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File: 28 KB, 636x357, tezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12210885 No.12210885 [Reply] [Original]

Arthur Breitman likes things on the QT. “I don’t like the whole big announcements thing,” says the co-founder of Tezos, one of the world’s biggest blockchain projects. “Some people don’t even know that Tezos is launched because everything was very low key.” With a barely perceptible, but unmistakably mischievous, chortle he adds, “I like low key. It’s a cultural thing, a very French thing. American culture is different. American culture is known for bragging, whereas in France, you brag as little as possible

>> No.12210913

If Binance lists Tezos without a bribe, it will be the single biggest achievement in crypto thus far.

>> No.12210927

Afaik they didn't spent a single cent for listings e.g kraken

Who needs binance anyway

No fiat - crypto

>> No.12210938

Kraken was one of the largest ICO contributors. They put in like 30k ETH if I remember correctly

>> No.12211509

So do they bake?

>> No.12211513

I know fred (co-founder of coinbase) speaks highly of tezos

XTZ will be on coinbase 2019 confirm

>> No.12211537

as a frog i can tell you french culture is about scamming a certain type of burgers with subtle implications about superior french culture
you could not pay me to hold tezos, it's so obviously the standard french hustle

>> No.12211767

You're not meant to hold, retard. You instead stake for weekly profits. Tezos is one of the best if you want dividends

>> No.12211828

>still falling for stake meme
timmy gets his NEET allowance of $100
timmy invests his whole NEET allowance in XTZ at $1 per XTZ
XTZ offers 12% returns per year in dividends
at the end of 2019, XTZ is worth $0.20 cents per token
how much fiat money does timmy end up with?

>> No.12211890
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1534989604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoS ain't no meme. I made a fortune on Decred and I'm going to make even more on Tezos. Tezos is also the first blockchain to have done PoS correctly, plus has a heap of development coming.

Stay poor

>> No.12211927

Tezos is a meme, though. A blockchain isn't a company with shareholders.
Pos is a meme because at the end of the day you only keep up with inflation while your memecoin slowly dumps to zero like 99% of alts.

>> No.12211953

The retards on here will never stop falling for it because 100% of them are tech illiterate. No one invested in tezos has had any experience with technology so they just get suckered in with muh dividends, muh unlimited money for a one time investment, and muh next ethereum.

>> No.12211998

>>He doesn't understand incentives of fat protocol instead of creating another shitcoin dapps

>> No.12212016

>>He never heard of gitlab


>>He's a linktard baghodler

>> No.12212026

>>He doesn't know who fred ehsam is
>>He doesn't understand cryptonomics

>> No.12212034

Muh premined scam r/ethereumfraud ?

>> No.12212044

>and OCaml is a meme, who needs formal verification
>hey buy Link, they working on zero-knowledge proofs. working on.

>> No.12212116

>i lucked out once so i'll luck out again
martingale would get you higher returns followed by your inevitable losses faster, and then you could move on with revenue-generating activities rather than gambling and praying

you got fat fingers alright using double meme arrows
stop clinging to meme words you read once on wikipedia like they hold magic power, nobody is going to want to build on tezos when everyone and everything is on ethereum

>> No.12212306

There are at least three consensus-critical bugs in the wild, being auctioned off and funny thing is that the ((((Tezos)))) team doesn't even know they even exist kek. Hint: the upcoming protocol upgrade is going to be funny, warm the popcorn

>> No.12212311

The baking meme is so stupid. Do they even understand that they are just meeting inflation with the block rewards? You don't make a profit, you just don't get diluted.

>> No.12212319

>fat protocol
Kek that p h a t meme died long ago when shit like MKR took off, you're just blindly repeating whatever was trendy in 2017 like a fucking NPC

>> No.12212832
File: 40 KB, 600x532, 1545300629057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor

>> No.12212844

so low key to make a project that doesn't work

so low key
shitted on EOS that is still up 250% from day0
so low key

>> No.12212928

except it already does work

>> No.12212999

Tezos is below ICO, was never in the green during the bullrun because it was held captive the entire time. Now you can buy it for cheap but why would you want to? The delusions of tezos holders is only superseded by Oyster Pearl holder's denial of reality.

>> No.12213410

>XTZ offers 12% returns per year in dividends
WTF? 12%? so the entire supply increases by 12% per year? How can this be a good long-term investment with such a high inflation?

>> No.12213560
File: 196 KB, 1440x814, current staking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inflation is actually 5%, however, not everyone has claimed their tokens yet so staking rewards are increased for those who have. tzscan.io/activations

This sheet is basically what you can make right now.