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12229437 No.12229437 [Reply] [Original]

AMB hires Abstract Tornado to do marketing like REQ! This is unironically good news

>> No.12229479

What the fuck is this real?

>> No.12229481


>> No.12229526

Source on this?

>> No.12229542

Hey do you have a source I can see? Very interested in this information thanks

>> No.12229549


Look at bottom comments

>> No.12229572

Sorry but only an actual retard would consider this a source. You have a source though right? This isn't just bullshit made up by retards right? Nobody would be dumb enough to put this much time and effort into literally nothing lol come on man I know you have sources, you are trying to help other anons right? There is no reason for you to not post a source you lose nothing, help an anon out my smart man.

>> No.12229592

Alright enough jokes my man lol give me those sources on this stuff come on you have been trying to help me all day why stop now?

>> No.12229624

Source my man? Still waiting on an actual source what's up? I know you have one, no one would waste their entire Christmas Eve making shit up lol people have real lives with family and friends I know you've been doing this all day for a good reason and not because you're a retarded loser lol show me those sources my man why are you holding out on me?

>> No.12229680

Bump for source I'm still waiting here dude what's going on all day long you guys were posting and now nothing? I know you didn't waste your whole Christmas Eve on 4chan making up stuff only a literal brain dead loser would do something as pathetic as that come on and show everyone you aren't a total retard

>> No.12229696

SEETHING. Did your family ask about your big Ambrosus investment you bragged about last year and you were humiliated?

>> No.12229706

First give me source that you are NOT part of Angel's paid scammers

>> No.12229819

What? I've been helped a lot by you today I'm just asking for a simple source my man surely you have one if you have been doing this all day there is no way you have been doing this just out of anger or something that's too pathetic for even 4chan, it's so easy to end. I mean look at it this way you ask Angel for bundle numbers etc and he doesn't give them and you say "it's so easy to just answer it" well here you are in the same situation and the only downside for you is if you don't have a source it makes you look like a pathetic retard so just post the source and end it it's easy you have to have a source nobody is pathetic enough to do this all day without one

>> No.12229831

Sources are for Angels eyes only

>> No.12229839
File: 495 KB, 2478x1640, AbstractTornado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your source.

>> No.12229842

I’m sure you aren’t a brainlet like me and can do a SIMPLE research. Sources should be easy enough for you to look for. I wouldn’t want you to suspect me wrongly of giving you wrong sources right?

>> No.12229909

I unironically sold my 30k stack after seeing this post and the AMB 2015 failed startup from yesterday.

>> No.12229936

You responded to yourself here on accident m80 maybe take a break you have been on here all Christmas Eve, but I know you wouldn't do that without a source only a retarded pathetic loser would do something like that lol although I guess you don't even know how to respond to posts...no I refuse to believe anyone is that pathetic, just post your sources and prove you are not retarded

>> No.12229954

Ah yes I almost forgot the source. How s our this, I can let you talk to the man himself Abstract Torpedo and hr can DM you directly on telegram. All I need is to verify your account name and I can connect you two. Sounds like a plan thank you for accepting to such terms

>> No.12230055

Still waiting for that telegram account sir/madam. I can connect you easily with Abstract Torpedo in an instant. Don’t tell me you would rather believe in my screenshots than confirm with a primary source after all this time? *gasp*

>> No.12230064

Take a step back man lots of typos and still no source. Are you mad you have wasted your time fudding all day and convinced nobody? Are you mad all your efforts are completely fruitless? Is it deeper? Mad that you had all this time on Christmas Eve in the first place because nobody cares about you? Just post the source and let it all out anon its that easy.

>> No.12230086

Are you mad AMB keeps going down while you have an argument with a pajeet halfway around the world on a basket weeving forum who doesn’t give a damn about Christmas?

>> No.12230116

LMAO literally admitted to being a fucking pajeet streetshitter you couldn't have played into that any better lol cya Rakesh my work here is done you fucking pathetic idiot

>> No.12230129

Congratulations I did that on purpose and you fell for the bait. You played yourself

What happened to sources? You don’t care about sources anymore?

>> No.12230136

Brule pays me 4 AMB per post I just work here man

>> No.12230146

Also swissbro pays my brother Sanjeet to shill Amb

>> No.12230184

I hope you don’t mind me revealing to all of biz that I am a mercenary pajeet and get paid by the Ambrosus shills and FUDDers at the same time. It’s actually good monies

>> No.12230722
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