on the fucking yellow vests you globists !!!
All the west has to do is turn the tap off from China and China will fuck it self in a small matter of time !!! Turn the tap off to China and trade with India and other countries!!! Who’ cares

>> No.12294556

I've been watching you longer than you can imagine.

>> No.12294617

>lolbertarian who doesn't understand quantitative easing detected
Don't you have a peter schiff podcast to watch or something? The adults are speaking here.

>> No.12294650

Asians save money and help family members out big fucking suprise and marrying a fucking chink is just a bad investment you retard.

>> No.12294669

you really think it's not the Chinese?

literally advertising on billboards there about buying Canadian properties. empty condos in Vancouver and Toronto

most of it is literally:
>send kids to live or study in Canada
>they become PR or citizens and buy condos with their parents money
>or get family member already living there to buy a place for them

everyone i know that owns a condo in downtown toronto is chinese, with parents that live in HK that paid for their place

>> No.12294699

You are literally proving the point. The chinese do the animation, as they are told. They dont CREATE anything, they juat do the technical work afterwards. I'm not saying they are stupid, but they aren't creative.

>> No.12294758

Substitute white with black, and Chinese with white

>> No.12294803

They had the Boomer opportunity combined with an average IQ above America's 75

>> No.12294824

U is Kangz? Don't forget your kweenz helped NASA send man to space

>> No.12294840

India is literally shitting in their streets

>> No.12294845

I hate being american so much, it's god damned brazil tier. why does everyone else have nice things and we can't? america used to be a great place. what the fuck happened to everything?

>> No.12294857

Lmao cing chongs still mad they worship BBC ITT, mongoloids.

>> No.12295007

Irish guy here. I understand the cronyism and corruption fine, but the bit about being rich is weird.

>> No.12295062

That's a lot of word to say you're a stinky pajeet.

>> No.12295068

Take the China pill, Anons:


>> No.12295081

starts at 16:16

>> No.12295113


Brought to you by (((Emmanuel Celler))) goy.

>> No.12295240

poo in it.

>> No.12295262


>> No.12295286

>moves to America
>China stronk
I don’t even know where to start

>> No.12295743

China hustle unironically

>> No.12295796

simple corruption and nepotism. similar to us balkan bros.

i love chinese mentality. rude, loud, after money, drink alot, smoke alot and love the family.

when i was in beijing i felt just like i was home in balkan, kek.

>> No.12295841

>each time I return, they ask me to bring $10k cash to give to relatives or people.
You are being Chinese hustled.

>> No.12295852

What a literal forced meme communism is !

>> No.12295889
File: 39 KB, 287x360, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol no, the reason you cant afford a place is because you are 26 years old and smoke weed all day, everyday, dont have a job and you live with your parents still you little pussy bitch lmao blaming chinese ppl because you are a little lazy anime watching bitch virgin

>> No.12295921


>> No.12295980

Do you have these billboards available to show us?

>> No.12296000

Most wealthy asian people were living in cities at the time of rent/land reform. A ton of apartments were privatized and handed over to their residents at subsidized prices, and then sold as real estate prices skyrocketed in the coming decades. This urban generation is where most of China's investors come from.

>> No.12296012

based poo
Chinks have been cucked for thousands of years and are just bugmen with no identity left
Pajeets at least have their culture still.

>> No.12296045

>Pajeets at least have their culture still
Ahh yes, shitting in the streets.

>> No.12296058


Based and sikhpilled.

>> No.12296070

>fetishizing asian women produces hapa boipussy
it's a win-win.

>> No.12296183
File: 322 KB, 1503x1181, Genghis_Enters_Beijing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Indians don't complain about the Bamboo ceiling because they own google and Microsoft and shit.

Chinese just aren't strong leaders for whatever reason. Chinese history is subservience to martial races. They take care of the paperwork and administration and wait for the next invader to take over.

>> No.12296215

>Most wealthy asian people were living in cities at the time of rent/land reform.

Which period are you talking about? If you're talking Deng Xiaoping's reforms, then the existing wealthy people in that period must have been officials of the communist party who stole all of their wealth from the people they had purged.

>> No.12296221

No idea.

My wife is Chinese, and her parents own 2 four bedroom flats, and buying us one in Chongqing

>> No.12296232

Based chink

>> No.12296291
File: 118 KB, 620x349, hong-kong-ad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have a billboard picture, but have read claims of people seeing billboards

but there are definitely ads in China, advertising expensive real estate in the downtown Toronto core


>> No.12296384


>India is much better

Spotted the pajeet.

Yeah, India's so much better right?


I'm not surprised you think India is better, the smell of shit on your streets is distracting you from all the smog and pollution around you. Do the needful and jump in the Ganges.

>> No.12296422

Overwatch unironically gave me chink fever. I love that accent.

>> No.12296573

This was the late 80s and 90s, so no, this was largely after Deng Xiaoping's reforms.

Before the economic reforms, however, communist party officials weren't very wealthy anyways, economic inequality was quite small in Mao's china and you were probably more at risk of being purged as a senior member of the communist party than anyone else. Ironically, communist party members now are actually plutocrats, and they regularly invite in billionaires to stave off capitalist political organizing.

>> No.12296591

Isn't that the point of the social credit system? To keep capitalists under control and to passively punish anti-social behavior?

>> No.12296627

Everything the chinese communist party does is designed to maintain control, and stave off threats from all social groups whether capitalists or workers or students or farmers or Muslims or Catholics. Out of all these threats, the one from students and workers is the most pressing at the moment, wild cat strikes are increasing, so is marxist student organizing. These threats challenge the very legitimacy of the communist party as the representative of Chinese workers and intellectuals.

>> No.12296633

The amount of angry chinks in this thread.
>buh we smart, we live with parent until 23 to buy home with good job we got
>we supereor because we get good job with our high IQ
>women love our big money
Chinks literally cannot find women to marry because they are so butt fuck ugly and small, they cheat on tests and the GaoKao so much that US colleges don't let students pass tests in China, mommy and daddy pay for your fucking mortgage because you're too much of a child to deal with it yourself, you have a popular saying that literally says it's moral to scam, you worship a bunch of dictators that killed millions of citizens because of "muh steel" and yet you come here trying to taunt us on some subsaharan sand grain carving forum. Keep importing western engineers, stealing blueprints and patting yourself on the back because that's you'll ever do for another century. Taiwan number 1, insects.

>> No.12296657

>Hurrr your family helps you with your future that makes you lame
It also makes me a home owner. Deal with it.

>> No.12296664

Chinks owe white people for their very existence. The only reason you slant eyed demons have any capital now is that the West allowed you into the WTO in 2001 to turn your backwater shithole nation into the world's export machine since all you're good at is low skill repetitive labor. Chinks are the largest scale cheaters on the face of the earth when you look deeper into their higher education stats. You're also soulless insect people that have no regard for you fellow man. You're the niggers of Asia

>> No.12296680

Forgot to mention your entire economy is propped up by debt, both official and sloshing around your fucked up shadow banking system. Go google the shantytown redevelopment project and try and wrap your head around the fact that chinks are juicing their economic output figures by lending money to redevelop third and fourth-tier cities that no one wants to live in in the first place, leading to cities that look nice but are literally 50% vacant. Your entire economy is propped up on debt and when it eventually rolls over you're going to take the rest of the world with it

>> No.12296690

chinese "investors" dried up about a year or 2 ago in northern GTA. richmondhill, markham. for the last 4-5 years, its been mostly persians/chinese and few koreans buying houses/properties anywhere from 1-3mill. those buyers are gone, and the boomers are still trying to sell for the ath. its actully said if you look at realtor.ca

>> No.12296702


Taiwan is unironically actually worth something to the grander world. They have a culture. They value more than the material.

All China does is erode the planet with plastic garbage and insect people. You think China is safe, don't you? Just watch what happens when the few non-bug Chinese actually do something about such a meager existence. The house of cards collapses.

>> No.12296705

My whole point is that you're a narcissitic stain and you can't see how little you do for how much you get. I respect much more chinese factory workers and farmers than I would ever respect the middle class in China. They are the most arrogant self-centered people on this planet. This whole thread just proves it.

>> No.12296726

I almost forgot, Taiwan numbar 1, filthy laowais know about your conneries now.

>> No.12296741

You know what really says it all about the absolute state of China? Despite being the second largest economy in the world, nobody actually respects or likes them, except superficially when dealing in business.

Contrast that with a country like Japan (culture and innovation), Germany (innovation), and America (Former land of free values and tremendous innovation).

Nobody likes China, and let's be honest, it's the fault of the Chinese people. The only thing they care about is money, and that'll be their downfall.

>> No.12296765

t. Amerimutt
Plenty of non-american nations like China. You are the problem here.

>> No.12296881

LMFAOOO. And JEWMERICA doesn't care about money?

>> No.12296923
File: 21 KB, 311x917, FT_17.08.11_china_us_russia_table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hrm, it's a lot closer than you think.

33-country median
Favorable view of...
US 50
China 48
Russia 35

>> No.12297195

Holy shit this chink just got annihilated.

>> No.12297269

> Booomers being the greater fools trying to shill their bags.
day ot the nursing home coming

>> No.12297422


If you're so awesome how come you're jumping over yourselves to come to the western countries?

>> No.12297465

free gibs =)

>> No.12297489

So your homelands are shit holes filled with actual living turds who you hope to escape from but are somehow thinking you are better

>> No.12297537

nah dude, they like their nation of origin, it's just that western countries have free gibs so it's worthwhile to move there to get that advantage.

>> No.12297591

>Free gibs
East Asians pay their own way. That's why universities love them.

>> No.12297622

lol their homeland is just a fucking shithole house of cards. what do you think's gna happen when people eventually get fed up of the social credit system? this shit is done. the whole country's gna collapse after the government doubles down, because we all know they will. its in their nature.

>> No.12297646

>"This will be the end for China" says increasingly nervous amerifat for the millionth time since the 1970s

>> No.12297678

nah dude, you don't even know if Chinese citizens will like or dislike the social credit system. you're making a typical problem that westerners have with what China actually is. you apply ideas and morals of your own liking and think that those ideas are universal values.

>> No.12297768


skimmed the thread and it was full of garbage, let me explain it:

interest free loans from communist party - > property - > income from property-> loans paid - > give money to kids so they never enter debt

chinese communist party created a generation of nobility by funding massive property purchases, and all they require is loyalty and the occasional glance the other direction when corrupt activities happen

the biggest part is that the wealthy parents invest in their children and set them up for life

it used to be this way in the USA (parents would help kids buy first home, etc), but the boomers decided that doing lots of drugs and fucking around in dead end jobs for 20 years was more important than creating personal empires

>> No.12297796
File: 290 KB, 1600x1043, CLeAixY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North America and Western Europe have no culture.
Implying what, that South America has better culture? Or Eastern Europe, or perhaps the Pajeets and Chinks? Yeah I don't think so, been to all of them and I can tell you they don't.

>They're just consumer individualists who only give a shit about doing drugs, partying, sex, and defending Africans, Arabs, and Mexicans from the problems that they the white people created
This isn't a lack of culture, this IS our culture. We live amongst so much excess and abundance that we can pretty much fuck around all day and pretend to worry about other peoples' problems. It's pretty great desu, sorry you're unable to comprehend that from whatever Pooristan you're from.

>> No.12297845

>North America and Western Europe have no culture.
Those two areas have defined the word "culture" for 3 thousand years, and continue to do so. Maybe I'd take your opinion more seriously if you weren't expressing it on a fucking English language website lol.

>> No.12297951

Leveraged acquisition is what they call it, basically as the property price bubbles upwards you can loan against the equity to purchase more property since the extra value is essentially "free" money propped by loose monetary policy you can get away with it until property prices collapse.

See every housing crisis ever.

>> No.12298085

ofc i cant stop but react as an american. nonetheless, you think even chinks can live through this shit? nahh it'll implode no doubt. it'll start to be used for nefarious purposes i.e. corruption and this is when it's all going to start (when people get thrown under the bus-- they react accordingly). you cant silence everything

>> No.12298124

>>you think even chinks can live through this shit?
yeah i do think they will tolerate it and even approve of it. you need to understand that China has a different value structure and views. there are many perspectives on social issues. you need to stop thinking of it in absolute terms.

>> No.12298127

Nepotism and corruption.

>> No.12298132

Aaand you're doxxed. Good luck with the wife when I send this thread >>12291668
to her you chink fuck.

>> No.12298692

Bump. Give us the deets.