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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.43 MB, 2334x3090, 234928439_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12244999 No.12244999 [Reply] [Original]

>still living in my shitty 3rd world country
>had nothing good to eat this 24 only beans
>spent all the day alone trying to find a good job online, found nothing

is there a way to make a good money online? had 100$ in crypto but is now all gone and monthy salary is 5$ here in my country

>> No.12245007

5$ a month lol you lyin
what country?

>> No.12245012

not lying, Venezuela sadly

>> No.12245013

Ita christmas and this nigga eating beans

>> No.12245017

so this is the power of socialism

>> No.12245022

south asia or south america.

>> No.12245027

Sell them as magic socialism beans

>> No.12245030
File: 91 KB, 882x754, 1528567097171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5$ what the fuck? dude you could earn more money grinding game currencies and selling them smth

>> No.12245038

socialism only works on pure homogenous white countries apparently

everything the inferior races try, be it communism, capitalism or socialism, failes :)

>> No.12245047

Fuck off Favela Anon

>> No.12245053

Can't even play runescape in this pc..

>> No.12245117

communism is a ponzi scheme, you can't keep paying dividends forever

>> No.12245121

were you able to turn that ETH into something useful like food? i'm the guy that had you take a pic of your fridge for proof

>> No.12245123

Post feminine socialist dick on chaturbate

>> No.12245133

Post your ethereum address

>> No.12245134

Why don't you just join a caravan for free meals/showers

>> No.12245161 [DELETED] 

thank you anon


>> No.12245170

Yes, anon I remember someone told me to buy VEN or something like that but I had to use it for food, thank you very much godbless you

>> No.12245181

no, i had you grab the small pan in your fridge and take a picture with it. i wouldn't have said to buy shitcoins with it lol. maybe it wasn't you, nevermind

>> No.12245228 [DELETED] 

send me your ETH address i'll give you money for a pizza.

>> No.12245266 [DELETED] 


is this one, thank you so much anon

>> No.12245273

I remember you, I gave you like $30-$40 in ether last year and another third worlder aswell.

>> No.12245275

Just kidding. Go eat a rat you commie bastard.

>> No.12245285

how are you able to exchange crypto for goods/services there anyways? do you trade ETH for Bolivar Soberano and then use that to buy stuff? i'm curious how the market works. also post another pic of your house with the same timestamped piece of paper to prove this isn't some photoshop scam and i';ll help you out.

>> No.12245301

You’re a faggot, fuck you cunt. >>12245266
I’m feeling nice again, I’ll send you like $10 in ether. You 100% sure you can access this wallet

>> No.12245331

you're a cuck. i bet youre one of those guys who pays to see boipussy on cam sites.

>> No.12245348

You're a cunt. It's bad to laugh at those in distress. God will surely punish you with a worse circumstance than OP.

>> No.12245354

Only your fathers, but then he pays me to fuck your mother so we are even steven

>> No.12245411

my parents are dead. so jokes on you

>> No.12245415
File: 204 KB, 800x670, 1470772237415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.12245436

Did they kill them selves because they raised a miserable faggot?

>> No.12245500 [DELETED] 

Op confirm this address is good so I can send ether

>> No.12245513

Nah i did it because i needed the inheritance. blamed it on some nigger though

>> No.12245525

stop same fagging you commie cunt. You made this thread because you wanted people to send you crypto. Mods should ban you and give you cancer.

>> No.12245528

Take your beans out of the fridge and unplug that shit man. You're wasting money

>> No.12245530

OP is too busy posting on the begging subreddit apparently. i was ready to send some money too if he offered a little more proof that it wasn't some photoshop. oh well

>> No.12245535

Same here. I have a bit of ETH ready.

>> No.12245536

it is anon thanks

>> No.12245537
File: 107 KB, 800x800, 420 blaze it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy seeds, start farming
Specialty crops or weed

Farming is like owning a printing press

>> No.12245544

see >>12245285

>> No.12245556
File: 81 KB, 732x555, 144324234235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there have been a bunch of threads like these


if you keep giving they will keep coming. this is practically a beggar thread. not saying it's necessarily a bad thing, must suck living in venezuela, BUT

1. anyone with a few broken pieces of furniture can make these pics
2. it's still 100% better to give to a reliable charity. giving personally to someone in need you feel like you should help is best, but the odds of fraud on an anonymous image board (and even the internet altogether) are far too high

>> No.12245571

i remember asking him to pick up that jar

>> No.12245576

God can suck my dick

>> No.12245578
File: 132 KB, 750x1334, 0EAF2E7F-3C78-446E-A606-FE7DBFA7F6DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I’m pretty sure he is the same poorfag from last year who posted his passport but not sure, oh well I was only going to send 0.05 ether this time.
Fuck off faggot, you really need to get a life son. Here is my Coinbase you stupid cunt

>> No.12245589

Ok sending now op

>> No.12245603



>> No.12245614

there is a site for that called localethereum or localbitcoin, there i can sell crypto to my currency anon they buy with fees.

>> No.12245624

you only have 1k on coinbase and giving away? how much you have overall? pls dont be gullible, seriously. help someone you personally K N O W you are literally just throwing money away this way
if you want to help venezuelans, look up a reliable charity that gives to them. sure they'll rake in like 30% of your donation, but you still have 1 million times better odds that it'll be overall used much better than giving it to a random address on the internetn

>> No.12245631

Thank you so much anon I really appreciate :(

>> No.12245637

Not rich and that is only my Coinbase you stupid cunt. Again never said I was rich, was showing I’m not the poor fag

>> No.12245639

Nice begging thread

Please to buy chainlink sirs

>> No.12245650

Sent 0.05eth. $10aud

>> No.12245664

I actually own a lot of link so fuck you trip faggot

>> No.12245680

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.12245682

i just sent $50 (.4 ETH). go trade it for some food or something, dont try trading it for other crypto. i hope things get better for you.

you're a good person, god bless

>> No.12245689

Absolutely based

>> No.12245694

>showing you're not poor
>also same fagging as someone poor
>creating fake tx from self to self


go fuck a kangeroo and neck yourself aussie prison scum

>> No.12245701

Last time I donated to someone ($70) he turned out to be LARPing, not taking any chances this time.

>> No.12245718

why is it so hard for you to believe someone would give a perosn he belives to be a miserablepoorfag venezuelan $10 worth in crypto?

>> No.12245732

He posted no proof at all apart from an empty fridge as "proof"

Holy fuck you all deserve to get scammed this is brilliant.

>> No.12245738

I have enough in crypto, also already give to charity and have help enough cunts in my life you never deserved it, gave my useless sister over $3k last year because she had her kids taken by child safety and I had to take them in, so I helped her get her shit together and her kids home, well she got them home and I sent so much time and money on making it happen and I found out all she did was lie and had the kids taken 7 weeks later after 12months of me giving up my life and money. Helpped enough of those cunts anon. And really what $10 if op is being truthful about what he is saying. Trust me I’m not gullible and dealt with a lot of bullshit begging guymen (scammers).

>> No.12245750

Do Venezuelans even have reliable and/or affordable electricity?

>> No.12245763

give it to her children or whoever in your family or buy and give her stuff her children need so she can't spend it on whatever she wants

>> No.12245764

you clearly like being a cuck.

>> No.12245767

What is that in real dollars, not didgeridoo dollars?

>> No.12245770

Not going to make it with that attitude.

T. All in link chad.

>> No.12245792


>> No.12245811


You are an all in cuck

>> No.12245815

>im not gullible
>my sack of shit sister that i know is a sack of shit took advantage of me

>> No.12245817

I was doing that also but she was always using the excuse of needing money to get to child safety appointments. Doesn’t matter know I wouldn’t give her a cent if she was staving in the streets now, she is done to me. And she doesn’t have her kids anymore so I don’t need to help the dumb cunt. Her kids are safe with me and their day care worker who helps me now and has shared care aswell. All my siblings are useless and owe me thousands and my shit parents too. Fuck them all anon

>> No.12245820

If you're in the Third World then you should look into Amazon Mechanical Turk, or doing basic work like data entry on Fiverr or Upwork. It will keep you housed and fed so you can come up with a plan to do something better.

>> No.12245826

Sent ;-)

>> No.12245828

What a cunt, kys faggot. You can have a billion dollars and still be a piece of shit with a stained soul.

>> No.12245830

Do you do it for free or do you get paid?

>> No.12245834

Based, wish I had big balls like you my fren, I’m only 50% link

>> No.12245845

Not a lot ya cunt

>> No.12245851

>Doing something that you are good at for free
The absolute state of biz

>> No.12245854
File: 23 KB, 410x359, images-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op , no larp. I got 10 nano with your name on it for a time-stamped writing utensil in the pooper .

Sharpies are preferred .

>> No.12245860

Who the fuck stores uncooked beans in the fridge.

>> No.12245866

I would have a billion dollars and you wouldn't though so whos the real winner here?

>> No.12245873

It just seems like a lot of effort to FUD in about 23 threads. I mean, I like it. It takes a lot of heart, so,I was as curious if there was compensation. If so, how do I apply

>> No.12245883

You keep any food you have in a sealed box so all the creepy crawlers and rats can't get at it.

>> No.12245891

I was wondering when you'd show up

>> No.12245905

No I felt sorry for her kids and they wanted to go home at the time, what I didn’t realise was how much my sister didn’t give a fuck about her kids, I couldn’t believe it but now realise she is a piece of shit and her kids don’t deserve a shit mother like her. My sister really showed her true colours when she got her kids back because she clearly believed she could get away with anything. Like I said it didn’t last long, only 7 weeks and it wasn’t child safety who found out, they are fucking useless. It was me and I warned her I would report the shit and I did after a week of giving her time to get the junkie cunts out she had staying there

>> No.12245915

You should become a lawyer or something instead of begging or scamming online.

>> No.12245948

Its the power of the CIA sabotaging a nations economy.

>> No.12245950

Also op you should be able to eat for months with what this good anon gave you, be wise with it>>12245682

>> No.12245984

Depends on the state of yourself at the time of death. Which no amount of money can avoid in the end.

>> No.12245985

This thread is making me lose hope for humanity desu

>> No.12246009


>> No.12246013
File: 1 KB, 125x93, 1544889435211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12246019

Thank you for the help I really appreciate since my mom was also sick if there is any thing i can do for you guys please let me know I can edit videos for you if you wan't to do any project I have been practicing lately on one of my friends house so I probably can start doing some freelance for money, i'll let you guys my gmail seriously I ask me for anything i'll try to help traineracc05@gmail.com

>> No.12246020

ITT: capitalists donate to communists so they can sabotage capitalists to make them starve like communists

I hope you die OP

>> No.12246066

god bless you anon

>> No.12246073

fuck you

>> No.12246077

I am not a communist, my country was fucked by them while I could'nt even vote, that was on 1999, after our last president died (when I was 17) this new one called Maduro came and make everything just worse, even if all the people here vote against him he'll still win because he has control over the military force, I didn't asked for any of this its a shame for me that I had to come here to ask for some help, I would had killed myself years ago but I have a familiy and I don't want life be even shittier for them, again sorry

>> No.12246109

Yeah I bet OP decided the political ideology of his country's government all by himself. Kill yourself you fucking unflushed turdican.
I'm going to be starting a project soon where I may need cheap freelancers like you to do bits and pieces. What else do you do other than videos? Also don't explain that you don't agree with your country's politics. You think those goyim *want* Trump to sign away $38BN of their money to Pissrael? Hahaha the fucking irony.

>> No.12246139

Suck my 7inch kokalocki you raging idiot

>> No.12246177

for the videos I think I can do pretty decent Intros/outros and some fancy editing, lower thirds etc, for PS editing I can handle fliers, logos, publicity stuff and probably some desings for a page, I wish I could had the money back then to go to the university atleast and be a graduated designer, I tried freelance but all the pages are taken from old designers

And thanks, again I didn't wanted to say anything because its probably obvious that I don't agree with them, I couldnt even participate in any democratic elections back then in the days so ending up like this is the fault of other people

>> No.12246217

This is some advice I think could work for you. Poor cunts in Africa scam westerns for money, but this is hard work and honestly they are pieces of shit for the way they do it. What I use to do was fuck this them, these African “guymen” are extremely gullible and will believe almost anything when you hook them in and their are thousands of them waiting for you to email them back to their shit scam. I suggest you get into this but scam them for money, I never did this because the forum I use it was a rule you were not allowed to bait the scammers for money because it’s illegal I guess. But I know of people who have and it’s actually easy. Maybe get into this and try it. It’s called 419baiting. It’s been around for decades. Google it and check it out

>> No.12246254

That's kinda what I was hoping you had skills with but thought it best to let you state it for yourself.
How much would you charge for doing the logos/branding/publicity etc for an Android/iOS app?
I'm looking to get a project going early next year. Right now I'm dealing with unrelated shit which may take me into March. After that I have some projects I need design for, I can't design for shit. I don't mind paying some kid with a pirated copy of PS and living in the 3rd world a small but fair amount. I came from a poor as fuck background myself and made it through a lot of tough work and risk taking so I can sympathize a lot.
Have you got a portfolio? Doesn't have to be huge but as long as you can show some original work and some initiative.

>> No.12246338

I don't know about prices, anything you give would be okay, you can email me or leave your email here so you can explain what kind of stuff do you want for your app, If youl like the results then you can give me anything if not there is no problem I could tell a friend which is an actual graphic designer and he would do it if you want

>> No.12246370

I have your email, I'll contact you next year. My id is going to be a meme rabbi.

>> No.12246458
File: 46 KB, 480x854, EE99EAC7-6A5D-467D-82CC-6BB373F7018E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ni se te ocurra venirte a Colombia puto veneco oloroso de mierda

>> No.12246562

OP sent the ETH to binance

>> No.12246578

Why would anyone want to go to Columbia, also your mothers pussy is smelly smelly like dog poo poo

>> No.12246592

Nice, hopefully he gets link with it

>> No.12246616


Por qué alguien querría ir a Columbia, también el coño de tu madre huele mal como a caca de perro

>> No.12246620

he'll probably buy the worst shitcoin out there and lose that money in a few months.

>> No.12246629


>> No.12246644

Why did you send eth to Binance???

>> No.12246681

you have the bigger balls for diversifying in a sea of shitcoins

>> No.12246691
File: 101 KB, 1125x1063, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hope u not lapping faggot, merry christmas. Here is 5 months salary.

>> No.12246695

I gave my binance address so they could send me money throught there and then sell it on localethereum, now my binance account shows me an different address that the one I gave WTF

>> No.12246700

when will you realise that the citizens had no choice in the matter and maduro could be another puppet by the mic? The election was an invasion and subjected the citizens to total slavery

>> No.12246705

Cant send you crypto im outta that game. But sending you positive vibes. One day we'll be free anon

>> No.12246710

The ether should still be in your Binance account, don’t stress. Have a look

>> No.12246762

Is it there op?

>> No.12246766
File: 39 KB, 1108x497, 2bd5004ff1387816ad2280f2e16b9dca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what happened, I created this account like 1 week ago or two, I made an .text with my binance address for ethereum and bitcoin, I even named the text "binance address" now I logged into that account and the ETH and BTC address changed for this one:


I don't know whats happening, do they change the addresses suddenly? I just opened a ticket for that i'm so sorry if the money you gave is loss but i'm pretty sure they changed the addresses otherwise I wouldn't had those addresses saved on a .txt

>> No.12246794



>> No.12246817


This this this

>> No.12246831

Still yappin in this thread after 4 hours? Get a life, clown.

>> No.12246847

>Storing dry beans in a fridge
Not gonna make It
Well dried anything doesnt require refrigeration you know (thats why It was dried in the first place)....you fan keep It outside of your fridge and turn It of. There i just saved you like15$ a month

>> No.12246863

Yo dude you think im in this thread for 4 hours? LMAO LEARN TO READ A CLOCK. THREAD WAS MADE 3 hours ago. FUCKING STATE OF BIZ MATH

>> No.12246885

Lol at this larp and people actually giving. The absolute state. This is how i know we’ve been infiltrated by redditors and normies.

>> No.12246892


>> No.12246910


>> No.12246917

Old /biz/ would be a thread of anons telling this begging cunt to neck himself, and that he's poor because he didn't apply himself. I miss old /biz/

>> No.12246928

In this case no, it really is just socialism failing which = beurocrats taking even more power and fucking even more stuff up. You should look into how they handled farming before oil prices went down. They acted like they would always have money and just imported food etc, let their farms fail. Stuff like that. Pretty common actually.

>> No.12246935

I'm trying to call this commie cunt out but no one here is even listening lol. This place has been infested by liberal shills that cuck over chainlink threads all day.

>> No.12246954

Yeah for someone who doesn’t have access to that wallet he sent that eth out quick to binance

>> No.12246967

Op this is why I told you to confirm if the address is accessible. Never make this mistake again. But you should get the ether to your Binance account. Is ether showing on your Binance account at all??

>> No.12246985

>old /biz/
End yourself. /biz/ is like the newest fucking board on the site, cunt. I have a jar of marmalade older than this fucking board. Can timestamp it too in case you think I'm memeing.

>> No.12246986

do data entry on sites like earncrypto.com

>> No.12246995
File: 53 KB, 1909x140, 416cfbb310cc4d6d5e6e535faf7d0f27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not, I didn't knew this people could change our addresses suddenly I used binance because I thought it was safe, I created this 1 week ago and now the address is suddenly changed for another one, I created a ticket so lets see what do they say I'm really sorry I didn't thought something like this could happen

>> No.12247003

I have grandma older than 4chan, what's your fucking point? newfag cunt

>> No.12247006
File: 1.19 MB, 2160x2160, 20181226_190949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit am I late to the begging thread?
I'm actually Venezuelan but I've been to embarrassed to beg

Sadly, I think OP was scamming you guys. Its shitty that there are people taking advantage of our situation to scam generous people

>> No.12247007

this, we need to make fun of beggars because they're almost always scammers, just like the one in this thread.

this place has been infested by alt-right trump supporting baindead cucks who buys retarded shit like this. and yes, you're the part of that shittrain too.

>> No.12247014

posting in epic scam thread. include me in the screenshots plz

>> No.12247015

And look for reason its transfering the ETH to a binance address all of sudden, I googled and some people had the same problem

>> No.12247020

I read an article on Vox:

I suppose if you are okay with doing kinda weird stuff for total strangers, you can make a few bucks on fiverr.

>> No.12247038

You can't grow an economy on socialism
You can only stagnate at best and collapse at worst

>> No.12247041

Let’s see what they say, if you are using an exchange always check the address is still the same. Binance should give you this ether because that old address still should be connected to your account.

>> No.12247050

sweetie im not even alt right and i was the first one here to call this thread out so im not buying it. Go check my thread if you think im a trump racist nazi you fucking moron >>12242896 then kill yourself.

>> No.12247057
File: 103 KB, 640x1136, F95914F9-F303-4384-BED7-0D1D1A1F0AE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right I'm a newfag. /biz/ shilled me ETH at $200, pic related. Let's see your municipal marmalade then, faggot

>> No.12247080

Shave your knuckles, you jungle monkey. You'll never get laid trying to jam those hairy sausages into a roastie's gut pocket

>> No.12247081

I get your point.
But I'm very thankful for people that despise their doubts help others. Months ago some people from biz gave me some ETH and with that I was able to buy a lot of people and cover my university tuition
I still remember that one posted a pic with a guys giving thumbs up. I'm very grateful for that.

>> No.12247102

Stop larping faggot that's clearly a soviet fridge and not even Turkmenistan has a salary of 5$. Get a job like the rest of us ex-soviets and earn you 500$

>> No.12247113

Men dont shave their hand or arms here, many women dont either, it was odd finding out that people outside do it desu. It doesn't matter, I'm still a virgin. Im very introverted and do go out because duh I'm in one of the most dangerous countries in the world and because I dont have money to party and buy women stuff.
Thanks for the tip though, maybe that could help me.

>> No.12247136

This, if once every fucking year I give to some poor faggot I think may be legit a bit of ether I could make their year just like anon here. Honestly I live in the first world and what I gave op today is less then what I spent on my breakfast this morning. If that’s what it cost to make some fsggot year that’s nothing. Also I think op is legit. He was using a Binance wallet by the look of it. I know Binance takes your ether out and puts it into their main wallet. Also op seems legit with how he is stressing about the ether might be missing now. Also I think Binance will credit it to his account soon I think. Seen a anon the other day do this on Coinbase when he was cashing out, but all worked out in the end

>> No.12247184
File: 32 KB, 1348x353, 90d437637d976b0b7b6f4cdc9cf452ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They told me this, I just replied to them i'm currently waiting, they had to change my Ether address because thats the only account I have so its impossible that I had an wrong address when this is my first binance account

>> No.12247188

I didnt even said you are alt right or that you bought that shit, but you're clearly subscribed to perceived 4chan hivemind. I mean, insulting liberals makes you retard with 95% accuracy, not even trolling. It's nice you called out this scam, but I can only imagine what kind of useless shit you post on daily basis.

>> No.12247189

thanks for shitting up this board you idiot. these thinly veiled begging threads will dominate this board if you encourage this kind of behavior. go start a fucking subreddit to give pajeets your money if you're so dead set on doing it.

>> No.12247218

>I didnt even said you are alt right or that you bought that shit
You literally said i was part of that "shit train" in which you described it as being infested by alt right trump supporters who buys that shit.

Also where did I insult liberals? I've not even once mentioned the word liberals all day.

You are obviously very high on your prescription medicines that you stole from your mother. So probably best you go to bed honey.

>> No.12247229

And capitalism isn’t a Ponzi scheme?

>> No.12247282

I really hope he's legit. All the scams makes it harder for people like you told us.

Btw if anyone wants to talk with a Venezuelan, here I am. AMA I guess... and no, I'm not a socialist

>> No.12247290

I'll talk with a Venezuelan. GO FUCK YOURSELF POOR CUNT

>> No.12247301

I’m not dead set on doing it you faggot, for one read the thread. Op never asked, anons asked for his address. I read through and was feeling good this morning so thought fuck it I can share a couple bucks of ether

>> No.12247302

They don't do it here usually too unless they are gay, but I gotta question why they don't do it. It doesn't look manly. In the 90s women didn't shave their pussies and men didn't shave their balls. Now everyone does it, so I bet it's only a matter of time before every zoomer shaves their armpits and legs.

>> No.12247325
File: 206 KB, 991x672, moneyfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, IP changed , but I am still here.
I am offering you 2 months salary to post a picture of something in your ass. This is a no brainer bro.
Show me that butthole.

>> No.12247330

Make sure you show them the old address and that it is definitely a Binance address also because Binance has already taken the ether from it

>> No.12247362


LOL this.

>> No.12247365

Im not close to rich, but thank God I have enough to eat even if some piece of plain bread every day. Many cant even do that

Where you from?
It's crazy how fast the culture is moving. What was the norm 50 years ago is the minority opinion now.

>> No.12247379

>You literally said i was part of that "shit train" in which you described it as being infested by alt right trump supporters who buys that shit.
ok, I wasn't clear enough, you may be doing a different kind of shit, but you're still part of a shittrain.

>Also where did I insult liberals? I've not even once mentioned the word liberals all day.
>This place has been infested by liberal shills that cuck over chainlink threads all day
umm, you're fucking with me now, don't you?

>You are obviously very high on your prescription medicines that you stole from your mother. So probably best you go to bed honey.
even worse, I didn't take a pill.

>> No.12247382

You really think he had no ulterior motive in making this thread? No wonder you're such a gullible fuck. I knew it was a begging thread from the first post. surprise surprise OP has an ethereum wallet at the ready

>> No.12247384

I did, I'm just waiting for their response, thank you anon :(

>> No.12247397
File: 6 KB, 238x212, 1536567836523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon Mechanical Turk
Look up the subreddit/watch some explanation videos and get the browser addons to speed up the process.
You can probably make $3 an hour if you speak English.
It's not for everyone but if $5 a MONTH is what is normal, you should definitely do it.
Basically your eyes are valuable because you're basically a pretty skilled general AI program, and that's worth some money to look at things and type them out. Not sure if you need citizenship in the US or not though.

>> No.12247406

If I can recall I tried that but when I sended my request they denied it

>> No.12247419

Try to ask the subreddit and they might help get you through. It could have been an accident in filling out your application.

>> No.12247435

the state of Venezuelan education. Almost as poor as the population.

>> No.12247438

Sorry mean to reply to your post with this

>> No.12247469

Make false documents for people fleeing into Brazil

>> No.12247508



>> No.12247529

(you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you)

>> No.12247541

Anon I do understand where you are coming from I do, but to be fair if it wasn’t for this faggot I probably wouldn’t have sent anything, so you can thank him really

>> No.12247546

There's millions of your countrymen all over this continent and they even got free passes.
Why the fuck are you still there?

>> No.12247560

pretend to be a 15 year old and talk to pedos online, get them to send u money to a paypal or something for your "plane ticket" to go visit them. this is how i explore cities in the US for free.

>> No.12247562

Because I have no money to get a fly/bus pass those are too expensives..

>> No.12247568

just choose ur location on the chat app, you wanna go visit new york? look for pedos in new york

>> No.12247574

Epic bantz amirite guys? Oh thanks for the gold stranger.

>> No.12247582

I feel sorry for you anon. I wish I could order you some food right now.

>> No.12247589

famous last words right there

brb sending some Christmas ETH to this anon in need just to spite you

>> No.12247612

So, what's your plan? Besides begging for money.

>> No.12247616


if you could play rs i would help you, i have a harem of venezuelan nigg friends that i play with and help kill other players for money. They treat me like im their king and always back me up no matter what, very loyal and unquestioning people. This was a few months ago and now some of the ones that i play with are actually rich and have made friends with some of my friends even though all of them their english is very limited;

From reading this thread however your english is some of the best i have seen, i will keep your email address in mind if i could use your help with something because with speaking skills like yours you should be able to find something to do especially on the internet you just have to think, take care again my friend

>> No.12247619

>sending eth to an obvious scam
lmao pls do it

>> No.12247626

Binance hasn't replied yet :( how long do they take to respond a ticket?

its so frustrating that they changed the ETH address like that

The new address that binance shows me is this one: 0x7ff37f7dbc4d4806f4a634893f4fd7eb4f4c1f93

sorry for the people that send money to the other one I hope I can recover it, there are plenty of people that had that problem before because of sudden address changes

>> No.12247627

Fucking lol, not even worth going downstairs to take a photo as it dates back to like 2012. I have fucking toilet rolls older than your post.

>> No.12247633

not in a free market

>> No.12247649

From what I know that can take ages, it still hasn’t showed up in your account by anychance??

>> No.12247650

I can confirm this, I remember it. But yes anybody can go to the cellar and make some pics of his old fridge and some other shit.

>> No.12247672

Just in case someone is kind enough to share a bit with me I created a wallet just now. I know it's a bit pity but hey, you never know


In my case I dont have enough to pay the trip or the stay or the expenses there

I'm about to finish my degree and after it I wanted to get out anyway or maybe try and open a business, but I don't have capital for that yet. I've been doing market studies and found that any business selling to Venezuelans is likely to fail, but those that send goods to outside have a greater chances thanks to cheap raw materials and labor. Theres also a rarities market since many are leaving selling everything at any price and that could be a nice opportunity to buy rarities

>> No.12247682


>> No.12247690

Yeah but op got sick digits

>> No.12247694
File: 41 KB, 274x447, 6627BDFD-3979-4E4B-90DB-D05BF19BFF94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I’m gonna send the OP 150 dollars in the next days just to make that tripfag homo butthurt lmao

>> No.12247697

Better than what dominates it now (ragey faggpts like you). I think begging should be allowed.

>> No.12247712

not going back there.

>The new address that binance shows me is this one
omg lol, I'll ROFL on the floor if someone sends him something to this address.

>> No.12247716

Still nothing, I'm seriously sorry I'm even more depressed now

>> No.12247725

that's true, and there is always a chance of something nefarious, but i'm pretty fortunate so i dont mind taking a chance on people. i hope OP figures his shit out.

also this

>> No.12247734

This board has more shilling, mischief, toxicity, and overall shityness than pol at this point it should be nuked.

>> No.12247743

I asked for anons to send me $40 to buy some weed and I got banned and my thread got deleted. It’s nice to see someone get some free money out of you tight fuckers

I remember a few years ago someone sent me 30 ETH for fun.

>> No.12247756

The jar guy was me lol. I dont have that jar anymore.
I got banned on the jar thread too, that's why I couldn't answer some questions at the end. I had issues with coinomi wallet

>> No.12247765

Don’t be depressed, you will get that ether back, I am sure that old address would still be linked to your account some how and they will be able to see that on their end for sure. You definitely sent it to a Binance account so don’t stress

>> No.12247769

Lmao you remind me of those bitches that went to morroco to prove muslims aren't bad people then got their heads chopped up.

>> No.12247789

I sent it because anon was being a pick and asked him for his ether address for op could get food then shat all over this hopes, you are a absolutely brainlet cunt. Move on faggot

>> No.12247795

>shaving your balls

Congrats on looking like a little boy

>> No.12247841

shaving your balls is true-patrician taste

>> No.12247843

Read what you write before you click post and call others a brainlet. Fucking brainlet lol

>> No.12247865

Fucking end yourself tripfag

>> No.12247873

T. Attention seeking boring faggot

>> No.12247877

Literally this. Tripfags get the rope

>> No.12247886

Checked, this should be globe rule

>> No.12248016

I agree

>> No.12248028


>> No.12248051

Guess Binance haven’t replied back to you yet??

>> No.12248068
File: 785 KB, 600x1724, gang up on her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is internet access per month and how fast can you upload/download?

Also how hard is it to get gasoline out of the border? I know you can fill up your car in Venezuela for a cigarette or a banana (not even joking). Selling that abroad would net a decent profit.

>> No.12248076

>beans in fridge

>owning a car

>> No.12248101

D fak if u stop gambling in cockfighting and instead all in link u might make it fag sell ur cocks and pellets and vitamins all in link fag

>> No.12248174

I get for a dollar 1 mbps, in paper the real download speed is like 50 kbps

Gasoline is cheap but its tricky to get it at the border, theres a new system that uses fingerprints and a new ID card that registered all car owners and they have a cap on how much they can get gasoline per month.

Put in place to avoid what you're saying lol

>> No.12248177

fuck tripfags

but in the future please don't give anyone money unless you're the one making a thread and it's 2023 and you've already made it

>> No.12248186
File: 167 KB, 960x852, My Hero Academia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't realize how quickly the country has gone down the drain. it's possible to have owned a car or house before there was no food around. and you can't sell your car or house for a turkey because why would the buyer want 2 cars or 2 houses when he can actually have a turkey to eat instead? and he can't teleport the car or house outside the border and sell it. some also need that car to be able to go to work and earn those 1 billion moneys to buy a tube of toothpaste for, which is worth more the next day than the 1 million moneys

>> No.12248192

people will send venezuelans free crypto. look on twitter.

>> No.12248200
File: 27 KB, 489x499, 1544724118647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love my job work for the Amazin Bezos.
I code many app can afford lots beans

>> No.12248211
File: 43 KB, 350x339, godzilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see. usa should just low key send a drone and take out your president, no offense. with all the fucked up things usa do every god damned day this one time that it would be justified they dont do it.

>> No.12248283

Based tripfag, fuck all these idiots

>> No.12248287

There was a failed drone attacks some months ago dude

>> No.12248306

Wow yer really milkin this scam. Nice work

>> No.12248320

Black person detected

>> No.12248321
File: 42 KB, 472x459, perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs to be a line of drones in the sky until one of them succeeds

>> No.12248328
File: 72 KB, 1036x733, trin-MMAP-md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how fucked socialism iis this nnigger country is 7 miles from mine and im a broke fucker who barely made 5k US this year and my fridge is fulll

> hey dude im looking for a good supplier of cocaine can u hook me up

>> No.12248375

Can you imagine all the hatred that the president will have for ordering that?

I've never been to Trinidad. How is it? How hard is to move there?

>> No.12248421
File: 72 KB, 1317x709, da8a863f59776e440049b2fefd0b5a5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got IP banned, and yes they did but they ask for a lot of things i don't think i'm getting those back ;(

>> No.12248481

this scam just reached a whole new level

>> No.12248692
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, lXSWGjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.
Nigga you can learn to code, make a 10 years salary within one month to get the absolute boss status and drown in pussy.
Nah...go beg instead.
I feel for those guys, but it's an infinite loop of sumbhuman thinking --- subhuman society.

>> No.12249123
File: 5 KB, 419x120, images3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One word my communist block nigger-
You can run a node in a few weeks - you will be paid in SUB and since your in fucking Venezuela where shit is supressed and regulated - substratum will keep you anonymous.

>> No.12250286


>Nigga you can learn to code, make a 10 years salary within one month to get the absolute boss status and drown in pussy.

what fantasy are you living in

>> No.12250503

Atleast you have a fridge you unthankful shit scammer. If any good Soul Here wants to help a real homeless ; Join this discord gg/UjnqMyW ( can leave tomorrow after i win some coins ) thanks sirs

>> No.12250518
File: 74 KB, 1150x860, 436AA50D-C2D9-41C2-ABE9-D706B89E89E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With one instant click of the mouse I purchased 20 bitcoins of this Flo token

It was in mid November and my purchase was completed for an average of 800 but caused a spike to 1000.

Every day I sleep with glee just knowing that in a few months the 20 btc of Flo I purchased will be worth an easy 150-200+ btc.

Some days I dream of it going to $100mm cap and my stack rising from 20 to 1000 btc. I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that making 250 btc on one trade is more than enough to buy curry for this entire forum for one full month..



Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions

But first they should STUDY these two articles:



>> No.12250568

I lost 5x more than your entire net worth today