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12278728 No.12278728 [Reply] [Original]

I'm homeless, posting from my laptop in the library.
What's the fastest way for me to make small sums of cash for food and adequate shelter?
I don't care if I make very little, I just need to make money urgently.

>> No.12278736

Just steal it

>> No.12278747

Is there a way which won't get me arrested?

>> No.12278755

...go to the soup line or salvation army? I go there and I'm not even homeless, just an eternal jew

>> No.12278768

Deliver for uber eats if you have a smartphone and are in a decent size city. Its chump change but at least its something.

>> No.12278782

Stuff coin shoots of vending machines with .

>> No.12278809

Go to a Sikh gurudwara (place of worship). Free food, if they realise you’re homeless, they’ll pack you food to take away.

>> No.12278848

I already get some food from NGOs, but that's not enough, so I'm starving, and already lost a lot of weight.
The homeless shelters are very shit, too. People steal from you and often try to harass you. So now I sleep under a bridge with my laptop. No Wifi under the bridge either, so I have to go to the library to post.

>> No.12278962

This for sure. Then when you're fed, go door-to-door in wealthier neighborhoods and offer to do gardening or other unskilled labor for cash.

Also collect bottles and cans.

>> No.12278985

Give plasma, panhandle, get a job somehow asap.
Godspeed anon

>> No.12279005

Get a wireless SIM Modem from huawei on ali express for around 20 bucks, get a sim card with free data (low amount) then SSH into a VPS and do your web browsing on a minimal browser like w3m or do x11 forwarding

>> No.12279036

also if you need to get warm get a space blanket + portable sleeping bag should set you back about 22 put the space blanket over the portable sleeping bag. Can probably make your bridge thing more comfy than the housing (or let's get real, shared apartments with wife's boyfriend) of most wagecucks

>> No.12279074

Thanks for the advice, everyone.

>> No.12279099

Use Craigslist or your country's equivalent to look up gigs. These dint provide regular hours but hopefully the sheer quantity will see you through. Do you have access to a gym?

>> No.12279117

Care to elaborate on how you ended up sleeping under a bridge with your laptop?

>> No.12279176

I got denied disability benefits, and I didn't have a source of income because I couldn't work.

I think Craigslist or similar is a good idea. I need to find something that can be done remotely, though. My clothes is way too dirty and unkempt.

>> No.12279209

Wash your clothing at the beach if you don't have access to water. Use something called zout for soap (should be able to get for around $1), and get a clothesline from the dollar store or improvise a clothesline. To handwash you just get some zout on the clothes and rub it in there / rub it around the fibers of the clothes

>> No.12279219

Do keep in mind the cops might harass you for doing this though - so find a beach with a relaxed culture or where there are not many people. AFAIK it's not against the law but I never go anywhere where the cops are watching

>> No.12279228

zote - not zout

>> No.12279230

What disability do you have? You could find some foundation or something that helps specifically people with that, they may be more willing to help than general charity

>> No.12279238

Sell your laptop

>> No.12279268

can you really become homeless if you dont want to?

i live in germany and you just get neet bux if you cant find work and they put some sort of pressure on you to shorten your neet bux if you refuse to accept work they find for you but never enough to make you starve or homeless

>> No.12279303

Go to a construction site and tell them you're good at carrying buckets. They'll laugh but 9 times of out 10 it'll land you a job making at least $15/hr.
Save up, buy a skilsaw or borrow one from work. Practice mental math & making straight cuts. Once you prove to your boss you can run one correctly he'll either give you a raise or you can now walk to any other construction site and make 30/hr.
Not even joking dude.

>> No.12279307

You won't get arrested if you don't caught and even if you do get caught, you will end up with shelter and food (or whatever they serve in jail)

>> No.12279315

>Go to a construction site and tell them you're good at carrying buckets
He's disabled, if anything he'd be the one getting carried and paying

>> No.12279328

Ask for food and/or stay with friends
Pawn your laptop or other belongings
Donate blood or plasma
Join some volunteer group(depending on the project, they hand out rations to volunteers, and have someone vouch for you for reference)
Get trade school scholarships
Military enlistment

>> No.12279337

Do the shelters have any services for helping you find work? People with disabilties can work too; there's this company where I live that hires people with mental issues (autism etc) and trains/prepares them for some pretty high paying work in finance and tech.

>> No.12279348

To be denied disability means you aren't really disabled. They give that shit out to people with sprained thumbs.
Guessing its mental which means you should be able to carry buckets or tools. Fuck me if I'm wrong though, right?

>> No.12279361

>They give that shit out to people with sprained thumbs.
We don't know what his situation is, he may have something like lyme disease which may be ery difficult to get disability for.

OP needs to mention more about his situation

>> No.12279362

>can you really become homeless if you dont want to?

Yes. I didn't want to become homeless and was afraid of it. The system is really not omnipresent, all-seeing and all-knowing.

I can't work for example - I'm disabled. I got denied my disability benefits despite having been diagnosed with a severe disability.

In this world, everyone fights for themselves to survive, and there's a shortage of resources. There isn't some entity to take care of you. The strong and the determined prevail.

>> No.12279385

You need to be more specific about your disability before the hivemind can help you man. Nobody's gonna figure out who you are and we don't give a shit if you wanna kys every day or you're a pedo or whatever. fuckin spill it.

>> No.12279386
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>>In this world, everyone fights for themselves to survive, and there's a shortage of resources. There isn't some entity to take care of you. The strong and the determined prevail.
yes... you are right
the world is rotten

>> No.12279399

>I got denied my disability benefits despite having been diagnosed with a severe disability.
did you get denied in the last instance? appeal, find a lawyer or do your own research

>> No.12279416

No. You can get denied disability benefits even if you're disabled.
I have paranoid schizophrenia, and working with it is next to impossible most of the time.

I got denied disability benefits because it was determined that my situation improved, because I tried as hard as possible to hide the symptoms.

>> No.12279420

You need to stop smoking weed

>> No.12279426

Never tried smoking weed or other drugs.

>> No.12279434

Anon... you're supposed to OVERplay your symptoms not downplay them. Do you even know how the system works? Go try again as many times as it takes. Even if they feed you on med, it's better than living under a bridge. I get where you're coming from that you wanted to avert especially something as schizophrenia, but if you are in no condition to work as you say you are, you are too early to try to fake it till you make it. Go back and try again.

>> No.12279438

Make sure you don't because it makes that stuff way worse

You need to just take time out to yourself and figure out how to relax and let go and have personal freedom

>> No.12279455

It's really hard to when you're living awake in a dream, and you can't wake up.

>> No.12279457

Just don't get caught, brainlet

>> No.12279462

>because I tried as hard as possible to hide the symptoms
Goddammit anon
What about medication? Do you need any?
Appeal that shit and fucking roll and convulse in front of your doctor next time

>> No.12279472

You don't have family or anyone at all? You just need to know one person, just one single person

>> No.12279481

So working with your disability is next to impossible yet you have no problem shitposting on /biz/ with acceptable grammar and rationale.
Let me guess: being around people gives you anxiety which makes your symptoms worse.
Fuckin bullshit man put on some goddamn headphones and go move some shit for some foreman. You completely deserve your situation if you aren't at least willing to try. People like you deserve to be homeless.

>> No.12279509

I take my medication up to the present day. It helps, and I'm able to think and act coherently when I take it. It still doesn't take away all the symptoms. I still feel lile I'm living in a dream from which I can't wake up.
For example, I often think the TV is sending me secret encoded messages, which is why I prefer not to watch it. I'm aware that it's crazy, but I can't do much about it.

>> No.12279514

This. OP you need to overplay. Being in treatment is better than homeless. At least for winter. But seriously paranoid sczhio ain't going away. You need to find some long term solution.

>> No.12279542

>go move some shit for some foreman

>Lets give a paranoid schizo access to a construction yard
>Lets give him headphones so he starts imaging stuff the other workers are all saying about him
>Lets give him easy access to heavy tools including drills, nailguns, saws, and hammers

You are literally more delusional than him.

>> No.12279564

Most people with paranoid schizophrenia aren't dangerous, though. It's a Hollywood myth.
People with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims of a crime than the perpetrators.

>> No.12279621

Your brain is messed up from stress
Gonna have to learn to let go and learn to stop caring about whether you're awake or dreaming

>> No.12279654

Hey OP I work for the military in the gangstalking unit. I'm the one who tracked you online today to verify you won't start a social movement against our operations. The targeted gamma waves we send to your skull through a drone is some hard stuff and I feel quite bad seeing what you go through. Best of luck for the future. The only advice i can give you is to see your psychiatrist again to reevaluate the neetbux.

>> No.12279675
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>> No.12279683

My point was that you aren't going to get a job on a construction site if they know you have paranoid schizophrenia. I know most sufferers are non violent.

>> No.12279726

you’re actually dumb as hell for this post

>> No.12279854

i have to warn you anon the government is tracking homeless people that use the internet to do all kinds of crazy experiment on them. they will sedate you and put implants in your brain. it's a population control research.

>> No.12279924

Just throwing this out there, but if you're nuts can't you get yourself sectioned? Instant roof over your head and food surely?

You could try for some online customer service work.

>> No.12279943

Post picture of yourself in the library with a timestamp

>> No.12279979

Actually, why not start a GoFundMe? Everyone else has one going.

>> No.12279988

Just know that schizophrenia is not a redpill. Tell yourself that your meds are not a truth blinding blue pill every single day. In 15 years you'll be screaming about glow-in-the-dark niggers and the CIA and space aliens and God trying to mess with you. You're gonna think that meds are suppressing the truth and you'll eventually stop taking them.

>> No.12280016

Wait wait I got it, join the Hare Krishnas or some other commune. There's gotta be some hippies or anarchist squatters about.

>> No.12280030

THEY FUCKING ARE SURPRESSING THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12280044

sucking dick


>> No.12280051

you are living in a dream by the way

schizos arent wrong

you'd probably call me a schizo but idc

>> No.12280063

Lol, 420 my dude

>> No.12280109

Boys got me LAFFIN

>> No.12280152

I'm quite sure people would pay good $$ for disabled boipussy OP ;))

>> No.12280155

You cunts are going to hell.

>> No.12280220
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>implying hell exists

>> No.12280264
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>> No.12280292

kill CSW
if you do it we'll all pitch in some monero

>> No.12280311

Buy xrp

>> No.12280348

This. You’ll get some much needed calories.

>> No.12280522

It is incredible that despite the huge difference in time and space, this Jew looks a lot like the Jew Karl Marx

>> No.12280593


>> No.12280780

Try dumpster diving, maybe you can find something that you can sell on a local classified. People, for example, will throw out children's jungle gyms. Sell it for like 10 bucks or something super low. Or collect bottles and cans for a little while. There's also newspapers. Collect them from the recycling and try to resell them...maybe to convenience stores. I'm not sure. Try r/beermoney. Also fiverr. My friend who was right on the edge pulled through using fiverr.

>> No.12280903

I tried Fiverr but no one bought my gigs despite a low price and many views.

>> No.12280969

More Anon. Links please. Sounds interesting.