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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12232615 No.12232615 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12232640

Imagine being as delusional as OP

>> No.12232645

nice kike response

>> No.12232648


all they do is destroy

>> No.12232656

Thanks Donald !

>> No.12232658

Are you actually retarded? lmao

>> No.12232664
File: 70 KB, 1024x903, IMG_2981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having the debating skills of the first reply

>> No.12232676


damn you guys really showed OP, huh.

>> No.12232683

How come reps always pumps the market to oblivion then blames dens for crashing it

>> No.12232685

Well the TLDR version is they were subverted back in the 60s with a unique form if Marxism that is culturally destructive, something so destructive it'd you'd be required to pass go to a reeducation camp. Some defectors have claimed they spent more funding the counterculture and anti war movements than they ever did on the NVA. The USSR also killled off Larry McDonald, the only one capable of saving their party. In short the democrat party is full of cuckolds who derive pleasure in being destructive

>> No.12232687
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Imagine unironically supporting a reality television star

>> No.12232694

You realize that the unsustainable rally marked in your image as the Trump era is exactly what made the crash inevitable?

>> No.12232695

>globally successful multi-billionaire*
He did more than shows anon. Maybe you should read up about him.

>> No.12232702
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Ladies and gentleman

Republican economics

>> No.12232703

>Comparing the tail end of an eight year presidency to the first two years of one

>> No.12232706

the policies take longer to come into effect. ironically their good deeds get accredited to republicans who are actually always leaving a bloody mess behind

>> No.12232707

The reason it crashed is because of tariffs and government shutdown

>> No.12232711


this. these people are borderline demons.

>> No.12232714

Why isn’t this graph going back to 2009??

>> No.12232715
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You realize a single president doesn't control the entire market, right?

>> No.12232723

I never claimed otherwise. He certainly didn't help though.

>> No.12232731

>>globally successful multi-billionaire*
You're too far gone, there's no hope for you

>> No.12232735
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>> No.12232738
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>the free market

>> No.12232744

the (((federal reserve))) created the asset bubble in equities
the (((federal reserve))) is now deflating it
the (((media))) is blaming tariffs and the government shutdown because they don't want to talk about the (((federal reserve))) for some (((reason)))

>> No.12232745
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I guess some of the people on here weren't born before 2006 when they took over the house and senate. Then immediately the recession started.

What a coincidence.

>> No.12232753

There it is.

No you are just incredibly lazy and can’t do basic research.

>> No.12232758

The fuck does that even mean. Trump was democratically elected...

I guess it's not real democracy unless the "right" side wins?

>> No.12232764

“The six months under review have seen central bankers continuing what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the world. We are therefore in uncharted waters and it is impossible to predict the unintended consequences of very low interest rates, with some 30 percent of global government debt at negative yields, combined with quantitative easing on a massive scale,” Rothschild writes in the company's semi-annual financial report.

>> No.12232769
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Yeah. Facts and numbers are a tricky thing aren't they.


>> No.12232776

ummmm bull markets pretty much always end during republican presidencies

>> No.12232778

The US isn't a complete democracy. People's votes have different values depending on where you live

>> No.12232779

Next congress hasn't started yet, and judging my the timing it seems that the market isn't really reacting to any policy proposals coming out of the house democratic caucus. Most of the falls coincide directly with unexpected Trump maneuvers

>> No.12232791

Boy you need help

>> No.12232799
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>Bill Maher
I thought only lonely boomers still watched this hack. Even Ben Shapiro got Bill Maher to admit in a debate that Trump's tax cuts hurt the rich and help the poor.

>> No.12232800

How bout these debating skills. The Oompa Loompas still have control of the house senate and exec. Dems have barely had a vote during this embarrassment in American history.

>> No.12232810

The US isn't a democracy in any way shape or form and never has been. The only reason we even say it is is just because Tocqueville wanted to sound clever and made up esoteric definitions for it that we don't even use today.

>> No.12232815

>The fuck does that even mean
Are you fucking stupid? The democrats don't care about you or me, just about holding on to power and they WILL crash the economy and have their toadies in the (((media))) blame it on Trump just like they did in 2006 through 2008 to Bush. The only thing that will save us this time is the "right" side still controls the senate although I'm not sure how much say they have in controlling the economy.

>> No.12232823

The Fed doesn't have a good feel for the market.

>> No.12232828

Fake News

>> No.12232829

USG = marketplace for the purchase of law, like all non-absolutist governments.

>> No.12232830

So how is the US 100% a democracy if my or your vote potentially is worth less than someone else's depending on where you live? That's not fair representation by definition

>> No.12232838

>WILL crash the economy and have their toadies in the (((media))) blame it on Trump just like they did in 2006 through 2008 to Bush
Is this bait?

>> No.12232853

a lot of dem politicians are very low intellect (and seem to be getting lower) and spend more time pandering to people’s fee fees than anything else

>> No.12232866

You haven't seen emotive reasoning until you watch a hearing with Representative Duffy in it.

>> No.12232867
File: 120 KB, 1080x726, IMG_2431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. The 15+ million illegals living in California are cancelling out your and my vote anyways.

>> No.12232894

>That picture
>Unironically supporting land coverage for value of votes instead of one person has the value of one equal vote

>> No.12232912

This guy gets it. Pumping trillion in to equities and keeping rates historically low has extended a bull run far beyond the average 7-8 year market cycle. This crash is going to be ugly.

>> No.12232931


>Falling for the American dual party system where both sides are absolute trash in 2018

Holy fuck, how sad. Its time to move on, Anon. Stop wasting your life being angry about this cultish NPC garbage

>> No.12233093


>thinking new york and LA should decide on the laws for the 99% rest of the country.

Gee surely giving this power to the two shittiest places to live would be a bad ideal.

>> No.12233131

You mean the highest concentration of educated/ well socialized people in the country should not have such a strong swing?

>> No.12233188
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>the highest concentration of educated well socialized people in the country
>los angeles
I forget how sheltered /biz/ posters are sometimes.

>> No.12233194

>highest concentration of educated

>> No.12233203


At least one guy gets it, unlike the rest of the brainlets arguing over whose team is better.

The fed's (((quantitative easing))) program flooded their balance sheets from 900 billion to 4.5 trillion, creating gobs of money out of thin air to support a shitty stock market to prevent collapse in 2009. Guess what program is ending this year, and guess who is raising interest rates from the lowest levels ever to discourage ever more debt??

The actual crash happened in 2008, they just kicked the can down the road until now.

>> No.12233205
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>highest concentration of educated/ well socialized people

>> No.12233244

They'll just keep kicking that can, brainlet

>> No.12233245

This right here is the fundamental problem with leftist. They inherently disrespect the constitution and peoples right to self determination and individual liberty.

Things like "fair" representation are jusy platitudes to hide your discontent for a system that had worked for 200+ years. It's unfair that California would decide the determination of smaller states like Montana, Maine, Virginia, etc. based upon population of legal and illegals. But you can't possibly see the irony in your statement about "fair"

>> No.12233262


By lowering interest to sub zero levels and printing 6 gorillion dollars, deflating our currency ever more?

Great plan.

>> No.12233279

CA is the least educated state in the country. They have the least high school graduates per capita.

>> No.12233288

/biz/ has some next-level delusion.

>> No.12233291

You just agreed it will work so it is indeed a great plan

>> No.12233295

1 man w/ 100 acres ... 1 vote
100 men w/ 1 acre ... 1 vote


>> No.12233309

>Republican president
>(((Fed))) makes sure to crash market before their term ends
>Fed pumps during Democrats presidency
"Democrat good for economy, orange man bad"

>> No.12233315

Feds kept interest rates at zero to pump up the economy during Obama, to make him and the dems look good. Now they pull out the rug under Trump to make him look bad

>> No.12233321

>Democucks are this in denial

>> No.12233325

1 man = 1 vote.

100 men = 100 votes.

You just blow in from stupid town too with all the baby discord leftist too?

>> No.12233326

OP, you do realize the new democratic majority congress hasn't even taken its seat yet? the republicans are still in control of both houses so if you believe democrats are responsible, you are saying democrats passed some ticking time bomb legislation since the last time they had a majority which was only for 2 years in 2009-2011

>> No.12233327

Why do we elect these stupid Democrat retards? Stock market growing and suddenly they take the house and destroy everything lmfao. Why do poor people vote against their interest?

>> No.12233329

They should have stopped QE in 2014, 2015 but they didn't..

>> No.12233331

The trend went on unbroken for almost a year after that point.

>> No.12233334

>1 man w/ 51% acres ... 51% vote
Nothing personnel kid

>> No.12233350

It doesn't matter if they've taken spots yet. The market is reacting to their rhetoric before they reach office. Traders are hearing the fat lady sing and they know a house full of shitskin females is bad for economics

>> No.12233356

Poor people can't look past their next paycheck

>> No.12233357
File: 199 KB, 365x790, 2008electionIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the low iq mouth breathers have their moment

>> No.12233363

>Urban retards should decide for the entire country

Lmfao. Get your crime fixed and your income inequality and expensive rent fixed you urban retards. Nobody trusts you to run anything efficiently

>> No.12233369

Connecticut IQ isn't even that high anymore. Years of voting blue and importing Dominicans has changed that

>> No.12233370

But I thought the whole point was one person equals one vote, now you're saying well socialized voters count more?

>> No.12233371

>California ranks No. 1 among the 50 states for the percentage of its residents 25 and older who have never completed ninth grade and 50th for the percentage who have graduated from high school, according to new data from the Census Bureau.

God Damn that incel lefty cope fire.

>> No.12233380


Go back to /b/, kiddo.

>> No.12233384

It's the illegals anon.

>> No.12233385
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, pollowIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow and their average IQ is still higher than your bumblefuck states, says a lot about republicans

>> No.12233386

>States that had majority white populations in the mid 2000s have high IQs
>Blackest state literally on the bottom


>> No.12233389

Nice argument retard

>> No.12233392
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Why is yours different from mine?

>> No.12233395

Lmao that fuckin butthurt cause you know that source is old, urban retards

>> No.12233400
File: 65 KB, 750x846, 42373232_291443805023176_7339212170474088240_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt understand markets are based off consumer confidence and economic trust

>> No.12233401

Lol he doesn't realize that California is like two deviations lower from Democrat leadership. Democrats are retards lmfao

>> No.12233409

You might want to update your data anon

>> No.12233412

Misleading. The stock market performance, which isn't even the real economy, can't be solely attributed to the incumbent President.

>> No.12233428

>yfw you realize there are unironically "leftist" people briefing and posting on a hyper capitalist cigar afficanido enthusiast SharePoint trying to claim "democrats" are "good"

>> No.12233433

It's just the Democrat IQ. They're all sub 100 Mexishits wasting their time shilling on the capitalism board because they lack foresight

>> No.12233436

Cross-referencing average state IQ to voting results in order to draw any sort of conclusions is mildly brainlet tier. Too many variables at play.

>> No.12233445

Kys you retarded cunt

>> No.12233451

Sorry for the truth bomb, libshitlet.
Two things caused the current crash: dems taking the house and the fed raising the rates for an insane fourth time in one fucking year.

>> No.12233460
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>>States that had majority white populations in the mid 2000s have high IQs
>>Blackest state literally on the bottom

>> No.12233505

>Sorry for the truth bomb, libshitlet.

>Trump doesn't touch the economy for more than a year into his presidency
>trump starts a trade war then the economy tanks
>it's t-the d-dems winning an election(as if this is the first time a party won an election)

kys you inbred freak

>> No.12233513

>>trump starts a trade war then the economy tanks
There's almost a year of unbroken growth trend between the first and second part of your statement, see >>12232735

>> No.12233525

>Trump doesnt touch the economy the first year into his presidency
Holy shit how sheltered are you? Do you even understand what deregulations are?

>> No.12233530

That's just how people are rationalizing it. We're overdue for this collapse. The fed hiking rates, all the terrible economic data, even major corporations own forecasts are saying they're not going to be doing as well in the future.

>> No.12233555
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>Holy shit how sheltered are you? Do you even understand what deregulations are?

Most on the are repealed on delayed on in rule making and most of them took place in 2018. you stupid inbred.

Why are the dumbest people on earth the most confident in their stupidity?

>> No.12233576

Most of them are repealed or delayed or in rule making and most of them took place in 2018.

fucking auto-correct

>> No.12233615

Yes, because the person who owns land actually has stakes in the country they live in.
The only people who should be able to vote are US citizens or 18 years residency that own land and score above 100 on a IQ test

>> No.12233617

>Why are the dumbest people on earth the most confident in their stupidity? >>12233400
>Most on the are repealed on delayed
I don't know. Why?

>> No.12233629

And white male should also be a prerequisite

>> No.12233633

What are you even trying to say?
That everyone was unaware of Trump's deregulatory inclinations before 2018?

Try to imagine being this retarded.

>> No.12233637

>It doesn't matter if they've taken spots yet. The market is reacting to their rhetoric before they reach office.

so the stock market is more sensitive to political rhetoric rather than actual legislation being passed? that's odd because one would think that actual laws being passed that directly affect business profits is more concerning to the market than political ads.

moreover, why are you blaming the democrats for how the market is reacting when they haven't even done anything yet? shouldn't you be blaming the market for being over speculative?

>> No.12233648

I don't get what your point is. Democucks are bad for the economy, regardless of what reason you libtard lmao

>> No.12233657

Are..you implying that higher IQ people than yourself aren't making long term plans based upon retarded rhetoric from morons who's platform is blumpf 2 scoops and abolish ICE.

You may be the dumbest person here today

>> No.12233715

The data presented is entirely factual

>> No.12233721

>Democucks are bad for the economy

what evidence is there to support that? democrats had a brief majority when obama was elected president and looking at OP's pic, the democrats did fairly well. the republicans have had majority control since 2011 so if that last dive downwards continues, it would be the republican's fault, not the democrats.

>> No.12233727
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>> No.12233733
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>so the stock market is more sensitive to political rhetoric rather than actual legislation being passed?

>> No.12233734

>what evidence is there to support that?
lmao why bother with these people?
it isn't like they ever cared about evidence

>> No.12233742
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>lets blame the man hodling the hot potato instead of the actually person that put it in the oven

that being said trump is a fuckboi that started bragging about the stock market even though he said it was in a bubble when obama was in office and he deserves the socialist that he is going to make president in 2020

>> No.12233743

They think a temper tantrum will get them what they want.

>> No.12233760
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>> No.12233766
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>> No.12233780

CNN lobbys international airports to have their channel on all day. That's how they get their ratings. Shit like this is useless.

>> No.12233832 [DELETED] 

The stock market always rises in response to an election. Only two elecyions in hisyory whete that didn't play out were nixon and 1 other republican.

>> No.12233852

The stock market always rises in response to an election. Only two elections in history where that didn't play out were nixon and 1 other republican.

>> No.12233869 [DELETED] 
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>If you have some cash sitting on the sidelines, now's the time to consider going on the offensive and buying stocks on weakness.
>"Stock market fortunes," Perkin says, "are built buying on market dips, not peaks."

>The worst reaction is to panic and sell, as there's a good chance you could miss a stock bounce back in this environment, he says. The Dow's 706-point rebound off its intraday low Thursday was a perfect example.

we will make it

>> No.12233900

>markets are based off consumer confidence and economic trust
>markets are based off immeasurable and undefinable arbitrary qualitative surveys

i guess reactionary people like you are the reason why cryptocurrency is a thing. the smart investors don't react to sales pitches made during political campaigns, they invest in information, you dummy. the sooner they know about legislation, or lack thereof, the more money they will make. the smart investors don't gamble, they make calculated educated decisions to ensure they win.

>> No.12233923
File: 28 KB, 481x289, IMG_20181225_121314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impeachment is on the table for trump if the stock market keeps falling.

>> No.12233935

The fed will keep raising rates to crash the economy into a recession then impeach trump and get a democrat in office. By doing this they avoid a depression.

>> No.12233974

People already know, dummy.
>the sooner they know about legislation, or lack thereof
Have you been living under a rock? Democrats have exposed themselves to be the obstructionists, or "resistance" as they call it.

Whenever a Republican-decided policy is established, Democrat's sole purpose is to stop it. They are the reason Washington and politics is always seen as a joke.

Investors already know this, proven as such >>12233733

>> No.12233983

>obama took 7 years to figure out how to make the line go up
>trump did it in days of coming into office

>> No.12234001

>the fed exposed themselves to be part of the deep state to get rid of a democratically elected president they don't like >>12232715

Yes, we all know they are evil.

>> No.12234109

If they didn't do this there would for sure be a depression in trumps second term. Depressions lead to war. War leads to neuclear holocaust and the extinction of most complex life on earth. Id much rather have recessions and avoid war.

>> No.12234169

>he drank the highschool debate koolaid

>> No.12234173

what’s going on in this thread? are all the lefties with their families? the left right balance today is insanely off... are lonely righties lashing out for not having families to hang out with maybe?

>> No.12234198

because it always works

>> No.12234386

Kikes control the market.
Kikes control the banks.
Kikes control the money.
Kikes control the Democrats.
>Kikes control the Republicans

>> No.12234429
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>> No.12234440

They haven't taken control of the house. It isn't January yet.

>> No.12234478

I didn't dispute the data accompanying the post. Reread what I wrote more carefully.

>> No.12234581
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>wars are fine anon. Totally normal and healthy. We can definitely trust other nations to not abuse their power. Noone would ever retaliate with nukes.

>> No.12234597

My b. U ri

>> No.12234632

Post again when you spend a few years outside of debate. There’s no way you unironically believe that America will go to war with a nuclear power because of a recession. We didn’t in the 90s, or in 2001, or 2008.
But then again, Orange man bad my dude

>> No.12234785

>he still believes Trump stories
Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Keep believing "anonymous sources" though, even when the past 2 "anonymous sources" were outed and said the story was completely fake news.

>> No.12234796
File: 39 KB, 588x823, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you could argue that the policies put in place by the Democratic party are responsible for debt, but that would be absolving responsibility the "people" have to vote those policymakers out.
Also, recucklicans are just as shitty and horrible at wasting your tax dollars, only their kickbacks aren't as obvious and brazen as Demonshits who operate in plain sight.

>> No.12234813

>even when the past 2 "anonymous sources" were outed and said the story was completely fake news.

Gonna need a source that one

>> No.12234901

why can't republitards into economics? every time they get elected everything crashes. there should be a law that makes it illegal to vote for these morons

>> No.12234934

literally all over the place. that is, if you're not a CNN / Young Turks drone.


>And now, BuzzFeed reports that Lanny Davis, Cohen’s lawyer, has admitted he was one of the anonymous sources for the CNN story, and that he cannot corroborate his account of Cohen’s story.

There's a reason why the media hides behind anonymity. They don't want to be challenged or exposed.

>> No.12234979

>There's a reason why the media hides behind anonymity.
Or the more obvious reason of 'this person isn't legally permitted to say what they're saying.' It's the media's job to vet the story, and if they end up having a history of bad sources they will lose credibility for anonymously sourced stories

Are you one of those retards that thinks every story leaking things should somehow be 100% publicly sourced? Do you think that's even a viable thing?

>> No.12234999

Pretty sure the stock market story was confirmed by Kudlow or one of his other advisers.

>> No.12235018

oh trump's era is almost over? i had no idea, i thought he had 2 years left. interesting, he did say the president gets fired when there's a government shutdown. thanks for enlightening me op, one more thing though-- who is the new president now? i can't find any articles on the change, thanks bud you're a really smart dude, it's really an honor to learn from something as intelligent as you.

>> No.12235025

great arguments guys keep it up

>> No.12235034

by your logic then jeff bezos should be president

>> No.12235068
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181225-173347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leaving this here... dow jones crash compared to 1929

>> No.12235079
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And what that means on a regular scale

>> No.12235098
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Annnnnd that we have already started to fall...

>> No.12235135

Yes. I'm sure that the impending Democratic house majority is the reason for the market correction.
It certainly couldn't be Trump's trade war or Trump's government shutdown or Trump's pointless tax cuts or Trump's impending impeachment.

>> No.12235381

...agreed, he built one of the most successful companies ever. He'd probably be a really great leader

>> No.12235622
File: 97 KB, 716x768, CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people unironically believing that the president has any control over the economy whatsoever?
The only thing politicians can do is either redistribute or influence where the cashflow goes, they have 0 control over credit which rules 90% of the modern economy and is completely controlled by the (((banking system)))..
The whole concept of central banking is that people or their elected representative will never have control over the economy ever again so (((banks))) can rule it as their own discretion.


Link related: 50 multinationals control 28% of the global GDP, 45 in the list are banks.

>> No.12235714

>Whenever a Republican-decided policy is established, Democrat's sole purpose is to stop it.
that's literally the only thing the republicans did under obama

>> No.12235874

>rock market go up
>rock market go down
It’s not our fault guys, it’s your fault

>> No.12235888

>temporarily juice the economy by cutting taxes and running massive deficits
>get confused when market starts to crash as you've effectively mortgaged the future as much as possible to bring forward growth today

lol republicans are so fucking stupid holy shit

>> No.12235919

They don't even have control of the house yet trumptard. I

>> No.12235936

>Democrat retards are still posting ITT

How much ShareBlue paying you guys to correct the record today wagies? Double time?

>> No.12235939
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6 million who?

>> No.12235957

>Trumptards with no credible arguments are still posting
The Democrats aren't currently in control of the house or the Senate.

>> No.12236080

>Trumplet retards are still posting ITT

How much is Russia paying you guys to correct the record today wagies? Double time?

>> No.12236149
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Yeah man. Obama's economy really took off when Trump was elected. He totally planned it.

>> No.12236158

>Communist retards are still posting ITT
How much is China paying you guys to correct the record today wagies? Double time?

>> No.12236310

toppest of keks

look out it's the ivan boogeyman!

>> No.12236333

>there should be a law that makes it illegal to vote for these morons

nah, you have a constitutional right to be as stupid as you want, as long as you don't physically hurt another person. if being stupid was outlawed, it would be the death of the republican party and religion

>> No.12236406

>rock market=local economy

remind me again why republicans and speculative /biz/ brainlets are representative of the wage slave class? last i checked, low income earners got a couple hundred bucks back in their 2017 tax return, but corporations got 15 trillion because of the republican majority tax cuts.

>> No.12236491

I think it's due to the fact that the economy was in a recession during Obama and that it was bound for a jump after the exit, and that's why the stock exchange was doing well. I'm not sure for which reason, but I think I read somewhere that "the economic growth during the Trump administration so far has been a completely natural development, which Trump has been trying to take credit for". So after a jump comes a logical fall, which therefore also means that this fall is completely natural. It's still way higher than it was during Obama.

>> No.12236523

yea the whole conspiracy never made sense

>> No.12236541

New Dem congress doesnt even start until January. Republicans are still in charge, so if you are blaming Congress, it's all the Repub's fault.

>> No.12236554
File: 622 KB, 707x592, foldsbackin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Russia conspiracy makes TOTAL sense, if you're a liberal.

I mean, liberalism is
>believing there are 84 genders
>believing Yale valedictorians are serial gang-rapists
>believing MS-13 are misunderstood scientists and teachers
>believing the earth is flat
>believing continued conflict of random wars in random middle east countries are in our best interests

So OF COURSE there was intercontinental executive collusion!

>> No.12236556

Being upset is no reason to compare demons to leftists, demons can be redeemed.

>> No.12236568

Ah. The clueless anon who doesn't understand consumer confidence.

So I guess Obama totally planned the spike of the economy when he knew Trump was going to win the election, right?>>12236149

>> No.12236580

man, they only take control next year, and the "Obama era" you labelled, GOP had control of both houses

>> No.12236597

you don't talk to real people a lot, do you?

>> No.12236998

Orange man cant make deals

>> No.12237147

there is no way this quote is real
nobody is this delusional

>> No.12237208

I think a bipartisan impeachment effort is likely. Donors can't be pleased with the shutdown over the Wall or the Middle Eastern withdrawal. They'll make up some nonsense over Russia and use that as a pretext to remove him.

>> No.12237215

>Easiest indocrinated and most psychopathic people

>> No.12238079

it depends on whether or not you think liberals are real people i guess

>> No.12238221

Imagine being so young and ignorant you dont realize Trump has been a celebrity business mogul longer than your parents have been alive.

>> No.12238670

Checked and dems suck the cock of 1,000 bulls

>> No.12238709

...no, you should. faggot was born on third thinking he hit a triple and has still managed to fuck up most businesses he touches.

please, get a vasectomy

>> No.12238887

>trump is a good business man

what business venture other than his reality TV show is considered successful? he literally lost all of his credibility with ALL US banks that they stopped lending him money because he never paid them back. the money he did make from real estate was russian blood money looking for a desperate US man to take it. which is exactly what he is getting investigated for by the special counsel, feds, and state law enforcement offices

how are you a good business man when not even payday loans is willing to give you credit?

>> No.12239089

Read my posts again anon. Im all for recessions and the fed prwventing depressions because depressions lead to wars. Recessions don't.

>> No.12239161
File: 475 KB, 2048x1820, Screenshot_20181226-113414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You Trumptards might be dumbest people on earth.