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File: 465 KB, 1242x1279, 1544484692158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12230158 No.12230158 [Reply] [Original]

>Orange man good!

>> No.12230170

its not funny

>> No.12230202

AAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA see you in hell or communism.

>> No.12230222

45d chess

trust the plan goy

>> No.12230238

But the left has been saying for the last two years that Obama was the reason for the shape of the economy. Now those leftist faggots are changing their minds? That's typical of them, I wouldn't expect anything else

>> No.12230243

>Federal reserve good
>Surely communism will fix this

>> No.12230249
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>> No.12230278
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>> No.12230300
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>> No.12230353

>blames orange man
>not orangutan king nigger
Were you asleep the past ten years?

>> No.12230378

Economy was on an upswing when trump came into office.
Democrats implement policy that benefits the economy in the long term.
Trump can't even implement policy for short term gains.

>> No.12230385

NPC: Orange Man Cause Recession!!!

Anon: It's actually central banks controlling interest rates and-


>> No.12230396
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>on an upswing
>after eight years at a zero percent federal funds rate under Obama
I agree, it is sad

>> No.12230404
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>> No.12230412
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Friendly reminder that we had the greatest bullrun in history under the black man policies

>> No.12230492

>can’t even build a wall, arguably the most simple structure
Orange man good

>> No.12230503

But Mexico was gonna pay for it, Trump said so! Reeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.12230514

It's called a bubble you moron, not an 'upswing'

I bet you literally bought the top of bitcoins bullmarket lmao

>> No.12230519



>> No.12230536

>da joos are crashin the economy on purpose to make trump look bad!

>> No.12230544

The recession is Hillary’s fault though.

>> No.12230573
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America is crashing less hard than any other country right now. The entire world is heading towards recession. Pax Americana is ending.

In a way, you're right to say that Trump triggered the recession. He's destroying the post-WW2 order that included free trade subsidized by the United States. But that system hasn't worked for the U.S. in over 30 years and with the shale revolution the last external resource we needed is taken care of and it became a drag on us to run the system anymore.

The U.S. will experience a recession for a much shorter duration than the rest of the world, especially those countries that relied on international trade for a large part of their GDP.

Watch and learn my children


>> No.12230797
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Imagine believe this.

>> No.12230814

Trump is a total Chad

an absolute UNIT

>> No.12230969

The Fed is useless, monetary policy cannot save us. The problem is in the real economy and no scheme of accounting is going to fix it.

>> No.12230981

Shit forgot to filter you on mobile
Thanks for reminding me

>> No.12231000

>Economy was on an upswing when trump came into office
That's just 100% false. Why do you lie?

>> No.12231294

S&P 500 returns under Obama...13.7%. Under this fat, orange retard...1.7%. "DOW goes down" Donny better own this shit now that it's in free fall, just like he did when it was going up.

>Inb4 MAGA fags be like "b-but..."

>> No.12231335

Imagine being this ignorant about how things work on a macro level.

>> No.12231420

It was mass money printing god damnit. Jesus are you all this fucking stupid? It was inflation. Inflation only effects the things the printing press money gets spent on. The huge banks dont buy loaves of bread or gallons of milk so those things didnt inflate. What they did buy is stock. Lots and lots of stock. So the stock market went up. It was inflation. This is what inflation looks like now.

>> No.12231587

So in conclusion, up means brown man good, and down means orange man bad. And that concludes our intensive three week course.

>> No.12231733

But Powell was nominated by orange man.
You're saying orange man didn't have the slightest idea that his nominee will have totally different FED policy than his predecessor, Yellen, who orange man criticized?

>> No.12231860

>I know all the best people, and we're going to get them. people you wouldn't even believe

>> No.12232000
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>all these blumpfies denying it's dumpf

Sorry sweetie Yale student here. All my economics major friends say it's the orange man, and I'm inclined to believe valedictorians over his dropout neets

>> No.12232010

it's cute when college kids think they understand the world

>> No.12232025

It's cute when factory workers think they understand the world.

Maybe if you weren't such brainlets the mexicans and robots wouldn't be able to "steal" your jobs.

>> No.12232028
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It's cringe when broke hs dropouts think they know better than valedictorians who've studied the subject in depth, simply because they're older.

>> No.12232034

Well considering college is a leftist environment it is not surprising.

>> No.12232043

They didn't studied the subject in depth, they just learn their lesson by heart.

>> No.12232044
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>what would professors and students dedicating their lives to studying economics know about economics
>i'm gonna listen to the dumb fuck you thinks tariffs mean other countries pay our government

>> No.12232056

Yeah we all know the true economists think spouting fuck niggers while living in their parents house at 25 is real economics. Nice one drumpfoid

>> No.12232074

i make a quarter million a year.

>> No.12232082
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Sure you do

Let me guess, plumber or underwater welder?

>> No.12232993


>> No.12233025

Wait, valedictorians like Ocasio-Cortez. Because that woman holds an economic degree supposedly and calls herself statistics major and what comes out of her mouth makes me think that an economics degree in the US is completely worthless.
>>unemployment is low because people are working 80h a week
Is this the type of valedictorians we are talking about, or is it a type that wants Medicare for all and pay for it somehow...well actually pay for it Jesus' way, by creating money(not even printing) out of thin air?
Let me know which type are we talking about.

>> No.12233036

>>* calls herself statistics nerd and economy major
Sorry, it's a busy Christmas morning.

>> No.12233055
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>x good
>y bad

>> No.12233068

>thinks the stock market matters

>> No.12233105

Mexicans and illegal aliens don't actually steal jobs, you know that, right? They just devalue the worth of the working hour by, let's say, 50%. That way the American citizen cannot afford to sell their time that cheap or need 2x the job to be able to afford to work.
That way you have American citizens working 2 and 3 jobs to make enough money to cover their bills. It obviously is not that simple but this is a simplified version of the problem.
As soon as it gets more profitable to take the subsidies for not working the American citizen won't be working. That much is obvious.
Now, the subsidies for people without work in the US are 60% (roughly) of the budget. So the illegal aliens pushing the Americans to take the subsidies for not working are a burden on economy that way.
The other way is the fact that the subsidies for not working are funded by the working population. That working population is displaced as well and if I'm not mistaken we already hit 49-51% in which 49% is the working percentage and 51% is the non working ones. Add illegal workers and taking over more and more industries and displacing more of the American citizens and you can see why people are against it and the second way that they are a burden on economy.

>> No.12233116

>economy is going up
>obama says he deserves credit
>economy goes down
>it's all trump
The president has way less influence on the overall economy than people think.

>> No.12233128

That applies to people giving Trump all the credit for it going up too.

>> No.12233138

If you actually read any studies on how illegal immigrants affect the economy you'd know that they only affect the wages of native born high school drop outs and by way less than 10%.

>> No.12233150

This. Generally speaking.
Presidents have an effect and Mr.Obama and Mr.Trump obviously have an impact on economy and on the stock market in particular but it's not a magic wand and it's not a short term, easily visible impact.
Obama's policies economically were trash and lead to a sluggish recovery but also to the stock market bubble that we are seeing. Trump's policy effect is yet to be seen.

>> No.12233164

>>they only affect the wages of native born high school drop outs and by way less than 10%.
Please cite any of such studies and see how they deal with a macroeconomic aspect of the problem because I can tell you right now, they usually fuck with numbers in a way that makes it look nice and low impact.
Using correlations where needed to show "causation" of sorts is my favorite part as well.

>> No.12233178

I would agree with you if we didnt hand >2 trillion USD for stock buybacks at the height of an all time high rally in the stock market.
That is like selling your house for $20k bitcoin. Except the house is the failing middle class.

>> No.12233187

>Being a Yale student is actually a good thing
You may have trips but their sum will always be 0.

>> No.12233197
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The cognitive dissonance of trumptards in this thread is mind blowing

>> No.12233202


t. Ivy League Professor

>> No.12233232

It was interest rates then, and it's interest rates now. But Trump owns this for tying his destiny to the market. He even mentioned said the Fed would have to raise rates during his campaign, but then happily took credit for the bull market.

It has nothing to do with his policies, but he's still a dumbass.

>> No.12233237

Thanks Donald for banckrupting me

>> No.12233238


Aw... Little boy thinks he’s somebody adult because college.

You’re in for a rude awakening once you graduate and realize no employer or coworker gives a fuck about your degree in the slightest. You’ll still be ignored, pidgin-holed and treated like a child for about five to ten years before you actually get some skills that will help the business you work for make money.

Source: I hire college kids as interns and new hires all the time. They’re all fucking retarded and I never give a fuck about their degree or what they think they learned in school. Most of them get fired.

>> No.12233264

*sips monster*
you tell em buddy
How are your stocks doing fresco?

>> No.12233269

>mfw drumpf stupidity will bring sanders and communism in 2020

You had it coming burgers

>> No.12233285

Democrats, everyone.

Too many lefty /pol/ incels here today. Guess you virgins have no family or friends to celebrate the holidays with lmao

>> No.12233387

>give me a study which I already won't believe because of <<them>> tinkering the numbers


>> No.12233697

>before bear market: libs BTFO, art of the deal, etc
>after bear market: Hmm it was actually a bubble and it's Obama's fault

>> No.12233724
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>Now those leftist faggots are changing their minds?
Changing what?

>> No.12233895

this recession doesn't affect trump voters because they're too poor to own any stocks in the first place

>> No.12234004
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>> No.12234036

most dont even know what stocks are

>> No.12234060

how can you give orange man credit for the boom but then blame obama for the bust?

>> No.12234085

If Kang Nigger injected you with steroids and Drumpf cut off your supply would you still praise the nig for your gains and blame orange man for your flabby grandma arms and tiny balls?

>> No.12234088

please someone tell me there's not going to be a huge crash in the near future. just invested all my life savings into something. I've actually created 3 jobs. not much i know but to me it's a lot. if the markets holds for 10 months i'll get all my money back and then some. I could get as much as 50k. if it crashes now I lose everything. FUCK

>> No.12234103
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But Obongo said he was the reason markets were doing so good just last month and democrats were cheering and thanking him for it

>> No.12234246

That dude always tells the same story. Now that I think about it more, the coming water insecurity and political instability should have more focus but this person brushes it off and pretends that its simply just the problem of the other side of the world when entire marketplaces for US goods and services are going to collapse.

>> No.12234294

Yale degree is on another level obviously, stop being defensive. Seething wagecuck.

>> No.12234296

>he probably doesn’t realize that economic modeling of immigration literally fudge the numbers until the data becomes consistent with their theory that assumes immigration doesn’t change wages
Imagine not only being a college student using his education to argue online, but not even a good one.

>> No.12234406

>he also probably selectively chooses to believes studies like the Mariana boatloft while ignoring ones that show that sustained mass immigration to America during the early 20th century lowered wages

>> No.12234449

Economics is bunk as a discipline.

>> No.12234462

Trips. 1+2+2+3+(2*3)=14
Post named Q.


>> No.12234505

You said you were in college; how do you figure he's in a factory? You're so stupid and emotional it's actually gross.

>> No.12234527
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.12234540
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>beep boop
>it's the democrats and Obama's fault the market is crashing
>Orange man perfect
>Orange man has long penis

>> No.12234542


>> No.12234545


>> No.12234566
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This big orange faggot has cost me over 150k in losses this year.

Can't believe I drank the MAGAt koolaid. I'll be the first one lining up when Dems impeach next year. At least Pence will stop saying retarded shit and hurting our economy until we can get a new President.

Never voting Republican again.

Democrats know how to bring gains.

>> No.12234567

Trump implemented tons of Wall Street deregulations (got rid of glass deagle), he started a retarded tariff war, he didn't help the middle class one bit. But no, it's Obama's fault... you guys are stupid as fuck.

>> No.12234573


>> No.12234585

New world order 2020. Fuck politicians, fuck greedy idiots. It's time for scientists and technology to enforce sustainability and access abundance. If you think these "economies" are sustainable or even fit the role in the definition of economy, you simply know not enough about the collision course we are on with nature. Scientific method must be applied to social issues or else most humans will die, and the planet may become irreparable.

>> No.12234586

you deserve it

>> No.12234592
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>stop hurting my feelings

>> No.12234595

Guys, life is fucking shit and people still tell me these are the "good times". If good times are this bad, how fucking bad will it get with the upcoming recession?

>> No.12234623

That's not even the worst. The worst is that Trump gave out large tax cuts to the rich that while increasing government spending (aka less revenue and more spending), skyrocketing the deficit.

This current 1 trillion $ deficit is unsustainable, somebody needs to pay for it. The economy is going to crash hard soon, and Trump's rich buddies will buy up everything cheap again with all the savings they've made from the tax cuts.

You fucking idiots thought Trump was gonna be any different from the other presidents, he's just as bad. Merely a corporate slaves to masters much richer than him.

>> No.12234625

Kill yourself, actually kill yourself

>> No.12234644

Stop projecting.

>> No.12234652


Not sure if meme or real....

Pls halp.

>> No.12234663

Its been like 96 hours incel lefty kids on discord brigading

>> No.12234683

>thinking the President has control of the economy

Dont breed.

>> No.12234692

People should be mad at King Nigger and Yellen for creating this insane bubble rather than Trump and Powell for trying to do something to blow off the steam. The growth was unnatural and boomers are greedy. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them turn against Trump because muh massive inflated retirement took a hit.

>> No.12234709

He's right though, the current system is unsustainable. How can you have infinite perpetual growth in a closed system with finite resources? It's impossible. At some point you will stagnate and crash, which is the inevitable future of the current system.

He's 100% right, it really is time to enforce sustainability according to science. It doesn't matter if X isn't as profitable as Y, as long as it's more sustainable, we should go with it.

>Thinking the president's tax cuts for the wealthy, increased government spending and trade war has had no effect on the economy.

Make sure you likewise follow your own advice. We don't need your offspring considerably lowering the average human IQ.

>> No.12234732

Be happy that you live in America, because when the recession hits here, the depression hits the rest of the world.

>> No.12234737

>thinking tax cuts do anything other than help the economy
>thinking that the President can pass laws on his own
>thinking that you can control the market cycle

Why do statists even try to into buisness?

>> No.12234771

Not really. Chinks and the top yuros weren't hit as hard in 2008.

Besides, the chink market already got a huge correction a couple of years ago back when it lost half it's value in a month. Meanwhile the American stock markets have been booming since 2008 without any real slow to the growth. It's unnatural and will crash one day.

Trump's tax cuts to the rich, which helped the stock market boom even more simply accelerated us towards the final crash.

>> No.12234797

>>thinking tax cuts do anything other than help the economy

Imagine being unironically this retarded.

>>thinking that the President can pass laws on his own

Yeah, it's true that the final budget gets approved by Congress, but the initial budget is proposed by the POTUS and only modified a bit by Congress. Besides, Trump got nearly everything he wanted from the budget except his stupid wall.

>>thinking that you can control the market cycle

When the market has insane mood swings depending on the smallest news concerning the trade war, then yes, politics can have a substantial effect on the market cycle.

Why the fuck do you even bother typing this shit when you're fully aware of how stupid it makes you look?

>> No.12234856

The difference between Us and EU/China is that we are the least integrated economy in the world. Our exports/imports as a percentage of GDP is only 15%. Compare this to Germany's 50% at a time where the EU is breaking down and good trading partners are getting scarce. China is also reliant on the outside world for much of its necessities, including oil in a time where the US is leaving the M.E on its own.

>> No.12234877

>>what would professors and students dedicating their lives to studying economics know about economics
Not much. Nassim N. Taleb fucked mainstream economists, most of their predictive models are shit.
Also, in academia, there is no difference between academia and the real world.
In the real world, there is.

>> No.12234886

I'm angered by this obviously bad maths troll

>> No.12234887

There is a lot of implying going on ITT, that Trump even cares about the stock market. All those bastards are the ones always taking fat steaming loans on top of his head. He couldn't care less about if their giant bank accounts go down by 50%. If Average Joe still doesn't know the markets are doing 2008: Electric Boogaloo then fuck them too.

This is about making China capitulate to us and get Mexoamerica out of our fucking ass. This is about stopping the Federal Reserve from grabbing our country by the balls.


>> No.12234890

based and redpilled

>> No.12234894
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>> No.12234911

It's the other way around, wouldn't the country exporting the most be the ones that have less to worry about as they produce most of what they need? China makes nearly everything it could need and it's biggest import is oil, which in reality becomes much cheaper after financial crashes (look at 2008) so China will be definitely dodge a bullet like back then too.

Remember, we're talking about what has become the occasional boom and crash. You're talking about a long term scenario where the global economy crashes for good, leaving countries to deal with what industries they've got.

>> No.12234920

>i'm 14 and watch rick and morty: the post

>> No.12234927

imagine being this fucking obtuse

>> No.12235004

This post right here shows why democracy will always fail, people this stupid should not be able to vote.

>> No.12235177
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You obviously don't have a family or pay taxes. Also this country used to completely run off of tariffs. How the hell is anyone supposed to compete with suicidal Chinese workers making nothing? Doesn't your iPhone x tell you this stuff?

Recession coming anyways and it may not even the full one right now. Do you fucking morons even remember what Obama administration did after 2008? Pay the people who caused it and even named a law after one of the guys who fought against trying to do anything about it pre 2008 (frank). When will mods trim this leftist brainlet garbage? Trump is a goofball but knowing this little about how things work is extremely sad and shows you listen to faggots like Don Lemon or similar for all your views.

>> No.12235187

Based and redpilled

>> No.12235194

I recommend reading Antifragile, i'm sure you will like it.

>> No.12235205

Never trust crackers and beaners that worship Trump

>> No.12235221

>Decrease taxes
>don't decrease expenses
>"wtf why recession?"

>> No.12235257
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>blame bush when obama is president
>blame obama when trump is president
why can't American voters always have to try and find a scapegoat for their candidate? is it really that hard to admit their candidate fucked up ?

>> No.12235296
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>hold 50 monero
>Jooz and bean boys crash the stock market and usd
>crypto market reaches $2 trillion overnight
>wake up the next day
>mfw looking at my wallet balance exchange rate

>> No.12235351

One difference though, when Obama came to power, the recession caused by Bush was already in place and Obama was fighting it back. It was never his fault.

Meanwhile Trump inherited a booming economy and has already put it on a crash collision course through his own financial decisions. The situations aren't comparable at all.

>> No.12235364

Why the fuck are you all talking about recession?
Stock market tanked because market makers are faggots who overreacted after drumpfs tweets.
They did the same after they saw Elon musk smoking weed.
GDP will grow in 2019.

>> No.12235952

everyone knew this was going to happen eventually long before Trump. But of course simple minded npc minimum wage leftwing anarchists use every occasion to point finger to say "haha told u so, me so smart" while not understanding even the basics of... anything. All you have is mainstream media-suggested blind hatred towards Trump because he achieved more than you ever could... and it makes u mad.

>> No.12236238
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A recession is in the cards regardless of who the president is. Orange man is just hastening the inevitable collapse of the American empire by actively dismantling the neoliberal free trade order instead of borrowing trillions of dollars trying to hold it together as long as possible. Orange man is accelerating the dialectic of history, so perhaps we will reach socialism sooner as an unintended byproduct of his policies.

>> No.12236459
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Gentlemen. Don't forget, our man Donald was sent in to destroy the system. The economy is that system. Enjoy the show.

>> No.12236518

Start getting used to empty shelves Anon.
Oh wait, I'm sure it will work this time right?

>> No.12236621

change the record my friend, I think is broken

>> No.12236727

>no you're the npc

>> No.12236943

>hehe soshulism never work
It worked fine for decades in many countries. You're just too brainwashed by cappy propaganda to even consider an alternative to the status quo.

>> No.12236951

same thing

>> No.12236971

>it's obama's fault

what piece of legislation did obama sign off on that you are all saying is causing the recent downturn? are you also going to apportion some of the blame to the republican controlled majorities in the house and senate? after all, it has been a republican majority congress for the last 8 years who have needed almost no democrat votes to pass legislation

you're not just blaming the democrats based on emotion and gut feeling, are you?

>> No.12237025


>> No.12237099

t. The jew

>> No.12237157

>when the economy was good it was Obama
>when the stock market goes down it's Trump's fault

>> No.12237194

while your statement holds many important redpills for fags out here, one thing that you missed is the fact that the Fed propped up the US economy to get out of the crisis and it's tools are now exhausted, same as ECB. The world is so full of debt we might as well see a debt fuelled global recession and even a few wars.

>> No.12237286

>muh illegals tukurjerbs

yea, i'm sure rural white americans are itching to flood the most unregulated job market that pays cash under the table with no benefits or job security. don't fucking make me laugh. if anything, they contribute to stock market gains, you morons

>> No.12237295

Europe needs a wall for immigrants

>> No.12237819

>Obvious Shrimp farmer is obvious.

>> No.12237989

... Then who was phone?