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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 225x225, chinkscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12242896 No.12242896 [Reply] [Original]

They are a slacker 2 man team. With about 3 random outside contributors who constantly fuck up the code and require amendments. This project has been a complete disaster from the moment it first started.

Literally, imagine buying into an ICO over 12 months ago and the team haven't even said when they think they will be ready to release.

None of you know what the "long con" is, i seriously suggest you go look into it, this is exactly what Chainlink is.

I consider it my mission for 2019 to 100% devote my time to making sure every possible project partner out there knows that this is a far right scam that perpetuates misogyny, racism, anti antisemitism and islamaphobia. I have more than enough evidence from this board, from your discord groups and from all the memes that have been created. So far I have 36 comments screenshot from discord. 400+ offensive memes and 214 screenshots from Biz.

I haven't even scratched the surface yet but im slowly getting there. I'm going to be sending this huge archive file out to all of the email addresses of the Marketing , CEOs, HR, Sales and advertising departments of ALL teams.

I will be doing this at the very beginning of the year. You've been warned.

P.s if anyone feels like seeing what I have ready to send out so far then dump an email and I will show you, because there will be some cope from people thinking this is a larp. I swear on my mothers life it's not, lol

-based anti linker

>> No.12242905

Thanks! Market sold 1000K!

>> No.12242951

fuck off delphi

>> No.12243027

just sell, and don't fucking bother us with it

>> No.12243097

I don't own a single link token. never have. never will.

>> No.12243125
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1524283462728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he values his time to spam /biz/
>he thinks only /biz/tards are the only investors
>he thinks that he will change peoples minds

>> No.12243156

>he thinks only /biz/tards are the only investors
>he doesn't realise that i will be sending this to all of the teams using this project or thinking about using it.
>He doesn't realise OpenLaw responded to him on twitter and knows about this problem already.

>> No.12243178

You realize 4chan is the most racist board on the internet right? You just convinced anyone who wasn't in chainlink to go deeper in.

>> No.12243181
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>> No.12243186


>> No.12243252
File: 10 KB, 1019x174, Astrodix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All trip fags are the same person

>> No.12243278

>the iq of linktards

>> No.12243637

Its too late OP I'm not selling...I'm either holding my bags until they drag me to the depths of the Mariana Trench or gripping tightly as they blast off towards Alpha Centauri. I can lose this money and I don't even care if I make it anymore. 15K LINK .38 DCA average since Feb.

>> No.12243791

OP not going to make it

>> No.12243867

Show proof you have dirt on the team themselves. No one cares if you have dirt on anonymous bullshitters. Show proof you have something good or never show your faggoty trip here again you LARPing faggot

>> No.12244502

>So far I have 36 comments screenshot from discord. 400+ offensive memes and 214 screenshots from Biz.

Every single one of them was made by you, I can prove it.

>> No.12244505
File: 668 KB, 1000x712, linkiesfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP doesn't understand that all publicity is good publicity
Thanks for making our linkies more stinky OP, very cool!

>> No.12244561

i choose to believe that all these discord tripfags are the same person, because the thought that there are multiple faggots this retarded is too depressing

>> No.12244604


lmao ur a faggot

>> No.12244621

I already sent screenshot of your message to every possible project partner, Chainlink team and all Discord, Telegram etc. groups so they will ignore you as a psycho with an obsession. Thanks for the heads up nutjob. Have fun collecting your screenshots and "living the dream".

>> No.12244647

>some retard went through all this effort to pajeet his,own coin that he holds
>created a trip just to FUD
>created copy paste just to FUD
Embarrassing desu, I bet you're fat

>> No.12244653

I think OP nailed it, there is a high likelihood that link won't become anything more than the fantasies of a weirdly obese Russian..

Not gonna sell anyway.. the whole self-executing smart contracts will inevitably become integrated into out society. Will it be chainlink which these smartcontracts will be based around? probably not, but of the current smartcontract projects that exist, chainlink is by far the best.

This is a lottery, instead of a one in a billion odds of becoming a multi-millionaire, i think my odds are around 15-20%, just by holding 5K link tokens.

>> No.12244697

>autistic neets on the internet are racist and they also like chainlink
>therefore that means chainlink is inherently racist!
>do not use chainlink!
>sincerely, an autistic neet from the internet
Imagine thinking this is how real life works. Imagine thinking a CEO from any company opens unsolicited emails filled with attachments sent by random autistic faggots. Imagine them giving a 1/100th of a shit what 4chan says about anything. Top. Fucking. Kek.

>> No.12244973

Please share some memes with us fren

>> No.12244998

Wow thanks you really know your shit. Just bought 25,000 Linkies.

>> No.12245460

oh my sweet summer child
its not just biz conversations i have screenshotted.
open law already responded to me once before on twitter. If you think emails aren't there for a reason then you are a dumbass. I'll be uploading everything to a secure image sharing site so they can look through without threat of viruses if they chose not to open a zipped folder that they can just scan using basic anti virus software. TOP FUCKING KEEKEE.

Can't wait to share some of the replies with you cunts.

>> No.12246670
File: 59 KB, 500x750, IMG_1384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open law already responded to me once before on twitter.
Yeah I'll bet they did. Telling you to cease and desist from ever contacting them again pic related

>> No.12246693

you're almost as tiresome as that other namefag

>> No.12246699

>is a far right scam that perpetuates misogyny, racism, anti antisemitism and islamaphobia

wtf i love link now

>> No.12246701

Statistically, duos win the most Chicken Dinners.

>> No.12246711

You are completely right OP but since you call it a far right scam and added that to the end, they won't believe you. Now they will call you a libtard or a troll. Yet all the points you made about the team are totally correct. This thing will dump so hard on mainnet.

>> No.12246877

Literally, who?

it's true though im not even lying

>> No.12246889

How much link for her

>> No.12246890

most projects are liberal and left wing anyway so they will side with me in bringing chainlink down. You can't even refute this desu facts are facts

>> No.12246894

>incel posting

>> No.12246920

trying to still insult me after your original one 4 hours ago. oh sweetie. keep trying

>> No.12247001

i just wished these fucking faggots would stay away from this board and circlejerk together on lebbit..

>> No.12247129

same. This board was much better before rebbit chainlinkies infested this place with muh oracles and muh god protocles.

>> No.12247228

this kid thinks his autistic correspondence matters when someone sends him a response
...on twitter

my sides
give it your best shot little guy

>> No.12247240

how about you start talking about interesting topics instead of merely reacting to your plague?
if your topic is good, people will stay. thats it.

>> No.12247264

>if your topic is good, people will stay. thats it.
and here you are still posting and bumping my thread.

You ok fren? In case you hasn't had a realise but this isn't twitter... its ok, you can put the brace back on your head now. Don't want you to hit your head on the way back to your carer.

>> No.12247381

what the fuck do i care if i bump your shit excuse of a thread or not?

>> No.12247402

>They are a slacker 2 man team. With about 3 random outside contributors who constantly fuck up the code and require amendments. This project has been a complete disaster from the moment it first started.

Some dev anon said that technically the chainlink project has been well maintained and drastically surpasses even the typical standards of a large firm. That is only achievable because of how lean the team is and every single one of them is absolutely competent


>> No.12247453

>Some dev anon
Oh sweetie. That is a shill anon. You've been duped.

Lmao keep at it then my fren.

>> No.12247463
File: 18 KB, 482x492, ewgross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all insults and stale pasta tier fud, so poorly researched that it comes off as bait - check
> empty threats which no one cares about - check
> being invested enough in fudding an apparently irrelevant shitcoin that you use a tripcode but totally don't hold bags - check
> "I swear that it's not a larp, lol"
Thanks dude really intelligent and convincing. Your portfolio is obviously just a collection of extra chromosomes and a bottle of mountain dew.

>> No.12247711

>some CEO gets email
>it goes into spam
>he never reads it


>> No.12247812

I would totally suck on ben shapiros sisters milkies desu. Nothing else you had to say was probably worth reading.

I'll just send it again.

>> No.12247830

>email goes again into spam


>> No.12247851

>I'll just send it again

>> No.12247866

>another one for the spam folder

do something productive with your time you failure

>> No.12247880


Fucking retard do you not understand how email servers work? I'll keep sending it until his spam folder is full then it will spill over into his inbox and then his sent folders. Why do you think incoming servers are called POP. Because they will literally pop and emails go everywhere when you get spammeded too much. Fucking idiot. Learn some things about the internet.

>> No.12247892
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1543540801426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12248072

>he just deletes all the spam in the folder

oh no

>> No.12248114

>but the spam folder popped and some spilled into his inbox.

oh no

>> No.12248131
File: 130 KB, 944x960, IMG_0447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise kek

>> No.12248156

>he still didn’t read it and just deletes it

>> No.12248167


>> No.12248180

Thank you. We need to rid the crypto space of crap like this before it can really flourish. Keep up the good work.

>> No.12248199

Fine ill try one of the other hundreds of CEOs out there. I can keep doing this i have all the time in the world.

>> No.12248215

>15 posts by this ID
>i have all the time in the world.
we know.

>> No.12248226

you poor soul

>> No.12248233

Nobody will read it or give a shit. Even just printing it out and sending it physically to them would be a more effective approach than just spamming mails that nobody reads anyway.

Either step up your game or start using your time more productive so you actually make some money.

>> No.12248249

Thanks for the idea.
Shitting on chainlink will make me money though unironically.

>> No.12248337

>a far right scam that perpetuates misogyny, racism, anti antisemitism and islamaphobia.

this was pretty good fud up until this point, you got greedy

>> No.12248977


This pasta is stale and boring. Please return it to the chef.

>> No.12248984

also, hi OP

>> No.12249013

they're scared. 1k eoy confirmed

>> No.12249026

I fucking made it this morning you faggot. now eat it.

>> No.12249786

>anti antisemitism
What did OP mean by this

>> No.12249797

Also I don’t get people who do this. You literally announce you waNt to put a bounty on your head but probably why you don’t own link. You’re fucking retarded kek

>> No.12249826

He's preheating his oven.

>> No.12250941

this shit bait thread is able to pull 71 replies on /biz/. Bear markets turn this board into a shithole. almost unbearable no pun intended. sage.