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12259891 No.12259891 [Reply] [Original]

How was epic games able to raise as much for fortnite as a revolutionary world changing project like EOS?

>> No.12259915

More people play fortnite than even know about EOS.

>> No.12259919

they have 100 million players, so if each spends 30$ on cosmetics that's 3 billion$ revenue.

>> No.12259929

you mean earned from use cases, which eos has none

>> No.12259991
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>no use cases
>50 million transactions per day

>> No.12260032

Fortnite is awesome, that's why

>> No.12260071

Fortnite made sales. Also Tencent fudges money.

>> No.12260491
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goddamnit I hate the world.

>> No.12261392

I was being sarcastic. My actual question if you detected the sarcasm was how could a shitcoin like EOS warm as much as something good and useful like fortnite

>> No.12261403

Imagine having this low of an iq

>> No.12261621

Imagine having invested 80% of your net worth into EOS (you)

>> No.12261692
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I invested pocket change because I'm not a retard like most people on /biz/. And I'd say I'm doing better than most.

>> No.12262107

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.12262134

Imagine building a dapp on EOS getting ready for the explosion of usage. (not you)

>> No.12262148

If you knew anything about code then you’d realize EOS is a joke. Kys seriously

>> No.12262341

Programmer here. If you knew anything about code you would understand why ethereum devs are flocking to eos

>> No.12262464

it's always adorable how brainlets have this image of programmers as people wielding some arcane knowledge and therefore inherently wise, to the point they think larping as a programmer will give weight to their bagholder cope
first, plenty of people here are IT professionals, so the field doesn't hold the magic it does for your stupid ass
second, programmers as a whole are notoriously unwise, with a massive chip on their shoulder and a fundamental misunderstanding of the world

>> No.12262478

You mean like >>12262148 just did? Programmers are the ones actually building all the dapps so I'd say their opinion is more important than non-programmers who have no say in the matter such as yourself

>> No.12262500
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Imagine projecting this hard. Want to know which platform developers like more? The one that makes them the most money with the least amount of work. And ain't no nigger making money on slow ass 5 TPS blockchains that cost money for every transaction and requires knowledge of a special purpose programming language.

>> No.12262510
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>good and useful like fortnite

>> No.12262520

Most people in the world have heard of fortnite and it's actually a hugely lucrative game.

EOS is a scam created by a well known scam artist.

>> No.12262538

You said it was vaporware. You said it was just an erc20 token. You said the main net would never launch. You said Dan would run away with his bags of money. You said no one woikd use it. Now it's the most used blockchain by far. How do you deal with the cognitive dissonance? Reminds me of Hillary supporters pre and post trump. Absolute detachment from reality.

>> No.12262613

>most used block chain
>each transaction is counted 57 times
just kill yourself brainlet shill

>> No.12262652
File: 302 KB, 1368x1184, eosethdapps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you even talking about? Look at these numbers.

>EOS dapps with >1000 daily users: 13
>ETH dapps with >1000 daily users: 0
>A single EOS dapp has more daily transactions and volume than all Ethereum dapps combined

Ethereum bag holders are on another level of delusion

>> No.12262662

Based and new king of bizpilled

>> No.12262711

are you ok? none of what you said had anything to do with my post

and that's where you'd be wrong, my brainlet friend. you see, advances in programming are generally led by a few bright minds moving the field forward. most programmers are little more than code monkeys, taking university courses to learn obsolete knowledge then copypasting code from stackexchange
for an analogy people of your complexion might be better suited to understand, take your favorite NBA team and then compare it to the local highschool basketball team. there's many more highschool teams than there are NBA players. it's the same with programmers
so you can see your worship of programmers is quite misplaced. try taking a python entry course yourself, and you'll see there's nothing magical about it

>> No.12262747

The amount of mental gymnastics plebbitors go through to justify their cult-like loyalty to their meme coin in the face of an obviously superior product is astounding.

>try taking a python entry course yourself, and you'll see there's nothing magical about it
I have been programming for 7+ years and took numerous programming courses in school, including a few in Python, and one thing I can tell you is that people who talk about how easy programming is and call programmers code monkeys are always the ones who write the most incoherent, buggy code straight out of the ass of pajeet himself. Dunning-Kruger effect in action. The vast majority of people who try to learn programming are terrible at it, and many, including yourself it seems, are completely self-unaware about it.

>> No.12262760
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>> No.12263275

that because it didnt. you look at marketcap and think that this is the money raised. however, marketcap is juts the last price one eos was sold * supply. the money used to bougth eos is probably just around 100 million.

>> No.12263369

just a reminder than AMB is a North Korean scam

>> No.12263523

Larimer will dump it just like he did with Steem and Bitshares after considering he made enough cash out of it, then the platform will inevitably stagnate (already began), wither and slowly fade away.

This guy is just greedy opportunist, not that I believe others are saints by far but most creators stick to the protocol they build and try to enhance it at least during few years, Larimer just discard them and move to another one every year and it absolutely sucks when you want to convince anyone to adopt your solution.

>> No.12264542

>50 million transactions per day
that provide close to no real value whatsoever

>> No.12264555

jannies can you ban this spammer?
everyone please report this fucker. posting these creepy videos in every thread. human trash.

>> No.12264595

What is the outcome of those transactions? What are people actually using EOS for and why couldn't they just do the same thing with centralized hosting that is cheaper and faster? EOS isn't even blockchain it's just a shitty cloud service.

>> No.12264602
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reminder minecraft had more players in 2018 than fortshite

>> No.12264660

>all shitty dice games
>2B+ market cap
I hold zero ETH by the way and think it is also overvalued but it is pretty obvious EOS is a pointless money grab.