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File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12281203 No.12281203 [Reply] [Original]


After reading this how can you NOT invest in chainlink?

Explain and motivate, ty.

>> No.12281222
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>> No.12281226

Nobody will believe me but i am telling the truth so idgaf
Thats my OC- I tried to get on cnbc and fox business to shill CL. Literally none of their business experts could even grasp the concept of smart contracts much less oracles
Meanwhile all the derivatives algo trader fags get it instantly.
Gettting those autists to make a value bet is a big fucking deal.
And they all did.
Niggers we are all gonna spend the next 5 years watching ourselves get retarded rich.
Good times ahead frens

>> No.12281255

Stop guys! Some of us aren't finished accumulating!

>> No.12281289

Thanks for your work anon. How much you holding?

>> No.12281298

Last time I took advice from you faggots I bought dbc. I’m down 99.66%

>> No.12281302
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>> No.12281304

1 billion Venezuelan bolivars, maybe.

>> No.12281316


Im a NEET right now but legit my first paycheck of my next job will be going straight into 50% LINK and 50% Holo.

>> No.12281326

I don’t believe you

>> No.12281340

Let me summarize it for you:
>ERC token
>no actual product
>linked to ETH because see point above.
>650MM tokens are not in supply yet
>team can't spell
>Russian philosepher runs the show
>he owns 30% of all the tokens
>the tokes are basically useless. Because no product, and they've could've used ETH or BTC
>No sight of mainnet coming anytime soon.
>testnet is actually empty
>99% of ERC tokens turned out fake or absolute shit

>> No.12281359


Not enough

Read the link and follow your heart

Wtf, holo? 100% link

>> No.12281405


>> No.12281436
File: 9 KB, 1052x69, 40k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is..is this enough to make it? i just dont wnat to fucking work for 10 hours a day and then commute for 3

>> No.12281448

That's enough to be disappointed

>> No.12281459

I told you back then that ai was a meme

>> No.12281476
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what do you mean? i always thought it was 30k to make it

>> No.12281485
File: 53 KB, 620x357, are you an idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ERC token
Not sure why this is significant.
>no actual product
Demonstrable white-label partnerships. See the recent AWS Reinvent as reference.
>linked to ETH because see point above.
As a dev platform yes, but blockchain agnostic. I could go deeper, but I don’t think you’re serious.
>650MM tokens are not in supply yet
Will likely used to Incent network usage from the worlds largest companies.
>team can't spell
>Russian philosepher runs the show
Absurd argument if you’ve spent any time watching Sergay’s tech presentations. Check out game theory if you want to understand the benefit of a philosophy background.
>he owns 30% of all the tokens
Like many founders of countless companies.
>the tokes are basically useless. Because no product, and they've could've used ETH or BTC
See multiple white label product demos.
>No sight of mainnet coming anytime soon.
>testnet is actually empty
Does not likely reflect activity occurring under NDA. See recent SWIFT announcements, etc.
>99% of ERC tokens turned out fake or absolute shit
Agree, but irrelevant in the case of $LINK.

This was a half-hearted response, but I didn’t want to dignify this ignorance too much.

>> No.12281528

250k in 14 wallets
No worries fren youll have the same fat green dildo fucking your nw for the next decade
Fuck literally everyone. If you cant take a joke you deserve to be raped with a knife. Here is the last bastion of free speech which is air

>> No.12281586
File: 62 KB, 720x480, post LINK satisfaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl bought LINK. Doesn't she look pleased?

>> No.12281632

i told a friend who's a coder about chainlink a couple months ago (he knows v. little about crypto stuff, but knows abt smart contracts), and when i mentioned sergay's philosophy degree he just laughed. he thought i was shitting him. sold my stack right after that.

>> No.12281651

her ahegaoface pleased me at least

>> No.12281717


Thanks mane. I hold 7000 LINK. In your personal estimates of its growth do you think that's enough? Very tight on funds these days so buying more means sacrificing in other areas.

>> No.12281718
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>> No.12281733

>Global Legal Evangelist

This is why nobody takes crypto seriously. Or at least LINK.

>> No.12281750

its a DocuSign position, you mong.

>> No.12281763

>Lord Crypto
Who is this jungle bunny?

>> No.12281765

According to your fellow paid shills, we're supposed to be excited about them. Make up your mind, idiot.

>> No.12281766

Just a friendly reminder that this is very unhealthy

>> No.12281817

>Not sure why this is significant.
Because they're 99% shit. With no product. Just like LINK, no product. 99% chance of being useless in 3 years.
>Demonstrable white-label partnerships. See the recent AWS Reinvent as reference.
What people say aren't facts. VEN works with BMW, did you know that? What do you actually know, what they tell you. Why so naive?
>As a dev platform yes, but blockchain agnostic. I could go deeper, but I don’t think you’re serious.
Yeah, but there's no product. So it isn't blockchain agnostic
>Will likely used to Incent network usage from the worlds largest companies.
keyword is likely here. No crypto is being used after 10 years. Chainlink won't be either.
I'm not worth 100MM$. When i release something for work it's 100% correct. Not 2 blatant spelling errors. Also i'm mainland european, so i have to do a spellcheck when i actually release something in english. Absolutly retarded.
>Absurd argument if you’ve spent any time watching Sergay’s tech presentations. Check out game theory if you want to understand the benefit of a philosophy background.
Clever marketing, you fell for it.
>Like many founders of countless companies.
Solid point.
>See multiple white label product demos.
No idea.
>Does not likely reflect activity occurring under NDA. See recent SWIFT announcements, etc.
SWIFT will not use it, wake up. It can't scale.
>Agree, but irrelevant in the case of $LINK.
There's a 99% chance it isn't.

>> No.12281831

>When i release something for work it's 100% correct.
>t. Never worked in software

>> No.12281837

>doesn't know what DocuSign is or why its significant.
Nigger confirmed.

>> No.12281847

I'm talking about a written text on a fucking pamflet. This is basic stuff lad

>> No.12281866

The reason eth has a chance at scaling is because of LINK. If you dont know why youd better learn.

Swift is already working with chainlink and its oracles is the only ISO20022 compliant system. They e cornered the market kn decentralized oracles.

Vechain is a scam. 100/1 splits are now not only for penny stock scams but cryptoscams too. Thank vescam.

>> No.12281869

because its overpriced. it is 100% not worth 100 million dollars (not even 1/3 of that) in its current state. maybe i'll buy some when it goes down to 10 cents

sage and /thread

>> No.12281877


So you convinced some derivative trading autists to buy LINK?

>> No.12281898

did you also tell them that the fat man printed 350 million tokens for himself, which is unironically the same amount of tokens as the entire circulating supply?

>> No.12281917

>the fat man
He has a name, you sonofa bitch!

>> No.12282140

Based kuroinu poster

>> No.12282249


>> No.12282272
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>> No.12282278
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>> No.12282528

The amount to retire is between 10k and 100k. Noone really knows.

>> No.12282536

Love breadcrumbs but more concerning is the apparent lack of progress in the pivotal tracker regarding the service agreement epic.

>> No.12282568


>> No.12282614


>> No.12282622

screencapped btw

>> No.12282649

I won’t buy any link because it’s shilled as fuck

>> No.12282666


>> No.12282668
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>> No.12282739
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Pound that tight Millennial portfoliopucci with your big red dildos Sergey. Their financial futures are getting raw

>> No.12282833

>8 commits
At least be believable. They have over 3,000 commits and anyone can go there to see it.


>> No.12282893

Okay tell me this, if LINK isn't a fucking scam then why are these not the same ID? Because either these are separate people and the last one is LARPing as the first, or they've gotten so fucking used to switching their IPs that they can't even keep a straight identity for five minutes.

>> No.12282907

More like between 1k and 10k.
100k is Rothschild-level rich.

>> No.12282926

Is this b8 m8?

>> No.12282927
File: 149 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-30-13-13-16-381_one.phobos.omnichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not two but 3 ids apparently.

>> No.12283632

imagine being a no linker

>> No.12283680


More breadcrumbs:


>> No.12284441

>oracle is not a product
you don't know how payments work do you
chainlink can fail but you are fucking retarded if you don't understand what an oracle is, so there is a product
the actual question is: will anyone use it?
will swift use chainlink?
will the nodes get actual action?
those are smart questions, your little greentext isn't smart, it just sounds like butthurt from investing into ERC20 shitcoins that were failed projects

>> No.12284725


>> No.12284754


>> No.12284800

thaks for this op and for the guy that actually made this; I am trying to impress this girl because her boyfriend is a douche bag

am happy in a 2 yr relationship, but this guy made me out to be a fool infront of an entire party. He made fun of me for losing money. He would throw out how stupid I was and go on about how dumb it is and that I've lost money on it. was trying to talk to his autist friend about the brave browser, figured he could give me an opinion on how successful BAT would be.

his girl was giving me this I want to fuck you eyes. and I am being serious about that; 4 people came up to me to ask about the look she was giving me. it was literally insane.
I told her I would send her an email about chainlink;

she told me that she has 4 million dollars shes currently holding.
I need to send this chick an email about why she should invest in chainlink; What do I say? someone who is better at english; or someone that has an easier time convincing normies, she works at vanguard.

guy is a total ass; I have a friend thats a girl that came to this party and he was being a dick to her, telling her what to do all night and shit

happy in a relationship btw, plus I hear this girl is kinda bitchy; but 4 million dollars, even an investment of .5% is a ton of link

>> No.12285220

its fucking insane how perfect this coin is even to say it for the 1,000thn time you cant overstate how incredible this shit is

>> No.12285330

Just let her know we are trying to put Big Macs on the blockchain for the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.12285356

mainnet when

>> No.12285364

strap in

>> No.12285376

>trying to impress girls
that aint how it works, stop trying so hard

>> No.12285552

Lmao inb4 you email her, she cucks you and tells her chad bf about it, and he makes even more money than you on link. If you want to impress her just show off after you made it, don't shill it to her

>> No.12285586

partially this
trying to get girls with showing off money is just a bad idea because she'll just see you as a beta provider with no game

>> No.12285697

Yeah I agree, i wouldnt do that myself, but it's definitely better than what he was trying. There is really no way to know why that woman is behaving that way. Decent chance she is manipulating him.

>> No.12286103

let me rephrase that, she wanted to know more, met me in the kitchen; kissed my hand stood 2 inches from my face while her chad bf was in the other room. i told her about this shit and she was turned on. if i make her rich i would get a kickback for sure. He doesnt have money, all recent grads.

he acted like he was so much smarter than me

>> No.12286207
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1547, SergUni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless your work anon !

>> No.12286480

imo you want to steer clear of women like this, if they behave like this with their man, they would probably behave the same with you

>> No.12286684

Isn't this bitch already rich with that 4 million?
Don't tell her about link or any of those grad fags, just keep accumulating and show off you billions later.

>> No.12286694
File: 100 KB, 1024x627, 1541665062970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the root of nearly every piece of Link FUD is one base sentiment:

"You loser NEETs and your NEET software will never amount to anything. The system will chug along just fine without you, go die in a hole."

People are threatened by Link because they're threatened by the prospect of NEETs gaining wealth and status over them.

>> No.12286731

Oh yeah pajeet? Well I'm going to come poop on your street. Let's see how you like it!

>> No.12287185


You know what, you guys are right. She’s a total bitch,
She doesn’t deserve chainlink; I can’t wait to show up at future party’s that these two will be at and just show off my gains.

Would you consider getting a $3,000 loan to get more chainlink at this point in the game?

>> No.12287342

Where should i hodl link? what exchange is the safest? And i can i put it into cold wallet?

>> No.12288304

>investing into chainlink to impress a women
never going to make it anon

>> No.12288351
File: 11 KB, 242x209, 1542415011516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never gonna make it

>> No.12288355

If you feel comfortable enough holding it in an exchange, then by all means do it. I have been around this market long enough to see with my own eyes people getting fucked over by exchanges so do AT LEAST the bare minimum and hold your LINK in My Ether Wallet using meta mask.

>> No.12288375

>Would you consider getting a $3,000 loan to get more chainlink at this point in the game?

Absoultley not. Do not get me wrong, this investment is the surest thing in this space, but simple statistics show that making a lot of money from an investment in a short amount of time is an improbability of itself.

Work your ass off friend. After food/rent/gas throw every free dollar into LINK. No more money shall be spent on drugs/alcohol/partying. Get a decent stack for mainnet and start staking your tokens then.

>> No.12288754

Yes I would. If you’re really risk adverse, pay it off after the first 2x. If you can handle the monthly repayment of $60 or whatever then let it ride.

>> No.12288864

Good call. Don’t shill this thing to anyone irl. Remember those are the sort of people we want to buy in once there’s an established global market and link is at least $50-100

>> No.12288899

>this investment is the surest thing in this space
Even more than btc and eth?

>> No.12288957
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>> No.12288979


>> No.12288988
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>> No.12288994

Pretty much, yeah. BTC is a store of value that doesn’t really do anything useful. ETH is one of many competing smart contract solutions. Chainlink Will work with any blockchain, and it’s emerging as the middleware solution for whatever ends up being the supreme chain. Furthermore, smart contract functionality can be taken offchain via trusted hardware, taking the “global computer” thunder from Ethereum. Literally all you need a blockchain for is a ledger of shared consensus of what chainlink said happened. All this is quietly happening while the world is still fixated on blockchains and digital money

>> No.12289069

Off-topic, but does anyone have the pepe image with the delphi imprint in his eyes?

>> No.12289077

bitcoin is a very archaic form of this technology. Ethereum will simply exists as a means to trigger smart contracts. All of the data will be flowing through chainlink.
Do you want to believe?

>> No.12289239

I get what you're saying; however, I consider btc and eth to be "blue chips" as I see them still alive 10 years from now, so btc and eth can act as a hedge, while link is a riskier moonshot.

>> No.12289298
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>> No.12289303

Yeah, everybody should have some btc and eth at this point. Prices are cheap. By the time the next halvening hits in 2020 prices will be flying

>> No.12289346
File: 1.23 MB, 1366x690, 1544637216536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother. See you at the linkies yacht

>> No.12289449

If you want stock to increase, there needs to be more investment in the structure around the stock, not just the stock itself.
Crypto is so hard to invest in because everyone is focused on when/how the currency is going to rise, but no one is looking into what makes the currency worth my money.
Crypto gets called a scam I think because there is no known infrastructure to it. It's a mystery stock.
I think when we get a better understanding of crypto in the next few years, stocks will go through the roof, though not like how BTC did.

ATM there are coins worth more than others yes, but none of them i think are better than there other just yet.
We will see with time.

>> No.12289482

That's a big boat.

>> No.12289634

For you.