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12226285 No.12226285 [Reply] [Original]

In terms of severity will the next recession be more on the lines of 2000 or 2008?

When the S&P is down by 20%+ its an indication that the shitstorm has finally arrived

>> No.12226814


>> No.12226825

Similar to 1937 but were a lot more leveraged.

>> No.12227176

We’re nowhere as leveraged as 2008 markets

>> No.12227201

dumbfucks lol. We arent even as bad as 2008. We are going to crash but "doomsday" retards make me laugh

>> No.12227209


>> No.12227623

Should be much worse than 2008 because 2008 was "solved" by money printing: states bailing out banks, states bailing out states, and finally central banks bailing out everyone with loose monetary policy. China's debt-financed massive growth probably helped pull the world out of the recession as well.

If money printing and debt-financed growth aren't available anymore, how can another recession and debt crisis be better than 2008? I see a painful crash, a painful decision to keep printing money and hyperinflate, or other painful measures such as expropriations of home owners, nationalizations, and bail-ins.

>> No.12227654

this but even worse

>> No.12227671

Crash from what? Besides plenty of countries have negative interest rates

>> No.12227691
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this anon knows, anyone on /biz/ who says other wise just wants to see you get rekt

>> No.12227695

it's worse, it will be 476 all over again

>> No.12227836

Honestly, there may not be a crash as in a sudden decline, but more of a long bleed down, which I kind of equated. But still a crash becomes somewhat likely as soon as the whole system is called into question.

It looks like the easy monetary policies are not sustainable unless you're willing to accept massive inflation, so they may need to be capped.

This can lead to a recession and will probably default many "zombie corporations" that cling to unsustainable business models that can only survive due to low interest rates. Stocks, real estate, bonds and other assets that were pumped up artificially by easy money also need to drop much further.

As a result of evaporating value in assets, corporate defaults and higher unemployment rates, a recession and deflationary spiral becomes somewhat likely, and it won't take long before banks run into problems and the whole banking system runs into a trust crisis as it did around the Lehman crisis of 2008, at which point fear of a systemic collapse will return and we may see a drying inter-bank lending market and loans in generals, bank runs and an accelerated decline.

This time it's less likely that colossal bailout packages can be used to push the problem away again. If systemic banks collapse a chain reaction could occur and that, or the the of it, could cause a stock crash, though at that point it will probably have bled quite a bit already.

>> No.12227858


>> No.12227868
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now that would be something

>> No.12227967

We are levered up much more than 2008, and indicies have dropped >20% in <3 months. We're unironically fucked dude.

Just wait a few quarters for the losses to pile up, there will be a snowball effect down if stocks don't surge within the next few months from Q4 earnings.

>> No.12228020

Way worse
Society will collapse. Buy guns. At the very least if things get too bad you can put a bullet in your head and be spared a horrible death//rape at the hands of the packs of barbarians that will raid everything.

>> No.12228058

there's little further government intervention remaining to stimulate the economy. Is worse than 2008.

>> No.12228061

Much worse, if it happens, people in 2008 had free flowing cash and it was the housing market that burst, sure people had trouble getting credit E.G. credit crunch but when the markets fall that's going to affect the big buisnesses and the employers, fuck maybe even 401K's if they have assets that are risky attached to them.

People nowadays are unprepared for a crunch even like 2008 20xx will be much worse the market is volatile to sudden insecurity with oil and with politics and we're in a very unstable time tensions are the highest I've ever seen in America. If I were to put money on it I'd bet on a civil war in America, followed by if not preceeding the death of Trump (notice I said death and not assassination) he's an old man and old men die best at inconvenient times.

>> No.12228287

when you say a long bleed down, do you mean the Japanese-type bleeding?

>> No.12228363

I meant long as in 1-2 years, as opposed to a massive single-day drop (though like I said that could still happen later).

Most analysts predict a recession for 2020 at the latest in the US, Europe may be earlier, and prices will probably develop accordingly. There are also the 2020 elections that could incentivize the Fed to keep raising rates as a political measure.

>> No.12228378
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Yep, shit.

>> No.12228388

This will be the buggest crash in history. If u understood the 2008 crash then u should know the recovery was superical and the banking system has already been hollowed out.

>> No.12228402


>not joining the barbarian raiders

You’re not gonna make it

>> No.12228409

German bank already is in a lot of problems.just look at the sock price over the last 10 years!

>> No.12228429

fuck buying gold, buy canned water and rifle ammunition

>> No.12228807

>deflationary spiral becomes somewhat likely

Nice, I'll be able to get a hotdog for a nickel, just like my grandpa.

Fun fact: Did you know that when your grandparents were kids they didn't hear similar stories about inflation from their grandparents? That's because over the course of their grandparents' lives, the value of money actually went up. What could be bought for 15c in 1800 could be bought for 10c in 1912.

In 1913, the Federal Reserve was founded. The dollar has since lost, what, over 95% of its value? Trust the "adults in the room" though. They clearly know what they're doing.

Also, enjoy the football game and your beer.

>> No.12228915

>canned water
also buy canned blankets in case you get cold.
the fuck is canned water

>> No.12228942

whyd the market break down this is just a healthy correction you guys scream this even if it does a 1% drop you dang knobheads

>> No.12228960

canned water lasts for 30+ years but plastic will leech into the water eventually

>> No.12229024
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Way ahead of you, I've prepped by building a small water canning shop near a small spring. Just set up a small forge for aluminum and you can roll your own cans if you have your own press. Even easier, just start collecting cans and lids, and you can puddle them back together.

>> No.12229069

Fucking kek

>> No.12229093

>there's little further government intervention remaining to stimulate the economy. Is worse than 2008.
Second New Deal, anyone? That's the only possible solution.

>> No.12229103

Who here remembers Cash for Clunkers?

>> No.12229525

New deal didn't do shit the first time around, the second world war did. We need a new war.

>> No.12229676

>not going for the dehydrated water
It's like dehydrated milk but better

>> No.12229700

Does this mean Hitler will finally reappear?

>> No.12229766
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Yes. Day of the Rope draws near. Relish these times my friends, for our time has come.

>> No.12229780

2008 was just a retest of the inflation adjusted 2000 high

>> No.12229806
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Tfw can't get water without using older, probably spoiled water

>> No.12229808

It will be the Second Great Depression. Thanks to global warming, we'll even have another Dust Bowl.

>> No.12229821

You seem to have missed his point, chief.

>> No.12229827

i trust them more than you

>> No.12229920
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a lot of average ppl and boomers will lose their retirement n 401k money

asset prices will start going down, the value of dollar will go down even more.

people who live month to month basis with car loans mortgages will get fucked in the ass after their homes will literally lose 50% value in a year while their mortgage payments will stay the same

fed will pull a similar move that they did in 2008, their criminal friends will get helped out, average ppl will get even more fucked

world economy's circulation will slow down, depression will occur

debt will become unmanageable

many companies will downsize or go out of business

people already in thousands of debt will lose their homes, jobs, and wont be able to afford living anymore

nights will get cold, they'll get hungry. cant afford food

lootings and civil war will happen. order will be lost, chaos will ensue

people in power will watch this go down and whil e people are killing each other on the streets they'll collect every valuable asset there is.

not only you, but many generations to come will live on as debt slaves with terrible living conditions.

us will by far take the biggest hit with their uncontrollable debt to gdp ratio along with terrible gun laws. considering US has the best living standards shit will get real bad real quick.

venezuela bad, think about having to go to a black market for bread.

only chance of survival will be a revolution based on love and empathy, helping one and another

who are we kidding, peoples tramble each other over a flat screen tv on black friday

human race will be run.


honestly we deserved it. not even sad if we go extinct at this point. which we wont, but id be happy if we did.

if we consider earth as an organism, like a human, humans on earth would be the virus, we are a disease.

uncontrollable breeding, no care for anything else than ourselves, destroy everything for own well being.

lets get it over with

>> No.12229939

Sup TAnon, how are the shitcoins doing lately? Also I thought ETH was going to 170? Kek

>> No.12229955


enjoy life while u can biz


>> No.12230183

We are more leveraged faggot except the leverage is on government, fed, and business balance sheets.

Household debt may be lower, but thats about it.

>> No.12230207

Deflation is not a bad thing, sometimes it is just a symptom of a recession, not the cause. We can have deflation in good times too.
The real reason why we have inflation and "inflation is good" bullshit propaganda is that deficit spending by governments must be paid somehow. Inflation tax.
We have deficit spending because the people demand "free" shit. "give me free this and free that".
Eventually you run out of other peoples money...

>> No.12230256

we're fucked right now. we're truly fucked if any resemblance of layoffs starts up. if no job losses, meh, we'll pull through

>> No.12230267

Banks are less leveraged, companies and households are more leveraged

>> No.12230268

most retarded thing

>> No.12230332

The US still experienced intense deflation in the great depression despite the Fed. Deflation only really ceased to be a thing after the end of ww2 and later breton woods.

In the gold standard period inflation and deflation rates were quite severe and while they canceled each other out over time there was quite a lot of price volatility and menu prices were higher as a result. It also meant more power to creditors since interest rates were far higher than long term inflation when compared to today.

The dollar loosing value actually helps debt become more manageable since it means it takes less value in real terms to pay off old debts, which are usually in nominal terms.

>> No.12230352

deflation is really bad for anyone with debt

>> No.12230362

>sign contract agreeing to pay back $1000
>deflation sets in
>dollar purchasing power goes up
>prices and wages go down nominally
>get paid less nominally for all your productive efforts
>still owe $1000 nominally
>deflation is good for nominal debt :)

>> No.12230392

The dollar loosing value is inflation anon, that was my whole point. Inflation means that it takes more dollar to buy the same thing, hence it is worth less. Inflation helps people with debt in nominal terms.

>> No.12230399

2000 most likely

>> No.12230419

The US government will never be able to pay back its debts and neither will the US public. Currency devaluation won't help with that until hyperinflation sets in, and by then the dollar won't be a unit of account anymore

>> No.12230423

The 2000 crash only affected the tech bubble

What were seeing now is everything from the DOW Jones to the NASDAQ to the S&P seeing their worst losses since the Great Recession.
I honestly don't know what were entering and how the Fed can possibly put a spin on this like they did with prior crashes

>> No.12230426

For the market? '08. For the common people? Neither, this is a trade war for basic goods, people won't be kicked out of their homes en masse.

>> No.12230428

i understand. you were talking about deflation in your reply somewhere and i thought that was what your were referring to.

>> No.12230432

We're going to see downward dips in multiple major markets but nothing catastrophic; it'll baseline, more or less.

>> No.12230445

well see the tricky shit here is low-debt companies, companies with very high ROE are all down too. that makes no fucking sense if we're to believe the downturn is overleveraged, overvalued companies. also, companies with debt already and no big plans for the next year or two really shouldnt be affected either, its not like business loans are variable rates, especially for billion dollar companies.

fucking MGM said a year ago that they will not redevelop, purchase, or do new builds for at least three years probably five. still down.

>> No.12230452

Some debt simply isnt paid back. If the original loan upon which the bank of England was founded was paid back the entire British economy would collapse. The current US monetary system is backed by the fact that the US has and thus treasury bonds. If the us never had any deficits it would cause a huge problem.

That said, obviously debt can grow unsustainably to the point u can no longer meet interest payments. The US isnt really at that point, altho recent tax cuts havent really helped the matter.

Mild inflation does help, it means revenues are always increasing in monetary terms. Inflation has been higher than the interest rates on t bonds for most of the post crisis period, for example.

>> No.12230454
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It will be a Depression. Hedge yourself with Bitcoin

>> No.12230468

>Great Depression
>the difference is degenerates, niggers, spics and all kinds of filth riddle USA
This is going to be much different than the 1930s, this could become a bloodbath very quickly. See hurricane aftermath for reference

>> No.12230474

>house buying collapses
>car buying collapses
>economy starts grinding to a halt
>meh, it looks like there won't be any layoffs

>> No.12230483

God I hope so. The world needs a reset.

>> No.12230508

>Mild inflation does help
I agree with you, but only if it's done in a trustless and transparent way. The Fed is neither, and quite frankly the government (who creates the deficit) is not a good substitute. You should also consider that a system of deflationary currency is a legitimate alternative to a Keynesian economy.

>> No.12230513

I'm in vanguard. I'm used to checking my positions once or twice a month.

Fucking hell this downturn came on fast and strong.

>> No.12230526

so far, housing has collapsed. its at stable levels, which isnt collapsing. car sales appear to be down from 17.5M last year to 17.2M this year, and up around 3M from 5 years ago. car sales are fucking stable, not crashing. no layoffs yet. youre all what-ifs, and while reasonable fears right now are fine, yours are the absolute worst.

now is not the time for fear. that might come later.

>> No.12230553

fuck debtors desu
in a deflationary economy they would be more encouraged to save their money and spend it when they actually have enough instead of the whole economy being weaved out of shittty ass loans

>> No.12230565

It will be worse than 536


>> No.12230566
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>only chance of survival will be a revolution based on love and empathy, helping one and another
unironically laughed
you fucking faggot are definitely not going to make it in your own futuristic scenario

>> No.12230578

ahahaah and you're the fucking idiot TA anon aswell. yeah, that fits.
reddit-spacing, reddit-tier "philosophy", typical NPC-phrases such as "humanity is a virus" and your TA threads are almost always garbage.
>honestly we deserved it
speak for yourself you fucking spastic. i agree that you probably do.

>> No.12230663

Let's finish what was once started

>> No.12230665


have u ever flown over a condensed city?

shit looks like mold or a tumor

Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment includes changes to biophysical environments and ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources caused directly or indirectly by humans, including global warming, environmental degradation (such as ocean acidification), mass extinction and biodiversity loss,ecological crisis, and ecological collapse. Modifying the environment to fit the needs of society is causing severe effects, which become worse as the problem of human overpopulation continues. Some human activities that cause damage (either directly or indirectly) to the environment on a global scale include human reproduction, overconsumption, overexploitation, pollution, and deforestation, to name but a few. Some of the problems, including global warming and biodiversity loss pose an existential risk to the human race

why am i even wasting my time, a person with a shitty attitude like you is the problem anyway

>> No.12230675

is there a single thread where you don't call someone a "spastic"? whatever the fuck that means

>> No.12230683

Tbf he did say that wasn't going to happen. So it's an unrealistic pipe dream. At least read the rest of the post before flaming.

>> No.12230684

You're not wrong but you don't get the underlying cause of all this, read Kaczynski, you'll like it.

>> No.12230707

Gus Speth, a US advisor on climate change said:

“I used to think that top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that thirty years of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.”

>> No.12230738

>shit looks like mold or a tumor
that is *your* depressed mind making assumptions based on the depressing images/ideas that it is filled with.
i think condensed cities look fascinating.
the problem here is that you are a fucking narcissist - evident by the fact that you spam your laughable 5min candle TA crap threads as if they were requested by a nonexisting community here, and the fact that you seem to believe that everyone shares your depression and misanthropy and that there is anything objective to it (solipsism/lack of empathy).
if you hate yourself so much (i hardly doubt you hate others as much as you claim, its probably envy, unfulfilled greed etc., isn't it?), start working on your own flaws you hypocrite.
how dare you even insinuate that "others" are "the problem" when the main thing you seem to do is to attempt to extract monetary value from others without HONEST WORK?
are you that fucking blind? you boast about how much money you made doing your fucking meme lines, you seek approval from anonymous strangers like a depraved asperger NEET for trying to leech off of society as much as possible and then have the audacity to also claim moral high ground?
on some level i seriously hope doomsday-screamers like you will be right, because you honestly need a fucking lesson - and a mirror.

>> No.12230742

US would be the best place to be if the global economies crash I can guarantee you that. US is the only western country in history that has gone through chaos but come out stronger while others have collapsed and became some new country, never recovered, or fell out of global politics relevancy.

>> No.12230751

Meant to reply to this one

>> No.12230753

>The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy
says the financial manipulator. kys

>> No.12230818
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Whoa that's deep bro

>> No.12230826

No recession.
Everyone is cashing out now to take advantage of Trump taxes. Funds will wait for the bottom and buy it all back in January, and sell again by December 19. Will happen yearly until 2021 when Michelle Obama raises capital gains taxes again.

>> No.12230860

You know? I'm any moment before 1990 I would say: dumb faggot... But you're right

Now the economy will crash without survivors, and don't forget about the climactic change and all the shit in the current society.

>> No.12230869


maybe, also has the highest gun to person ratio

The U.S. has 88.8 guns for every 100 residents

second highest is yemen with 50


you are projecting. im not a narcissist, i have nothing to gain from sharing charts and my trades that i find interesting. i dont give out financial advise or shill coins, i surely dont hate myself nor in depression ever since i met psychedelics.

i dont think single persons are the problem, i think the whole mentality of the human race is. we are all one huge family, yet we are divided by stupid topics like race money and religion. i dont boast the money i made off of trading, or consider that the true wealth in my life. ive mentioned in my previous threads that unfortunately one mans win is one mans loss in trading and that i disliked it for that reason. its maybe not the most useful job working for the progress of human race, but i believe i do that what i can in my spare time. i regularly donate to charities that i think are truly helpful, covered medical costs for some of my friends who couldnt afford.

i dont care about approval, especially not from an anonymous forum with people whom ill never be able to see the faces of.

i never said i hated anyone or anybody. i dont hate. i just pointed out the similarities that i see of what a virus does to a living beings body to what we've done to earth. i think this is an objective view. also i am not only empathetic, but aware that all i am is empathy.

but i can truly feel the hate and anger you have in your posts.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

i hope the best for you


i dont manipulate anything, i just have the ability to see opportunities where i can buy low and sell high. i dont make anyone buy, or sell. i have no control.

>> No.12230881

You write like a fag

>I am aware that all I am is empathy

Lmao @ your life

>> No.12230915

Bro nobody is going to be shooting each other, there is not gonna be a civil war. Maybe looting but would probably be from big stores and chains. You doomsday fags that always think the world is going to end need to fuck off.

>> No.12230938


world isnt going to end, humanity is.




>> No.12230958

>i have nothing to gain from sharing charts and my trades that i find interesting.
riiiight, you post as a tripfag and make daily threads because you totally don't need any attention whatsoever. got it.
>i dont think single persons are the problem, i think the whole mentality of the human race is
that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, since many people have completely different mentalities. you are fucked in the head, m8. how can you effortlessly confuse individuals and the entirety of the human race in a single sentence?
>all i am is empathy
one too many shroom trips, aye?
yeah i get it: you're basically jesus. you *totally* experienced pure ego death on those shrooms, left us mortals behind and became something purely altruistic - well good for you mr. fancypants, gifting us so much by extracting money with financial instruments while us morally corrupt morlocks go to fucking WORK - but hey: you give to charity aswell, as the altruist that you are :-)

>but i can truly feel the hate and anger you have in your posts
who's projecting now, yoda? i am calling out a ridiculous hypocrite here. you moan about greed, yet you are a financial trader. you moan about apathy, yet call human cities "mold- and virus-like". how fucking dense do you have to be to not see that contradiction? if you were so fucking morally ahead, you'd give up something you find fascinating because of its clear moral flaw.
>Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
where do you get these calendar mottos from? some fucking anime? rick&morty? holy fucking cringe
nobody mistakes this crap for wisdom you insanely autistic redditor

>> No.12231088


i didnt want to tripfag, some anons asked for it to find the threads so i did. i forgot to delete it before i posted in this thread. like i said before, i just wanted to help some anons cause theyre constantly losing money in markets and think ta is a good way to get better at that. if you think i am making the threads for attention i cant change ur mind

you clearly think theres some moral altruism in working for a company that will never, ever truly care about you. i was never a big a fan of money, and never will, but noticed at an early age that ill have to work 9-5 at a cubicle unless i find a way to make a living the way i want to. if you consider that selfishness, so be it.

i am fucked in the head. on one of my shroom trips i thought i was going crazy and had a panic attack, only to understand that i already was crazy and was coming to a realization. you'd have to be crazy to work 9-5 relentlessly so ur boss can buy himself a new dodge charger, which i was doing at the time

i get that you dont get phased by my spiritual shit, not much i can say there. i am at peace with myself and the universe. some more hippie yadayada for you

i havent projected, you said that i was full of hate and narcissism but im really getting the sense that it is you with those feelings.

i think greed is a mental contagious disease and it has spread all over the world, and as ive mentioned earlier if u find it selfish that ive found a way to live life the way i want to, then u can also consider me greedy. i cant change the world, or you, and im not willing to waste this life i live in the human body as a corporate slave. i think i am good at trading and wanted to help some anons, like i said before im not telling them to buy some 1mil marketcap coin with 10k 24h volume that ive bought before.

dunno why u so mad tho

>> No.12231107

People who spout against greed are greedy themselves because they want others to give them shit for free.
There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life.

>> No.12231149

>you clearly think theres some moral altruism in working for a company that will never, ever truly care about you.
you are not "working for company", you are doing something that has to be done IN AND FOR THAT SOCIETY.
and no, giving to charity isn't comparable, either. the most valuable thing in life is your TIME. sitting in front of your fucking PC and making a wire transfer to a charity so someone else can give out soup to smelly, diseased homeless is not the same as doing it yourself.
keep your fucking money and volunteer if you want to claim moral superiority, because what you're doing is simply a different form of employment - you are paying someone else to do something that seems to be either too much to ask for or too far below you.
>i havent projected, you said that i was full of hate and narcissism
you said that when you look at a human city, it looks to you like mold or a virus. you are clearly against life and society as a whole, and what i am trying to get into that dense fucking head of yours is that this very idea doesn't stem from an objective problem outside, but from your inside.
other people don't hate society, hence they don't see sickness (a virus) when they look at a skyline. it's a very unusual and extremely negative association and speaks a lot about your relationship with others.
>i think greed is a mental contagious disease
its nothing more or less than basic animal behavior. every elk, every bluebottle, every lion is insanely greedy, because that is almost always the best strategy to pass on your genes. human is not only not as greedy as animals, man is literally the only animal with a meta-level (a mind) capable of vetoing it for abstract reasons. we aren't diseased, we simply aren't perfect (yet).
>dunno why u so mad tho
because you possess one of the most infuriating combinations of traits that exist: arrogance combined with false enlightenment.

>> No.12231176

empathy, by the way - just like greed - is the expression of a strategy via animal instincts. it has been scientifically proven that the more alpha you are, the less empathetic you are. why? because empathy is required in order to cooperate properly, and cooperation is only required when total domination is out of the question.
in other words: in your false enlightenment you are idolizing an ANIMAL INSTINCT. are you into new age stuff aswell?

i see literally no difference between idolizing empathy and any other emotion/instinct.
what you actually did when you came out of that shroom-indulged mental chaos was cling to some form of hyperfemininity or feeling of capitulation and IDOLIZED it. all empathy is very closely related to low perceived social status.

>> No.12231216

>you'd have to be crazy to work 9-5 relentlessly so ur boss can buy himself a new dodge charger, which i was doing at the time
so in other words: you can't stomach others having more than you, that is the very definition of envy. you can't be asked to work in a shitty environment and would like others to do that in your place instead, that is ego/narcissism ("better them than me").

you are not enlightened or especially moral - you honestly come off as a typical NPC redditor who simply took to many shrooms.

>> No.12231221

>he doesn't know what a debt deflation event is
I suppose that's understandable though, most people alive have never experienced one. Most of our grandparents and great-grandparents hated debt, we're soon to find out why.

>> No.12231251
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Anon stop, he might kill himself if you blow him out even further

>> No.12231262
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Man I sure am glad I was born in time to see a collapsing economy struggle under the weight of ecological catastrophe and peak oil

>> No.12231268
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It's just starting to unravel. 2008 was just papered over, there are underlying problems with the economy that have not been resolved.

I predict a soviet union like collapse, even Greenspan talks about deflation.

Yeah, it's not the 'housing market' but everything else.

Buying your own stock is not economic growth. It used to be illegal.

>> No.12231275

i'm so hard on him because that was *almost* me and i am trying to help him (it almost never works, people are too proud).
i also took way too many shrooms, but i luckily realized that empathy and love are animalistic relics exactly like the greed he talks about. sometimes the very best thing you can do to another being is to give them a hard time (so they may grow into a better person and suffer less from there on), and "all empathy" is the ideology of effeminate non-achievers.
empathy in the sense of *understanding* ? hell yes. in the sense of tolerance, love, liking, support? that is unironically the same level as a purely instinct-driven primitive animal. that is dried up, horoscope-reading middle-aged-woman morals.

>> No.12231290

Was biz always apocolypic doomers and zoomers who always go immediately to "worse than the depression and 9/11 combined" every time their portfolio drops a few percentage? This board talks about crypto 99% of the time. Why all the sudden threads about the real world and why should anyone take it seriously.

>> No.12231291
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>peak oil
>oil price crashes to new lows

>> No.12231300

Stock buybacks are just a way of returning profits to investors. If there are no profitable real investments to be made they shouldnt be made.

>> No.12231320

>you are not "working for company", you are doing something that has to be done IN AND FOR THAT SOCIETY.

bruh. by that logic every work done is a contribution to society, along with trading. society obviously has a need for trading thats why it has provided us with platforms where such act can be done. im in an act of exchanging assets with people who want to exchange. without me, the exchange need of people would be unfulfilled.

giving to charity is a good deed that is very accountable, i dont think bill gates has handfed a single african but has helped more people than you and i ever will be able to. giving money to a charity is not as disconnected as you think either, which i think you believe cause you probably have never donated money to anything. im not employing anyone either you stupid fuck whose making the stupidest fucking arguments just to keep on having a point. i make no gains from giving money to anyone, thats the whole point of employing someone. you employ them and trade them money in exchange for their work so you can make more money. i make jackshit from donating to charities and only do so because i feel those people's pain you imbecil.


im not envying anyone, i dont want the 9-5 lifestyle. thats it. period. i dont want anyone to have to work in such an environment, unless they truly want to. i dont want anyone to work in a shitty environment instead of me, i just dont want to work in an environment that i consider shitty. feelings about work environments are subjective to people. i give no fucks about what my the toys by boss owns, cause im not a materalist or a fan of possesion.

the very reason why i make threads is to help out anons that might be in a similar situation that i used to be in and help them learn a skill that can assist them into financial freedom.

>> No.12231324

Shut the fuck up tripfag. You got lucky with your dumbshit, braindead, 2017 tier "IT LOOK LIEK A RALLY SETUP!!11" TA just as BTC was having a relief run. I unironically can't wait for BTC to go back to 1k and for you to lose everything you have you absolute whore. I do have to thank you though because my countertrade short is bringing me so much fucking money right now.

>> No.12231326

That's what you should expect at the highest rates of oil production in peak oil.

>> No.12231338
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>you'd have to be crazy to work 9-5 relentlessly so ur boss can buy himself a new dodge charger
>i give no fucks about what my the toys by boss owns
>you'd have to be crazy to work 9-5 relentlessly so ur boss can buy himself a new dodge charger
>i give no fucks about what my the toys by boss owns

yeah, dude: you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. you are one walking contradiction, and i wish you luck on your way. with "pure empathy" (except when things get inconvenient, like in a cubicle), you will need it.

>> No.12231351
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>i make jackshit from donating to charities and only do so because i feel those people's pain you imbecil.
what happened to those pearls of wisdom? aren't angry words "like burning coals in your hand" (>>12230869)? is the enlightened one behaving like a mere mortal all of a sudden? bwahahaha

>> No.12231364

There is no peak oil. Oil is not biological, it is non-organic mineral and renewable.

>> No.12231367

US will gradually become 3rd world

>> No.12231371

>you are projecting
You are the most projecting, most annoying and most pathetic wannabe I encountered on 4chan for fucking years.

Grow up, get some education, stop doing drugs and get your shit together. Posting memelines on 4chan and seeking approval from NEETs for your own ego is not healthy.

>> No.12231382


>> No.12231395

What I want to know is: Can a scenario like Cyprus happen to any country in 2019? Whereas money from people's savings can simply be taken away by (((them))) overnight?

>> No.12231399

>you said that when you look at a human city, it looks to you like mold or a virus. you are clearly against life and society as a whole

im not against life or society. im against humanity taking advantage of nature and taking it as granted. humans have tremendous potential to reduce pain in every aspect of life to a minimum along with nourishing life. not only in humans lives but also animals and plants. my subjective views and dislike for constructions is a just another leg of this thought, pure destruction of nature only for self well being

animals are in no fucking way greedy the way humans are. animals dont kill one another over ideologies. they fucking feel hungry, they hunt, they eat the entire carcass, remainder is left by smaller animals, remainder is eaten by insects.

do you know how how much food americans waste everyday? 150000 tons. get that shit into ur fucking dense head. thats not food that si given to homeless people or animals that are hungry, literally to fucking garbage.

>because you possess one of the most infuriating combinations of traits that exist: arrogance combined with false enlightenment.

that makes two of us


concepts of alpha and beta are primitive, just like your fucking brickhead. cooperation is ALWAYS better than domination. empathy and love are emotions that need to be takes as a core because they are the forces that create. hate and greed destroys.

>all empathy is very closely related to low perceived social status.

get the fuck out of here


you arent trying to help anyone, you are trying to prove to urself and people in this board that you are either more righteous or smarter than i am. a person that truly wants to help someone doesnt come out the way you do. thankfully i dont need your help or anyones.

you've clearly not done enough shrooms, cause as a human being i don't think i am in any shape or form better than any lifeform or consider anything as primitive, beside human greed.

>> No.12231409


>> No.12231426

>i didnt want to tripfag, some anons asked for it to find the threads so i did.
ok, and now some anons are asking you to stop

>> No.12231444


i dont care about what my boss buys himself, i care about the way i waste my life away so a person that doesn't care about me lives a luxurious live while i barely make a living.


i dont hold onto the anger, it just comes when im dealing with morons like you, and it goes.

i never said im enlightened. in fact i think you believe you are more enlightened than i am, whatever the fuck it means.


btc will never, ever be 1k. even if it does (which it never will) im already set for life.


drugs are awesome. you should try some. just not the shitty kind like alcohol or pills.

>> No.12231447

mind you I recently had the opportunity to read a confidential document by Vermilion...

The oil and gas industry is pretty stable seems like there won't be a massive oil crisis for a while.

>> No.12231451

very well I'll take appropriate security measures against (((them)))

>> No.12231457

Are you the anon that said get out of the markets by 10th of December the latest at the end of November?

>> No.12231464

I know a lot of people who traded their cars in for that. Why does everyone hate on that so much? It wasnt supposed to make money, it was supposed to get ancient smog spewing land yachts off the road. It worked.

>> No.12231469


i made threads about getting out of crypto when btc was 18k along with 2-3 months ago warning people about the incoming stock crashes

>> No.12231473
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>cause as a human being i don't think i am in any shape or form better than any lifeform
retarded hippy bullshit. i am better than a bluebottle. end of story. just underlines what i said earlier about your problems stemming from your perceived social status and not the objective world around you.
after talking to you for so long i must say that it seems merited, though - you are one fucking misguided soul, and sitting in front of a PC where you mistake getting upvotes from strangers for human contact and reading qabballah pdf's will not exactly help that, either.
the shrooms seem to have made you oversensitive/overfeminized and taken away your drive to actually produce - a thing that would be infinitely more worthy than your fucking emotions.
when you run away from actual life and deny your spot in a cubicle, someone else will have to suffer there in your place. so much for your selflessness.
>cooperation is ALWAYS better than domination
if you can't even see the flaw in that statement, you are unironically beyond help.
man what a mess you'll be in when that comfy shutin-lifestyle bubble of yours bursts together with the "everything-bubble" shortly.
can't say i'll feel sorry for you - you opted for the "holier than though"-path, you feel you are too good to do menial work yourself and if anyone deserves to be humbled and lowered, it is the person that thinks insanely high of themselves.
bye now, you walking caricature.

>> No.12231478

So you barely make living yet you’re set for life? Duuuuuddddeeeee weeeeeeeeed.

>> No.12231481
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pic related, memelines i drew at 5th of december, 20 days ago to warn people

dow down more than 3000 points and more than 10% since.

>> No.12231482
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>poor economics can render humanity extinct

>> No.12231490

>other people don't hate society, hence they don't see sickness (a virus) when they look at a skyline
That doesn't mean he is not right, as in the human race is like a parasitic virus on earth, destroying everything and using up all resources. You don't have to hate society to understand this

>> No.12231498
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>You don't have to hate society to understand this
no, you have to have seen the matrix, like all the cool kids ca. 1999.
man, what a movie, huh

>> No.12231501

QE will continue in the form of crypto. The creation of over a trillion dollars of new wealth into the hands of particularly the younger generations will act as a buffer.
>the bear will leave the cave forever.
Golden bullrun lads

>> No.12231508

Resources are meant to be used. Just like yo mammas bthole.

>> No.12231514

>1W chart
5min chart is not a thing anymore?

>> No.12231536


a bluebotltle is and forever will be better than you at being a bluebottle. all you are better at is being a human, and not a decent one at that

if you were to ask the earth if the life of a human is more valuable to nature or a bluebottle, im pretty sure the answer would be the latter.

im not oversensitive or overfeminized, in fact i think you are trying to be overmasculine. go get laid and get that primitive energy out of you virgin

>when you run away from actual life and deny your spot in a cubicle, someone else will have to suffer there in your place.

enjoy your cubicle, you are on a righteous path. also remember that i put you there cause i didn't want to/have to work in a box anymore

and like i said, you are the one with an immense ego.

tell me one selfless act that you've done in the last year

>someone else will have to suffer there in your place. so much for your selflessness.

if you dont want to do the shit work, somebody else will have to. this is ur logic. and because i didn't want to do the shit work anymore and bettered my life to a point where i dont have to ive ultimately left someone else to their demise and have been indirectly labeled as selfish

10/10 logic, cant escape

you seem to be obsesssed with production and you think being a wagie is being productive, which i think is delusional, and sounds like a wagie in denial.

>> No.12231559
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5min chart is a thing at crypto while swing trading cause of volatility, but i dont think its something ud know.


there are some kind of resources that can never be replenished. like animals. once an animal goes extinct, DNA that took years to evolve and add an ACTUAL VALUE (not like wagie working production value) to nature is gone, forever.

if you didnt know the extinction of bees would lead to do the extinction of human race. what goes around comes around.

pic related, more memelines, sp500 down 350 points more than 12% since

>> No.12231572
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Value is subjective.

>> No.12231580


its not poor economics that will lead to extinction, but rather the avalanche of events that will follow.

what you label as "poor economics" is a timebomb ticking since 1930s. i can understand that you think stocks dropping wont lead to any major effects in your life, which id say history would explain it much better than i do and just google the great depression

Ill just put one line of it here

The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from 1929 to 1939. It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.

"It began after the stock market crash"


>> No.12231595

Next recession will probably hit around 2020 presidential elections, for obvious reasons. All this pushing and pulling feels so scripted. Overall people feel confident in their own finances right now, you can see it all around. But HURRR ORANGE MAN BAD.

>> No.12231596


humans going extinct if bees do isnt. it is a fact.

"The truth is, honeybees are crucial elements of our environment, and almost never get the credit that they deserve.

If bees didn’t exist, humans wouldn’t either.
Bee extinction – Why would it affect us?

Out of the 100 crop species that provide us with 90% of our food, 35% are pollinated by bees, birds and bats. It’s that simple."

this is not a perspective or an idea, this is hard cold fact.


Why are bees endangered?

Bees are going extinct mainly because of two reasons: pesticides and parasites.


Since the end of World War 2, the use of pesticides in agriculture has increased exponentially.


This intense use of pesticides, known as neonicotinoids (a relatively new class of insecticides that affect the central nervous system of insects, resulting in paralysis and death), has had a major role in the bees’ decline (source). When bees are exposed to neonicotinoids, they go into a shock and forget their way home (sort of like the insect version of Alzheimer’s).

>> No.12231597

You fucking idiot. It takes millions of years to create oil.

>> No.12231611


>thinking recession will hit all of a sudden

Recession will be a slow bleed and very steady decline of life quality. You don't know how serious this shit is cause you are illiterate when it comes to history

The Great Depression (1929-1939) was the worst economic downturn in modern history. The preceding decade, known as the “Roaring Twenties,” was a time of relative affluence for many middle- and working-class families. As the economy boomed, new innovations allowed for more leisure time and the creation of a consumer society. But the economic depression that followed those boon years profoundly affected the daily life of American families, in ways large and small.

Even the affluent faced severe belt-tightening.
Four years after 1929 stock market crash, during the bleakest point of the Great Depression, about a quarter of the U.S. workforce was unemployed. Those that were lucky enough to have steady employment often saw their wages cut or their hours reduced to part-time.

Even upper-middle class professionals, such as doctors and lawyers, saw their incomes drop by as much as 40 percent. Families who had previously enjoyed economic security suddenly faced financial instability or, in some cases, ruin.

The average American family lived by the Depression-era motto: “Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without.” Many tried to keep up appearances and carry on with life as close to normal as possible while they adapted to new economic circumstances.

Households embraced a new level of frugality in daily life. They kept kitchen gardens, patched worn-out clothes and passed on trips to the movies as they privately struggled to retain ownership of a home or automobile.

>> No.12231615

TA anon the is only nigger in this thread who understands anything.

>> No.12231662
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Then that means you don't understand anything which makes what you say false.
Or are you TA anon in disguise?

>> No.12231667


whatever, they'll find out that im speaking the truth the hard during the next 10 years

ive been saving my money, still driving my 2012 car, investing in gold silver real estate and land and crypto, while still having net worth over millions.

and im still terrified. these morons with 500 dollar car monthly payments along with 1500 mortgage with maxed out credit cards while making 3 grand per month with no savings think they'll be ok

good luck

>> No.12231681


state of fucking biz, yes mate 1 documentary about oil prices whom probably was funded by people in that industry wont help you against 230 trillion dollar global debt along with the worst recession you'll ever experience in your life

you also said that the value bees add to nature is subjective, which is so fucking stupid that its ridiculous

>> No.12231695

How much adderall did you take?

>> No.12231701

lol that pic. Red means UP in Asia.

>> No.12231708
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>> No.12231721

Yes, the very first thing they will do is limit the amount you can withdraw as everyone rushes to get their money

>> No.12231722

All of it.

>> No.12231740


its copy paste

im just high on weed


good night and good luck

>> No.12231749

If you don't value life and biodiversity then the value of bees is 0 for you also.
If you value the foodchain and biodiversity then the value of bees is higher for you.
What and how people value things in their minds is different for every person. I value freedom a lot, some people don't. It's subjective.

Even if bees died we would find a way to adapt, quality of life would suffer surely.

But Im just a random idiot on the internet, who cares what I think?

>> No.12231753

>be smart
>buy into a ponzi

Oh my gosh, how smart you are.

>> No.12231770

At this current state of both crypto and also the current monetary system which all of us should know is fucked, the perception of crypto can only possibly start getting better from here. Just think about it.

>> No.12231788


>> No.12231808

So in case of a dangerous crash, we should buy an extremely risky and manipulated asset?

I thought about it. It was the reason why I sold in early December 2017. Crypto is now the dream of NEETs becoming rich by doing nothing, trusting wannabes and worshiping a shitload of scammers.

>> No.12231876


I just want to say, you're right in everything Anon. Thank you for standing up against this deluded "enlightened" lunatic. Those of us who practice true authentic spritual practices know how futile this whole "muh ego" and "muh empathy for all" is. Ego and dominance are crucial for survival, and as much as empathy may be a crucial undertone for the white race, it doesn't mean that we should be loving and embracing to everyone.

Also, all the world's problems are caused by Jews unironically. They are what TAnon despises but he doesn't realize it's natural for a Jew to live in this artificial materialistic fashion, whereas Gentiles have traditionally lived in harmony with nature. That is not to say like wood hugging hippies, we just don't destroy the world as we lay the grounds of civilization.

>> No.12231886


We literally need the natural world to survive. It's value is not subjective if you're in any way rational.

>> No.12231894

I think there won't be a huge crisis in the years to come.

The 2008 crisis was a surprise. Just a few good analysts saw it coming.

About the possible crisis of 2020, many websites, blogs, boards, all around the world, are talking about it.
So that's why it shouldn't happen ;-)

I think there are too much technological innovations currently happening in the industry for a crisis to happen in the years to come.

As much as i don't like the Fed, the IMF and the banking sector, i think they have made experience in 2008 and will be able to attenuate a monetary shock.

Also i think the EVs industry will generate so much money in the years to come, starting in 2019, that it will prevent a monetary crisis.

I know what i said must seem stupid, but that's how i feel.

>> No.12231897

You are the perfect example of a disgusting parasite, a fat virgin animeposter, doing nothing other than jerking off to cartoons and eating chips.

Fucking loser

>> No.12231908

If someone doesn't value survival, then the natural world doesn't have any value to him because it is needed to survive.

>> No.12231918
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>> No.12231934

>wastes time on 4chan
>thinks is better than other people wasting time on 4chan

>> No.12231952

>Also, all the world's problems are caused by Jews unironically.

That's mostly wrong.

Most of our problems come from our mode of production which is centered around profit, and not the allocation of needs/preservation of ressources.

Jews are the capitalistic elite, but let's pretend we kill them all, the mode of production won't change. Others will take their place.

>> No.12231955

The neolitic revolution, the point were we stopped to live in harmony with nature, wasn't cause by jews.

>> No.12231969
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Profit-centric production guarantees that the system is creating value. The things that come out of it are more than what was put in. A system based on something other than profit produces poverty as it destroys value.

Profit based systems also do take into account needs and resource preservation.

>> No.12232022

>Profit based systems also do take into account needs and resource preservation.

You know that it is not true.

Take a look at the earth. It is half fucked up.
We are living like an aggressive insectoid species, like ants, or cockroaches, but without their physical limitations. Ants can't live in the cold, cockroaches have natural predators to limit their population.

>> No.12232029

Should I take my money out of my roth ira and put it into a savings account

>> No.12232059
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It is true. If there is profit in preserving resources, then the profit based system preserves them. Cant make profit if we are dead.
If humans live above the planets ability to sustain humans, then humans die until there is sustainable balance. This is a self-correcting problem.

This planet and the life on it have changed and evolved and adapted countless times before. This time is nothing new. Life adapts and evolves.

>> No.12232062
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1545297513987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do whatever the fuck we want to do, fuck the earth and your hippie bullshit. It's gonna do whatever we fucking want it to do. "Oh geez, we might have problems in 40-50 years with the climate", we'll fucking fix it somehow. We always survive and we will continue to survive and thrive even if it's at the cost of "mother earth" and her god damn animals

Fucking hippies

>> No.12232065
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>> No.12232067

Bro where did you read this? I feel like my IQ went up 0.1%.

Thanks anon.

>> No.12232118

you should pull your money out of the banks ...
I would rather have my money in coinbase than any bank if the economy goes under

>> No.12232128


>Profit based systems also do take into account needs and resource preservation

There's no way you can actually believe that? In fact that's that major flaw of capitalism. It doesn't account for a finite planet. Infant we are at the tipping point now, and capitalist ideology cannot help us.

>> No.12232139


Absolute retard.

>Fix it somehow

>> No.12232146

I don't think you know what capitalism means.

>> No.12232167

Of course I know own what it means.

Tell me how often is environmental impact factored into finance?

>> No.12232192

>we do not currently have the technology available to solve the issue therefore we never will

>> No.12232234

Free markets get people what they want. If people demand low pollution and are willing to pay for it, then that is what the free market produces.
Ruining other peoples property through pollution is also banned in capitalism as it violates other peoples property rights.

>> No.12232243

>Not being the leader of the barbarian hordes
Might make it with kneepads

>> No.12232257

these people are so alpha, yet, as you have realized, any normal person with the slightest sense for diplomacy will crush them eventually, easily, if they don't crush themselves beforehand, because their ignorance obviously makes it unable for them to make use of the "mind" they pride themselves with. presumably for reasons of being too alpha. maybe it's time to read up on basic concepts such as combined arms and co before going around spouting "perfection" dogmas etc.

it also sounds as if alphas would be completely content with killing everybody as single alpha dictator and then replacing them with mindless drones, all in the name of materialistic greed. at which point i ask myself the question of why an alpha even needs a meta mind or be sentient? if mindless destruction in the name of greed is what an alpha is out for? which incidentally is funny, since his expansion capacity may very well be limited, or extremely slow, once he reaches the borders of the solar system. and then what does he do? flee into some fake VR? in which he can continue expanding mindlessly?

and then the existence of diverse entities (him /and/ somebody else vs just him) is something which itself creates culture and abundance = wealth in some regard. indeed, what if having more people is a part of greed? because he wants more people. and he wants more friends. and more and more love. but instead he (and this entire thread) set out and declared "greed" as exclusively materialistic = there are no other people. and a lack of social abundance is a sign of "wealth." (some people simply like striking a balance here... and they are probably the least retarded)

but i am sure to the undiplomatic idiot alpha, maybe even sentience itself is a flaw of evolution? why embrace it? when i am sure he would kill even himself (in addition to everyone else) if he would stand in the way of dogmatic "alpha perfection"...

all of this shit is again so oversimplistic and dogmatic...

>> No.12232262

oh, and i also consider humans today as being cancerous. because they once again show that they are extremely pseudoscientific (not only in regards to global warming), in turn supporting and encouraging mindless and anti-social hedonism driven by corporations. while at the same time being discriminating in the way they go about (socializing) it. and because they quite simply won't ever learn from history. because they are /far/ from dogmatic "alpha perfection".

etc. etc. etc.

>> No.12232287

>I know for a fact we will have this world-altering technology in this very short time period, thus it's worth risking massive loss of human life, mass immigration, and resource warfare so i can save a few extra pennies on energy today

>> No.12232320
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>> No.12232328

Other economic indicators don't point towards a severe recession:


Stocks are pretty overvalued because of buybacks anyway.

>> No.12232366

I never said it was worth risking but what is done is done and people will continue to pollute as long as it's profitable. That said, in many places of the world such as China, India, Chile etc. solar energy is now cheaper than coal, even when it's not subsidized in many cases. We're also on the cusp of having cheap, sustainable plastics.

It's not very far-fetched today to imagine various machines in the atmosphere that removes carbon-dioxide or improve the ozone layer, proof of concepts are already being worked on and we will get there in a decade or two. Point is, a lot is fucked up but it's not beyond repair and the future is not so bleak as a lot of doomsday-faggots make it out to be.

>> No.12232393

>deflation is bad for slaves

>> No.12232406

In deflation we pay less taxes because now we have to pay taxes on inflation. Inflation rises asset prices and we have to pay capital gain tax on those risen prices even though no true profit has been made. Deflation lowers our tax burden.

>> No.12232533

There are tradeoffs between inflation and deflation, I don't think you can make an unconditional claim that one is clearly preferable to the other. The focus in any policy should be on increasing productivity, which monetary policy can't really help much with.

>> No.12232603

Sure. I would still put freedom above productivity as a policy goal. I wanna live how I wanna live even if it is not the most productive way to live.

>> No.12232604
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>> No.12232610

I hope your post is ironic, however you must be severely fucked up to think like this. Even oil companies CEOs must have more consideration for nature than you.

>> No.12232622

>Canned Water Sir

>> No.12232625

>long as in 1-2 years
ah that's not long at all though, compared to what can happen. Some of the articles I went through said that Europe and probably the whole west could experience lost decade(s) much like Japan did from early 1990s well into the 2000s that was caused by asset bubble that popped leaving everyone a ton of shitty debt. That's what caused the 2008 recession which was the same type, but the Fed and the ECB still had some munition in the form of lowering interest rates and QE, none of which will be effective this time around.

I think this is the most likely outcome with debt all around acting as a catalyst. China, Europe, the US and Japan are all swimming in it, among the most prominent actors. The type of debt also matters, but we're still fucked imo

>> No.12232637

>lost decade
We're going to have a lost future, period, as long as they keep trying to stimulate "growth" by pumping in third-worlders.

>> No.12232650

no plz no

>> No.12232678 [DELETED] 

You might, we just ship them across and dump them at Austria's border so we don't have any third worlders where I live. I see a black man once every few months and the grannies standing in the vicinity are asking him why he doesn't shower, even though he can't understand the language

>> No.12232686


>> No.12232690

You might, we just ship them across and dump them at Austria's border so we don't have any third worlders where I live. I see a black man once every few months and the grannies standing in the vicinity are asking him why he doesn't shower, even though he can't understand the language

>> No.12232691

Free market is subjected to the law of profit.

If a particular item is not environmentally friendly but cheap, poor people will choose this item in favor of an item more expensive but environmentally friendly.

I have some sympathy for libertarians, but most of the time their ideology would only work with only intelligent, reasonable people.

Libertarianism also don't solve the problem of poverty and social exclusion.

>> No.12232709

>I see a black man once every few months and the grannies standing in the vicinity are asking him why he doesn't shower

It's either collapse now due to birth rates and debt or collapse later due to migrants and debt, I think. They can put off the inevitable with migration to boost consumption and real estate prices, but not forever.

>> No.12232813
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Absolute poverty can be solved by accumulating enough machines on this planet that do work instead of humans through investment.
Relative poverty will never be solved, nor should it be in my opinion. In a free society some people make better decisions than others thus creating a wealth gap. In a totalitarian control society the political class take everything for themselves, also creating a wealth gap.

Freedom is the best thing because everyone wants to attain happiness in a different way. Let people do what they want, as long as they dont murder or steal from each other.

>> No.12232826

>if you were to ask the earth if the life of a human is more valuable to nature or a bluebottle, im pretty sure the answer would be the latter.
Just asked the earth, didn't get a reply. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.12232892

>In a totalitarian control society

Almost nobody wants that today.

>Freedom is the best thing because everyone wants to attain happiness in a different way.

The thing is, when someone is really free, he never talks about freedom.

Buying and selling goods, whenever i want, to whoever i want, is that really freedom?

Am i free? Or is the market my master?

>> No.12232900

I never tried it but you should take Ayahuasca. They say she will answer you.

>> No.12232942

>It's either collapse now due to birth rates and debt or collapse later due to migrants and debt, I think.

yeah you're right. On top of all that debt, we will also have a demographic crisis in the next few years that will span a few decades and pretty much every country in Europe is in the shitter in regards to that. US is faring a little better, but only because they have the Mexicans' fertility to offset that.

>> No.12232980

lol dying, of natural causes, lmao

The super vitality high energy man aint going nowhere, probably will live forever due to access to advanced technology. Just him being in office for another 3-4 terms, would make most liberals kill themselves.

>> No.12233060 [DELETED] 
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Please god let it happen

>> No.12233336

Yea, Eastern Europe has such a bright future, with half the working population emigranting to the west, and the rest working in the german sweatshops.

>> No.12233351

I'm getting 476 vibes

>> No.12233362
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that's such dumb stereotyping, not to mention inaccurate that I'm not even going to respond to that

>> No.12233375

I am coming to the opinion that we never got out of 2008 and we're merely entering the next leg of it because of the false, temporary solutions applied over ten years

>> No.12233444

>One in five lithuanians already live abroad
>One in nine poles
>One in six bulgarians and romanians
>It took barely 15 years or less
>It's the old people who stayed while the more capable adults left
Dumb stereotyping, right.

>> No.12233457

Wow, such great numbers, right. They actually prove my point. Also, the motivation for Western Europeans to live abroad are usually different than for Eastern Euros. A British pensioner in Spain doesn't go there because that's their only chance to make a living. Or an Austrian worker going to Germany. Besides, Western Europeans have been migrating for decades, and for Eastern Europeans, it has only taken less than 10 years to reach similar or higher levels (because in 2004, most old EU countries imposed restrictions for easterners entering their job markets).

Now please, also tell me about the great independent economy your Eastern European country has that would survive without Western capital.

>> No.12233471

>one in sixteen Slovenes

tell you what, give me the names of your countries and we'll check against the actual relevant metrics

>> No.12233493

>Am i free? Or is the market my master?


I've done DMT several times and I've never seen some fucking diety, all I saw was weird geometric shapes that defied reason. Pretty cool but it's not really mind-blowing, at least that's my experience.

>> No.12233589

4chan in general has an overrepresentation of preppers. See /k/ for example. Thing is, the bigger the crash and swings, the bigger the potential opportunity. I think this is worth discussing.

>> No.12233602


Was with you until the human race is a virus to earth as an organism shit. Now I question it all. I think you’re a depressed hippy faggot who deserves to get what you want. To be fucked out of existence.

>> No.12233626


>> No.12233701

Who cares about a person like that? The way I see it, they are a huge threat to everyone else

>> No.12233793

US = migrants and debt. US will go the way of South Africa by 2050, Progressives will start riling up the Mexicans demanding reparations (for what? who knows, but they're going to demand it anyway) and will openly start talking about the need to expropriate "white wealth" instead of white land like in ZA.

>> No.12233797

The richest "eastern" country that is smaller than new jersey yet right next to
italy, a very representative sample you've got here.

>> No.12234054

investing a small amount of your capita in an asset that could be used as an alternative to fiat currency is a risk worth taking.

gold's value goes up during economic recession cause its considered a good store of value.

btc is in everyway a better alternative. scarce resource, hardcap 21m, very secure, decentralized and easy to transact.

good luck trying to buy coffee or anything with gold.


very true. it was like a putting a bandaid plus painkillers on a wound thats bleeding heavily and needs stitches


do more faggot, take the 2nd and 3rd hit

>I've done DMT several times and all I saw was weird geometric shapes that defied reason

dmt is not a fucking kaleidoscope u imbecile its an atom that is common in every lifeform there is. plants, insects, fungi, animals and human.

>> No.12234308


Glow in the dark

>> No.12234336

fuck off, I know what I saw and it was cool but not as mind-blowing like some of you hippie fags make it out to be. Fun to try though I guess

>> No.12234535

>>In a totalitarian control society
>Almost nobody wants that today.

The people in power want it, and they WILL try to use any upcoming crisis to get it.


>> No.12235196


Nice view of the future.

When i talk about Marxism in this board or others, people immediatly have flashes of gulags, people starving, other being killed and expropriated.

In case, my view of a post capitalist society is close to this.
About the privacy, we already don't have it anymore today so...

>> No.12235222

>In our city we don't pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.
Sounds like a nightmare

>> No.12235261

I'm sure you have never been evicted from your home because you couldn't pay rent.

Which nightmare is worse?

>> No.12235272

It's going to be a long recession. The current administration is run by people who know basically nothing about economics and they won't take any useful measures to get things running again.

>> No.12235340

You're presuming that you're going to be ruled by people who want to build a good society for a good common cause, so you think that giving up private property and privacy is a good thing.

It seems more likely to me that it will be a tyrannical system in which the rich and powerful do as they please and enforce a collectivist view with an iron first, so what if millions have to die again.

It also seems likely that the super rich will get to keep real estate, land and the means of production, so it could just as well become a new feudal system rather than a communist utopia.

Note also that the article has a somewhat materialistic view, speaks of providing "most" of the necessities, and the actual quality of housing and other services, even if they actually get provided for free to anyone, could end up being much below what the article is suggesting.

So to summarize, yes we do have expropriations to do away with private property, and yes, lack of privacy is probably needed for a surveillance state that wants to keep itself afloat, and yes death penalty or gulags may be needed to deal with counter-revolutionaries as well.

>> No.12235392
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Driving a car until it can't be repaired anymore is more environmentally friendly than buying a tesla/prius btw. How do you think they make those nice batteries?

>> No.12235554

About privacy, like i said, it's already gone.

Do you really think that the 3 letters agencies don't know exactly who you and i are? Smartphone + facial and body recognition if you turn your smartphone off (CCTV on the street, the supermaket, public transport etc...). Maybe if you live in the countryside without any technology and paying in cash you could have some relative privacy.

About the rich and powerful,you seem to overestimate them. People know more and more who they are. They won't be able to pull strings behind the curtain like they did before the internet.

The "rich and powerful", seem to be lagging regarding new technology, not being at the top.

The algorithms could be open source and on a public blockchain. So we'll know who is and isn't doing his part.

About expropriation of real estate, with 3D printing of home already being functional, there will be no shortage of space to live in.

>> No.12235584

in 2019 an economic collapse is happening for sure, you'll know when you see robots, and mars colonization then few months after it will just fall.
thats the best timing, if an economic collapse doesn't happen we will have so many more suicides/deaths, people aren't enjoying life in this area of the universe. the economy has been playing games like this ever since the 40s this is nothing new just proper intel

>> No.12235586
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>> No.12235597

This guy knows , we are reaching the end of the keynsian ponzi and central banking scam.

If a recession happens now there is no longer any monetary instrument to fix it , printing money will make housing cost 700 years of saving and a return to feudalism.

>> No.12235612
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>> No.12235613


>> No.12235638

Who knows if the are reaching the end of the central banking scam?

It's been announced on the internet since 15 years.

I personally would like the scam to last a little longer in order for blockchain to be ready.

>> No.12235668

I agree that the privacy thing is a bit of a red herring, but still, in the scenario described by the article you even have to share your home. That goes a bit beyond what we have now.

Rich and powerful: Thing is, these globalist, one world government utopia ideas are put forward by them, so you should have some basic skepticism when they imply that private property needs to be done away with for a Good Cause and, I presume, preferably without asking the people.

About 3D-printing: The article seems to contradict this by suggesting any space, even living space, should be shared for other purposes. So maybe everyone is stacked and packed into some high-rise building and receives a little room that may be used temporarily. Land is limited in any case.

Neo-Marxist publications like Empire also tend to be clear on counter revolutionaries as the internal enemy. This will be a deeply Orwellian surveillance state that may sound good if you dress it up in promises like delivery services for whatever you want, but whether that's truthful remains to be seen.

"...according to Hardt and Negri's Empire, the rise of Empire is the end of national conflict, the "enemy" now, whoever he is, can no longer be ideological or national. The enemy now must be understood as a kind of criminal, as someone who represents a threat not to a political system or a nation but to the law. This is the enemy as a terrorist....In the "new order that envelops the entire space of... civilization", where conflict between nations has been made irrelevant, the "enemy" is simultaneously "banalized" (reduced to an object of routine police repression) and absolutized (as the Enemy, an absolute threat to the ethical order""

>> No.12235688

>coming of age during the most fucked up time in human history

this is what the eternal boomer left us

>> No.12235809

I my opinion, Orwelian dystopias would have perfectly worked without the internet.

Internet disrupt the NWO.

Without it, we would potentially already be in it.

>> No.12235823

Most of the NWO power would have relied on obedient, controlled, centralized medias.

>> No.12235869

And yet, despite all of that, they are still around, aren't they?

>> No.12235875

now we will see what sustained worldwide record low interest rates do in a crisis
if the market easily rebounds after 20-30% correction Trump and other low interest proponents will be vindicated
on the other hand it can be equivalent to taking the brakes away from a motorless car, the market can crash to bits and even bailouts wont help

>> No.12236383

The Orwelian dystopia was based upon the idea of the garrison state, of the total war footing of WW2 extending to peace time indefinitely. To a certain extent the soviets took this idea seriously while the Americans relied on nukes to prevent such a hot conflict. Moral of the story, "Orwelian dystopias" i.e. the garrison state, only work if you're actually at war, other than that they create horrible inefficiencies as you try to multipurpose stuff for conflict. Soviet cigarette making machines, for example, could also produce bullets, but as a consequence excelled at neither.

>> No.12236805
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>Who knows if the are reaching the end of the central banking scam?

Pensions systems are ponzi schemes and the youth has not been able to take off and are still living with their parents for the most part because renting is basically feudalism unless you got a top tier job.

And owning a house will take since the recession about 40 years of saving and the fucking prices keep going up(because money was printed but due to globalization goods can be imported) , but those things that can´t be imported like housing , education , healthcare or something as simple as going to a restaurant with your family has been impacted hardly by the monetary policies post 2008.

They will need to raise retirement age massively or raise taxes to the double that they are now.
But that will only destroy the youth , in part that´s what´s been happening which is why the left and right want to simply burn everything down.
The youth are the late suckers to enter the ponzi and it´s about to collapse.

The 2008 inflation only reactivated the industry and commerce but destroyed the purchasing power of the people in goods like housing.

The next time they use this policy they will also destroy the purchasing power to get things like cars and healthcare , or even change clothing every now and then.

It will completely destroy the born from 1990 to 2010 to the point they will escape the system with things like freelancecucking or crypto.

>It's been announced on the internet since 15 years.

Because it´s been happening constantly , specially post 1990 things have been getting worse and worse non stop but people have been hypnotized because you can buy chinese crap for cheap or enter a virtual fake reality but even the moore law is reaching it´s limits.

>I personally would like the scam to last a little longer in order for blockchain to be ready.

Blockchain will never be ready btc will be a paralel to the sepa / swift system it will never be able to do everyday transactions.

>> No.12236839
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Yes they bribed themselves out of every problem by taking debt or printing money , which is why the massive gibs in every western country are nothing more than bribes to prevent niggers from burning shit.

This thing is going to collapse hard during the 2020s , it will start in Venezuela with a final total social explosion , then Argentina , then france ,then the anglosphere after that it will expand to the whole western world.

The pensions are truly unpayable but so will the gibs and when the politicians have to choose they will pay the gibs that are nothing more than bribes.
After that you will see a tax rebellion of the middle class and governments increasing indirect taxation like fuel taxes(Brasil truckers and Yellow vest in france are the start of this).

But those taxes will make the western democracies uncompetitive so the investments will move to asia , africa and kebabland making the things worse and worse.

Seriously things are worse than they seem we are in the calm before the storm.

>> No.12236935

didn't knew /biz/ is so full of prepperfags

>> No.12236982

That mechanism is basically driven by the inflation. Taxation without representation.

>> No.12237003

Exactly , but the next time they do that there will be an escape on crypto and also properties are already unpayable for most people.

They will try to impose a cashless society hellhole with autotaxation but it will fail.

>> No.12237097

That's why i would like the final collapse of sovereign debt to happen the latest possible.

By 2025 blockchain smartcontracts will be ready and we will have an alternative to an economy centered around central banks.

>> No.12237125

Yea but the problem with crypto is that to make it quantum resistant you will need 250mb blocks and that´s with the current 700k transactions per day of btc.

Crypto will be the international payment system but not a currency for everyday.
But yea the system is on the path for collapse and blockchain has a chance of making it big.