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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12213233 No.12213233 [Reply] [Original]

>Source: google "Angel Versetti SSS

>> No.12213241
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>> No.12213255
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It's the EXACT SAME TEAM too
>Source: Stefan Meyer PhD is part of failed startup "SSS" and exit scam
Remember when AMBlets kept arguing
>Vlad Trifa and Stefan Meyer would NEVER take part in a useless, scammy project
>encryption and transmission of data via ULTRASOUND

>> No.12213314

stop please.

>> No.12213322
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>> No.12213392

Hi brule you salty cunt

>> No.12213446
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nice projecting
here is another picture with Angel Versetti's name on the "ultrasound company"

>> No.12213503

this versetti guy is all talk. imagine him and julian hosp starting a project

>> No.12213578

This FUD is so ridiculous and pathetic, I can't wait to see all the salt when this shit explodes. Literally nothing but FUD on /biz/ about this project, I hope anons aren't actually falling for this shit.

>> No.12213676

Hmm nothing but fud. Ever. I should put more money in to teach biz a lesson. Its not fud its real failed startup.
Stupid amblet.

>> No.12213688

I mean let's just break this down a little bit. Your FUD is centered around him exit scamming a startup, "disappearing" with the money etc. So what you're saying is that he started a company in Switzerland and exit scammed them so he could immediately start a bigger company in the exact same place? He "disappeared" from Switzerland to Switzerland? I mean what the fuck, how retarded can you be lol

>> No.12213698
File: 370 KB, 1104x1207, 429DAB4C-9BA2-4D7A-9C8E-68D547F13280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /biz/ got scammed by a literal Gypsy
>mfw /biz/ bought high and sold low AGAIN
>mfw a single tripfag made you buy this shit

>> No.12213702

Did you lock your strength node at $6 or some shit? What's the deal with all this FUD surrounding a barely known project?

>> No.12213707

They think in the telegram it's a paid fud campaign to show the history of a failed startup prior. Amblets are ridiculous how about you come forward and invalidate this "fud". Pro tip you can't.
Poor amblets stay poor.

>> No.12213708

>I can't wait to see all the salt when this shit explodes
Yeah, any day now.

>Just wait until x
>Actually it will be after y
>No wait, we have something huge coming at z guys!

>> No.12213709

You disrespect BearWolf with such a horrible post, he would never post something so stupid and low quality you should feel bad brainlet.

>> No.12213712

who gives a shit anyways

>> No.12213721

Bagholders are so pathetic.

>Every time you laugh at my absolute bottom tier shitcoin that means you're a paid fudder

Jesus Christ fuck off to reddit.

>> No.12213730

lol sure thing, Bernie Madoff had his "investors" defending him even after he was arrested. Stay in your cult, fucking neck yourself later you faggot

>> No.12213732

>children beggerS
>shitty paving/construction work >they sell shit drugs
>literally train monkeys to pick your pocket in a city center while your watching their stupid ass mechanical “orchestra” on wheels
Don’t trust gypsies. Look at versetti pic, this niga literally comes from Romanian gypsy blood lines.

>> No.12213743

UltraKEK OP. Thanks for sharing I almost bought this scam.

>> No.12213744

The telegram chat isn't talking about this at all you lying sack of shit. There is no cover up or anything, his name is plastered on that shit who exactly is trying to cover up previous projects? Where is your proof that someone has tried to cover this up? As far as I can see the information is easily accessible.

You guys are probably the ones that run that fake telegram too, I mean the campaign against a coin not even in the top 200 is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.12213754

1.Amblet bag holders and the people laughung at them.
2.Because its funny.
3. You entered inhere to dicuss this train wreck. Dont lie amblet.

>> No.12213776

Telegram and the sub Reddit have been banning people who ask questions. It’s honestly getting cringe as fuck

>> No.12213778

Source on me saying it was paid FUD? Or just more bullshit you are pulling out of your ass lol not only are you fudders pathetic but you're mad too, your heated responses are great.

Wtf are you even talking about? BearWolf was a fudder, are you so new that you don't even know who BearWolf is? lmao

>> No.12213780

Easy killer. Direct your anger to the scammers who took your money and are leaving as we speak.
I'm just trying to do a service in not having others duped by your stupid node rewards that doesn't exist.

>> No.12213790

Yeah thanks white knight... You're a pleb hero *golfclap*

>> No.12213792

Scammy ERC20 token on rank #250 is scammy and only exits to raise millions from idiot investors.
Wow, breaking news. There are hundreds of those out there. So the only difference is that they decided to shill here on biz?

>> No.12213817

Oh I see you're one of those retards lol if you guys were smarter you could have stayed but your fud was too obvious and you all whine too much. "Why can't they tell us bundle numbers scam!!!" If your brain was bigger than a peanut you'd understand it's all to avoid SEC regulations, but I know you don't know anything about the business world and seen just trying to get lucky with crypto like a retard.

Just point me in the direction of the scammers and I'll give them some shit so far you have shown no proof that this is a scam.

>> No.12213855

It's funny how obvious your tactics are too. You make multiple fud threads at the same time and whichever one gets replies from someone not in your little fud group you all jump on it immediately and start responding like crazy, whereas the other threads are just dying. If you guys made it more organic it would probably work better.

>> No.12213897

So the mainnet is real right? Or is it not. Wtf are they hiding? It’s odd as fuck. They are hiding their 400 bundles a day. They team will keep trying to pump the price before mainnet release (has been delayed repeatedly, was supposed to be released in August) to dump their ico money. Fuck these scammers.

>> No.12214025

If you can't immediately see how this makes Ambrosus much more promising than any of the other supply chain coins, you haven't done much thinking about the differences between them.

The point of AMB is precisely that their sensors are being specially designed for blockchain. Other coins are taking a data-centric approach instead of this sensor-centric approach, which is what will probably make AMB more successful in the long run.

The failure of the previous startup just means that they didn't figure out their unique market (and it sounds like they wouldn't really have had one). Adding blockchain to the previous startup's foundation makes sense as a next iteration of the business idea.

>> No.12214052

If you actually knew anything about the project you'd know node onboarding for mainnet is being handled in waves with Wave 0 being the current round of nodes. Wave 0 is made up of more tech savvy individuals in order to work out kinks in the network and onboarding process. I know you don't know shit about starting an actual business and trying to push a product, but if you want to be successful you test the shit out of your product before putting it out in potentially shoddy condition. It's called being smart, a foreign concept to you I'm sure, but basically it keeps them from bad publicity due to an unfinished product. As of now the system is still being fine tuned so the only criticism is whatever retards like you make up, all of your FUD is complete speculation. If they actually release the mainnet and it sucks and there are no bundles then guys like you can actually shit on them with evidence. If you ever start a business, I'm 100% positive you won't due to being a failure, you'd do well to refine your product as much as possible so you can actually make money.

>> No.12214080

The fact that thry are banning people instead of answering the questions only makes it seem like they are hiding something.

>> No.12214118

Based and pilled by red

>> No.12214135

They have stated multiple times they can tell answer that due to being labeled a security and you guys constantly whine and ask about it trying to make it look like they're hiding something and you are the "righteous group" asking the real questions. It's annoying and stupid, if you've don't like the fact that they are paying attention to security regulations and operating within the proper boundaries then sell like a retard and stop whining. Only a fucking idiot would think them not sharing that info is bad business it's literally the exact fucking opposite Jesus.

>> No.12214275

Wtf, how does stating bundles have any effect on sec rules. Your a cuck who blindly follows a gypsy.

>> No.12214306

They'd be guaranteeing returns you fucking brainlet

>> No.12214338

Let's think about this with your exitscam narrative too. Why would they keep bundle numbers secret if they were trying to exitscam? Wouldn't it make much more sense to lie about it and say there will be 500k bundles a day or something? Then a bunch of retards would buy in and pump the price and then they could sell, that would be a much better way of exitscamming as opposed to them working their asses off, going to conferences constantly and putting out detailed updates all the time like they're doing now. Fucking retard

>> No.12214428

How so. The fucking calculations were done by a fucking neet in his moms basement. Amb has never stated that the formula was correct, or stated any type of returns.
If they lie they can face legal action. Much easier to send out a fucking newsletter that claims “30 partners” and has nothing but buzzwords.... hurr durr smart cities.

>> No.12214447

muh supplychain

muh NDAs

throw this shitcoin in the garbage

>> No.12214510
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>They'd be guaranteeing returns
Wrong. They would be revealing basic information from a mainnet that launched MONTHS AGO
According to you, when bundle numbers are finally seen on explorer, that means node returns will be "guaranteed" due to calculations and payout structure and AMB will have to shut down immediately. Think before you type brainlet. Whether bundles are revealed now, before, or later makes NO DIFFERENCE
>Wouldn't it make much more sense to lie about it and say there will be 500k bundles a day or something? Then a bunch of retards would buy in and pump the price and then they could sell, that would be a much better way of exitscamming as opposed to them working their asses off, going to conferences constantly and putting out detailed updates all the time like they're doing now.
Retard, there are different types of scammers. There are the ones who outright scam by disappearing with funds without communication. Then there are those who pretend to be legit and will put up an act during exit scam
>sorry guys things didn't work as planned we are shutting down the company, all necessary paperwork was filled, thank you for the support!
Angel versetti & co. are obviously second type.
They already FAILED one start up with meme garbage like "ultrasound". Now they latched onto the next meme garbage "blockchain". Face it cult member, realists like us have FACTS
>Shady Ambrosus team history
>NO mainnet explorer viewable since mainnet launch
>Shitty AMB price which would be impossible if just a few companies were signing up to use AMB-NET
FACTS. While you exhibit typical cult behavior where you interpret every obvious red flag to your benefit
Stay BTFO AMBlet

>> No.12214527

mainnets under NDA.

>> No.12214532

This. You can't just lie about network usage. I'm pretty sure they are busy making it look like they burned through their ICO funds, when in reality they moved it offshore.
At some point in 2019 they will declare that "despite working day and night, there was not enough demand for our supply chain solution and therefore we will seize all development."

>> No.12214560

why do people think going to conferences or putting out detailed updates mean anything? Like are you all new to investing?

>> No.12214570

Absolute bullshit

Amb mainnet was supposed to be live 100% at the end of the year. So any nda they signed with any company would reflect this. When dec 31st hits there is NO FUCKING REASON they can’t release bundle info. They keep postponing the mainnet launch trying to find new clients. The second everybody sees that they are only doing a few hundred bundles this shit is done for. Remember one bundle can handle 16k+ events.

>> No.12214587

all amb does is go to blockchain events peacocking their solution. unfortunately adoption doesn’t come from people in those events. It comes from industry specific events. what amb is doing is equivalent of a football player heading to bars impressing chicks but not practising and putting in the hours on the field. Its gonna fail. versetti and co are not suited for this. the amblets are brainwashed.

>> No.12214605

The second they started censoring their sub reddit and their telegram I sold. If they have nothing to hide why are they censoring? People are calling them out on their bullshit and they handle it like vechain fucking fags. Ban, delete!!! To the moon!!!!

>> No.12214610

they’re not proud of how many bundles they can do. all their partnership is pilot projects. no live operations. bundle numbers are gonna be so low. good thing im all in on vechain

>> No.12214615

Exactly. When Ambrosus team keeps shitting out bullshit narrative of
>team working so hard
>few hours slept
>looks so tired lately
This translates to
>so many flights to useless conferences in every country
>we have jet lag
>see above

>> No.12214905

Lol you guys are ridiculous

>> No.12214958

How many times have they not talked about "We have x many partnerships that we will reveal later", "Come to our meet ups and see us we hqve been featured in this aryicle we are working hard". But show us somethin real even the scam vechain got there fucking beanies

>> No.12215027
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No counterarguments. Another AMBlet BTFO
Or maybe you're the same retard (Baeshoor) white-knighting in these threads for a team you never met
Still waiting for a node champ? Don't worry, you will get some scraps after AMB team gets theirs

>> No.12215046

There's no arguments against speculation brainlet

>> No.12215060

At the very least explain why wave 0 cant tell any bundle info. Who is in wave 0 anyways. You talk about the technical elite working on wave 0. Who the fuck is actually testing amb? Why is no one talking about how great, poor etc. Amb net is. Anyone who brings this up in telegram is banned. Explain amblet.

>> No.12215109

>it's all speculation
>but I'll defend AMB to the death and white-knight nonstop on biz, reddit, and telegram
>I can't wait to see all the salt when this shit explodes
Kek I can't wait until the core AMB team just throws you away after they offshore funds and shutdown company for another round. A shitcoin shiller like you deserves it

>> No.12215135

salty walties itt

>> No.12215160
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All I do is eat eat eat no matter what. Buying all the dips because I can’t get enough
And every time I log ino binance AmB suddenly goes UP!

>> No.12215163

If there were any real network usage, literally any amount of bundles, then there would also be some insider trading and the price would not be -75% below ICO.
The only thing thats stopping AMB from dropping to 1 cent is a bunch of bag holders still cost averaging down with their wage cheques.

>> No.12215197
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So bashwhor is watching biz religiously yet no response on any wave 0 info. Cult far.

>> No.12215225
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Versetti literally slayed Bizonacci. He had a bag of this shit and busted.

>> No.12215276

What an idiot. This company is still operational and it seems that their Swiss R&D lab is operating under it. It's neither failed nor bankrupt. What a bunch of retards. DYOR.

>> No.12215297

Dammit Karl,

Dm me

>> No.12215334
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>> No.12215337

lol of course it's all bullshit they have to make shit up

>> No.12215391

>It's neither failed nor bankrupt
Wrong. Nice try shill
Go run back to telegram for validation champ, maybe it will increase your chance of getting a node topkek

>> No.12215401

Here take a look at the company's website, sure looks "operational" to me
The AMB damage control is real

>> No.12215460

Yes this is very damaging to the project you are intelligent

>> No.12215479

LOL brainlet. If they are part of Ambrosus why do they need a separate website? If your damaged brain worked well, you would know there are other ways to check if a company is operational apart from going to their old website. The company appears in good standing and operational in Swiss commercial registers.
Fucking imbecile fudding pajeet.

>> No.12215481 [DELETED] 

Where did you get the information that it seems the r&d lab is operating under this name? Are you fucking stoned? Instead of telling people calling this shit a sham how about you stop telling us to DYOR and you present where the fuck you got that info from.

>> No.12215499

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.12215560

lol post was so stupid you deleted it nice

>> No.12215820

Nice source Angel. Did amblets on telegram cry and so you came here to reassure bagholders?

>> No.12215908

No arguments left huh nigger?

>> No.12216037

No sources left Angel?

>> No.12216653

Good thing global CEO comes to the cult followers call for help.
Global CEO on biz is good fortune.

>> No.12216720

If your cryptocurrency has a "global CEO" you might want to research what decentralization is all about.

>> No.12216814

Anyone who doesn't realize AMB is a scam is utterly retarded, most of the people here are just defending it because they need to off load their bags somewhere.

>> No.12216929
File: 986 KB, 1062x1080, zug_christmas_amb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No scam-project would sponsor a Christmas market, idiot.


>> No.12217058

I guess, this settled it then.

>> No.12218014

Good job chuckles.

>> No.12218316

How about the fireworks show.... that never happened. Fucking kek

>> No.12218757
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This guy is hilarious and a chad. I recommend following his permabear ways

>> No.12219450

Bada-bum bum thanks for da bump

>> No.12220241

Hi Angel merry christmas we all know you are reading this, so i just hope you can buy something nice for those 20 million dollars the project still got in the bank.