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12223318 No.12223318 [Reply] [Original]

~Opening bell ring, are you listen'in~
~Plunge protectors called, Trump's sweat is glisten'in~
~A beautiful sight~
~Boomers are going broke tonight~
~Walking in a shorter wonderland~

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

Real-time Santa Tracking:

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:

Suggested books:

Basic Rundown on Santa Claus:

People on the Naughty List:

>> No.12223328


I'm going to kill myself

>> No.12223341

First for hi Faggots my name is Jerome pasta.

>> No.12223343
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>triple bottom
2370 confirmed support

>> No.12223345
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>> No.12223348
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Dollar Cost Averaging is the name of the game for long time investors. This too shall pass.

>> No.12223349

I'm giggling like a retard from how bad this dump is. Can't wait to see what happens the 26th

>> No.12223353

Is it time to buy back in? Reddit investing forums are full of "my grandpa at 91 sold everything". Lots of people screaming recession and selling everything. Should I wait bit longer? Realistically, market will go max -50%. If I buy in at -20% I will at most lose another 30%, correct?

>> No.12223357

There is clearly interference PPT refusing to let it drop naturally

>> No.12223360

Something is very odd. Every time I post the name Soros on /smg/ the market drops at least .25% within minutes.

>> No.12223362

Whats going to be the best performing stock of 2019? and why is it LCI?

>> No.12223364


>> No.12223366
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Bulls Assemble

>> No.12223369

AAPL will be the best performing stock because its going to go from $150/share to $300/share

>> No.12223370
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Anyone else /JUST'dbeyondbelief/?

>> No.12223377

dont u fags have stop losses? lmao

>> No.12223381

thats 100%.. LCI is going to go to mid teens.. i'll let you calculate the % on that ;)

>> No.12223384

Can’t believe I get to get in at the bottom of this crash, this is great. Boomers BTFO, Zoomers Rise Up.

>> No.12223390
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Delicious.... mmmmmmmm

>> No.12223396

must be a coincidence. It just happened again.

>> No.12223400
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Real men HODL and go down with the ship.

>> No.12223403
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why is everything falling like a rock?????
what even happened to justify this???

>> No.12223408

Shit was overpriced

>> No.12223409

that's because all the big spec trating algos just follow /SMG/

>> No.12223411

If bulls keep dying I'll keep buying.

>> No.12223419

>what even happened to justify this???

>> No.12223425

Really glad I took the hit on TQQQ last week instead of today. Still not convinced shorting is a good idea though. Guess it’s time to sit on the sidelines.

>> No.12223426

Is it worth selling now or would I just be selling the bottom? Haven't paid attention to the markets for a couple months and now my holdings are all red.

>> No.12223427

I think the TQQQ memes may have ruined a few people lives

>> No.12223432

>interest rates still at historic lows
>FED is only doing a minor correction towards historically sensible levels
>the markets shit themselves

The problem is not the FED guys.

>> No.12223433
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sub 22k :^)

>> No.12223434

>orange man baaad

t. NPC

>> No.12223436

you'd be selling the bottom, this is pretty normal
we'll be back to golden bulls a bit after New Years

>> No.12223438


>> No.12223442
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Is it over? Can it end already?

>> No.12223443

unless you have meme stocks, plan on holding for the next decade for some great gains

>> No.12223444

nah, he made three hamfisted moves that scared the shit out of markets, this is absolutely on him

>> No.12223445

Look into options anon.

>> No.12223446

Sell if you still have gains you'd like to save

>> No.12223448

Based NPC poster

>> No.12223451


>> No.12223453

he is fucking stupid
you are also fucking stupid

>> No.12223456

> blaming your own central bank boss who you appointed in public for stocks

IS he retarded? He could just send Powell a text message. IS he unable to communicate with the FED, does Powell not follow his orders? Does he not have a Treasury Department. IF they don't follow his orders then the market will crash more, if there's a conflict between the state and the central bank the market will crash more. Investors are a class of people with higher IQ's than the fucking retards who form the Trump base and are not impressed with his twitter chimpouts. Of course this isn't meant for investors but for the retarded smooth brained base of retards in a pathetic attempt to control the narrative.

>> No.12223457
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>PPT actually expects anyone to believe 2370 is any sort of natural support
we're not buying it you crusty old cunts

>> No.12223458

Actually, he's unironically a piss poor president.

I'll give you a gift to let you know that I'm in the know:
SPX bottoms out at 1560ish.

>> No.12223468

We haven’t even had a bounce yet.

>> No.12223479

>haha if I assume he is one of (((them))) that means his statement is automatically wrong and theres nothing to worry about!
This is like a fucked up episode of Looney Tunes where Bugs is trying to legitimately help Daffy but Daffy refuses to listen because fuck Bugs and then he gets his head blown off.

>> No.12223480

Merry Christmas! Put me in your suicide note!

>> No.12223485

what makes you think there will be a bounce before 2100-2200 level?

>> No.12223486

Are the market open for the rest of the week?

>> No.12223487
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this is the most depressing christmas in my live

>> No.12223497


Closes early today, closed Christmas and then open again Wednesday

>> No.12223503

No and were closing early today

>> No.12223504
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>tfw I am balls deep into stocks


>> No.12223506

For real tho, imagine yourself in Powell's shoes. You take the job, and the first day you get redpilled by all the sitting members. They tell you everything you need to know about any geo political event for the last 2 centuries. And they welcome you as their own.
And then this fucking orange man president be out there tweeting nonsense, you basically have nothing but contempt for the president. He represents the dumb masses. But you're the chairman of the fucking fed. And you're supposed to listen to trump? Fuck no. You push the button and crash this market with no survivors.

>> No.12223511

bull runs don't last forever boomer

>> No.12223517
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this, i already got squuezed out of crypto, the jews arent getting my boomer stocks too, literally this is the hill that i die on

>> No.12223521
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>open again Wednesday
on Wednesday it's going to be eve worse right?

>> No.12223529

4k flat BTC is my fetish. Prolly gonna open a short

>> No.12223530


I certainly hope so, and orange man's retardation certainly is helping

>> No.12223533
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poor drumpfy

>> No.12223536

>everyone who actively watches tickers meets their relatives who are in the process of getting JUSTed and don't even know it
nah, I'm sure it will bounce

>> No.12223537

>people unironically think we're anywhere near the bottom

>> No.12223541

fat green candles coming!

>> No.12223561

His shit posting is top notch today.

>> No.12223575

This economy is the only thing keeping Trump politically alive. If I crashes and people go broke you may as well start impeahment and coronate Bernie Sanders

>> No.12223576

Going to close at the LOD again.

This ride isn’t over yet.

>> No.12223579
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poor baby

>> No.12223581

we are getting DABBED ON really hard by these nerd ass indices

SP500 with a -15% month giant red dildo, not cool brehs

but just buy the dip buy buy buy

>> No.12223588

It really is. The Saudi Arabia providing financial assistance to Syria is golden. He left those poor folk in Syria out to dry between Russia and Saudi Arabia and he's congratulating himself for it.

>> No.12223594


Got margin called, deposited more equity. Either the Dow runs a few 100 points in a relief rally, or we get a black swan,

>> No.12223598

People blame either Trump or the Fed for current troubles depending on one's ideology. Truth is, both share the blame in different facets.

>> No.12223599
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he may be the bad orange man but no one should be alone at Christmas

>> No.12223603

oh lord closing on the lows again. this is not the bottom. yikes

>> No.12223604


>> No.12223605
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>mfw I logged in and saw my day change

>> No.12223612
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we are IN the black swan

>> No.12223613
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>> No.12223617

Trump will save us. Hold strong.

>> No.12223621

>America swings from full retard to full retard

>> No.12223629

>Trump will save us.
>Market dumped again when he last tweeted

Please keep going Trump, crash this shit

>> No.12223637

In fact, the IS pulling out of Syria is a big fuck you to the neocons and Saudi Arabia

>> No.12223656

Will they roll 236?

>> No.12223658

what is this shit like the 20th day in a row we get -2%? Thats somewhat uncommon even in recession. BUY this fake ass dip Im going to rite aid and loading up

>> No.12223662
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>> No.12223663

plz I remember this fat faggot saying that he agreed with the FED signed off on their policy to gradually increase rates (which aren't even that high rn) and he said that the rates are too low during the campaign. What actually happened was that when the market started going lower due to his trade retardation and his own mental and emotional instability that became apparent to everyone he started chimping out (because he said that all the market gains are thanks to him) and blaming the FED for the policy that he already signed off on

>> No.12223675

6 minutes to hit -600.

>> No.12223679
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Haven't sold a single share. I can handle volatility, and nothing has changed about the specific companies I own.

>> No.12223694

ima stop you, so yu can enjoy the festivus

>> No.12223699
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just did

>> No.12223704



>> No.12223706

dat drop
They've done it!

>> No.12223707
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next stop 2360

>> No.12223708

LEL 234

>> No.12223711


>> No.12223712

should have bought gold on friday faggot peter puffer up the ass aids loving homosexual fruit bowl

>> No.12223714
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>> No.12223717

>My investments are with great companies, they will come back

>> No.12223726
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>> No.12223730

There are a lot of hicks in the U.S. who pride themselves on being ignorant dumb asses who want to spit on anything they don't personally declare as 'white', but while they're attending KKK rallies, listening to Fox News tell them whatever the fuck they want to hear to make a buck, and patting each other on the back for not being "book smart", other people out there are doing the work. They're getting book smart, they're getting experience with the financial system, and they're playing on a level those mongoloids can't even begin to imagine. They have as much capacity to process the level of performance and discipline of the people carrying society forward as a chimpanzee truly understands the mind of the zookeeper. I've tried to find common ground with these people before, but they don't want it. They legitimately do not want common ground. They just want to fester in their mediocrity and wear their rejection of the medical community, the financial system, technology, and the scientific process or data oriented decision making as some badge of pride. Then, they're aghast and baffled when they're rotting in poverty. They turn to guys like Trump as if he's their savior, but no one can save them from themselves.

>> No.12223732
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>> No.12223734

3 min to hit Dow -700

>> No.12223735


>> No.12223737
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calm down, faggots
it's going to be ok, just hunker down and wait for this to end
there will always be a bottom

>> No.12223738
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>calling biggest crash since 2008 a "slide" and "correction"
Why the fuck they keep downplaying it? Its fucking obvious what its a fucking crash.

>> No.12223739

just DCA man, there wont be a recession they just want you to think that so you sell

>> No.12223740

>SPY AT 234

>> No.12223741

No on has savings. If it crashes you will see the barely contained socalist wave erupt. No one is gonna give a fuck about conservatism when they need big give to feed nd house them. Conservatism is an ideology of luxury.

>> No.12223744

>babbys first market

HOLD EVERYTHING. January effect coming soon. Bulls will run again.

>> No.12223748

worst christmas eve in history of the market lmao

>> No.12223753

Trump should tweet that FED is run by Jews.

>> No.12223754

crashes can be anything. this is just a slide and a correction because there's nothing behind it other than fears

>> No.12223755
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Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I’m up .76%, I’m sorry it had to be this way

>> No.12223759

trying to use psy-ops to slow the inevitable

>> No.12223761

tempted to start AHHHHHHHH OH NO IT'S ALL OVER-posting again, but I don't want to jinx myself

these bitches don't know how to hodl

>> No.12223766
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I've been noticing the same thing. Some of the posts ITT have been matching up with the bubble memes almost verbatim....

>> No.12223767

you'll have to find your own homosexual taking it up the ass faggot bottom your self. i'm 100% in love with pussy.

>> No.12223771

This nigga knows

>> No.12223779
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>> No.12223782

we;re going to see further declines come march first we will be lower than we are today.

>> No.12223783

I was hoping for more of a happening. %10 would have been kino.

>> No.12223784
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>> No.12223785

I dont think there will be a recession though. I'm just memeing a bit. It's just a panic, everyone's freaked out because everyone's freaked out. And you got the IMF and JP Morgan giving warning signals FFS, just dca over this ''crash''

>> No.12223786

I added $41.5 to my forward annual dividend income today by adding 13 shares of PSX at 4%. Should get a nice dividend raise too.

>> No.12223787
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>> No.12223791
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I'm up 72% since the beginning of December.

>> No.12223794

yeah i know i'm not going to ever do that again, what part of that statement wasn't clear?

>> No.12223799
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I tried to tell you fags yesterday that it was a bear market but all the trips just laughed. How much did you lose. Be honest.

>> No.12223800
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>> No.12223801
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it's almost like it's based on human psychology :^)

>> No.12223804
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>> No.12223805
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S&P 500 now officially bear market

>> No.12223807

> muh HODL
see if you weren't retarded and incorproated you'd have sold everything that you bought this year, everything exposed to China, and everything that's not high dividend yielding even before October when it became apparent that Orange man is, in fact, bad and just wrote off all the losses from taxes.

>> No.12223808

gentlemen, we just lived through the worst christmas eve trading day of all time.

>> No.12223811

is this the record for red days in a row

we havent even gotten a bull trap yet

just straight getting roasted every single day for weeks now

>> No.12223813
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>tfw you didn't put enough into your leveraged inverse etfs
better than getting JUSTed I suppose

>> No.12223814

>reminder i can't put my head around a possible lower low and still dicks

>> No.12223821

not over yet buddy

>> No.12223822
File: 8 KB, 222x227, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked bulls

>> No.12223823

233 after hours LMAO

>> No.12223827


>> No.12223836

>tfw withdrew my entire 401k 4 months ago because i got fired and knew i wouldnt find a good job right away.

solid move

>> No.12223837

nope, this is the prime buying opportunity for the next best thing, space construction. robots building shit for us using 3d printing technologies and drones in space. it's the honest truest best cheapies, and you'll be able to retire in 30 years on an investment of like 5 grand

>> No.12223839
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>> No.12223841

the absolute state of the markets right now

>> No.12223843

Holy fucking shit it's a fucking Christmas sale at the stocks.

How is this a bad thing???

>> No.12223844
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>> No.12223845

Sold my stocks for crypto this year.
When boomer mass suicide?

>> No.12223848
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I literally called SPY $235 on the last /smg/. Trump's trade war and government shutdown is decimating our economy. If you think it's bad now just wait until the U-6 tips over 10%. We're most definitely entering an honest-to-god depression. Prepare to get JUSTed.

>> No.12223851

>for crypto this year.

So you still lost everything anyways

>> No.12223853

>>nope, this is the prime buying opportunity for the next best thing,

Shit is finally getting CHEAP.

>> No.12223855

>"and here's why that's a good thing"

>> No.12223857

I'm going to load the fuck up on divs when we hit the bottom but I'll be shorting all the way down too

>> No.12223861

>closing at the absolute bottom

Yeah, we’re going to pick up right we left off of Wednesday.

Enjoy your Christmas, bulls.

>> No.12223862


>> No.12223863
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because people in these threads are overemotional bitches who can't handle losses

>> No.12223867

umm, we forgot a big lost generation, too young to fight in vietnam or korea, but too young to be doing blow on the floor in the 80s.

>> No.12223869

What are your positions?

>> No.12223870

I think that's it for today. Burgers pls confirm?

>> No.12223875

I’m so happy guys, I might be able to buy a house with all these boomers getting JUSTED.

>> No.12223877

Average Bear Market is 1.4 years...and that’s if we somehow skip the Recession

>> No.12223878

t. short YM, NQ, CAD, CL

>> No.12223883

Don't know about a depression. Stocks are just overvalued af. Only depression causing event I could see is corporate credit defaults into a credit crisis.

>> No.12223885

>orange man good

t. NPC

>> No.12223888

Made $80 with the money I day trade. Even my unrealized losses aren’t as bad today.

>> No.12223891



Yeh, regardless of whether you think it will end well or work, we are one bad recession away from the red flag being hoisted over the U.S. Capitol Building. Occupy Wall Street ain't got nothing on what's to come; the Left (actual left, not corporate dems) in the US is larger and better organized than any time since the 1930's.

Of course, the US could just as easily go full fash, but I think Europe is more likely to go down that road than the US.

>> No.12223895

do house prices drop in a recession?

is it worthwhile to load up on index funds as we go down then try to buy a house when we reverse and go bull instead of buying on the way up?

>> No.12223897

>those candles after close
>tfw you nut but she still sucking

>> No.12223901

Literally THIS.

What the fuck am I missing???

>> No.12223903

You are a legendary shitposter, do you know that? Do you ever even ATTEMPT to legitimately post?

>> No.12223908


Literally never going to happen. You're very likely going to work and work and work until you're 72, and you might be lucky enough to take a 5 year retirement before you die. The US has already peaked. It's on a long 50-70 year decline now for the average American. Your wages will remain stagnant and everything is going to get exponentially more expensive. If you don't have your shit together by 30 you're basically fucked in today's world.

>> No.12223910

we are going to see a pullback, from an employers point of view, we are going to tighten our belts and curb spending and tip the see-saw so to speak to actually create our own recession.

>> No.12223915

Dow <20000 by 2019

>> No.12223919
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>> No.12223924
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I sold my free Robinhood stock, bought an OTM GPRO put, sold that then bought an OTM KO put. What should I buy next? I want enough money for a GOOG put.

>> No.12223926
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>> No.12223927

>Literally never going to happen
okk stay poor

>> No.12223932

who here /nibblin/?????

>> No.12223931


I agree. There's no way this is the bottom. We're going to see at least 18% unemployment on the U-6.

>> No.12223933
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 25000-hat-pic1100x1100_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a noob who has been holding cash and waiting on the sidelines I'm very happy

>> No.12223934

By the way gold has broken above its 200 day SMA. Meaning that it in fact is different this time

>> No.12223935

And you people called me a fool for pulling my 50k out at 25000

>> No.12223944
File: 149 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181224-131427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down $30 today, SQQQ and TVIX are saving me today

>How much did you lose. Be honest.
The better question is how much will I gain from holding 40% cash through the big dip?

>> No.12223947

The GOP is finished. Thank God for Trump, finally killed the elephant with diarrhea.

>> No.12223948


>> No.12223949

Can you short with Robinhood?

>> No.12223953
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>> No.12223955

Nice regulated market you got there...

>> No.12223958

Check your Zillow right now. You can see the price reductions correlate with the market almost in real time. I’m hoping a corporate credit crunch will let me buy a garage.

>> No.12223961
File: 394 KB, 800x430, Screen-Shot-2017-07-27-at-10.18.33-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IS he retarded?
kek come on now

>> No.12223964

wew lads

>> No.12223967

Short no but you can buy PUT's with options

>> No.12223969
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t. short YM, NQ, CAD, CL

holding until dow 10K, nasdaq 2K, WTI 30, USDCAD 2.0

>> No.12223974

Ah okay

>> No.12223976
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>> No.12223981

well you could have bought gold on friday, i'm literally giving you how to trade waves on that shit but you're too busy umm i dunno wtf I gotta go cook food for a pot luck thing fuck off and umm, happy festivus for the rest of us.

>> No.12223986
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>> No.12223998
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>> No.12224001


>> No.12224003
File: 295 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181224-131841_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trading but these are my positions

>> No.12224016
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>It is notable for being one of the rare bear markets without an economic recession, as US GDP grew by 3.5% in Q3 2018, and leading economic indicators have reached record highs.

nice damage control guys

>> No.12224019
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Anon in last thread said I "might" make it

>> No.12224023
File: 67 KB, 736x920, display_2ae6a83284b2c0fc9fac43e5176f7199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone want to put a bobo on this with coke on his nose, my PS skills suck shit

>> No.12224025
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>> No.12224033


$1+ trillion in student loan debt is about to default and climbing rapidly. Housing market is about to cave in again. Service industry wagies (which employs over 80% of Americans) are about to get fucking rekt in mass layoffs.

>> No.12224040
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>> No.12224042

nice job today anon

>> No.12224050
File: 101 KB, 800x577, 1517879314286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you, bulltards
>He bought the dip
>G-Golden bull by Monday, trust me!

>> No.12224064

The student loan debt cant default. Its only dischargeable in very very specific situations or death. How it will impact the economy going forward is different than how the credit crises did in 08. Itll just be a drag on the economy. Instead of spending 500 a month on the economy, young people will be spending that 500 on their loan payments. Now multiply that out by the hundreds of thousands to millions of millennials that have loans and the zoomers that continue to take these loans and you can see that drag really pronounced.

>> No.12224070
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Lol @ Comfy

>> No.12224076
File: 1.78 MB, 400x279, AnimuDI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I thought the thing closed at 2pm, not 1, today. Slept through power hour.

>> No.12224085

Added to longs from Friday. Fucking LOL if you think I'm scared of the fucking spoos. Give me red Wednesday and I'll add again. Amateur hour ITT

>> No.12224086

Join the military goy, no student debt.

>> No.12224092

how do I buy the dip

>> No.12224093
File: 414 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-12-24-13-27-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, fuck

>> No.12224106


>> No.12224115


>> No.12224116
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>black me

>> No.12224117

>DJI under 22000
>S&P500 and NASDAQ in bear market
is there hope?

>> No.12224119

Trump did say the Market is one big fat bubble. He should be happy that the bubble is collapsing on his watch right?

>> No.12224122
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>Black me

>> No.12224127


Aren't student loans more covered on a federal level and therefore less exposed to risk as opposed to the byfall of the collateral debt obligations of 2008?

>> No.12224134
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Holy fugg F well below 8 now!!
It's actually going below 7 soon?

>> No.12224140
File: 202 KB, 683x1024, butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CL down additional 3% to 42.50 (-7%). NYMEX closes in 14 mins.

Hearing chatter a large fund is considering liquidating within the next few mins...

>> No.12224141

Down .006%

>> No.12224149


>> No.12224155
File: 38 KB, 648x265, 231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just fucking sad now

>> No.12224159
File: 1.17 MB, 1490x1314, 1545532957669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going beyond cheapies

>> No.12224160

After this crash wipes out millions what sort of New Deal programs will the gov give us? I like right to housing and work with a guaranteed income and rent controls.
Considering Trump and the GOP are gonna own this ( Trump has repeatedly claimed credit for the economy) and the fact socialism is viewed more favorably thancapitalism and we socialists have a very bright future

>> No.12224165

Can't wait for the happening

>> No.12224173


Why weren't you shorting everything gomrade?

>> No.12224175

GTFO with your boomer stocks, this is crypto only board

>> No.12224176

Yea, because we all know the stock market only moves up, it NEVER goes down, it NEVER moves in a cyclical manner, it must be Trumps fault.
>orange man bad

>> No.12224179

it was sad years ago
he's a steel retard forged in a garbage fire

>> No.12224182

I meeeean... if he manages to launch a massive bullrun thanks to a great deal with China, sure. Since he can just play around with "I have fixed the bubble now and our economy will now enter a golden /biz/like bullrun for years to come".
We might actually see Trump backing down to China now though, since the economy was literally his only big and largely approved card.

>> No.12224184
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Our president is drunk tweeting alone in the Oval office on Christmas Eve.

>> No.12224196

Looks like AMD is going back to $10 again, kek.

>> No.12224199

Lol stock cucks getting neg holes pozzed

>> No.12224203

thank you Donald, very cool

>> No.12224207
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>> No.12224208

Fuck you Orange man shill. The faggot took credit for the fucking stock gains even though the tax cut would have passed under any republican president and was legislated by fucking Paul Ryan. Now that it's going down it's his fault and everyone get's to watch the faggot squirm and seethe in public and you along with him.

>> No.12224211

How much bread will respect buy me?

>> No.12224213

do you think we could get him to come here instead

>> No.12224212

>market goes up
This is thanks to Orange man!!
>market goes down
Accept /smg/ is radical centrist and hates everyone who interrupts the process of making money

>> No.12224216

What should I do?

>> No.12224217


>> No.12224219 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12224221

It's like people can't into cycles.
Big opportunities coming up in 2019 with market lows.

>> No.12224225

short yankoids

>> No.12224226

Trump did nothing wrong. Best president in last 50 years.

>> No.12224237
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>S&P down 20% from its peak

This can only end so badly

>> No.12224238

The big opportunities are NOW. Just short the shit on the way down, wait for it to die then buy in. People who only go long are losing out on half the gains or more.

>> No.12224240
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>> No.12224245

I have Barron on discord so I'll tell him to ask his Dad

>> No.12224247

trump is an old retard losing his mind and you are even dumber than he is

>> No.12224255


>> No.12224260
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I love this guy.

>> No.12224261
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Another 17ish percent and it'll beat a world record!

>> No.12224266

>This can only end so badly
it's just a small correction, I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.12224267

Puts are too expensive already, everyone is shorting. Gotta wait for a bounce or the bottom to settle.

>> No.12224270
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>> No.12224271
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what shall we write here?

>> No.12224273

nice, that would honestly be 4chin/chrismas/meme magic combined if we could get him in.

>> No.12224275

He commits to negotiations

>> No.12224276

If that happens, then Trump will have truly been the false move.

>> No.12224280

I want to load up on SPYD.
What do you guys think it's a good entry price?

>> No.12224281

my money is going to money heaven


>> No.12224284

One of those people is already confirmed to be out of politics very soon.
Who will be the next?

>> No.12224289

Copy the entirety of the 1929 crash article and replace every instance of "wheat" and "iron" with "tech" and "services".

>> No.12224297

>Woke up this morning to check the markets, down again
>But CDs are starting to hit 3%, I do have 60k so that's an extra 125$/mo at no risk if I move over. I'm unemployed so I should be safer.
>Lets wait till noon to see if I can save myself a couple hundred with it going up or down
>Eh its noon and still down, oh well, lets sell this shit and move on
>Market orders placed, but they aren't going? The hell
>Day-in-force 12-26-2018
>Realize markets close at 1PM on Christmas eve, I'm central so my orders were just minutes late to closing

Great, I'm going to wake up on the 26th to having lost thousands more because of the fucking holidays

>> No.12224298

>barron on discord
Sure thing tripfag

>> No.12224299
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>> No.12224300

Buy in lots of 25 and turn on DRIP anon
Any price is a good price for SPYD!!

>> No.12224306

The next recession should be a great cause for concern given the Fed has little to no tools to fix it

Europe is in a worse perspicacious situation

>> No.12224308
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>> No.12224313

Job Guarantee, shorter work week and medicare for all would be nice.

shorting directly is too volatile.

>> No.12224317

Hope you picked up some cheapies today. Lots of great stocks boasting high starting yields on sale

>> No.12224320

El macaco de brasil


>> No.12224321
File: 2.83 MB, 444x250, 1507921257987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-g-guys it wasn't supposed to be like this but Merry Christmas to every one of you

I am going to play some games now to mentally prepare for Wednesday

>> No.12224323

What do you recommend

>> No.12224334
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Thanks for the c-cheapies.

>> No.12224338


>> No.12224344
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Nationalize the banks :^)

>> No.12224352

>being this humorless
Drumpftards on suicide watch, daddy is going to drink himself to death while his wife rides BBC down in Florida

>> No.12224357
File: 220 KB, 1080x1440, 308644_v9_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck! s&p nearly -3%. luckily oil -6% and nat gas -9%!!! oil predicting global slow down of large scale it seems. mega chirstma eve. me now at parents mansion, better sink in beer

>> No.12224359
File: 17 KB, 882x758, 94469A32-939F-4C2F-B906-BF090A3E2080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 NVDA at $270

>> No.12224367
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GIS KHC BGS, and some BTI
despite debt GIS and KHC wont cut the div so, you can lock in the 5-6% and when they finish stagnating itll continue rising after a year or so, possibly getting a yield on cost of up to 10-16% in 15 years

>> No.12224375

>Job Guarantee
So like in USSR everyone is " working" and everything is going swimmingly

>> No.12224379

I'm so sorry anon. I'll take good care of your money.

>> No.12224381

>Trump will save us.
If he keeps cutting taxes, yes.
Unlikely Trump will be able to correct 80+ years of debt, bloated federal gov, and unfunded liabilities in 4 or 8 years.
>there will always be a bottom
yup, cycles, hoping to buy another rental house next year as blood runs in the streets.
Definite "waterfall event".
Awesome to be alive in this time line.

>> No.12224383

>nowhere near bottom
T-thanks for the cheapies...

>> No.12224387

Yea, 10 people doing 4's job.

>> No.12224388



>> No.12224396

They're both right, you know.

Except for that bit about this being the dem's shutdown. This nigga can't hold himself accountable for anything.

>> No.12224409
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>> No.12224414

it's jsut fucking crashing by 2% every day. Even in a fucking bear market there are days when it recovers and you try to sell on the rally but it's just going down every fucking day lmao

>> No.12224421


The Orange Grinch ruined Christmas and the US economy

>> No.12224426



>> No.12224429

>can't into cycles

>> No.12224432
File: 63 KB, 1066x558, fwends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, made same mistake. I knew it was closing early but i fugged up for the time difference. Wanted to get up for power hour to fiddle with stuff for later this week, set some orders, orders no go, wut?, market already glosed. Fug.

>> No.12224441


Too soon faggot

>> No.12224442

there have been some intraday bull traps here and there

>> No.12224451

just like your NVDA buy kek

>> No.12224461

apparently the orange retard can't into it either or he wouldn't have taken ownership of a late cycle stock bounce

>> No.12224467



>> No.12224471

its just the market correction from the overheating of the economy
we’ll be back at record highs in March

>> No.12224493

considering most proposals focus on creating jobs with infrastructure projects and the like, I wouldn't be too concerned with the the efficiency of it. We need to overhaul infrastructure and full employment has many social benefits.

>> No.12224526

(((Speculators))) like you will get the rope too.

>> No.12224612

helo fellow nihilist fren
poast your retard giggles on vocaroo

>> No.12224624
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I got /MU'd/.

>> No.12224944

This was caused by quantitative easing and global de-dollarization. We are perhaps in the largest artificial bubble in recorded history. It's not going to bounce back. Now is the time to invest in canned food and land, not stocks.

>> No.12224955

Damn. Now I don't feel as bad about my 220-bags.

>> No.12224960


desu a year spent sideways is probably healthy after a nine year bull run

As long as it doesn't spill over into the commercial sector too bad we'll be okay

>> No.12225124

has a dream about a bear about to fuck me up and then I woke up. 15% drop to go guys then we bull

>> No.12225271

How do I self-learn enough finance to be a trader?

>> No.12225684
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Never trust a fucking bull. I'm down $1000 today. I'm selling everything at open tomorrow.

>> No.12225781

Markets are closed tomorrow you ding dong

>> No.12225795

why the hell do you even own GE?