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12236895 No.12236895 [Reply] [Original]

Does Japan have any chance to return to the successful boom it had during the 80's?

>> No.12236904

Maybe when all the other societys collapse, Japans chugging along will look like exponential growth to everyone else.

>> No.12236933

you mean return to the 80s bubble? let's hope not

>> No.12236952

Nope, they have too much debt. Maybe if they do a currency reset...

>> No.12236966

Nope, they're unwilling to do what the west does (import wage slaves from poorer areas). As long as that continues, they can't compete.

>> No.12236978

lmao those immigrants are mostly welfare leeches and criminals

>> No.12236994


Too much debt
Very closed country with very low immigration means less and less young people are paying for more and more social for more and more elders.

They're dead in the water

>> No.12237012


they still contribute to the economy in the form of spending, retardo

>> No.12237027

broken window fallacy

>> No.12237060

There was some news recently about them (((importing))) more brownu ppl. What they need to do is boost indigenous birthrates and build a neo-Japanese empire with a mecha army (or just automate shit).

>> No.12237096

The world was built by slaves. Hope you know that slavery never actually ended and comes in many different forms and has different names nowadays. It's also because their societies standards are so high that it fucked them.

>> No.12237105

This is the real answer

>> No.12237119

A lot of the success they had was because of taking on debt.

>> No.12237137

the fact they are able to maintain their economy without doing that shows how impressive the japs can be. If they manage to break through all this debt while remaining 100% japanese, they will be one of the most successful countries in the long run. They already are infact.

>> No.12237183

Nah their headed towards something similar to the mouse utopia experiment if you know what that is. They already got young people who hide away from the high standards society and stay at home all day or some shit.

>> No.12237759

fuck off

>> No.12237939


>> No.12238029
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The real question is, why would they want to? I had the privilege of living there for a year in the late 2000's. Maximum comfy thanks to their society wide racism and xenophobia. I was good to experience a fraction of what being a nigger must be like even though I'm white and it convinced me completely that homogeneous ethnostates are the only long term solution to long term social well being despite whatever the economy may be doing.

>> No.12238036
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>wants minimum wage and bennies for work
>calls other people "leeches"

>> No.12238067

Explosive growth results in horrible crashes. It's better to go trucking at a solid pace with ebbs and flows than the boom/bust cycle.

>> No.12238069


No, their population is in freefall.

>> No.12238089

Only if they can stay afloat during a major downturn and capitalize on that position.

>> No.12238160

did the racism and xenophobia have any bearing on you staying there longer than a year? what was your experience with it?

>> No.12238209
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Only to the extent that I knew I didn't want to stay long term. I had a friend married to a Japanese chick and had kids and I saw first hand how it is literally impossible to really become part of the Japanese people if you are not ethnically Japanese. Japanese racism is very polite and didn't bother me even a bit. They will just never be YOUR people.

I would totally consider having a vacation home there, would love to visit often, currently hard to do with my business obligations.

>> No.12238253

fuck u kike

>> No.12238278

Eventually the population decline will make child raising so cheap that there will be a baby boom.

>> No.12238280

Is their any way the economy could grow if more people opened businesses outside the major cities and just did delivery imports.

>> No.12238322

Good to know, thank you. Gotta respect that Japan wants to maintain their homogeneous ethnostate and culture. I’m planning to visit Japan and Taiwan in summer 2019. Looking forward to exploring both countries.

>> No.12238377

We really need them to rebuild the Imperial Japanese Navy. A strong, belligerent Japan is our best hope in containing China. Unfortunately they don’t seem to have much fight left in them since we dropped the bomb

>> No.12238388

Japanese people as a whole feel their is no need for a navy since China and America protects their interests. Also that in having one would make them want to pick fights with lesser countries.

>> No.12238391

No. Japan’s 80s boom was driven by 2 things: cheap labor and a commitment to high quality at a time when the only other competitors were Euro or American companies who cranked out overpriced pieces of shit with high labor costs. Chinks and Spics have stolen the “cheap labor” market and Japanese companies started cutting corners and skimping on quality the same way their Euro-American rivals had been. Companies now buy artisanal stuff when they want to pay more for “quality” or chink garbage when they want low prices. Japan is doomed to stagflation until they figure out how to make automation cheaper than Chink sweatshops.

>> No.12238397

Germany makes damn good cars and they don't have to cut corners to make a good profit. Why should Japan?

>> No.12238424

All evidence indicates that the decision makers in Western countries think it isn't a fallacy. They're importing new markets and then giving/printing/borrowing money for them to consume with.

>> No.12238435


The fucking TPP that Trump killed was designed as an economic force to contain China by strengthening trade among Japan, the US, and other southeast Asian countries. It wasn’t a full on military alliance because there’s not as much point in a traditional war now—if you want to control a country’s resources you just manipulate their political systems and information to get what you want. This isn’t 1939 and true naval warfare is obsolete. Want China to BTFO? It’s a shitload cheaper, safer, and easier to just scheme to replace Xi (or a few of the Chinese elites) with “your guy” there via hacks, bribes, blackmail, and “meddling.”

>> No.12238466


Tariffs, for one. The US and other export markets have high tariffs on Japanese cars to protect their own interests, which cut into the bottom line immensely. Most “Japanese” cars sold in North America are made in the USA for this reason. Also, German cars don’t deserve a reputation for quality anymore. Any mechanic will tell you they are notoriously unreliable, especially the electrical systems, though the engines perform well.

>> No.12238480 [DELETED] 

>don't think it's a fallacy

>> No.12238492

Yes, electrical is faulty, esp. VW. Plus I hear there are some proprietary tools required to repair.

>> No.12238502

Navy is obsolete. Modern missile systems and drones would destroy any ship. The only thing of value now are Subs but I think underwater surveillance drones will stop that too.

>> No.12238594

>protects Japanese interests
Oy vey. The reality is that they don’t fear the Chinese because the Chinese are abject cowards.

>> No.12238598

False. They are and will keep importing gaijin for work purposes even more from now on.
t. live in japan

>> No.12238599

Currently considering a marriage with a Japanese girl I've been with for a year so far. Her parents/grandparents are loaded and there's a house or two in the family to be passed down to my new potential family since all of their kids are women with no husbands.

I've never really gotten the "You'll never feel like you belong" or "Accepted" thing. I don't feel like that ever in my state, what does that feeling even feel like? Seems like airy sensational whining to me, could you explain what you mean by they'll never be "YOUR people"? I mention again, coming from white Californian, I don't know what it means to have a people, even when I'm surrounded by whites.

>> No.12238609

You don't get to feel like that in the US any more because >>12238424.

>> No.12238660


He's not advocating it, it's just the reality. Don't be a retard that denies facts because they're uncomfortable (ie the cancer that's destroyed /pol/, becoming a Reddit-tier circlejerk that just leans right instead of left) - for all the problems caused by mass immigration, it has the one benefit of forcing the ponzi to keep going a lot longer. Short term economic benefit (in some very specific ways), long term disaster.

>> No.12238796

tokyo doesnt even look like its from this reality

>> No.12238888

Never been to Japan so I’m not an expert but in my observations of footage of gaijins in public places like trains they tend to more shy away from foreigners not out of hate or distrust but it’s just not something they’re used to seeing. If there was real hatred I’d think they’d be more confrontational about it.

>> No.12238973

>being taken care of by girlfriend's money
top cuck.

>> No.12238981


>> No.12239005


>> No.12239609

Read about Net International Investment Position. Japan's debt is meaningless when you consider they're a net creditor.

>> No.12239637

That's happening everywhere. There are too many people, and there isn't enough space/ total fulfilling activities. Lack of space and lack of a "true" distraction is going to kill the following generations.

The debt isn't the problem see my reply here >>12239609

>> No.12239692


>> No.12239969

You have to be at least 18 years old for browsing this site.

>> No.12240738
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mbekke mbala unutu

>> No.12240984

it was actually currency manipulation pushed by americans in diplomatic talks, leading to an explosion in banking and real estate. there was never any real wealth behind the japan bubble

>> No.12241092

The currency manipulation postwar created excess liquidity.
Real estate and banking boomed because people didn't know what else to put their money into.
At one point all of Toyko real estate was valued at 13 trillion dollars in 1988 USD.

>> No.12241433

Third world vermin doesn't work, they consume.
The whole purpose of mass immigration is not to bring workforce (even if some of them happen to do so), it's to create new consumers and non whites are extremely good at that since they have no long term planning abilities besides asians.

>> No.12241458
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Japan had a boom because it was the USA sattelite against communist China and communist Russia, we needed an ally so we made them rich. 1989 the Cold War ends and 4 months later we crash their fake money market with NO SURVIVORS.

>> No.12241500

can non-citizens purchase real estate in Japan? and if so, then what visa complications would you face regarding actually being able to live in your property?

>> No.12241515

You are an uprooted cosmopolitan living in a multicultural shithole so it will always be hard to explain something as great as the sense of belonging to you, it's just like teenage love, if you didn't get one it just sucks for you and it's hard to transmit how it feels to someone who never had one.

That said when you live in a foreign country for some times and the initial novelty fades away you will begin to notice all the little things that are the reasons you will never feel at home or accepted, even if you live there 40 years people will always see you as a foreigner fresh from the boat and they will make you feel it.
It's one thing to not feel the affinity with other people in your home place, it's another to feel the daily faint ostracism and the absolute lack of common ground.

>> No.12241532

>not confrontational

>> No.12241537

Japan's BIGGEST issue is the low birthrate and aging population.
Unlike every society in the world up to now, the birthrate in countries has been such that the new generation can support the elderly through taxation, soon this won't be the case in Japan, and there's no signs of the birth rate increasing. Their economy could very well fall apart unless they promote economic immigration.

>> No.12241542

Being a roastie's paypig is what's cucked. Living off her money is the complete opposite of cuck.

>> No.12241566 [DELETED] 

Your brain has been scrambled by Jews. The ethnocentric components that are intact in Japanese brains are just static noise in your brain. You're so thoroughly domesticated that you can't even sense there might be a problem. You are the quintessential good goy.

>> No.12241568

There's a difference between work immigrants vs refugees and "refugees". I don't think Japan has any serious economic safety net for "guest workers", so there's little reason to come there unless you're coming there to work your ass off and send some of the shekels back to your familia. Filipinos and Nigerians there seem to do that. Some problems with some of the Nigerians being pushy against local women though. Imo they should only allow worker immigration from countries with high order cultures that teach people to not bother others. A shame for the people who behave, but even 1% of bad apples in a demographic can make them not worth having if there's no way to distinguish the bad ones from the good ones before they already misbehaved.

>> No.12241580

It depends if China becomes, or the US remains, the major power in the region.

If it's the latter than Japan will go to the moon (metaphorically, and literally).

Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7E6rdmilyE

>> No.12241583

Eat shit kike, they're full. Less kids means they can each have a yard again, stop fucking the future for a quick buck

>> No.12241586
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Your brain has been scrambled by Jews. The ethnocentric components that are intact in Japanese brains are just static noise in your brain. You're so thoroughly domesticated that you can't even sense there might be a problem. You are the quintessential good goy.

>> No.12241589

but they are spending tax payers money, so at the end of the day, the country end up poorer.

>> No.12242852

more jap anecdotes, pls
how's the underground scene nightlife?

>> No.12242934


yeah but capitalism is founded on kike lies and endless growth, a society can't compete if they can't do something about it and keep growing

>> No.12242979

they adopted a usury debt based consumer system after ww2, without the globalist social policies. They will get hit hard as fuck in the next crash, and will continue to suffer until they adopt a nationalist economic policy to compliment their nationalist social policies.

>> No.12243372

Only in countries with shitty refugee laws like Europe.
