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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 1200x1366, wojak_in_bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12217325 No.12217325 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to you? you used to have dreams, ambitions, where did it all go so wrong? you dont even recognize yourself most days, you wonder whose life this is because it isn't yours. you tell yourself you can't keep going on like this, that something has to change, but it never does.

>> No.12217346
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Bitcoin can set you free anon


>> No.12217353



Literally normalfag cope. You reach one goal. You feel happy for a bit, then you feel the same old emptiness inside. Improving yourself is a meme that always leaves you back at square one

>> No.12217359
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Jesus Christ can truly set you free.

>> No.12217363

you let it happen, go back to your cagie

>> No.12217370


>> No.12217431

/biz/ is super busy tonight. its usually the case on late Sundays when all the wagies are forced to face down their existential dread. thats why they come here to find an escape this time of the week. but there is no escape for wagies.

>> No.12217439
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I have schizophrenia

>> No.12217484
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>you can't keep going on like this, that something has to change
said these words to my dad the last time i talked to him before he died

>> No.12217487
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>> No.12217494


Thanks Anon, just tithed 100K

>> No.12217553
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It's better you read your Bible instead.

>> No.12217559

ambition is a meme just do what you have to do

>> No.12217669

strong wagie cope

>> No.12217743
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I still do breh. It's just either I'm having a life I actually want or suicide. There's no point for settling for a 9 to 5 wagecuckery or doing something I don't want just out of peer pressure from my parents or normies surrounding me.

I wasted 10 years of my life mastering my retarded hobby that got me nowhere and now it's too late to go back. I'm so fucking retarded that I most likely end up homeless and kill myself, but I'm willing to take that risk if there's a slightest chance to make it. There's no point in life anyway and I don't want to be that 90 year old boomer filled with regret over missed opportunities he didn't take

>> No.12217782
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If you truly have nothing to lose, why not give your life to Jesus Christ?

>> No.12217793
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>Be raised to think that the world is merit based.
>Live my early years thinking that if I study hard and work hard to learn valuable skills that I'll be rewarded for it.
>Realize a few years after finishing college, applying to a couple thousand jobs, and working several dead end jobs with no hope of getting my foot in the door somewhere good that it was all a lie.
>Realize that it's all about how much money/connections you or your parents have that decides your fate.
>mfw I'll probably end up working some shitty sales rep job for the rest of my life because no one in the world had enough compassion to give me that one chance to prove myself.

>> No.12217814
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It's a dog-eat-dog world out there friend. God loves each and every one of you. Give your life over to Jesus Christ, follow Him into eternal life. Remember what the Bible says, those who seek their life will lose it, but those who willingly give up their life for the sake of the Gospel will find eternity.

>> No.12217886
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because I've already given my life to Vishnu who lives in the blockchain

>> No.12217906
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Everybody has a decision to make. To love God, or not.

>> No.12217961

pls delete pls

>> No.12217988

How does improving yourself leave you at square one?

>> No.12217997


Improving yourself is a MEANS TO AN END. Fucking normalfags think it's an end in itself. Who cares if you can program, play guitar or whatever if you're still a miserable fuck inside?

>> No.12218017

speak for yourself man, I just applied to the patent office for the first time at 31 years old

>> No.12218022

don't fucking do this to me you fuck

>> No.12218034

what was your retarded hobby?

>> No.12218043

You romanticise about purpose when you don't seem to even know where to start. Stop overthinking, find something and do it.

fuck off fag. People who turn to religion at their lowest points in life are degenerates

>> No.12218139

dude, less is more.
you made your point with the God stuff. spamming it over and over again is just going to turn people off.

I've already waged. I'll never go back

>> No.12218185

music. My voice got fucked up, and I live with my parents so can't really record anything. Also can't really finish any of my songs. There's just too much apathy that I keep thinking of how useless and silly this all is. I'm too ugly to be a rockstar anyway even if I have the talent, so it was a genuinely stupid idea since the beginnig to pursue music as a career and a life goal

>> No.12218464

need a vocaroo, faggot

>> No.12218492

What. A. Faggot.

>> No.12218597

my voice sucks, don't want to post anything with vocals. Here's some unfinished shit I made few weeks ago playing around with synthesizers


>> No.12218817

fuck you OP

>> No.12218820

not bad at all and I say that as someone that doesn't even like that kind of music. stick with it. here's maybe a dumb suggestion but people are always looking for background music for games, could be some decent side money *shrug*

>> No.12218942

while I will agree that music is not a great way to make money, it really doesnt matter if you are ugly. You ever notice how Lady GaGa wears all that fucked up attention grabbing shit all the time? Ever wonder why? Its so you dont notice her fucked up face. She is an ugly duckling and she knows it. But she just puts on a mask made out of mirrors or wears a dress made of meat and no one even notices. Its the greatest scam ever pulled on hollywood.

Or you have the daft punk guys who wear those dumb masks. No one even knows what they look like. Or Deadmau5. Its a mystery.

>> No.12219015

I went to college.
I dreamed of my own business
I told my friends about it
I told my family about it
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology
I didn't find a job for a year. The job was a temporary contract. It got renewed after 3 months. I got put on xmas vacations. On January 1 I got a call not to go back to work.
I didnt find a job again
I joined the military
For 4 years I have lost control of my life. Been to Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Washington and Korea.
All my dreams have vanished.

>> No.12219024

This is how i imagine mcdonalds wagies sleep. No need to shower or change clothes when you have to be there again the next day.

>> No.12219059
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>I'm too ugly to be a rockstar

>> No.12219210
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I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I just wasted time thinking it was just gonna to land in my lap. I was also young at the time and everyone kept saying that since I am young, I have all the time in the world to figure out what I want to with my life. Well now I'm 26 and working 2 shitty jobs to make ends meet. I'm learning web dev when I have the time. I'm just fucking hoping I can stick with this and get a better job maybe in the spring or summer time. My 2 jobs are fucking killing me and since it's the Holidays, I've been even more tired and depressed.

>> No.12219217
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>what happened to you?

went all-in with $RANDOMCOIN

>> No.12219360

how much longer do you have in the military?

you and every other failure wants to be a developer these days. field is already over saturated. i'd try your luck at something else.

>> No.12219389

Why is 4chan being raided by Evangelicals?

>> No.12219394

Everything is going amazing. My game is doing great on Steam, my girlfriend is wonderful and I love her, my family is proud of me, and my future is secure.

But this worries me. With so much going right something is bound to go wrong. Worldwide economy crash incoming...

>> No.12219398

I could leave last year. As I looked at my options and my depression and constant desire to kill myself combined with the stress and anxiety of trying to find a new job again or live with my mom again, I reenlisted. Im going to Hawaii next so hopefully that s a bit better.

>> No.12219410

what game? did you use Unity?

any recommendations for saving your final 3D models before loading them into code?

>> No.12219506

28 next year, still dreaming of becoming a music composer for video games

I play piano pretty well, so its not out of my reach, just every year that passes it feels further away...

>> No.12219549

I'm making a mobile game if you want to compose some music for me. I don't have any money but it could be something to add to your portfolio. Maybe I can give you percent or royalties for your music.

>> No.12220022


>> No.12220107
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SILENCE! You cretinous EDGELORD!

>> No.12220137
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as i always say having an ambition or a clear "life mission" is a meme. Just find some small goals, do them well and your destiny will eventually reveal itself.

Don't overthink if it's killing your productivity or mood. Those really positive and ambitious people you see on jewtube interviews are genuine psychopaths who can pull themselves out of any forms of depression and existential dread by sheer will and uncompromising self criticism.

Not everyone is cut from that cloth so don't even try to overthink about it. Find some small goals, fuckin do it and enjoy the learning process

>> No.12220139

wagie wagie

>> No.12220270
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>> No.12220417

rise and shine wagies

Mr. Goldberg needs you to work on Christmas

>> No.12220543

Take boring job with less stress, even if pay a bit less. Stress fucks up your health and energy levels. Maintain good rapport with your boss.

Go for side-hustle. It’s not easy to narrow down. But as a general advice your first business should be focused on cash-flow and up to a small degree on your hobby/interest.

Learn investment (stocks, not crypto gambling) and target to build a solid and diversified income-producing portfolio. Read about FiRE and practice frugality.

Adopt frugality, simplicity and sustainability in your life. FIRE or journey towards FIRE would free your mind to spend somewhere else. Spend more time with nature. Experiment with gardening, meditation in sanctuary or greenish outdoors. Hug a tree and feels gratitude.

Fix your diet and exercise routines. Don’t over-exercise. Look at Paleo or AIP / anti-inflammatory diets. Fix your sleep time and circadian rhythms. Optimise your vitamin levels.

Engage right brain more often. Write / create a short film / compose a music / illustrate / design anime or whatever creative expression suits you. Publish those pieces to journal your progress.

Build a close, tight-knit friends circle with no more than 5-6 friends. Build trust and cooperation. Keep the circle decoupled from other "circles". It may be Tennis OR Cricket buddies / Yoga mates or something that you enjoy

Learn spirituality. It’s different from religion. At the very least think about interconnectedness of all earthly beings. Realise that your life and life of a random animal in Africa is actually not much different. Nature doesn’t care for your Xbox games or mindless consumerism. Keep your desires and aspirations checked.

Help others - unprivileged ones / orphans / sick and olderly people. Please remember that when you perform a self-less act or philanthropy or charity, your body and mind says “thanks” to you, chemically !!!

Live a simple life rooted to your tradition and culture escaping mindless trap of consumerism.

>> No.12220684
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MERRY CHRISTMAS /BIZ/, IT'S 12am 25th in New Zealand






>> No.12220700
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>> No.12220926

Where did it all go so right?

>> No.12220968

>Mr. Goldberg needs you to work on Christmas
Mr. Goldberg doesn't celebrate Christamas...his people killed Chirst

>> No.12221044


>> No.12221065

Based AF

I started with diet, my costs went down when I started only eating what i cook.
Started meditation, I cant meditate properly yet, I just sit down quietly for 15 minutes with my eyes closed, weirdly enough it makes me less anxious.
Life of self-indulgence and laziness is not sustainable and it fucks up mental health

>> No.12221257

I used to have ambition; dreams; yes...
They either got rekt by lack of friends, lack of money or my declining health.
Basically reality, especially the social side of it, fucked me up real hard.

Now one of my principles is "don't tell god your plans"... and by god, it could mean anyone you look up to, have authority over you, are better off than you etc... if you have some great plan don't talk about it. I've realized that every fucking time I get psyched about something promising happening it falls apart the second I share my enthusiasm.

true that! after all santa claus (as we know him) and the idea of shopping for presents (just like for valentine's day) is merely a (((capitalist))) invention.

>> No.12221600

>field is already over saturated.

Every field is saturated

>> No.12221633


there is literally close to no untapped market, no oversaturated field etc...
programming? oversaturated
plumbing? oversaturated
medical? oversaturated
creative? oversaturated
thots? oversaturated
dating? oversaturated

>> No.12221649

Jokes are you NEETy, Shekelberg let me take Monday and Tuesday off, but in return I got no Christmas bonus and My company doesn’t off paid vacation

>> No.12221653

Pretty sure "crypto daytrader" is under-saturated at the moment. :^)

>> No.12221709


>> No.12222425
