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12213165 No.12213165 [Reply] [Original]

>when you can't even get a job even with a PHD in Physics
is this the end times /biz/?

>> No.12213180

I have 2 years experience full stack and have submitted well over 400 applications, probably 200 of which are just development. Still unemployed.

Shit is fucked m8

>> No.12213190

i've got physics BA, but i dropped out before getting my degree. i know physics but lack a degree, i can't get a job. but then again i am smart enough to trade crypto, and apply my math knowledge to charts, and indicators. this guy seems like he went through the cookie cutter bull shit education system expecting a hand out at the end of the ride.

>> No.12213199

The only jobs that are booming are ones in the transportation industry or warehouses, everything else is pretty scarce right now

>> No.12213201

PhD makes you overqualified for most jobs, and physics may be hard, but that doesn't mean it has good job prospects

where do you live?

>> No.12213209


>> No.12213212

having a phd doesnt mean much. probably 75% of the universities that offer phds are absolute jokes and might as well be free. he could be in this bin.

>> No.12213219

I did a 6 month coding bootcamp and got a programming job in 3 months. Get gud

>> No.12213248

imagine thinking you're a good programmer after doing a coding bootcamp

>> No.12213250

>he fell for the advanced degree meme

Advanced STEM degrees are for lifelong academics only.

Go find a 30k post doc position at Bumfuck State or teach freshman physics at a local high school.

Those are probably your most realistic options, unfortunately.

>> No.12213254

Just go get a government job. Tell them you have a PHD in Environmental Physics.

>> No.12213259

How the fuck is this even possible

>> No.12213270

great question fren, I have no idea. if I wasn't so depressed I'd make my own online business.

>> No.12213279
File: 53 KB, 552x748, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a PhD in physics and there are a hundred well payed jobs I could do, especially since I'm in DLT

>> No.12213283

>Wants to be a programmer
>So gets a PhD in physics for some reason
>Complains that people find his non relevant experience non relevant
I don't get it.

>> No.12213316

ya that is cringe af, its the type of shit blacks and wamens attend

>> No.12213339

4 months isn't long. hell some of my applications took longer than that... but I'm not a programmer.

most IT people I know work at some start up that never made any profit, so I gues there is some kind of bubble when all this start up investments dry up.

>> No.12213355

if you think about it most start ups are just like those ICO's that got people burned.

>> No.12213357


you just need to become a brown person or a female, then you can get a 200k year job at Google and fuck around all day at a glorified adult daycare. then when you go home, go troll on 4chan to make fun of all the white males and just tell them they need to work harder.

>> No.12213371

>I have no idea
>if I wasn't so depressed
There is your problem.

>> No.12213387

depression has little to do with me not being able to find a job considering how many applications I've sent out

>> No.12213394

the NPC's mind gets tricked.
it gets depressed when unemployed
it gets miserable when finally employed that he wasted his prcious free time with no job depressed.

>> No.12213404

fuck that's accurate. how do I stop this? how is it different being a PC? what's the thought process like?

>> No.12213414

I'm so sick of the, "you just don't have the experience needed" meme

>> No.12213415

Working itself is something I have no issue with, it's just that working forces me to interact with people I don't give two shits about...solitude is truly an underrated gift.

>> No.12213447

fren. how are you applying. do you have good, up to date LinkedIn with a professional headshot. Do you have a personal website that you use as a portfolio to showcase your previous work / projects?

>> No.12213457
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>> No.12213476

you just do what you can and don't give two shits about what is outside of your control. just realize that at some point in the future you will get a job just like btc will have another bullrun. and if neither of those things happen you won't have any regrets because you did what you could. life really is about all the other things.

t. just got employed and am fucking miserable

>> No.12213479

i feel guilty for laughing at this

>> No.12213497

fuck man. that's a bigger statement about our society, these people are purposely not being utilized to their full potential for the betterment of humanity. they're being wasted so we can bring in more turd worlders.

indeed, directly, recruiters. I don't use linkedin. I don't have a github/website because I'm not giving out free code.

mush, wagie. mush

>> No.12213510
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 1519872325445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out https://teamblind.com/

>> No.12213532

You could always apply to work as a memegeneer assistant or cad drafter?

>> No.12213548

2 years unemployed here too..

>> No.12213549

Good enuff to get a job, nignog

>> No.12213568

i did a physics phd and now I just day trade crypto from home

>> No.12213585
File: 35 KB, 780x438, 1529038121184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there that physics grad student drop-out that raped and murdered an innocent girl?

>> No.12213602

PhDs make you faggots think your worth more then you actually are.
Get a job at a gas station for 3 months and you'll have your choice.

First fucking rule about looking for a job is that it's easier to find one when you are employed. Then the company you want to hire you can call where you currently work and ask how you are.

If you don't even work part time anywhere what makes you think where you want to work wants to hire on a faggot that's too lazy and retarted to even work minimum wage.

Get fucked faggots. I made one resume when I was 16 and got my first job. From that point on I never used my resume and successfully scored any place I wanted to work after that.
Now I'm self employed, work my own hours and eat very very well.

>> No.12213621

>i'm an obnoxious faggot, i'm so great, blah blah blah

>> No.12213628

Getting a Ph.D in a stem field is suicide when we're living in an age where Trump and his lackeys are waging war on science.

>> No.12213679

Apparently not given the amount of crying and whining in this thread.

Maybe actually study and understand the field of computer science instead of just learning Meme Framework of the month 2.0 and you'll realize how damn easy it is to get a great job as a software engineer these days.

>> No.12213686

>. I don't use linkedin. I don't have a github/website because I'm not giving out free code.
Imagine being this retarded. This is why you can't get jobs.

>> No.12213694
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This physics Ph.D was working at a call centre for about a year when he leapt off his apartment building to his death

>> No.12213781

I've had LinkedIn since I was in my bachelor's, now in my master's and recruiters are lining up to get me while I don't even have my degree.

Why did you not build up your network while studying? Isn't this the whole point of going to university anyway?

>> No.12213793
File: 41 KB, 523x472, 1529960856386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that don't have LinkedIn use it as a pre-emptive self-defense mechanism so they don't get hurt that nobody still notices them even when they've had LinkedIn for years

>> No.12213801


>> No.12213805

I worked at a call center for a week and contemplated doing the same.

>> No.12213809

His work place seems to be overrun by women and minorities. Well, I guess at least people will have fun at the office, but it doesn't seem much gets done around there.

>> No.12213815

At this point it should be obvious that higher intelligence or fancy university degrees won't guarantee you value in the market. I don't understand why people keep insisting with that shit.

This guy got a degree in something that doesn't sell right now, simple put. It's foolish to entitle yourself to expect money from other people if you don't offer something they want.

Instead you should find what do you want to do. Do you want to make big money? Study what's selling right now, and go sell it. Do you want to study physics? get your degree and go where people like you is needed. No jobs for physicists in your area? then move to another area where physicists are needed, that's it. But don't expect immediate jobs or big money just because you're smart. That's not how the game of life works.

>> No.12213838

bruh. 90% of jobs posted online are on LinkedIn. You're missing on the biggest source for finding jobs online.

>> No.12213843

>recruiters are lining up to get me
what exactly do you study?

>> No.12213857

should have got a math PhD
>300k starting salary p.a.

>> No.12213863
File: 125 KB, 503x800, 1536005492487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead you should find what do you want to do. Do you want to make big money? Study what's selling right now, and go sell it.
I think most people go on life on "auto-pilot" especially when they're told to pursue their dreams. The government has always taken a laissez-faire approach to education and the job market so there should be some quota on the number of slots a particular program has in order to prevent an over-saturation in the number of degrees being handed out.

>> No.12213867

CS, what else :-)

>> No.12213891
File: 36 KB, 1168x778, requirements_required-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeting 50% of the job requirements you are as likely to land the job as someone who is meeting 90%


>> No.12213905


>For women, these numbers are about 10% lower i.e. women’s interview chances go up once they meet 30% of job requirements, and matching 40% of job requirements is as good as matching 90% for women.

>> No.12213909

has it ever occured to you your unique situation may not apply to others? i see people on biz blasting the likes of me for not being able to find a job, yet when i ask them what they studied its always a very in demand degree. our fault or not, most people learn the worth of their degree only after graduating.

could you also please elaborate what you mean by building your network? how do you equating being buddies with your classmates to receiving calls from recruiters before graduating?

>> No.12213918

complete bull. if you meet 50, there is always another guy or girl who will meet 51, 55, 60 or higher.

>> No.12213920


>> No.12213928

Send an email to everyone individually. Title it 'Looking for <Internship,Employment>'
Then just chat with your friend. People like helping others.

>> No.12213939
File: 118 KB, 718x1024, depositphotos_107488500-stock-photo-homeless-man-on-the-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you realize you're over educated and under skilled

>> No.12213952

>Being such a dumbass NPC you need a source to do your thinking for you

>> No.12213969

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12213973

goddamn. that's a beautiful source. thanks for the link fren.

linkedin. spam out connections to your friends / people you vaguely know. if you're applying for a job and someone you're connected with works there you can reach out to them for a recommendation / referral.

>> No.12213978

Basically HR departments are dumb.
Physicists are objectively better than CS people with computers, but the people doing the hiring have no idea.
People like Dennis Ritchie and Rob Pike are just physicists who rose to the top of the CS world.
The typical Physics grad literally knows everything whereas the typical CS grad has no idea how to even use a function and just copies from people that do.
Of course HR doesn't realize that. That's why if you get a meme degree like a master's in data science or financial economics you get instantly hired by a company before even starting classes. HR literally doesn't understand that it is a meme and doesn't teach you anything, or that a stat/econ phd/master is basically the same thing.

>> No.12213983

If you're shit you're shit. If you cannot program why should I pay money for shit code. Idc if you have phd in physics.

>> No.12213985

> I’m a depressed retard who has red flags written all over me
> why can’t I get a software engineering job in the easiest, most remote-friendly work environment in the history of mankind
> must be because of diversity quotas and not my awful attitude that I bring wherever I go

>> No.12213997

remote jobs are harder to get than in person ones and require a previous work history.

>> No.12214017

if that were even remotely true it wouldnt take most people months to find a job.

some people are really drinking the kool aid on this site. they go apeshit when you mention grads cant find jobs and chalk it down to the fact that its because theyre "lazy" using anecdotes from their youth on how they found their job by applying to 3 different places.

i genuinely wonder if these people are butthurt business owners or something.

>> No.12214027

>awful attitude

This is peak boomer posting

>> No.12214041

Fair enough. Though, I see the same with my friends who study math, chem and/or physics that they seem pretty popular.

As for the networking thing, I mean that some significant business relationships have started and still start in uni (Mark Zuckerberg and his minions, Steve Jobs and the Woz, Gates and Allen) Referrals from working together!

The network that I mean is more than just your classmates. There are professors with whom you could do projects, the occasional sponsored talk (this is probably not at every uni) where you can get in contact with the industry/recruiters and more.

There's a lot of people you can meet and talk to and if leveraged in the right way, they could bring you closer to that job you want

>> No.12214048

Most of them are boomers. Others are millennials wanting the approval of boomers. And the rest are government shills who are trying to keep up the morale and restore faith in the failing system (by lying to people lol)

>> No.12214058

>if that were even remotely true it wouldnt take most people months to find a job.

Can you even read a simple chart? Just as likely is just a relative term.

>if that were even remotely true it wouldnt take most people months to find a job.

See interview rate.

>> No.12214070

how are you this fucking retarded?

every inch of the entire education system is dominated by government money

>> No.12214097

instead of citing charts from obscure websites, ive had the priviledge of talking to actual recruiters who have told me, in person, that the job market is so saturated they would not even consider someone who doesnt meet at least 80% of the requirements, and that even 80% wont make your application competitive. they will also lace the requirements list with "booby traps" that will immediately eliminate your application, like not being proficient in some obscure software. they do this because some job openings receive thousands of applications. thats why people get back to back internships nowdays. are you genuinely autistic or something?

>> No.12214127

>I think most people go on life on "auto-pilot" especially when they're told to pursue their dreams.
I believe anyone can and perhaps should pursue their dreams, nothing wrong with that. But things go wrong when you keep living in a dream world and blind yourself to reality. And it's really fucking ironic that such smart people can't comprehend such simple concept, I don't understand if it's because of their ego or what. OP's guy is intelligent enough to get a PhD in Physics yet not intelligent enough to understand that his degree is worthless to the majority of people.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of jobs for that kind of profession, but not "anywhere". He could've tried looking for jobs around his whole country or around the globe and I'm a willing to fucking bet that he would've gotten one, and good one, because physicists make good money in actuality.

It's very easy to blame the system, the world and everyone else, before blaming yourself.

>> No.12214134

ive actually noticed a trend among boomers, especially among the ones i know. they yap about how they quicly found a job in their youth, and the fact that i havent found one means im not trying hard enough. then they proceed to give me archaic boomer tips such as "you have a nice face, why cant you get that job boi", or "youre a good kid sonny, you have a nice handshake, if youre not getting the job its cuz you havent adjusted your tie well, a man shines his shoes" and so on.

>> No.12214141

> who have told me

If you are fish then you don't ask the fishermen. They will always complain about their bad catch. Astounding that someone like you hasn't learned this life lesson. Why are phone posters so naïve?

>> No.12214148

The honest truth is that any degree beyond a bachelors will severely tank the total number of jobs you're properly qualified for (because you're overqualified), and will only open much a much smaller number of highly niche jobs, often extremely vulnerable to shifts in the job market or government funding.

The correct strategy is to research fields that are in demand (and to estimate demand so you don't end up having to knifefight your way through a really crowded one) when you first enter highschool, and then when you actually enter university do everything in your power to network and get internships (and good marks) to get into that field. Graduate, get a job, and don't look back. Grad school is for chumps these days.

>> No.12214170

>Graduate, get a job, and don't look back. Grad school is for chumps these days.
what you said makes a lot of sense, i wish someone told me this shit before. should i just wipe my masters off my resume then? it would create such a big gap tho.

>> No.12214174

>people with physics degrees are objectively better
Imagine being so retarded to use something as ambiguous and non-measurable like "good with computers" and claim this is objective.

I guarantee you that your average physics grad knows very little about compilers or operating system internals, so clearly they don't know more about technology than CS grads in that domain.

>> No.12214182

Well, it depends on the job you're applying for. Obviously if you're applying for lower-tier jobs that don't require graduate degrees, it's best not to mention it. Just pretend you took a year off to travel, and then try to make up some kind of minimum wage work to plug the gap or something. Like starting a small business with a friend or something.

>> No.12214188

Where do you live by the way? It might be that the area where you live, is indeed saturated. (Would you consider moving for the job?)

Also speaking of internships, would you be willing to work unpaid at a startup or some company to get the "relevant" experience.
Like work evenings unpaid, and during the day you just hold a normal/minimum-wage but irrelevant job that at least keeps you alive and a house over your roof.

>> No.12214192

yes. just say you were backpacking or freelancing in an unrelated field or something.

>> No.12214196

In the end though it's just a huge fucking waste of human potential because we simply don't have enough jobs requiring people who can think.

>> No.12214200

looks like that guy is floating. is that the point of the image

>> No.12214206

t. CS Grad

None of this matters. The fact that every faggot in 2018 wants become a programmer is a huge problem.

>> No.12214212

Should've majored in math with strong statistical analysis coursework. That's the most reliable way to get a 300k+ job from a college education.

>> No.12214215

>Where do you live by the way? It might be that the area where you live, is indeed saturated. (Would you consider moving for the job?)

It's almost like anecdotes like this one don't have any merit. Btw, I'm working for Nintendo, my uncle got me hired.

>> No.12214218

>"Working" unpaid

I hope you fucking die

>> No.12214248

Majority of jobs are C.R.U.D. jobs where you don't have to be particularly good in programming or computing to succeed. You don't have to be an ICPC finalist to write some stupid mobile app

But to claim a physicist who takes a Python 101 course knows as much as a CS grad is retarded. Only reveals the arrogance of the physicsfag.

>> No.12214249

I did alot of webdev, but I basically stopped trying to get a job.

I went into video game development full time and am hoping to make a career out of it. Code base for the game is 31k LoC, but I know that doesn't really mean too much unless you see it.
I'm unironically starting to have a lot of fun with it, since the framework I made for it is finally starting to pay off in terms of "I want to do a b and c...oh wow I can implement all of those into a system in 5 minutes and have editor tools ready in 10"
I know the game market is oversaturated as fuck, but so is the book market. I've gotta try...
I thought I was happy doing webdev until I realized how much better gamedev is, plus I'm tired of the constant "Oh anon, just one more thing, could you add X feature (which will require you to refactor everything you just did)?" 3 fucking times a month

>> No.12214253

What's your resume look like?

>> No.12214262 [DELETED] 

No, this is a meme. I'm graduating with a bachelor's in math / stats in a month and the only jobs I get calls for interviews are involve shitty sales positions making <$40k a year (or are commission only) that don't even require a fucking degree,

Computer Science / Software engineering is the only option for those under a 130 iq who lack stellar social skills. Everything else is full.

>> No.12214267

>these people are purposely not being utilized
What the fuck man, servants get utilized. We live in a free world now you're meant to utilize yourself. This guy never once tried to sell his own labor directly to customers and DEMANDED someone else take his profits and tell him what to do. No wonder he failed.

>> No.12214269

8.5 by 11 white Pdf document with some bullet points

>> No.12214345

web dev really is the current year's architect, in the sense that there's a mix of aesthetic and technical focus while still be paying well

>> No.12214370

I have a master's degree, been employed for 2 years (only half-time, hence why I'm still looking for jobs), have applied to 280 positions over this period of time.

I go out of my way to be a good coworker by working overtime, overly friendly, taking extra shifts etc.

I've let my boss know several times now that I'm interested in more work.

Despite this, I've not been to a single interview or heard anything from my boss.

Having a degree is bullshit
Being a good coworker/employee is bullshit
Applying to jobs is bullshit
Showing initiative/being a go-getter is bullshit

At this point, I'm fully convinced people only hire people they know IRL either through a coworker or their friends circle.

I'm about to put a bullet in my head, but as I'm currently at home for Xmas, I'll wait for the new year.

>> No.12214407

the bottom line is if you're not above average in raw ability then you're dispensable

>> No.12214569
File: 419 KB, 1536x817, 1545588541788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a post-meritocratic society. You may have heard about the trannies who infiltrated Linux, they admit this openly.

The Western governments at this point in time are not interested in advancement or development of humanity or harnessing this potential. Innovation is instability and unpredictability, they are not interested in that, they are interested in control. I don't know why this has been the shift of focus, but it is. It's why there are now diversity quotas and X percentage of women must fill all positions, regardless of skill. It's why at this point in time, excelling above others is rarely rewarded anymore - it's often punished with more work.

This is effectively soft communism, your labor has been devalued to become worth as much as someone else who contributes less. The only way to "get ahead" is to feign stupidity so you have to expend less or equal energy to your peers. Doing so will spare you a lifetime of exhaustive disappointment.

>> No.12214942


>> No.12214981

If your PhD isn't from Harvard/MIT/Caltech/Princeton/Stanford/Berkeley or a school of similar caliber it isn't worth the paper it's printed on, unfortunately.

>> No.12215035

should have learned to weld
5000k starting salary (monthly)

>> No.12215036

Say you tried to start a business that failed then you went to travel, make up some bullshit story to seem interesting inflate the normie interviewers ego and you have a job.

>> No.12215059

social control is the essential nature and explicit mission of government. why did you ever think otherwise? by the way quotas are a myth, they were ruled unconstitutional decades ago.

>> No.12215067

Still a massive and growing job shortage, look if you want a normal comfy six figure life and you’re not a lazy retard. Get a cs degree.

>> No.12215068

>We live in a post-meritocratic society
i completely disagree, that only applies to a small minority. for everyone else, we live in the age of hyper competition. some of us compete with computers, others with pajeets and the rest with the outlandishly high expectations of our emplyers

>> No.12215103

Yes this was at University of Illinois. Generally, Physics major here get decent jobs. We're a top engineering school so companies are always around.

I guess this guy was a virgin or something with yellow fever. Our school is like 20%+ Chinese overall, probably like 1/3 of engineers Chinese.

Anyways, he prob dropped out, was in a fuckton of debt, though he had nothing to lose. He was stupid as fuck though because he literally picked up this gook in the dead center of campus with cameras everywhere. FBI got involved and they never found the body.

>> No.12215112

Ironically, I bet your wrong. The typical CS grad doesn't know shit about compilers or operating systems. I bet a highet percentage of physics grads know about compilers/os than CS.

>> No.12215117

>ook if you want a normal comfy six figure life and you’re not a lazy retard. Get a cs degree.
what about accounting? wont cs be outsourced to pajeets? im not making fun im just trying to learn.

>> No.12215131

The university I got my STEM degree from used to train its own professors thirty years ago, so they'd go from undergrad -> masters -> phd ->postdoc -> professor, all in the same university. Nowadays all the new professors (not the "teaching track" ones who are basically just glorified contract lecturers) have degrees from MIT, Princeton, Cambridge, etc.

>> No.12215138

University as a WHOLE has been dumbed down. This includes STEM and a whole lot of fields.

>> No.12215139

I think we had a case of academic overproduction + academic boomers not retiring.

>> No.12215162

Plus, we don't have the kind of state science programs outside of the university that we had in, say, the 1960s.

>> No.12215167

> academic overproduction
Yeah because semesters have been shortened, the material being taught has been dumbed down, assessments have become way easier and there is a lot of pressure from adminstrators on the teaching faculty to pass students. Unis/colleges have made a money selling degrees to dumbasses.

>> No.12215173

Does a degree in Physics include courses in compilers and computer OS's?

>> No.12215180


>> No.12215181

Wouldn't you need MORE professors if you have more kids going through the system though?

>> No.12215191

It doesn't. He is being a tard. OS is being taken out of most CS course nowadays. Compilers are still taught but not relevant.

>> No.12215204

Sure I guess. It just means the people graduating are nowhere near as good as the previous generation is what I am saying. The college meme is a multidimensional problem.

>> No.12215214

That's true. Also, the fact that even in engineering (which is supposed to be the most "rigorous") it's common knowledge that nothing you learn in undergrad is going to bear any relation to your actual job tells you a lot about what engineering programs are like these days. They're just filled with people doing the bare minimum to get their paper that they still think is a ticket to a middle-class existence. But it's not anymore as jobs of all kinds dry up.

From what I remember, twenty or thirty years ago there was a study saying that there'd be a huge explosion in professorships as all the baby boomer professors retired. That turned out to be a complete lie, but people still cling to that study in spite of all the available evidence. Also, not only are boomers not retiring, when they do retire they don't replace them with fully funded professorships.

>> No.12215221

I guess, what I'm saying is, it seems like there are few slots available for STEM PhD grads who didn't go to Harvard, MIT, and peer schools.

>> No.12215226


>> No.12215233

He's probably just a lazy sperg. He definitely could've gotten a few internships under his belt while still in school.

>> No.12215239

Part of it I think is cultural differences. Germany, for instance, has plenty of jobs for PhDs but that's because the government funds a lot of positions, and there are a lot of German industrial companies doing research pumping money into the system. In most Anglophone countries though that's gone; governments don't invest in postdoctorate positions, and there isn't enough local manufacturing or heavy industry to support big research labs either except in a few really niche fields.

>> No.12215264

It's sort of obvious desu, each professor trains multiple grad students over the course of their career, they all have to go somewhere. You can fill academia at all the major research universities with only graduates from top-5s.

Yeah, Anglophone countries aren't really interested in manufacturing anymore, mostly just financialization and outsourcing. Maybe in the past there might've been more opportunities outside academia, but not really any more. What are we even spending all our money on, anyway? Wars and welfare for indios and blacks?

>> No.12215272

> That's true. Also, the fact that even in engineering (which is supposed to be the most "rigorous") it's common knowledge that nothing you learn in undergrad is going to bear any relation to your actual job tells you a lot about what engineering programs are like these days. They're just filled with people doing the bare minimum to get their paper that they still think is a ticket to a middle-class existence. But it's not anymore as jobs of all kinds dry up.
In an ideal world engineering would be taught at a technical school at would be at most a 2 year course.

>> No.12215278

Got A+/Network+/Few other certs. I'm just interested in being a tech or low end network tech. Nothing high up on the pole like Sys admin. So you'd think that for what I want career wise, what I got would get me in the door. Normally this would be true. But it seems now they want some dude who's foreign or some dude who's got some fancy 4 year degree + x yrs under him. Which would be totally acceptable if the job was high up on the pole. But the low end should not require such to be qualified. Hell it ain't brain surgery here; most of your shit will involve basic stuff, like "a workstation can't connect to the internet" or "a user can't login to the workstation" or "hey anon go to wiring closet alpha and make sure ports A - E from the switch to patch panel are live and showing good connection at full 1GB"

So after a while I said fuck it; landed a state gov job in a totally different line of work. I figured I could stay where I landed for a bit then move up into state IT. But fate slapped me down again; seems state has out sourced a lot to outsiders. So I'd end up tossing all my time/benefits out the window. Got it now where I can retire at 50 yrs old w/full benefits & full pension + 401k. Only 15 yrs to go till I hit that mark. I'd be a fool to toss all that away.

>> No.12215283

very true

but education in germany is socialist so there is no financial incentive to drop standards and pass anyone

>> No.12215291

mate the fuckers will import indians to do literally anything fucking job this is especially true for IT

>> No.12215296

>What are we even spending all our money on, anyway?
We don't have any money. Germany, by contrast, is posting record budget surpluses in spite of the refugee / migrant fiasco.

All you need is a reasonably intelligent person and a one year course teaching calculus (including differential equations), statistics, a little bit of scientific
/ mathematics programming like Excel, VBA, R, etc., and you're set. All the field-specific courses can easily be learned on the job.

>> No.12215306

As I recall they have a system where at 13 or 14 you choose between going for a vocational education (trades, genuine skilled labour, etc.) and university education, so they end up with the best of both worlds. The really smart kids get into university, and the not so smart kids get really good job training.

>> No.12215315

Again bro the system needs an overhaul. In the 50's only like 40% of people graduated high school. Because of more low iq third worlders and socialists lowering standards in the education department high school does not prepare anyone for anything, and your diploma is just a check box that doesnt carry any weight.

if we had high school graduates at the very least doing calc 1 and intro linear algebra, if not calc 2 then college wouldnt have to be so long.

>> No.12215320

that's exactly why to a point university rankings are a meme. most of these european schools produce top notch students

>> No.12215331
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dance wagie dance

>> No.12215340

Where does the money for wars come from then? The State has control over money creation, after all, it's not as if we can run out of money here in the US.

>> No.12215366

But in another ironic twist it seems that the rumor is that state IT is looking into taking over the branch I work in (we deal with a lot of work that involves computers). So it may be that the job I want will come to me instead of the other way around. If this does happen I'll get a IT title and be in the IT field under the state job system.

>> No.12215404


Ah, you're a retard then. Github isn't "giving out free code", and LinkedIn shows you aren't a freak. I wouldn't hire you either.

>> No.12215433

>I don't have a github because I'm not giving out free code
If you seriously think a GitHub is for potential employers to get "free code", I would never hire a brainlet like you

>> No.12215437

where did he say he was a good programmer? There is a difference between practical knowledge and certs and whatnot obviously. Anyone motivated enough can get through some kind of cert or class to put on their resume.

>> No.12215449

Fucking dumbass. You're everything that's wrong with programming. All software should be free (as in freedom). Not providing the source code divides and subjugates that users. Either the user controls the program, or the program controls the user. It's one or the other.

>> No.12215450

H.S to me was a joke. I loaded up on all the computer type classes I could my whole 4 yrs. I got put into this one class I didn't want (Bis Law) due to the one I wanted was full. I ended up passing that class with an B. My overall final GPA was a B and I never really tried that hard or did anything but the bare minimum credit wise so I could get my ass outta there as quick as I could. My A+ prep class was the most fun; teacher was cool. Friday was game day. If we did all our work and didn't give him any grief we could play online games. Setup our own lan. Sometimes my teach in the class before his would let me out early so I could go to his and pound that class he had in UT.

>> No.12215465

>only applied to 50 places
Dude you can apply to 50 jobs within a few days if you're trying. This guy legit must have submitted one application and called it quits

>> No.12215492

lmfao muh degrees. I'm not even surprised at all. All a PHD says about you is that you think you're too good to work. Why would an employer give a shit about your overachievements at school they mean nothing in the real world.

>> No.12215501


Not true. There's less outsourcing happening than ever - most companies have learnt their lesson the hard way that while outsourcing has it's place you need real devs. I've fucked myself over using pajeets as well, never again. They refuse to learn how to follow modern methodologies with CI/CD based work flows, they won't create & use unit tests, they can't be given the slightest leeway on creative direction (ie design), and they have 0 clue on how to put together a modern Web App using a framework like React or Angular (requires they understand architecture, dependency injection, unidirectional data flow etc).

>Source: have a software dev company & a ton of clients I've discussed this with, along with other developers.

This is the best time to be a White developer since the early 2000s (before the Great pajeeting of software occurred). The people in this thread are fucking retards.

>> No.12215505

Does this mean PhD makes you unable to get a job?

>> No.12215532

theres a new kind of outsourcing, friend. its not so much outsourcing to india but opening the floodgates for them to come to your country. indians, talented east yuro and chinese programmers of all sorts.

>> No.12215541


This. Compete on services, providing the best implementation, coming up with new ways to use it. But proprietary, closed software is almost always garbage. Even monopolistic scum like Microsoft have come to realise this truth & open sourced stuff like dotnet core. So if I interviewed a dev who said "Nah, fuck free software", guess who is such a brainlet they don't understand the industry & isn't getting a job.

>Inb4 GNU/Linux pasta

>> No.12215559

I got a BA in engineering, im super lazy and unimpressive yet Ive gotten several jobs since leaving school, i think you just have social deficiencies

>> No.12215578

thats what supply and demand is you cunt. try getting an English degree than we'll see about those job offers.

>> No.12215602


Everyone knows that. Hence the whole anti-Globalist backlash. But if you think they're getting hired in the numbers you think they are, you're mistaken. Again, as someone in the industry, if a pajeet comes into my office with his "Yes sir, 20 years of React experience sir with 2 Phds sir" crap, he's still not getting the job over a local graduate with an active github and even just a couple of toy projects that show he's serious. I've actually gone back to using surprise whiteboard tests as well - funny how many pajeets & chinks can't answer a simple question about tree walking or sorting correctly when put on the spot. Or why static typing & functional programming are in vogue again, that kind of thing. The immigration issue in general will be taken care of in time, just got to keep fanning the flames of discontent, get more uprisings happening. Basically, DOTR when?

>> No.12215665

>the typical CS grad doesn't know anything about compilers or OSed
Where the fuck are you getting this from? Courses in compilers and operating systems are practically required in your school's curriculum in order for its CS program to be nationally accredited. At my school it's literally impossible to graduate without taking two courses on compilers and one on computability theory. There's no way that your average physics student, with similar amounts of time invested, is going to take as many CS courses as a CS major.

What do you think we're talking about when we talk 'CS grads'? Community college students?

>> No.12215676

he's being obnoxious. but a class on compilers would be fun easy elective tier for a good physics grad.

>> No.12215679

>has a PhD in physics
>Doesn't create his own startup
What's a faggot. If you can't find jobs then create your own jobs.
Just think of issues that could be solved and make a company that solves them.

>> No.12215691

do you have your own startup sir?

>> No.12215713

I'm still in school but I'm thinking about it.

>> No.12215754

Oh yeah, compilers is ez tier. His post just seems like some dilletante shit. It's a lot of time investment to get good at one demanding discipline, let alone two demanding disciplines like physics and CS. Very little skill transfer as well aside from some of the math

>> No.12215756

If you don't want to hire foreigners, why even bother letting them go through so far into the hiring process?

>> No.12215787

lol. its easy to lambast someone for not being a "go-getter" for not having started their own business after a certain time of inactivity. however, the reality is that a great percentage of new business and startups fail, leaving their owners straddled with debt. whats more, and even smaller percentage of those that failed are able to overcome those obstacles and do it again. what im trying to say is, its not for everyone, but i hope you make it anyway anon.

>> No.12215791

can't be seen as racist now, can we

>> No.12215826

i hope you dont find a job, you sound retarded

>> No.12215895 [DELETED] 

It's not easy, a top tier physics major is just insanely smart. The kind of smart / autistic to make one yourself when you're a teenager for fun instead of playing sports like a neurotypical person.

Open up a real analysis textbook and tell me a typical cs grad could handle that.

>> No.12215923

you'd think he knew about gravity

>> No.12215958

Submit pull request on tezos gitlab for improvement

They'll vote and you'll get paid on-chain

>> No.12216115

Yeah but the amount needed is 1 professor per 50 kids on average (many schools have under 50 and many large ones have 100+). So if more than 2% of your graduates are trying to be teachers, you got a surplus.

>> No.12216258

There's a global oversupply of programmers, it's not yet visible in some localities, but the list is shrinking.
In 10 years even the SV bubble will have an oversupply, leading to global crash in incomes. In 20 years developing in developed (heh) countries is going to be a shit job with shit pay, below average. That's because almost everything will be outsourced to poorer countries.

Are Indian coders incompetent now, on average? Yes. Why? Poverty prevented the from growing up with a pc. That's temporary.

>> No.12216312

Yes but so far I've never heard about people failing at life because their startup failed. Maybe it is the way to go but people don't want to try?
Hope you make it too.

>> No.12216325

Just get good at solving programming puzzles. Your credentials don't matter, what matter is coming up with algorithms researchers spent months solving on the spot

>> No.12216329

Go teach high school physics in a Pro-union state...

>> No.12216346
File: 71 KB, 600x656, E3D0A0FC-7736-4B5D-B675-4D7F3F1740CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m smart enough to trade crypto

>> No.12216533

Depends. In academia, which advisor you had is often more important than which school you went to. If your advisor is a fields medalist or a Nobel prize winner working at a university no one has heard of, that will count much more highly than being from Princeton or whatever.

In the private sector? I've never held a private sector job so I wouldn't know.

>> No.12216646
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Starting your own business is the polar opposite of having a job. When you have a job, you get paid on day-one but you typically have a "ramp-up" time. OTOH, starting your own business you have to hit the ground running on DAY ONE but you may not get paid for a while (i.e. ramp-up time when it comes to pay).

>> No.12216666

I did a bootcamp n got a 95k a year job right after

I was a neet prior too, but i am a minority live near nyc and charismatic

>> No.12217049

Found the "programmers" that peruse Github for copy paste.

Github is version control, but in having a Github for employers to see, you make your code public.

>everything should be free
kys commie

>quotas are a myth
you're an idiot

he literally said
>Get gud

>> No.12217178

Even a degree in Physics makes you more useful as a programmer than 90% of CS grads. A PhD, 98%. Go and look for jobs that lean on your maths/physics skills, e.g. graphics, games, finance etc. Or look for jobs that lean on your PhD skills, e.g. teaching, research labs, copywriting, project management....anything. Don't listen to the retards ITT saying you should have done xyz.

t. degree/masters/phd in CS, teaches kids from all disciplines, sees how much better at maths physics grads are

>> No.12217282

Those who can’t do, teach. Your opinion is worthless boomer

>> No.12217412

thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.12218810


>> No.12218928

>i dont have github
>why cant i get hired????

>> No.12218966

Economist here... Physics is a complex field but depending on what you specialize in there are almost no industrial/general private sector applications. I would recommend you start to look into teaching jobs or research programs at universities.

Demand plays a very large role in job applications, i live in a rural 3rd world country and a lot of friends that graduated college in engineering have been unemployed for 18months, and some dudes that used to live a few streets away did 1 semester technical schools and are employes making around U$1.5/month (wich in my country is a very comfortable salary), because there are almost no technical schools and the supply for technicians is scarce as fuck

>> No.12218970

U$1.5k/month... fucking beer man

>> No.12218978

Do you live in Papua New Guinea or something?

>> No.12219350

why does he need a github to get hired?

>> No.12219628
File: 72 KB, 207x243, 0DAC3261-8A9C-4ECA-BEF4-E2C4EFCD449C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I know the guy, this guy is trying to dress up as for Halloween personally. His name is Patrick Tribbet. He’s cool, strong as an ox, and mildly retarded from huffing paint. He’s got a bachelors degree in something.

>> No.12219644

What country is this? I pay the daycare that watches my kid 1.5k a month lol

>> No.12219707

>people I don't agree with are either stupid or have an agenda, which ist controlled by an evil government which is out to get MY GENERATION

Geez, I just found the reason why you suck.

>> No.12219965

fucking this, especially if you have <5 years experience
to a company the only difference between a stem ba and a stem ms is that one asks for a higher salary,

>> No.12220055

>some people are really drinking the kool aid on this site. they go apeshit when you mention grads cant find jobs and chalk it down to the fact that its because theyre "lazy" using anecdotes from their youth on how they found their job by applying to 3 different places.

Why should anyone believe the anecdotes of people on an anonymous image board over the statistics that show that most college grads are able to find jobs?


>> No.12220855
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>work as a cleaner, no higher ed
>get a job doing somewhat shitty tard tier video game QA
>after a few years get a comfier job doing the same thing at an expanding company
>spend a few years there, get on good terms with the manager and leads due to not being too autistic (plenty of those) and actually doing some work (easy to fuck around unnoticed)
>get offered QA Lead while I was doing some basic design work for our Design Lead (mostly paperwork, but also some retard tier UI programming where I did through code and change numbers)
>notify the manager that I'm interested in programming and I'd rather do UI stuff over QA or Design
>been doing junior UI/UX programming with some design work for the last year