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12212443 No.12212443 [Reply] [Original]

>embarassed about being long term unemployed useless neet welfare sponge
>delete fb, delete insta, delete wattsapp
>tell people in my life to forget about me
>go into my own version of witness protection program

anyone else do this?

>> No.12212468

I live off crypto and will do so in the foreseeable future. Basically did the same, but sometimes go into facebook to like some 'funny animal' pictures to not look like I'm dead.

>> No.12212600
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Not having social media is a form of non-existence in today's day and age.

It's kind of nice

>> No.12212611

That's called being smart retard
The CIA niggers are watching you from every angle. No joke. Did you know the NSA backs up all of your data and keeps a copy backed up to search periodically for new keywords and they also help the IRS?

>> No.12212615

yup, deleted all my photos on FB, put up a fake name, no photos of me on IG. have changed my phone number several times so old faggot friends can't contact me.

>> No.12212619

i didnt go on fb for 4 months then i just went back on and only had like 4 messages from diff people. no one cares, feels good men

>> No.12212629

this but it's all automated, requires zero manual effort on their part. all web traffic is data, they simply capture that data and have various tools and AI to sift through for what they want. there are also a number of government contracts the CIA niggers have with companies like Amazon to spy on you better. probably Google and Facebook as well.

>> No.12212631

Also 4channel - that's what the captcha is for.

>> No.12212637

don't worry anon, soon it will all be tied to your biometrics. they are working on closing up the last few gaps that people have been able to wiggle through. 5G will aid them in collecting even more.

>> No.12212654

Read it's a felony in most states now to have a faraday cage

>> No.12212659

This was accurate for me up until abt 2015. Now I have grown my social media presence into a powerhouse that has helped me become self employed

>> No.12212675


>> No.12212865

yeah, I seriously don't know what I'm going to do. Also pretty much no one cared at all except for two friends.

>> No.12212891

I’ve basically done the same thing , a lot of my friends were into coke and I got sick of that shit. Other friends were way into bragging about their lives on fb and I got sick of that shit as well. I’ll come out of my hole when I’m a millionaire or never

>> No.12212915
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>> No.12212949

thats sad but whats anyone supposed to do?

>> No.12212961

Organize and unionize, strike, if a job pays you low wage leave and get a new one

>> No.12212967

wanna hear something sad?

I made facebook in 2015 and haven't logged since then. I'm scared. The only pictures I have uploaded is one with my mom and two from when I went backpacking. Logging back in is essentially admission that those pathetic photos capture the peak excitement of my life. I've been waiting years to take some interesting photos of myself so I can finally log back in. I receive emails every now and then about people who've friend requested me. A few of them were my oneitises from high school. One girl sent me a request in 2016. She died last year.

>> No.12212970

that's already America for some of us

>> No.12212988

That's the point of the post. Dont worry though, soon the majority will be where you're at and we can all be miserable slaves together.

>> No.12213025

realizing that capitalism is not working in the best interests of 99% of the population would be a good start.

>> No.12213067

communism is no better. invent a new system or fuck off

>> No.12213074

This is bullish for REQ

>> No.12213086

>He doesn't know that capitalism and communism are part of the whole eternal opposite yin and yang system that the universe is built on and thus are both mere opposite sides of the same coin

>> No.12213091

Link to article?

>> No.12213115

so what you're saying is natsoc is the solution. I agree

>> No.12213116

What i'm saying is it's a cycle. just like seasons.

>> No.12213134
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The worst part is during family reunion and ppl ask you
>what are you doing in life lately anon?
Tho after few years they become embarassed of embarassing you and know you will straight out lie or babblig some excuses so they stop asking and pretend you are a regular human being for few minutes then go awkwardly elsewhere in search of normie interactions.

>> No.12213639
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I'm embarrassed of being a 25 year old virgin that's still working at the same restaurant for the past 8 years. I'm embarrassed of dropping out of school after go there for 5 years. I've been looking at other jobs in my area, but I'm not sure what I can do. I thought I wanted to work in an office setting so I studied accounting, but I sucked at that, so I dropped out. Now I'm thinking about going into programming. It's already hard for me, but I feel like if I can push myself then everything will work out. I'm just so tired of lying to people and telling them that everything in my life is great. I'm in so much fucking pain.

>> No.12214328

damn bro... hold on

>> No.12214558

To free yourself measure price in gold.
To free society destroy central banks

>> No.12214611

Capitalism is where if you create value you get to decide to do with that value, this means value creatolion is incentivised.
Communism is where other people decide what to do with value you create, so their os no incentive to create value

A country with a central bank that prints money to maximise the employment rate is not a capitalist country
Let alone the endless tax and no political representation for the people in that monetary policy

>> No.12214630

You actually get messages from people Anon. Some of us don't even if we use our real names lol

>> No.12214794
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>> No.12215768

have 500 facebook friends acquired while in college. graduate and after about a year stop logging in to facebook and try to deleted it. accidently log in while trying to access an application that uses FB after years of inactivity. 0 notifications and 0 messages.

>> No.12216147

Hey if you want to tear down the current system go right ahead. You wont hear us commies complain one bit. But i don't think things will turn out quite the way you think they will.

>> No.12216167

Embrace /cocoon/ mode fren

>> No.12216212

How to deal with this from a FIRE perspective? I don't need to work and have heaps of money but sometimes feel anxious around family members when they ask me what I'm doing.

>> No.12216218

only poor people and losers have social media anymore
anyone of value does not
good move for the wrong reasons anon

>> No.12216232

Seems like you've lost your confidence. The first thing you need to do is clean your room, bathe daily, exercise daily, eat healthy and get into a routine that allows to pursue your passions and improve your skills.

>> No.12216252

Congrats your an entrepreneur

>> No.12216287

I wish I could.

>> No.12216290
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LMAO most people here larp about having tons of bitcoin including me

are they going to audit every larpie ever? lmfaoaoa

>> No.12216715

avoid fb, but buy it, it's a cash flow machine selling all the normies private data

>> No.12216803

How do I explain this to wagie normies though without sounding like a cunt. It's genuinely difficult

>> No.12216817

Burn your fingerprints off with acid and bleach your Skin

>> No.12216868
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pretty much same, I have a daydream that when I make it I'll buy a big house, get in contact with my old friends and throw a lavish party. In reality that would probably be weird as I haven't seen any of them for seven years.

>> No.12217277

deactivated mine a few months ago before my birthday to avoid birthday wishes from people that aren't actually in my life. didn't delete because pics of my dog on there

>> No.12217329

Same. No social media = no social comparison.

>> No.12217352

There is a also a vishnu living in the blockchains

>> No.12217975
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yes, but not out of embarrassment. i just realized that none of my family or friends gave the slightest fuck about me. was already numb, but going through the motions with all these fake, religious, retards all around me. now i'm roaming solo and smoking weed everyday until i figure something else out or off myself.
