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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12287864 No.12287864 [Reply] [Original]

>applied to 34 (thirty four) jobs since christmas eve
>all jobs the same/similar to what I'm doing now and that I'm qualified and experienced enough to do
>only one response so far

Is this what job hunting is like in the modern world? Am I going to make it?

>> No.12287874

bet you were one of those smug faggots on /biz/ before

>lmao bro how can you not find a job its so easy
>just apply and call them
>dude its so easy just find a job
>bro youre just not experienced just find a job

>> No.12287885

Wait some time dude. HR people go home for Christmas. You should too :)

>> No.12287889

We will be in another recession before 2019 ends. cap this post.

>> No.12287897

System is fucked up. The core reason is hiring managers and companies are not willing to test meritocracy. Instead they are looking for elite universities in resume and how that resume surfaced through “trusted” or pre-vetted channels. You are expected to be “warmed up” by some insider as if you are pitching to a VC firm. WTF!!!

Starting a business / algo trading / niche blogging will give you better mileage compared to the drama described above.

>> No.12287902

>send 1 application
>get the job within 2 weeks
I live in Krautland and supposedly we're much worse off than burgers but I never had a problem finding jobs.
It's super easy. Maybe I'm just good (or at least better than the average scum).

>> No.12287912

Ya j spied for probably 50 jobs in past 4 months, I o l apply for jobs thtabpay more than 18 per hour though which is a little more than I make now. I got one job interview 3 months ago and they still haven't got back to me.

>> No.12287913

No, America is shit. It's a meme that we are so great, we are 3rd world tier now. Even some anon from Poland said similar to you in regards to finding work.

>> No.12287953

i feel your pain bros... you are the unfourtunate victims of politics not taking care about the ubi untill its too late. its not your fault at all. there are simply not enough "easy" jobs to go around anymore and the situation will only get worse in the next few years.

My advice:
- scale down spending as much as possible
- start earning pasiv income
- wait and relax

>> No.12287957

That's because germany has a severe labor shortage. That's why they are importing so many immigrants because the german demography is dying.

>> No.12287967

imagine supporting a system where you ethnically replace a group of people for a "labor shortage"

>> No.12287980

Are you editing your resume to get through the HR filters? You need to match at least half of the "keywords" HR uses to screen resumes. If the job asks for "analysis" and, you need to have "analysis" somewhere in your resume, word for word. Else, your resume goes into the trash heap.

HR doesn't know jack shit about the jobs they're hiring for. They either use a robot to filter for keywords or they manually filter resumes based on what "sounds" good. If your resume has all the "keywords" you have in there, then you have a good chance of getting a call back and speaking with the actual hiring manager.

>> No.12287990

I don't have the time to do that shit and I'm not interested in any job where HR plays any part in the hiring process, if I turn up to an interview and any members of HR are present I walk out the door.

>> No.12288015

>start earning pasiv income
You need capital for passive income..

>> No.12288019


>> No.12288021
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I already make $150k working full time at my current job and I just picked up another side job. If a black man like me can get 2 jobs, you should be able to get one. Quit slacking, man.

>> No.12288035

everyone is on bacatiom. people dont hire during 4q anyways

>> No.12288052
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capitalism needs to go desu

>> No.12288053

if you have no captial at all you a literally fucked i am sorry. one more thing you could do is go begging (unironically) i know hobos make around 500 - 100$ a day - invest that in pasiv income.

>> No.12288064

50 - 100 of course

>> No.12288071
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>if I turn up to an interview and any members of HR are present I walk out the door.

>> No.12288077

Of course hiring is going on now. Gotta be ready for when all the college kids go back to school. I just hired someone and am in the process of adding on another.

>> No.12288078

Let's say I am able to save around 1500-2000 dollars a month, how would you invest that money?

>> No.12288086

>germany has a severe labor shortage
Imagine actually believing this

>> No.12288102

Welcome to the last 10 years. Where have you been? Did you think you can just walk inside the office, give a smile and firm handshake, and ask for a job?

>> No.12288118

there are thousnads of ways to earn pasiv income you have to inform yourself what fits you. without decent information, you wont.

one good thing over the years has been investing in dividend paying stocks that have been paying riseing dividend for more then 25 years. this is very long term tho.

short term it doesnt realy matter. you could buy a fucking garage for 12000k and rent it for 50 - 80$ that would be pasiv income. there is no right and wrong answer here whatever works for you. do your homework and you will find something.

but the scale down part is very important too dont forget that. if you are able to safe 1.5k a month for the rest of your life and invest it in the aformentioned stocks you will have no problem ever.

>> No.12288141

How does VTSAX sound?

>> No.12288148

then you may as well give up now
either accept reality or start your own business

>> No.12288164

i will never tell anyone what stock to invest in

you have to do your own research. if you dont know how there are several great courses out there that dont cost alot of money - you could probably even find one for free. look for "investing in dividend paying stocks" and dont just listen to one guy, never.

>> No.12288172

Why? It just means he has to apply for small companies that won't have HR.

>> No.12288198

Just apply for any wage cuck job. They all pay 5x more than china so who cares what you do.

>> No.12288241

oh one more thing befor you invest anything save 6 months worth of cash to pay your minimal expenses.

>> No.12288349

1/34 response rate is pretty average bro

>> No.12288486

12/12 responce last time i looked for job. Let me tell you something. Its all about your CV (resume). Take the time to really polish the last detail. Dont brag about bullshit achievments and diplomas (nobody really cares) and most important thing - attach a picture! They cannot demand it but literally nobody is going to respond without a picture.

>> No.12288512
File: 29 KB, 710x330, Screen Shot 2018-12-30 at 6.19.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level pleb. either no response or a rejection for everything in the past week.

>just major in STEM they said

>> No.12288545


Too bad living costs 10x more than china.

>> No.12288554

just go on linkedin and if you have skills that are in demand you will get spammed, I had to close my account from all the recruiters annoying me, though I do work in IT so it may be different in other fields.

>> No.12288570

t. Nigerian pharmacist anon
You moron being nigger in the US is turbo easy mode for getting a job. Just be black.

>> No.12288603

Are you in the US anon? If so you can use the fact that companies are looking to hire minorities to your advantage, claim on your application that you are part Indian or some other protected minority and you will get in, it's not like they genetically test for it and Elizabeth Warren has shown that you don't get punished for lying so use the system to your advantage.

>> No.12288711

I'm in the UK.

>> No.12288755
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>applied to 0 jobs since years
>still comfy neet so far

did i made it frens?

>> No.12288784

haha how did you know I'm of Nigerian descent?
You're only half-right though. Being black may be great for advancing in high-paying positions but it's shit for getting entry-level jobs.

>> No.12288797

People are on vacation. Wait for the holidays to be over before you give up hope you fucking sperglord.

>> No.12288805
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The world wants you to fail. Don't let the world conquer you.

Support liberty and freedom:

>> No.12288810

>begging for work instead of being begged to work

>> No.12289130

tfw have good job and still having crippling depression still no goals no gf nothing im literally collecting money for no reason
I might stream it

>> No.12289159

...What the fuck. Who holds a pen like that above the age of 5???

>> No.12289171

Girls do.

>> No.12289174

this. I'd trash the resume just for sending it this time of year

>> No.12289185

she might not know how to write. She is tracing after all...

>> No.12289187

Noone is at work to read through your applications m8.

>> No.12289198

>Is this what job hunting is like in the modern world? Am I going to make it?
Find a job with a union that wont sell you out, so you're slightly less fucked fucked as other wagies

>> No.12289205


>someone made a wage slave assistant

Fucking kek.

>> No.12290107

Good luck, fren.

>> No.12290165

2/10 low quality larp. This is your only job nigger and you make 30k a year stop lying

>> No.12290252
File: 150 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_Chrome_20181230-214249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10 low quality bait. Racism isn't cool, bro.

>> No.12290290

nice what paystub creator app is that

>> No.12290364

His name is Jesus Christ. I thank him for blessing me with such marketable skills.

>> No.12291136
File: 81 KB, 456x386, 1447209673151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's say I am able to save around 1500-2000 dollars a month, how would you invest that money?

Save 2k a month, after a year you should have 24k. Find a friend with another 16k. With 40k total, you have enough to put down 20% on a mortgage for 1-2 apartments. Rent them out. Learn basic home maintenance skills (painting, replacing a bulb, putting down carpet) so you can do maintenance when the tenants call. Make sure you get good tenants - check their details. Advertise around for more investors, use their money to repeat. Within a few years you'll be doing administration stuff and have your own guys for the maintenance stuff.

>applied to 34 (thirty four) jobs since christmas eve

Assuming you're in a Western country and not in bumfuckville nowhere, calm the fuck down. Every place basically shuts down for Christmas and New Years holidays. Shit, even people who are "working" are usually doing nothing but gabbing about what they got for Xmas. Wait until a week into January at least.

>> No.12291376

see u again next year spewing the same shit