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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12280391 No.12280391 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12280519

i have found redemption sailing, thinking of crossing the atlantic or maybe the horn

>> No.12280547

Fine, just getting through 2 years or so and itll all be better

>> No.12280556

Trying the self taught web development meme out, if this fails ill try the heroin meme

>> No.12280575

Poor af but really happy
>recently got a gf who doesn't care that I'm poor af
>making progress with my lifts
>better relationship with my dad
Loving my life, brehs

>> No.12280583

I am horny and lonely

>> No.12280646

two years of what?

>> No.12280654

howd you get the gf brah? is she cute?

>> No.12280814

Just absolutely awful. I'm trying to stay positive, but the more I search for a decent way to live the more it feels like there isn't anything left that isn't fully corrupt.

>> No.12280835

Life. Structure settlement kicks in

>> No.12280970

On the verge of non-meme madness. My 4k Robinfag portfolio got absolutely justed last week. I quit my job late last month bc I thought I could handle swing trading.

I’ve never lost so much. I worked my ass off this summer to build up enough cash to start trading full time. Was going great for a while, too.

I’m scared no one will hire me bc of my checkered work history.

Turning 25 in a few month. life is just getting sadder and sadder

>> No.12281121

I think I'm having a weird realization / crisis. I'm 20 going 21 in few months. I'm working in retail selling laptops/TVs (no comission but expected to hit targets). I'm one of the best sales people in the shop but I fucking hate it. I'm in my third year of college (studying pharmaecueticals all paid for by a grant and I have a governmet job paying me €2k a month for work placement starting in March for workplacement until I go back for my final year in September). My gf is in hospital rn and almost died of sepsis. She's recovering but still was close. But all tonight, I've been listeing to the Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 and other songs diving into my youth. And I just realised how free I was when I never worked. How I went out with my friends all the time, was a beast in the gym, was reading books, was improving myself constantly and always stuck into college. Now I feel like a cog in a machine chasing money to pay for things triyng to be ''productive'' with my time by working for a shitty large company giving them my most precious assest, time. I'm sacrificing my time alive to be milked by some place that doesn't care and have nothing to show for it but a new laptop and other materials. I just think I'm realising how I just want out, I never want to wage again. I want to be free as I was when I was 15, not giving a fuck going out doing whatever.

>> No.12281170

Good. I'm a poorfag so rent has me taking out another subsidized loan (collegefag). I could pay to lease's end but I'd be scraping by at that point. Otherwise I have about 3 grand in cash sitting in my apartment and I'm thinking about whether or not I want to throw it into a stock or buy in on btc again. Made a decent amount of money a while back ($400~) with ETH but I sold before it hit ATH, at about 500 or so. Really I just want to graduate and get started working; college can be a time and money sink if you're not in the right mindset.

>> No.12281237

Been a weird year guys.

Still here though.

>> No.12281248

wow, way to be a giant idiot thinking you could be a trader full time without having something to fall back on. send out resumes asap, time is of the essence.

>> No.12281251 [DELETED] 

Uber Co-Founder and E*Trade Alum Launch No-Fee Cryptocurrency Trading
The new exchange gives you $25 for signing up and me $25 for referring you using the link below:

>> No.12281258

selling laptop isn't forever from what it sounds like, so just keep going and get a plan together for when you graduate. if you score a good job and college, you want feel like a cog in a wheel.

>> No.12281264

slowly starving to death

unironically think i'll starve to death this month if i don't magically find a job, which I haven't in the past 5 months

>> No.12281265

Hittin the road with my band again. Turns out the digital gold rush was a dream too bright to be true. Yep, the life of a lounge performer ain’t pretty, but it’s the one for me.
*tchhkk* *sips*

>> No.12281272
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same, here's to a good 2019, fren

>> No.12281277

where are you from?

>> No.12281283

the JewSA

Florida to be pacific

>> No.12281284
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You too

>> No.12281293
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>found a new gf this year
>cashed out 350k in january
Still depressed that I almost made it and missed the easiest get rich quick scheme in history. Now Im just skilless neet who will probably never make anything more than minimum wage. I don’t even get satisfaction from anything because my brains are fucked because of add.

>> No.12281423

>cashed out 350k
>bitches about it
why don't you just send it my way then before you blow your brains out?

>> No.12281440

Screw this anon, I’ll give you suckie suckie for that k instead

>> No.12281445

2018 will be remembered as a good year.

>> No.12281524

ill give you a rim job while your gf blows you for 100k

>> No.12281561

mindless internet browsing during all of my free time is the only thing that keeps the suicidal thoughts at bay

>> No.12282387
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Been reading the Bible, currently reading the Book of Jeremiah

>> No.12282571

Not too good desu I feel very angsty and depressed 24/7. 2018 was such a fuckin joke easily worst year of my life. I can't even post a sad wojak because I'm banned from fileposting for ironically spamming green basedjak

>> No.12283042
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Still up numerous times my initial. Easier to take my eyes off the screen when Bobo's in charge. Working out every other day for a year soon and I'm finally starting to see the results I want.

>> No.12283301
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it could be worse

as far as shitcoins go, went from 2k to 125k back to 8k. now its at 12k lmao. managed to save 25k from wagecucking this year. slowly trying to get my mental health fixed, although it is a struggle and requires me to find friends to do activities with on the weekends to keep my mind off it.

been eating take away almost every day this entire year so im determined to fix that up next year. dont have any intention of getting the diabetuuuus (have a family history of it). all in all a very average year

>> No.12283690
File: 6 KB, 275x183, breakingpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wageslaving
> Security
> 12 hour night shifts
> Always ends up being at least 12.5 hours
> Get put at construction yards and other places in remote areas that are actually pretty scary and potentially dangerous
> Company gave me nothing but a cheap shirt as uniform
> In a job where the appearance of authority is everything
> Literally an orange high visibility shirt with company logo
> I look like shit
> No equipment. No radios. No torches.
> No toilet. No kitchen. No facilities.
> Feel like I'm being paid minimum wage to roleplay as a homeless person
> Shifts are something like this week after week
> Monday to Wednesday 3 x 12 Hour shifts, Thursday 6 hour shift, Friday sudden shift change and have to work with < 3 hours sleep, when already I've been sleeping like shit in the days
> I tried really hard
> I tried really hard in my spare time to make an online dropshipping business
> I spent hundreds of my hard earned wageslave dollars on advertising and made all sorts of mistakes
> But I can't
> I can't keep throwing money at a failed business like that
> I haven't given up though
> I've entered the crypto market
> It's my final chance
> Because this job is killing me
> I already have too much brain damage from Antidepressants and NEETing and all the problems that happen to a depressed guy who's family pride prevented an obvious asperger diagnosis
> AD medications made me lose the asperger powers I had
> Lost good memory, mental imaging, calculating, even my vocabulary and blah blah blah
> I don't feel like I have brain damage
> I know I have it
> If
> If another crypto train to the moon doesn't happen
> Then this is it for me
> This is the way it ends
> Because I know this isn't sustainable
> I'm trying really hard
> I'm trying so fucking hard I want to just crumble to my knees and cry while cupping my face in my hands because I want people to know how hard I'm trying
> But I can't do that
> I just can't
> I think I'm losing it
> What is sleep

>> No.12283698

How did you lose it all trading? Buy low, sell high. I am trading and making daily $200 gains with BTC. I don't understand how you can go broke doing this.

If it reaches a certain low point and you're worried it will crash to nothing just sell at a loss and even out because of the gains.

Which coin did you lose out on?

>> No.12283702

> Planning on making $200 gains I should say. Haven't made a single trade yet. Just getting into it.


>> No.12283711

Proud of you anon

>> No.12283752

>I'm 20 going 21
> I feel like a cog in a machine
Kid im gonna turn 34 soon and Im telling you its only downhill from where youre at

>> No.12283772

You are about to find out where the HODL meme came from
I'nt going to try to stop you because those are your first steps and you need to take them to be able to become good at any of thix
Accept your hubris and get back to work you moron. Test your shit first with shit you can afford to lose

>> No.12283783

Literally me 1 month ago, then a job came up, now I’m planning my investments for the next year. Things can turn around quickly anon

>> No.12283784

Fine. Living with my parents and working part-time leaves me with lots of free time and more than enough of disposable income.

>> No.12283800

how long is the journey? what happens if you get into a huge wave? what about pirates?

>> No.12284311

bump for the depths of 404

>> No.12284498

The waves keep crashing over me.

>> No.12284519

pretty fun and high demand of jobs if you live in bumfuck, Passover. Been learning JS & html/css and as soon as I master it i’ll be lying about past experience and grabbing a 70k/yr frontend position

>> No.12284758

Feeling pretty adrift honestly. Not sure how people actually manage to function in society.

>> No.12284868
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2018 sucked but 2019 is going to be my year

>> No.12284969

> Feel like I'm being paid minimum wage to roleplay as a homeless person

I use to do warm body security and this is exactly how I describe the whole industry

It’ll get better. You’re buying time

>> No.12285019

Honestly im noteven sure anymore

>> No.12285088

then go live /innawoods/

>> No.12285118
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I sodld in December 2017.
I feel great.

>> No.12285851
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Good luck fren

>> No.12285866
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>> No.12285937

Thanks, good luck to you too buddy

>> No.12285971
File: 120 KB, 1080x1421, IMG_20181229_223956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing well. I cashed out back in December last year. I took all of my buds to watch UFC last night