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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12243250 No.12243250 [Reply] [Original]

Stacie the receptionist got pregnant 2 weeks after starting dating a new man

>> No.12243269

lol fresco is the best /biz/ meme of 2018. it's actually fucking hilarious.

>> No.12243275

and now she doesn't have to work but will still get paid. Yay sluts! producing more creatures for the Isreali army

>> No.12243279

>Stacie fucks Chad, gets pregnant
>oh shit, Chad is a musician without a job
>starts dating Norm the engineer, fucks him in the first date
>omg I’m preggers, I’m so glad I found you Norm

>> No.12243290
File: 186 KB, 675x360, 1534841941536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "but he'sh red and hash a job!"
>inb4 "ackchually, he'sh not a forshed meme becaushe he ackcuratlly depictsh the plightsh of the modern working classh man"
>inb4 "b-b-but the CIA are trying to shuppressh him becaushe freshco hash the potenshial to shtart a workersh revolushion"

>> No.12243301

I'm sorry but how is this related to economics or financial markets? Mods?

>> No.12243308
File: 15 KB, 394x383, 1530211750442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIKE CLOCKWORK. CHAAAAAAD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......best part is that the engineer will be happy until the kid becomes a teen and the alpha gene drives everyone mad. meanwhile i have to congratulate Stacy and act happy for her and buy her presents

>> No.12243334
File: 172 KB, 500x772, D8F489B4-D61F-4327-80D2-674D0B73A6D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12243348

>I need to pretend to be happy for her and buy her presents
Sucks to be you wagie

>> No.12243355
File: 26 KB, 498x499, 1531954917332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresco knows to stay on the strait and narrow. dont stare into the abyss; it might stare back.

no questions....just be a Mormon

>> No.12243783

Legit happens in my office.

Sluts get pregnant when they want a comfy year off. One even got pregnant, during her maternity leave got pregnant again, came back for a few months and then shat out another mongoloid while collecting that sweet mat pay.

She just quit before Christmas (she was gonna come back in Jan)

>> No.12244215


Are you okay man?

>> No.12244285

That's not fresco

>> No.12244290

Plot twist, the kid is actually Dave's as he's also banging a nigra and has his white wife take care of it

>> No.12244299
File: 2.98 MB, 540x467, 1527886627518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: in america 60% of parents raise kids that are not biologicalle theirs, and most are unaware of this

>> No.12244329
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 20170412095253!Asuka_Soryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in japan women want now only get married if man earns 100k usd, when they get married to a "salary man" and pop kid or two they are set for life. man works 90 hours per week and rarely sees the kids. usually divorce comes at older age or if man earning power comes down. then the man pays alimony. also sex stops imediatelly after kids, then it is ok for t he man to go whores the wife does not mind as long as man gives her monthly 80% of his paychek 90 hours work :D

his is now why 70% of men japanese are "herbivore men" who dont want get married or kids or anything to do with women they simply prefer prostitutes

>> No.12244357

>”herbivore men”
Why do the Japanese have so many weird nicknames for non-standard male lifestyles?

>> No.12244359

That's actually not a fact retard

>> No.12244371

I was about to fell for that scenario, I while I was fucking here I felt something is not right, I kept pushing myself "I need to make effort", but my dick didn't want to continue, and I stopped.

4 weeks later, I found out she was already pregnant

Sometimes trust your 6th sense, following only your dick you will get screwed

>> No.12244375

Don't let any one of the "dude Japan so weird xDDDD" weebs fool you--Japan is actually a turbo-normie country. Liking cartoons past 10 is deviant and knowing what you want to do at 17 is considered strange

>> No.12244390 [DELETED] 

Chicks let me fuck them raw all the time I assume it's because they are okay with having a kid with me but I pull out with precision every time