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12233686 No.12233686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does the miserable feeling, when she chooses someone else over you, ever goes away? How do you cope with the fact that you wake up every morning with her in your thoughts, only to find out that she has liked yet another of his shitty ig pics?

>> No.12233692

It gets easier.

>> No.12233704

You're one pussy away from getting over it

>> No.12233720

i just woke up in her bed yesterday morning and shes coming over for christmas dinner later today with my senpai. thank you for your contributions.

>tfw chad.

>> No.12233723

Women are whores that live in an alternate hedonist reality. It's best to accept it.

>> No.12233740

Women cannot think for themselves they can only react to stimuli.

>> No.12233745
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> Women are roughly 50% of the population
> Literally half the population of the world has a pussy.
> You're stuck on one.

Get out of the basement man and go find another.

>> No.12233754


What he said. Your only hope is to blissfully forget.

But then you see some weird dream or something in your life that reminds you of her, and the serotonin in your brain starts flowing again, and you tumble down into memories.

I'm starting to realize this is how killers have murdered their past lovers. It is the only way for the martyrdom to end, to know for sure that she's not letting anyone else enjoy her.

>> No.12233777

Get off instagram. It's all the addictive and degenrate aspects taken from facebook and delivered in a concentrated form like fentanyl. Also anyone on insta is a thot for sure.
Worked for me.

>> No.12233892

Stop being a bitch. Block her on all social media and fuck as many women as you can.

>> No.12233894

Tried it, and it did nothing.
Tried to obsess myself with work..
It's been a month now, and still can't get over her.
I know you guys are right, and I'm being a pussy. I haven't contacted her since she didn't reply to my last text. Will try to forget her.

>Get off instagram

will do

>> No.12233907
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eventually you want feel human anymore

you will be a shell.

>> No.12233926


yeah it sure fucking does
realize that the chick you're into is just the one you're into right now. it will feel special as long as you're focused on that woman, but the moment another woman comes into the picture, you'll be glad she's gone and you can put your efforts into something that will actually yield rewards for you.

>> No.12233943

Be a fucking man

>> No.12234045

>He uses social media
>He obsesses over some cunt he's not even with
There are over 3.5 billion women out there and you're being a little beta bitch boy about one that probably doesn't even think about you.

>> No.12234074
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>its been a month
fuck you faggot. i've been wanting a woman for over 5 years, broke up with 2 gfs because of her, lots and lots of drama and sadness. i'm fine now because i've found someone else.
a month is fucking nothing. you will get over it.

>> No.12234081

GFTOW pussy

>> No.12234216


Its tough OP. It will dull over time but itll always be there. Talking about it with people who can relate helps. Helping other people in similar situations helps.

Agreed that you should avoid seeing her on social media or real life. Find a new routine and way of life. Exercise is a great way to lose yourself in a constructive way that helps your mental health. Do not isolate yourself---- be out and around people and friends as much as you can.

>> No.12234253

Having a oneitis makes you less of a man

>> No.12234261

>been a month
come on OP are you actually 17?