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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12265087 No.12265087 [Reply] [Original]

What would the wagecucks of /biz/ do in this situation?


>> No.12265115


>> No.12265119
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> What would the wagecucks of /biz/ do in this situation?
wish hitler had won

>> No.12265224

Buffalo Bill.

>> No.12265411


They would mind their own biz ofcourse like the maam said. When did lunacy become normalized?

>> No.12265474
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>> No.12265500
File: 109 KB, 900x675, 74443F27-B448-4786-84E5-6A9270350ADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, they no longer had Battle Toads in stock.

>> No.12265521

this but unironically

>> No.12265568


To be honest probably just hang back and watch the chaos. What a timeline!

>> No.12265656

What is pic related? Podesta and some other politician at a glow in the dark kiddy fucking orgy?

>> No.12265684

Thankfully, mentally ill trannies are near 50% suicide rate, for obvious reasons.

>> No.12265687

dude just seemed bewildered, I half expected him to take his offer to go outside with him to show him a sir hoping to defuse the situation

>> No.12265862

>Looks like a man
>Acts like a roided up nigger
>Calls it's self a girl

>> No.12265885

imagine having to deal with this?

>> No.12265914
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I would do nothing because this is a typical day working in any retail store and i would be unphased.

>> No.12265953

damn i hate being a trapfag but...

>> No.12266225

I would go outside and beat “her” ass I wouldn’t even care if I lost I’m not gonna let someone talk to me like that let alone a fucking tranny

>> No.12266229

i think they handled the situation perfectly and nothing more needs to be said

>> No.12266297

what is this

>> No.12266373

"stop calling me a man, because I clearly am not"

>> No.12266387

This is why you are going to make it, anon.

>> No.12266409

all fun and games until you catch a battery charge with an added hate crime and lose your house, your car, and destroy your credit

>> No.12266417

The wagie should have asked Will Ferrell for his autograph.

>> No.12266420

this is painful to watch, i can't even finish it

>> No.12266435

I work in auto parts and he:

A. Would never pull this shit to start, but vidya is ultracuck.

B. If he did, would be laughed out of our store

C. If he threatened me I’d help him with some reconstructive surgery...

>> No.12266449

>lets take it outside
>i dont hit women, sir

>> No.12266460

that thing needs to pay for damaging goods

>> No.12266477

rookie mistake he is supposed to mumble maam/man. they sound similar and the customer doesn't recognize the difference most of the time.

t. pajeet cashier

>> No.12266591


>> No.12266601

This but post-ironically

>> No.12266676


>> No.12266724


>> No.12266741

thanks faggot have not heard that song in 20 years lol
>oh the memories of snow outside and skinny russian bitch sitting on my laps when we both drunk as fuck ...

>> No.12267043

I feel sad for her.

>> No.12267141

I think the moral thing to do would be for doctors to only offer HRT to people who could, in the moonlight pass.

Though I wonder if she is even on HRT?

>> No.12267145


That's the thing right, a transvestite will always fall back to their masculine strength when they feel threatened.

Real women don't have that ability.

>> No.12267320

Based Tranny teaching basedboy wagecucks their place

>> No.12267395

That's Sammy Hagar you bastards. Show some respect.

>> No.12267410

Don't forget the HIV :^)

>> No.12267509

double-leg takedown, elbows and a choke

>> No.12267745

> battery
> hate crime
> she hit me and I defended myself

problem solved

>> No.12267784

This, and I’m no edgy internet /pol/ nazi either

>> No.12267875

try to deescalate and/or call security/police
>I apologize mam

>> No.12268318

what a fucking freak

>> No.12268459

This must be a sketch

>> No.12268587

That's not how a lady should act!

>> No.12268644


>> No.12268659

Raging suppressed testosterone. Dude was probably an alpha before deciding to be a faggot

>> No.12269124

where is my sergey shoop