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1228605 No.1228605 [Reply] [Original]

hey guise I wanna buy a bunch of ant miners and start mining peercoin because it's basically free money

Why aren't you faggots mining bitcoin and peercoin you bunch of uneducated yuppies

>> No.1228612

Sure. But who pays the electric bill, you illiterate dimwit?

>> No.1228614

Yuppies are always educated by definition.

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.1228615

doesn't the mining compensates the electricity use?

>> No.1228617

no man, you can be a yuppie out of having a rich dad, or at least a pretend one

but what is your definition of a yuppie ?

>> No.1228623

Yuppie = Young Urban Professional. That is the definition of the term.

the key word is "professional", implying a good job and so therefore education.

>> No.1228628

Not with bitcoin. You'd have to be stealing electricity.

>> No.1228632

yeeaah but you know sometimes nepotism happens and well dumb uneducated kids get in positions of power

so therefore tecnically uneducated yuppies

>> No.1228634

what about peercoin?

and how the fuck is it more profitable than bitcoin?

Is it the new drug commodity coin?

how come I've never heard of peercoin

>> No.1228636

That's a real stretch, m8. You're backpedaling, just let it go.

>> No.1228637

that was my original idea, to call you a bunch of daddy's boys anyways I'll let you go, because I trully love you

>> No.1228747

>Can't into grammar
>Didn't take into account costs of his 'plan'
>Posts in a Sudanese chess club mailing list asking for """financial""" advice.

Damn, son. An hero today. Don't wait until tomorrow. Kill yourself right now.

>> No.1229200

because mining hardware is the scam. you will barely make a profit.

>> No.1229446


this fatass was making around 2 BTC monthly a year ago with his ant miners on his backyard

>> No.1229479

the problem is you will have to preorder them. by the time you get yours it wont be profitable enough to use. they have been doing this since the first asic miner. it really is a scam. the electricty costs are also a big problem.

>> No.1229553

op here, some retard on facebook is posting constantly about how he's about to be filthy rich and everytime I ask stiff like how much are you making and how much electricity he's using he tells me I should be happy to witness him get rich or something like that

Wanna fuck with him?

are there any pasive agresive ways to make him look dumb?

>> No.1229580

no need he's fucking with himself. here's the scam they announce a new miner. they collect orders that will take them years to fill. they use that money to make the new hardware. then they use the hardware themselves in ginat server farms until its stops being profitable. then they start delivering the hardware to customers. then its just rinse and repeat. this has been the scam since the very first butterfly miners.