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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12282333 No.12282333 [Reply] [Original]

Do you own and turtlecoin and why? I do because i personally believe it'll survive the the shitcoin purge and make a somewhat big name for itself as the "fun privacy coin" that's also easy to use.

Btw if you're a dero fag who's come to shill your premined shitcoin scam you can leave and promptly kill yourself.

>> No.12282379

I was told to due opposite of what biz says.... so I bought about 13million of them for an average of 20 Litetoshi back in July. So far so good.

>> No.12282393
File: 33 KB, 300x200, 2poq64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12282412

That's a nice stack
You best not be one of them derofags

>> No.12282626
File: 239 KB, 1108x618, A8FAC190-F592-49A3-BFF4-C54FB08DAADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nkn is next to moon. Enjoy your 1000x sir.

>> No.12282711

I know he said no dero, but this is great.

>> No.12282716
File: 297 KB, 1742x1154, Screenshot 2018-12-28 at 05.37.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the lead dev of turtlecoin btw lmao

>buying copy-paste forks
do you want to lose money OP?

>> No.12282775

I've never heard of NKN, what's it do?
That's dero gold which was made to make fun of dero. Check dero golds website it's one big meme
Begone derojeet no one is buying your premined bags

>> No.12282780
File: 142 KB, 1264x716, Screenshot 2018-12-30 at 07.08.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>development for TRTL smart contracts will start q2
>9 months go buy
>we are still discussing

>> No.12282856
File: 26 KB, 1440x602, Screenshot_20181230-021620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your obviously too retarded to understand how code development works. 90% is figuring out how it works and 10% is actually coding it. If you actually took the time to read the discord channel you'd see they've made plenty of progress.

Also turtlecoin has never missed a deadline but the same cannot be said about dero who still haven't made a foundation (which is 6 months late at this point), missed their Atlantis update by a month and of course pic related. They've also lied about various things such as asic resistance, keeping the premine locked (literally over half of it is unlocked which is about 1,200,000) and having over 20 people on their dev team. Not to mention that the lead dero dev tried to get in touch with John McAfee to shill dero. Try to refute these points, they're all factually true and it's clear as day that dero is a giant scam that I nor any rational person would touch.

>> No.12283485
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I hold a few million TRTL myself and going to buy more if BTC hits below $2k. Too bad that I haven't mined them the moment when TurtleCoin was launched. Proof Of Synchronicity is THE thing I'm waiting for because it helps persons who don't have enough space or enough money for a mining rig to be rewarded for supporting the network.

That's the reason why I've only put "suicide insurance" amounts of money into it. Sometimes there's something interesting coming along but you aren't sure whether it's legit or not. The first time, Dero was shilled on /biz/, the whole way how it was promoted came off as creepy and I reported all Dero threads, lol. If Captain where able to pull his con long enough until Dero hits slightly above $10, I would sell half of my position by that point.

>> No.12283663

who has the discord of the guy who made a bot to trade turtlecoin with tradesatoshi and tradeogre api?
he was giving it for free.
he posted proof he was making about 15$ per day trading turtle.
and it wasnt a virus or anything like that, it was a real BOT, i just misplaced the link and i dnt know where to find it.
please post it on #general on turtle discord if you know the guy or have a zip of the bot.
thanks in advance

>> No.12283722

thanks for using my meme image

>> No.12283890

It's kinda hard to trade it between exchanges because transfer takes 2 hours and 150 confirmations

>> No.12283972
File: 88 KB, 473x1024, 3-supportimage-redacted-473x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They needed to know if he was the owner of the Ethereum.
>They questioned whether the use of multiple Binance-controlled addresses was legitimate.
>They questioned PAX withdrawals and deposits to Binance.

Friendly reminder, that by using stable coins, you support (((them))).