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12244575 No.12244575 [Reply] [Original]

>He's rich yet does not look like this

What's the point of being rich if your body looks poor?

>> No.12244581
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>> No.12244592

Being rich means being stressed out most of the time.

>> No.12244597

Face is everything, body is a nice compliment, attire beyond simple elegance is cope.

>> No.12244611

If you can't change your face might as well change your body. Nothing wrong with coping desu

>> No.12244620

Why the fuck would you, a person who could one day afford indefinite life extension, put your internals through stresses that will potentially have them fail before that is attainable? You might as well add hydraulics to your car and piss away your wealth Mc. Hammer style.

>> No.12244626

>put your internals through stresses that will potentially have them fail before that is attainable?

Lmao being fit improves your health

>> No.12244627

You might as well become a monk if you ask me.

>> No.12244628

Having a very nice face means nothing if you have low social experience

>> No.12244666
File: 68 KB, 468x554, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of white trash gym training if you are rich?

>> No.12244676

Muscle mass has been proven to reduce lifespans. Look up free radicals and aging theory.

>> No.12244685

This isn’t the 80’s, plastic surgery is really good and getting a nice body is 6 months of “TRT” and a gym membership. Going from goblin to handsome is $50k max, pretty trivial if you are trying to be a millionaire.

>> No.12244695

lmao fat cope

>> No.12244701

That way your trophy wife fucks you once a month instead of only fucking the pool boy.

>> No.12244711

People don't trust skinnyfat-bois

>> No.12244739

Post image of yourself skinnyfat

>> No.12244767

I'll admit i'm pretty skinnyfat but I'm working on getting lean because I realized my portfolio is irrelevant if I look bad

>> No.12244811

Exacly it's all about the face.

>> No.12244821

I hate myself

>> No.12244826

I unironically think that looks like shit and being 16~ BMI with no muscle looks the best no homo

>> No.12244832

If she doesn’t fuck you whenever you want you need to switch your throphy wife

>> No.12244841

Yeah but that’s if you take the easy route spiritually and do what everyone else does. If you follow your passion and happen to become rich from what you created, it’s not always bad.

>> No.12244842
File: 382 KB, 498x211, jumprope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You might as well add hydraulics to your car

>> No.12244853

you dont look like that.

>> No.12244876

>easy route spiritually
Daddies money 'self-made' rich person detected

>> No.12244879

why would I want to look like a homosexual?

>> No.12244880

I have good facial structure but no gf because I'm poor as fuck. The bonecel myth isn't true.

>> No.12244886

I'm 27, I can't build muscle any more.

>> No.12244908

I have good facial structure, a rich NEET and no gf because no social skills. The money myth isn't true.

>> No.12244927

When it comes down to it we are both just copecels.

>> No.12244957


>> No.12244981

How is that a cope? Something like "I can attract women with money" is a cope. You can't cope by acknowledging you're too old to do something any more.

>> No.12245002

Why would 27 be too old to build muscle? There's nothing that prevents you from doing it

>> No.12245037


Lol, bodybuilders usually peak around 30-40 or something, even the natural ones.

>> No.12245064
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>gym training is for white trash

>> No.12245065

yeah but life is over at 30 anyway and I wouldn't be able to get anywhere before then without getting on steroids or TRT

>> No.12245146

Why bother living if you had already given up you faggot? You're a disgrace to the human race consider killing yourself.

>> No.12245314

You lose your youthful energy and ignorance fueled recklessness when you end your 20ties. Being rich while 30 is pleb tier comparing to being rich while in your 20ties.

>> No.12245658

Muscle development peaks at 25, same with your brain neuroplasticity.
You cannot gain significant strength or intelligence beyond that.

>> No.12245705

UUUU L T R A C O P E e e e

>> No.12245727
File: 103 KB, 640x480, fluffyponzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, here is my pic.
My watches are worth millions of dollars. Get on my level.

>> No.12245729

citation for that?

>> No.12245769

you can still build a lot of muscle if you keep at it. sure it wont be at the same rate as your 16 year old self but who cares. plenty of guys got big in their 30s and even older.

>> No.12245807

you're stupid

>> No.12245827

Unironically no point. Imagine being a rich fat ass who can’t summon enough will to put down the fork and work out consistently.

>> No.12245842

This is also true. Imagine being 30 and not having accomplished all your life goals.

>> No.12245918

dumbass. Peak development for someone who doesnt work out. A man just existing will get stronger until 25. A man who works out can absolutely get stronger past that age. The peak for athletes is 29-31.

>> No.12245953

strength and muscle *

>> No.12245965

What is wrong with his foot? Fucking gross, but alpha at the same time.

>> No.12245966

Well if you're a wagecuck being "rich" is like 100k a year so yeah you're not getting laid.

But if you got a biz being rich s like 10mil in the bank, which means you can bang high quality 1k hookers every single day until you die at 80 yos.

Whereas some good looking wage cuck can't get laid past 30-40.

>> No.12246075

Not the one shitting about becoming rich by shitting around. This kind of detachment from reality is reserved for the most cloistered of inheritards

>> No.12246100

this. if you're extroverted no problem. if you're introverted just make yourself look rich.

>> No.12246300

made me actually lol nice one