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File: 306 KB, 590x357, Flowerpatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12235278 No.12235278 [Reply] [Original]


What do you guys think about it? Considering putting $10 into it to buy the basic level shit just in case it actually takes off.
They're doing giveaways on discord soon (supposedly...I haven't seen any definite plans discussed here yet) in case any of you care.

>> No.12235290

The time for ponzis is over. Only the truly useful will survive the crypto winter.

>> No.12235325

But videogames aren't really "useful" they're "entertaining".

I guess I need to look at it more from a perspective of "do I want to play this crypto farming game for fun", rather than "will I make money playing this crypto farming game".
However I've made small amounts of $ in videogames before bitcoin even existed, so this kind of has me interested...

I wish there was a demo or something of it...all we have are a bunch of animated cards and a small map to look at

>> No.12235545

I have 0 experience with cryptogames
Was expecting more input on this. Oh well.

>> No.12235556

video games don't have a use case

>> No.12235557

you’re a year too late. nobody wants to play ponzigames in a bear market.

>> No.12235559

Is it an eth game or...

>> No.12235618

How the fuck do you even play it

>> No.12235686

It's still in development, this is like the kickstarter phase of it or some shit

Yea that's what I'm sayin

okay...I missed the whole ponzigame thing, can you give me any examples?

There's cards, which you receive with your ETH address and then theres some token they're making later once you harvest the flowers that will evidently be usable at weed dispensaries. The dev was here yesterday giving out free low-level cards

>> No.12235803


>> No.12235873

Thanks, just found and watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGfvkjzLrNw

Is there anything to do in that game (cryptokitties) besides just collect the cats?

The flowerpatch game site says
>Take control of a fun-loving koala in a relaxing multiplayer game world. Build your farm, make friends, and explore an ever-changing landscape
The message I was getting from this was like "Harvest Moon, but with weed plants and cryptocurrencies". Really hoping that's what it's actually like but no idea...
If that is truly what it would be, it'd be way more of a "videogame" rather than a simulated web-browser experience, but only if it has a game world that you can walk around in, rather than just "collect cards, make new cards, collect more cards".

>> No.12236032

I got a rare just for putting a few bucks in. Imagine putting the first $100 in and getting an epic

>> No.12236503

Yeah the idea of Flowerpatch:

MMO browser Harvest Moon with crypto and cannabis. A lot of ideas are similar to Minecraft and Stardew Valley, but with more of a focus on community and multiplayer.

We did no ICO, and there are no built in pyramid schemes. The game is really the focus. I have been a game dev most of my life, and I really want to build the best cannabis game on Earth.

If you wanna support us at this early stage, we really appreciate it. But either way, we will keep building and trying to raise the bar in crypto gaming. Thanks for taking a look

>> No.12236530

O shit I summoned a dev

Thanks for clarification btw

>> No.12236754

can we get some more free flower pack please?

>> No.12237166

hey would guys give me free flowers if i did some on the ground viral marketing for you? i live in a top weed-legal zone and could easily leave stickers or something near some major dispensaries or anywhere else you wanted (that's legal of course)