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12215077 No.12215077 [Reply] [Original]

Why shouldn’t there be a limit on the number of homes you can own? I think the system needs to be changed so that you can only own x amount of homes and no foreigners can own any real estate.

>> No.12215088


>> No.12215091

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's possessions.

>> No.12215099

how is that legal the baby will come out retarded frm the hormones

>> No.12215098

what compelling government interest would there be on restricting someone's liberty that way?

>> No.12215107

the question you should be asking is "why can't we build more houses in areas where people want to live." get rid of and/or lessen regulations like zoning and you'd see prices come down. this is one situation where the market would work if we let it.

>> No.12215115

So that boomers and Jews don’t buy up all the houses and then rent them to you wagecucks. Makes housing more affordable/available to the working class.

>> No.12215120

No. Unlimited and uncontrolled growth destroys communities. The problem is also tied in with immigration.

>> No.12215169

there is no better tool for distributing scarce resources, like land certainly is, than the free market. if you think this doesn't apply to housing and that you can magically control the market from a centralized authority, you are a retarded nigger.

>> No.12215178

what is wrong with people these days?

>> No.12215193


Ironically enough, Rent control made it way harder to find a home and that was a government program designed to stop people from "exploiting" the poor

>> No.12215196

fuck off poorfag

>> No.12215285

This scheme basically leads to owning or homeless. You think this will make it affordable, you imply there will literally be some homes left after everybody above working class has bought theirs

>> No.12215382

I didn’t say a central housing authority controls everything shlomo. I said some simple and light regulations put in place.

>> No.12215400

But how do you define a home? What if I had 500 acres of land with a castle and cotton fields upon it? Would that count as one home? And if not then where is the line? 3 story house with double garage, garden and an outdoor pool would be fine or not? What if someone has a really small house, would that count as one home even though his neighbour's house is 3 times larger and also counts as one home? What if other people want to live in my house instead of buying/building their own, would that be regulated too?

>> No.12215407

This doesn’t make sense. That would
Mean there is currently not enough housing to House everyone.

>> No.12215415
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Commie go home, take your state sponsored violence with you.

>> No.12215456

I didn’t say only one house, I said a cap at x amount. Could very state to state,
County to county.

>> No.12215466

And you probably wonder why you can’t afford a house. I’m not communist btw. The USA right now has more regulations than any state in the history of the world, guess the USA is commie then huh.

>> No.12215475

reread what he said jesus christ

>> No.12215480

Cope because the Chinks who don't even live here are kicking your ass in the real estate market

>> No.12215497

I understand his point. My point is that his point is not an issue because you allow people more than one property. Just not allowed unlimited so the Jews can own you.
>compete with the entire planet in education, jobs, housing, mating etc or you’re just weak, goy.

>> No.12215503

You'd rather prefer self-sponsored violence, amirite?

>> No.12215515
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>guess the USA is commie then huh.

Yeah. It is.

>> No.12215533
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I own 3 duplexes I rehabbed myself, cause im not a talentless neet.


Absolutely, you try and rob me and I will shoot you in your face.

>> No.12215535

In London, they are building new apartments but foreign buyers buy them before they are even built and just leave them empty and land bank. Foreigners shouldn't be able to buy residential homes in my opinion

>> No.12215551

So what’s your reasoning for allowing foreigners to own properties?

>> No.12215587

>compete with the entire planet in education, jobs, housing, mating etc or you’re just weak, goy.
Basically yeah. Protectionism is shit you retard. Get better, hold yourself to a higher standard. Chinks kick your ass cause they're more hard working, so work harder moron.

>> No.12215598

Okay Ranjesh.

>> No.12215705
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Agree on the second part. Only citizens should be able to own land. Of course, citizenship should also be a privilege (ie, not just from birth), after completing a battery of tests & proving yourself in some way (military service, advanced degree, civic duty like charity work etc). For the first, I don't think a restriction is correct. But rather just have ways to prevent (((landlords))) buying up everything and exploiting the people. Basically, just need a government that puts the health of the nation over the enriching of a few selfish individuals, but still encourages citizens to invest & make money (just encourage doing it from value creation, not just rent seeking). So a kind of "Nationalist Socialism" you might say. Hmmm, wonder if anyone has thought of that before?

>> No.12215742

the problem isnt foreigners owning real estate, the problem is shitskins. when you have low iq creates representing the vast majority of the population of the world, and people not waking up to the fact that not everybody is equal, you end up with a progressive destruction of what evolved minority in all areas

>> No.12215744

>Work harder

At what, blind imitation? Failing to innovate? Putting up suicide nets? Fucking each other over? Running over children? Creating fake companies & scamming without penalty? And is this "anti-protectionism" of yours 2 way, can we all move to China and start business producing actual good quality products? Or is it only White countries that need to open the borders?

Fuck off Chink. Go China Hustle somewhere else, eat some fetus soup or something.

>> No.12215778

nobody wants national socialism any more than they want to pay for some brown creature to live in their country and rape their women. yes shitskins have no place in the first world but there are a large percentage of actual first world residents that are worthless too. hard borders, deportations, and a general acceptance that a population decline is a good thing for the long term future is whats actually needed, instead of this short term growth over everything attitude.

>> No.12215813


How does limiting housing construction and immigration will make housing more affordable when the housing prices are largely driven up by people with high income purchasing homes? If you ban immigrantion, the population will still grow and people would naturally flock to areas with more jobs. You can't have both affordability and a limit on housing.

>> No.12215815

That would mean there would be no more multihome rental properties, you know, like apartment complexes. And if you think that businesses could have different rules so that there still would be rental units like that, then how would you stop people from just owning as many homes as they like under businesses instead?

Another angle: lower amounts of multiple home owners would mean fewer homes built would mean less competition and economy of scale would mean higher cost of goods would mean housing prices could go UP rather than down.

If people think buying a home is too expensive, they aren't likely to be complaining about the entire housing market, but instead about specific local ones. The solution to that is not to reduce freedom of others, but for those complaining to look elsewhere. Can't afford a house in New York or Vancouver? Buy one in the Midwest for a fraction of the cost. Don't want to do that? That's fine, but it's your problem.

If you want to see an analog outcome of such regulation, look at what a failure rent control is.

>> No.12215885
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>buys 11 mansions so he doesn't have any pesky neighbors

>> No.12215916
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How about just commie blocks for weirdo single people like you who are always whining about muh prices?

>> No.12215977
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Will instantly get filled with brown people and become a super undesirable place to live.

>> No.12216008

Good. If it sucks to live there then people will want to buy housing (real housing) elsewhere and pump the market.

>> No.12216039

real estate based af

>> No.12216120

They stop hormones so they can get pregnant
The baby will be fucked up from have a 'mom' who acts like a trashy, slutty caricature of femininity and gradually turns into a hairy man as old age takes its toll, and having a 'dad' who is a skinnyfat shortstack omega who has no idea how to behave among men and overcompensates with comical aggression and stupid decorations like tattoos and a goatee
The kid will also be fucked up by the inevitable divorce, his parents' multiple health problems, having no role models except other dysfunctional adults in the 'LGBTIQ' community, and being paraded in front of cameras for diversity points like the OP pic news article.
He'll also probably be abused at some point.

>> No.12216149
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>overcompensates with comical aggression
Recently had one of these in a class. Tried to start a fight with the professor after he called him the wrong name.