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12223642 No.12223642 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey was sent by Allah to lead the Islamic uprising.

Smart contracts will destroy millions of Western jobs, effectively killing Western Civilization. That's when the techno-mujahideen will rise.

In the future, having skills ('human capital') will be worthless because smart contracts will do everything for you. The rich will be those who own tokens. Tokens will be used to to prove ownership of land, natural resources, and computing power. The techno-mujahideen will own ALL TOKENS and will rule the world!

>> No.12223654


>> No.12223698

Why are Chainlinkers saying he is the new Muhammed and Chainlink is Islam 2.0?
I am insulted to hear such things, stop it now.
You can't talk about Islam and Muhammed go ridicule Vishnu and Pajeets!

>> No.12223747

Brother, didn't you read my post?

>> No.12223774

Assalam alaykoum brother. Sergey is a new prophet sent by god to make us all rich.
Incha allah brother wa hamdoullilah

>> No.12223806
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You have it backwards anon, Sergey is clearly jesus

>> No.12223812

No more pictures or talk involving Chainlink ridiculing Islam and our prophet Muhammed may piece be upon him.
>You can use cows and hindu cartoons

>> No.12223899
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>> No.12223937

I'm not ridiculing Islam, though I truly believe that Sergey Nazarov is the emissary of Allah. Sergey is not Mohammed, he is a new prophet.

>> No.12223963

>taking a shit at work
uh disgusting, i never took a shit at my workplace, i simply clamp my ass cheeks and wait for the evening once i can go home.
And even at home i act like you do but at work, i often wait 3/4am to take a silent shit. I'm a lucky guy tho, with the time i learned to retain my shit longer and longer. Also i decided to skip breakfast and take very light meal (no desert, no entree) to generate less shit. Now i take a shit in average once a week. My personal best is 9 days without shitting. Tho i must be careful because they are enormous and super compressed so it's often a 3 step poop action. First i shit but try to not shit it all (1), then i flush. After i finish to take my shit(2), flush again, and finally wipe my ass (3) and do the final flush. If i do 1 & 2 or 2 & 3 at the same time, its the toilet clog guaranteed 100%.
I don't think poop-normies can even encompass the size of 1 weeks' deuce. Usually it's the lenght of my arm.
Also no homo but retaining compressed shit like this transform them in giant pooldo (dildo in poop) and it end up pressing the prostate after the 5th day, and it's legit better than hetero-sex. I never had anything up my ass but i can understand why the faggots would like it. Also i never admitted it to my gfs, i wonder if they would become jealous of my shits so i don't take the risk.

You will maybe think i'm a weirdo but i'm not. Just try to hold back your shit, you not only save water, get pleasure but you also save a shitload of TIME. Let say taking a shit is 5mn loss everytime, and that you shit everyday : 5x7 : 35mn weekly vs 5mn for me.
30mn per week, 2 hours per month, 1 day per year, you save a full month of your life after 30 years! It's enormous!
Please tell me i'm not the only one doing dis frens.

>> No.12224118
File: 23 KB, 640x480, gay_islam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink (the sex position) was invented by Muslims.

>> No.12224128

Mods need to start banning fucking ICIS threads.

>> No.12224146

invented by muslims, embraced by the west

>> No.12224174

I never understood this double standard.
>you can't ridicule Muhammad and Islam and shits, but you can ridicule Vishnu, Buddha, and Jesus

>> No.12224307

I said to my neighbour who is a Muslim, "Why do you make your wife and daughters wear burkas? Doesn't it get confusing?"
He said "Yeah, the other day I went upstairs and accidentally shagged my wife!"

>> No.12224412
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Moar pls

>> No.12224459
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>> No.12224473

Muslim don't allow their things to be insulted. That's the only reason. That's also the reasonj they are imported to europe for roasties to indulge in real men.

>> No.12224626
File: 70 KB, 720x480, 429486_195180790590848_100002967858104_319452_17918151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
