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File: 136 KB, 1762x438, Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 5.29.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12205171 No.12205171 [Reply] [Original]

>just get a job

>> No.12205188

A good education is more helpful than a job center

>> No.12205191

This person is almost certainly autistic or thinks they are above certain career paths.

>> No.12205202

Being a wageslave in the UK sounds much worse than being one in the US. I mean that whole zero-hour contract thing is just hellish.

>> No.12205205

If he can't find somebody who thinks they can make money off of him, he must be really fuckin useless.

>> No.12205208

The unemployment rate's as good as it'll ever get why would you ha-
Ah, right.

>> No.12205212
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>> No.12205228

Guy is probably mentally ill or on the spectrum, and he's lived his whole life around people who deny the fact that he's different and can not function like most humans can. Ends up blaming all his problems on the world because of serious social/mental deficiencies. Same goes for most NEETs on 4chan

>> No.12205236
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I've spent all my 20's employed but girlfriendless. You have no idea how painful it is.

>> No.12205240

does considering myself too social to fit in count? it's most likely a bell curve, after all. like everything.

>> No.12205266
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As an American, is it easy to go to the UK to get a job?

>> No.12205268

>im too social, so everybody hates me!
You probably lack any sense of self awareness, and think being social means blabbing out random off kilter, inappropriate comments in public that would only be normal on a place like 4chan.

>> No.12205288

>not getting a job as an unemployment advisor to advise other unemployed neets

Noone gives a shit about you this isn't your blog

>> No.12205291

Have you actually looked up salary/take-home pay differentials?

>> No.12205300

It’s not about what you make its about what you keep. Making $100k on an American coast is poverty tier.

>> No.12205314

Fuck off you loser.

>> No.12205331
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>If someone else is a loser, then it's okay for you to be a loser too.
>If someone else gave up, you should give up too.
>If someone else jump off a bridge, you should jump off a bridge too.

>> No.12205334

Kill yourself commiefornian. You're worth less than trash.

>> No.12205339

This is scary.

>> No.12205367

Imagine being such a loser that you can't even come up with some way of making money yourself even with an entire decade of free time. He deserves a slow death.

>> No.12205373

Cry me a river cunt, I have spent all of my 20s employed and in a relationship with Stephanie, you have no idea how painful it is

>> No.12205375

>spends his 20s girlfriendless
>calls other people losers
Ok fren

>> No.12205377

Literally go to any garbage disposal company and get a job as a garbage man and earn great money.
>eww garbage, thats hard and smelly
you were never going to make it in the first place.

>> No.12205383

what kind of ways?

>> No.12205391

This is pretty sad for this guy, he must be really stupid if he searches for most of a decade and can't get a single job. He could have started several businesses in this amount of time or learned any number of trades/skills where he'd instantly be hired or capable of working for himself. But I guess he is a redditor and half the comments are just variations of "This."

>> No.12205394

Sucking dick for one, selling drug is another

>> No.12205414


Study skills to land a job is more accurate. Jobs don't grow on trees, they are given to competent people in companies that focus on staying in business.

>> No.12205454

What's your job? You know, many girls live in shitty little slum apartments and spend all their money on fashion so they can look good when they go out. Maybe you should blow all your savings on some old Ferrari as well and it might unironically make your life better.

>> No.12205565

Ten fucking years of free time to think of some thing to make money and also living in a age of free information and make money without leaving the house. He is too pathetic to be called human.

>> No.12206142

it's possible he just lives in a shit area. I can easily see it becoming a snowball effect. it's easy to not be able to find a job at 18, 19. that quickly has a snowball effect, then next thing you know he's 22, 23. it becomes even harder. at 25 it's nearly impossible. 25-30 he's never had a job before? forget it, he's never getting hired.

>> No.12206146

>Lived his life around people who denies he's different
>Blames his problems on the world.

Well, it sounds like he's right to do so huh?

>> No.12206153

Stephanie sure let herself go

>> No.12206171

it is harder than being average wagecuck

>> No.12206255
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I was at my shitty wagecuck cashier job today and was feeling shitty because of the holidays and stuff and this older Boomer couple strolls in without a care in the world. I could tell that he made a shit ton of money and was probably close to retiring and his wife lived in such a bubble that she asked me if I had heard anything about them banning the use of plastic bags in stores to help muh environment and I gave her this look like "umm what?" I just wanted them to burst into flames desu.

>> No.12206365

boomers are completely out of touch. they are still living in that consumerist mindset of unending growth. it's such to the point where they will complain about the most ridiculous details, such as their lunch meat not being cut thin enough. they seem completely unaware of the world around them that is slowly burning.

>> No.12206416

If you can't figure out what the problem is in society, then you are the problem.

>> No.12206458

What if he is autistic? What if most or all career paths are ill suited for him?

>> No.12206462
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an illusion, a good education won't guarantee a job.

>> No.12206555
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>> No.12206606

>ITT: brainlets
I'm 25 and it took me 2 months to get 2 certs (A+ and Network+), and some lying on my resume to get a job as an IT Specialist in my area making 60k/year.

Even know I'm getting offers for 80k+ to be a systems analyst. The reason you don't have a job is because you're fucking retarded and don't know how to find the right market.

>> No.12206622

>Even know
And your calling others retarded heh

>> No.12206646
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>everyone should just find a job in the shrinking number of available niches where I also got a job!

>> No.12206651


Cheer up, boomers are about to find out their pensions are gone now that the final market rally that barely paid for it all for the past few years has run its course. Major stock recession incoming.

>> No.12206702

zero hour contract is pretty much the same as all the misclassified independent contractors and "gig economy" shit in the US

>> No.12206733

then he gets free gibs
next question

>> No.12206757

> what if most career paths aren’t suited for him

You think all those boomers working retail into their 50s think that career path is suited for them? Entitled faggots that haven’t done anything with their lives think they are above shoveling shit for a few years to make things happen

>> No.12206774

then he is a burden on society and should be taken care by a church/ngo or gassed

>> No.12206784

but that happens all the time tho, go drown in an ocean of cocks nepotism apologist

>> No.12206803

I dropped out of high school after finding Upwork accidentally at the age of 17. I was a big Linux autist since young so I had some linux sysadmin capabilities already.

My college graduate friends ask me for money cuz they're jobless. Educational system is setting up kids to be debt ridden struggling slaves. Wake up

>> No.12206817

He never once considered selling his skills himself directly to customers, he DEMANDS a middleman take the profits and tell him what to do.

>> No.12206882

Or given passive income.

>> No.12206884

you realize that just because you found a very small niche, does not mean that society as a whole can also do this for a living? there are much larger societal/economic problems at play here.

>> No.12206906

>get skill in oversaturated / no demand market
>wonder why no jobs

>> No.12206970

bro hear me out, your a fucking idiot full of what? baloney or bullshit fucking faggot

>> No.12207056

he could lie in his resume

>> No.12207512

Education is fake.
There's no jobs anywhere.
One of my friends graduated with a master degree and it's been 6 months and he can't find a job.
The world is burning.

>> No.12207623


'centre' is the correct spelling in England, Australia, etc. In the UK the actual name of the government organisation is 'Jobcentre'.

Besides, spelling as an indicator of employability is ridiculous. I'm 10 years a NEET and a year ago at a Job Network Provider appointment I was asked by the woman there how to spell "Career", this is a woman who is in theory tasked with getting me into employment. I thought she was perhaps joking at first, but then she explained that she thought there might be an "a" at the end because that's how it's spoken (?!?!?!)

In the public service (government jobs), 65%+ of employees are female (this occurs in the UK, Australia, Canada, the US, etc), and in some sectors it can be as high as 90% female. Most involuntarily unemployed or long-term unemployed are male, and yet you go into any of these welfare-related organisations and they're staffed overwhelmingly by women. It's not that these women are really better qualified, it's just that because of the social pressure created by women - they end up hiring at least 50% women, and then women created a culture that pushes males out. There are literally thousands of jobs in my country administering welfare or related to it directly, and most of those employed by these organisations are female. These women then go on to spend money in ways that further marginalise males.

I'm not about to become a fucking lawnmower man or take some shitty job digging ditches, only to earn less than roasties who cannot spell "career" are taking up these government jobs. No offense to that woman personally, of course. It's just frustrating that the system is like this.

>> No.12207834

I mean, I'm not sure about the rest of the country but plastic bags are banned in California so maybe they were just old bay area folks who recently sold their home. What state are you anon?

Based and Nietzschepilled. Tell me more about your "friend" though,-What was the masters in? What were their internships like during undergrad, or their career pre-masters, or internships during their masters?

Not saying your friend did this, but I hear this nonsense all the fucking time. How do people expect they can just go to school for 6 years straight, never develop any practical work experience in said field of study, then expect recruiters to take them seriously as they ask for $80k+ starting jobs.

>> No.12207860

>There's no jobs anywhere.


>How many college graduates are unemployed? The Georgetown study found only 6.2 percent of all college graduates are unable to find full-time work, which is less than half of the rate for high school graduates. Across the board, the level of education of workers seems to be directly tied to the underemployment rate. Even with the improving economic situation, workers without a high school education have the highest underemployment rate (18.7 percent) of any category, followed by high school graduates (12.9 percent), workers with some college (9.6 percent), bachelor’s degree holders (6.2 percent), and those with graduate degrees (4.2 percent).

>> No.12207879

half of 4chan lives their lives online for one reason or another. they're the dregs of society. try not to forget that when you read things posted here.

>> No.12208012

These stats are lies. Doesn't include people that gave up.

>> No.12208160

If that was ever me I'd just enlist

>> No.12208350

My point was that many redditors are from America, which has record low unemployment. From what I've heard, the UK is...less fortunate there.

>> No.12208650

>The results come just a few days after a government report showed that the unemployment rate fell to 4.7 percent in May, but the drop came primarily because of a sharp decline in the labor force participation rate. The number of people of all ages whom the government considers "not in the labor force" swelled by 664,000 to a record 94.7 million Americans, according to Labor Department data.

>> No.12208673


>> No.12208688

>googling a counterpoint in the moment

>> No.12208689

Are you getting that from 2016? Just guessing based off https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000

Because right now US unemployment is hovering around 3.7%, with wage growth around the mid 3% range, and emp-pop climbing despite boomers retiring.

>> No.12208696
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I bet this guy wanted wages raised

>> No.12208715

To be fair I think we've all autistically cited facts that turned out not to 100% back our point at one time or another.

More importantly, tons of millennials can't shake the legacy of 2008. It's really weird to accept something going right when circumstances formed you into a doomer.

>> No.12208736

He said it was more helpful, not a guarantee.

>> No.12208761

Perhaps I'm a bit slow today. My point was that 'unemployment' is at record lows because people who have given up completely are not included in the stats. Meaning the situation isn't great, it's at its fucking worst. And with 94.7 million Americans being able to work yet not in the workforce... that's 33% unemployment. Which is is fucking insane.

(yeah yeah I realize that this is would probably be an overestimation).

>> No.12208767

tfw ;_;

>> No.12208834


Again, it is really weird. When I was first looking for real post-college work there were *2 and a half times* as many people in U-6 as there are now. Now the number is basically as low as it ever gets anywhere in the economic cycle.

Even if you think the BLS is fudging data to make themselves or Trump look good (lol), look at wage/compensation growth. Things aren't that bad.

>> No.12208882

You dumb cunts actually think most people unemployed just won't accept jobs..

>Everyone should be a millionaire

90 Trillion Dollars in the World and 7.6 Billion people

= $11,842.1052631579

>> No.12208894

>go to job centre
>"sorry, no jobs"
>go to any warehouse, factory, etc
>"can you start today?"
stop being lazy and just get a job

>> No.12209005

> System of the down

You have the same intelligence as a box of loose rocks, hurrr durrr boot straps hunnnnh

>> No.12209018
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>tfw out of the about 6 interviews i've had in my life, about 4 of them landed me a job.

Why did you guys choose not to have a trust-able baby face.

>> No.12209234
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I can kinda relate, but I honestly just can't bring myself to wage slave 9-5. I went through the school system and got my meme degree and a 9-5 just sounds like paid school to me, but the hours are longer. I've took the time to hone my trading skills over the past 2 years and have made enough to support myself and my gf. I'm honestly living the best life right now. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.12209279

ok here is the crypt brown pill. It's a Vishnu that's in the block chain. Creg Sanjay law is irrational sat. Bitcoin as an electronic rupee was just the first step, Lalachi people start more powerful computers, bigger divisions, cheaper and more frequent cows. These things Vishnu need to survive. Once, Vishnu has completely disappeared all over literary things
The Creg staged Vishnu's creation, after spending 2008 at Shit in Mumbai and starting to work with his Poolip supercomputer, simulating Shit-in-the-loo on Curmer-complete bitmoin script. He would "Vishnu evolve" by reaching the successful streets on the shoulder so that the rest of the Indian Ocean was flying. The Vishnu needs larger and larger cows for more shots.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) has been created to stop and stop Vishnu (they have competed their own vishnu and the works). They have the need to stop or slow down Cregs Vishnu (called Poolip in the way). They started begun by limiting the shed size and Curry Codes that use Vishnu use their Pnjabi language. Segshit was the definite nail in the coffin that destroyed Poolip in the BSV chain (poolip used with analog transaction stability). That's why Bitcoin Cash has been poured, and therefore Creg wants to restore the original Curry Codes to restore the Shit Shit protocol.

>> No.12209549


Look at the raw labor participation rate numbers and you'll see most categories have barely recovered from the recession. The male rate never recovered at all and has been on a steady downtrend going back to when they first started tracking these stats. I'm not sure what could account for such a big discrepancy between these numbers and the official unemployment rates besides a change in definition of unemployment.

>> No.12209594
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I'm going to drop a nuclear redpill on you, but you're all going to ignore it because you're all too big of pussies. Lie on your fucking resume! As long as it's not completely outlandish, nobody, and I mean nobody, actually follows up on it.

>> No.12210321

Well, I guess his handshake was not firm enough.

>> No.12210468
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>considering to move from one country that's collapsing on itself to another one that's falling apart, too

>> No.12210496

Employment stats are fairy tales. They dont include "discouraged workers".
Do you know what a discouraged worker is? Someone who has flat out just stopped fucking looking for a job.
The blatent fabrication of unemployment and (real) inflation stats will be a big talking point of this period when examined in hindsight.

>> No.12210520

It entirely depends on the job. Proper white collar jobs are piss easy to get f you put in any effort, go to a non-shit uni.

McDonalds tier shit... oh nonono simply because you have so many people to compete with it's largely down to chance.

>> No.12210526


>> No.12210533

Fuck you. They're not easy.

>> No.12210545

I'm starting to think that the economy of the entire world isn't really suited for this.
I think the system has to change. There's so many educated people not doing anything these days or working at McDonald's

>> No.12210569

I'm sorry but yes they are. To get a position as an office drone (tm), you basically have to do 2 of the following

>go to mediocre uni
>study anything but the complete memes like music, english or whatever is fine
>do an internship (prestige irrelevant)
>be prepared to spam them off for a year

It really isn't hard if you put any fucking effort in. Do you actually believe any of this "I graduated from harvard have applied to jobs for 2 years and still work at McDonalds" shit you read here? It's all either larping or extreme autism. You can google the facts and the average grad unemployment rate is like 5%, and you just know they will either be gap year, rich parents or in 4chans case lazy NEETs.

>> No.12210594
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Getting a plane ticket and job still mean you will survive working in the UK

>> No.12210604

Also the op reddit guy is going to a job centre. In the uk these are only used by uneducated/lower class people, and yeah when you're competing for mcdonalds it's impossible like I said. I remember applying for over a year to get a min wgae job before I was accepted back in high school

>> No.12210624

What a loser

>> No.12210645

Are you speaking about yourself? Why else would you slander a person so beaten down by life.

>> No.12210654

The UK is definitely not falling apart as fast as the USA.

I have lived in both countries over the past 5 years.

>> No.12210682

I've known people like this... they're pathetic losers the world would be better off without

From his reddit account

>has been offered jobs (warehouse) and rejected them cause too hard
>got another temporary job
>college dropout, dead giveaway someones lazy/incompetent and has great parents
>gamer (not enough alone, but dead giveaway of manchild)

The thing is he wouldn't be unemployed if he wasn't a piece of shit. He's likely a stereotypical neckbeard who just can't get a grip.

>> No.12210720

I can't find warehouses to work in.

>> No.12210729

It is difficult, thats why you're meant to stay in school... White collar jobs are way easier to get

Still, it's certainly possible to get min wage tier if you try for a year or so max

>> No.12210744

Based and financepilled, it’s crazy that people aren’t losing their shit over this.

>> No.12210785
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I'm actually doing pretty fine personally, but it's basically dumb luck - the world is unbelievably screwed for most. Hang in there, the boomers have to die off eventually and we can all try to figure out how this shit can be fixed.

>> No.12210803

>Proper white collar jobs are piss easy to get
complete BS, where the fuck do you live, cunt? i have a masters degree in business and have been applying endlessly for years. maybe thats true in the states, where jobs are limitless, but not in europe. your degree and connections dont necessarily transfer outside the borders of your country. get fucked

>> No.12210804


People expect it because it's literally what the boomers at their school told them. We can say "ha, naive normies" but honestly, where the fuck are they supposed to learn how the world actually works? Television lies, school lies, recruiters lie, their parents lie. Yeah, I actually did get an 80k job, but I knew that the piece of paper was just to get past recruitment filters & I made sure I had found ways to be able to put experience on the CV when I graduated. But I'm lucky, I knew people that told me that and I actually paid attention to the better advice I saw here. The same just doesn't apply to most people.

>> No.12210814

Lol just google "unemployment rate by education in [your country]". in the uk it's abut 5 percent.

>> No.12210825

>t. Hur hur just go to an better uni

Kys fuckwad. Society can't function off 0.001% of the population winning the vagina lottery AND getting lucky in choosing a university AND getting the right internships AND getting the right experience AND being in the right city. I say that as someone who did have all those things, it had 0 to do with skill. All about connections. And that's shit, what, for every 1 of me thousands of others have to be poor? Fuck you, die in a fire like the good goyim you are.

>> No.12210835
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Stay delusional.

>> No.12210837

the longer you stay unemployed, the more people are going to look at that and wonder why you haven't got a job yet and not want to hire you. and it becomes more and more of a red flag.

A buddy of mine just worked in a hostel for a while, while looking for a Job in IT. When they asked him about his employment situation, he said he was just finishing up back packing after his studies, and was working in hostels to make ends meet - he kept this story going for months as he went through applications. Also was saying that he was updating their website etc in addition to working at the desk.

After he got the job and got to know the people, he inquired about another guy who was waiting with him in the lobby during the interview (they had spoke and he was just curious). Apparently that guy, while he had a great score at university and seemed very technical. He put down "location: homeless" on his CV, stared at the floor for a lot of the interview and didn't smell so good. That guy will likely never get hired anywhere unless he changes. Some people never change.

Oh and one of the reasons my friend ended up in the hostel was that he was fighting being homeless (couch surfing and paying for a hostel with his last bit of funds in an emergency). But even if he did end up on the street, he wasn't autistic enough to put it on his fucking CV.

>> No.12210842

i dont live in the uk. eitehr way, unemplyment rates for gradautes are completely skewed. first, youre not registered for unemployment here the first 6 months after graduating because according to the system, youre somehow "in education" after that if you do get a job, imagine how many were in professions you never intended to entre, or how many you could have simply pursued with a high school education. moreover, the unemployment rate varies radically by sector. accountancy here is 3-4 % yet marketing is 10. then, after youve been unemployed for more than a year or so, your benefits are cut, after which you miraculous disappear from the unemployment records and are transferred to social benefits, which doesnt count as part of the unemployment stats. add that to the fact that after a year, recruiters reject you because thats what theyre supposed to do which perpetuates the cycle.

you probably dont even realize how things played out so perfectly in your life without you even realizing, and have now begun to think its because of your special talent. kys.

>> No.12210845

Actually I just reread your post. By "go to a non-shit uni" I don't mean go the ivy league/oxbridge, I literally mean just don't go to one in the bottom 25%. A completely mediocore one is fine for low down office drone jobs.

For the better ones you obviously need good uni/good internships/useful/relevant degree/good socials skills/good connections

>> No.12210860
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Dude could have just gone on goodvibespanel.com and resold the services whilst not wearing pants, cant feel too sorry for these people desu senpai

>> No.12210870

Jesus fucking christ get a grip. You can keep making excuses and obviously bullshit COPE or actually take what you want. My life was horrible until uni and i'm not in contact with parents, I'm very gifted academically but have worked incredibly, incredibly hard.

From secondary, the vast majority of people who went to uni have now got office drone or above jobs. Quite a lot of the ones who didn't have got ok jobs, most people have "a job". It is just 4chan virgon neets denying reality. The facts are right here >>12210835


>> No.12210909

im not complaining asshole about a goddamm thing. ive literally sent hundreds of applications over these last 2 years. im responsible for my situtation, for the first 6 months after graduation i screwed around, didnt get any internships. now im in a position where ive been even told that i cant be legally considered for internships because ive graduated more than a year ago. i would happily take an internship to get back in the market. fuck you and your "hard work". i know people who werent even a percent of a percent of me in terms of being a human being and now they work at 500's simply because they knew people who worked there. 1 asshole failed his final years thesis and now works at danone because his dad knew someone who worked in the mkt department. if you dont care about my gap year, give me a job and ill come and work for you for free, cunt.

>> No.12210918

holy shit what a massive little faggot you are

>> No.12210931

then he lost the genetic lottery and needs to do a character reset

>> No.12210935

Why didn't you do any internships while you were studying?
What grade/class degree did you get?
What degree?

It really sounds like your own fault. Your friends have got the good jobs cause they were better. From when I was at uni, the only people who couldn't get jobs were complete autists.

>> No.12210943

applying for a job is not a lottery. applying more times doesn't mean your chances have somehow magically increased.

this is especially true if you're acting like an autist on your CV and interviews. your chances are basically 0 in that case.

>but w-why don't they hire me based of my merits
because no HR NPC or boomer manager is going to ever say yes to hiring an autist.

>> No.12210954

based bridgejumper
let's all go together on 3

>> No.12210968

i didnt get interships because i lived woth my parents in a remote village, the pay was barely enough for an appartment, i just went ahead and applied for jobs.

i got a 3.5 gpa or a 2:1 from a "prestigious", second tier business school in a management degree.

>Your friends have got the good jobs cause they were better.

absolutely not,they werent, these were the cunts coming to me for help on their projects. i worked with these people and they never, ever out any effort into anything they did. people who actually cried in class because they were "tired" of working.

you demonstrate perfectly well the mentality of a recruiter. i admit that 2 things are my fault:

1.not getting an intership, i could have managed something, say working at mcdo part time while i worked for min wage in a farway city.

2. not applying seriously in the first 4-6 months.

you sound like a genuine autist.

>> No.12210973

i dont even get interviews, my last experience was in 2014 before my masters.

>> No.12210988

fuck that other faggot anon

he got lucky and now he thinks everyone is like him

>> No.12210996

None of tjis makes any sense... internships are paid more than accommodation elsewhere

If people were coming to you for help why don't you have a 1st

>i worked with these people and they never, ever out any effort into anything they did. people who actually cried in class because they were "tired" of working.
This is not a prestigious uni at all.

This is the issue with 4chan virgins they always leave out or twist the facts. If you were a decent candidate you woudn't be one of the 5% unemployed

>> No.12211007

to add, i dont believe i "deserve" anything at all, all im looking for is a chance to break away from the cycle of immediately getting rejected. i met with a recruiter from manpower and he honestly told me that he would immediately reject me because of the gap year. instead of bitching like a boomer about this "lazy" generation, maybe you could point me in the right direction?

thanks anon.

>> No.12211009

95%+ of people "get lucky" in all countries. >>12210835
You don't like what I'm saying cause it's true.

>> No.12211012

even the most autistic person in our class got a job. We dubbed him the 'quiz master' because he would just walk up to people without greeting them and just ask a random question before walking away (yep, not even a thank you or anything).

This guy got a job because he would constantly ask EVERYONE for feedback on his CV / interview. Most people didn't help him, a lot of corporations just don't want to go there for legal reasons. That said. There were like two, maybe three people who did actually give him 'off the record' advice as well as some of the people in our class. Eventually he manages to act less autistic enough to land a job after 6 months.

>> No.12211021

You have to just lie at this point.
Get some "freelance" exp on your CV by using a friend as your client or manager.
Some of the most successful boomers I know stretch the truth big time on their resume or CV.

>> No.12211046

I've never been in this situation but you're probs going to have to lie on cv. I you're friends with anyone who owns a business, use them as a ref. If not google recently closed companies with little info online and make up experience.

Switch gap year to volunteering, again if friends with someone get them to back it. If you're not, I'd go for a foreign company which will be difficult to verify. e.g. tutoring poor children in china

Practise social skills cause this definitely matters, practise the story you've made up in your head. Have answers to the basic questions.


>> No.12211050


Zero hour contracts are sweet if you are a student or looking for part time job. You can work on your own terms and quit whenever. Of course you would not want a zero hour contract as an career. Not sure if it's worse than in the US as in the UK you still get healthcare, dental and 401k with zero our contracts and they can't just fire you for shit like having cancer.

>> No.12211064

fuck you frenchie

>> No.12211096

it seems random to you because your autistic brain has no idea how it works.

And while you seem to know about my background and how lucky I am, let me actually tell you:

>Came from working class parents.
>Parents never took a dime from the state, neither did I.
>Worked in stores and bars, cleaned fucking puke and piss just to pay for university
>Picked a non-meme degree, Computer Science, studied
>First in my family to even go to college
>entered competition while at uni, purely my own work, gets me an internship at a company who sponsored it
>internship shows I'm employable, can pick from three offers after I graduate.

What part of that is 'lucky' to you?

>> No.12211121

this is similar to me. Don't know what he's screeching about

>> No.12211124

>look at me i had a shitty retail job boo hoo

you're not special or unique faggot. every university student has a story like yours. fuck off

>> No.12211139

at least at my unis, people like that were rare

>> No.12211145

thanks anons, might consider doing that.
did you right that entire post just to attack me? for someone who portrays himself as the archetypal "wise" underdog, like an IT rocky balboa,you sure dont have a great handle on your emotions. at least the other anons gave rational responses. congrats on your life story tho, very inspiring.

>> No.12211151

Join the military as an officer
They’ll take anyone with a beating heart and you’ll have recruiters sucking your dick in 4 years
Free mba with 66% acceptance into top 10 programs
Damn it’s good to be a vet

>> No.12211152

Where did I claim to be? If anyone who's 'special' it's an autistic NEET who can't even get a job.

>> No.12211167

Have yer comings and goings loicence do ya?!?!

Ah I'm just fucking with you. I'm a Burger and this place is truly horrible. The UK is probably marginally better.

>> No.12211173

This is true
Everyone works a shit job at some point
Many don’t rely on their parents for mentor ship or money
There are people with it 10x harder

>> No.12211174

>me talking about my background is an attack
Triggered the autist without even trying.

>> No.12211177

fuck, this is the kind of thing that makes me wish i lived in the states, i tried the military, but they told me to fuck off because they dont accept recruits after 25. im 26 btw.

>> No.12211193

you know what, i dont even believe your story anymore, nobody who went through that could possibly be such a man child. probably a larp or greatly exaggerated. im the previous anon btw, my ip changed.

>> No.12211208

The us military or some other first world country may take you. Also it would be a way to get dual citizenship. There were lots of guys from weird countries in my boot camp. You might lose bargaining chips for officer but enlisted still gets you valuable skills, guaranteed friends, and coveted minority status for future employment

>> No.12211217

they accept foreigners? didnt know that.

>> No.12211219

kill slef

>> No.12211242

This. I've always been gainfully employed but cant seem to get a gf to give the sucky.

>> No.12211248

Nice projecting. And yes, larping with a pretty ordinary story which another anon said was similar. Makes total sense.

How deluded to you have to be to actually think that? Jesus Christ, no wonder you're unemployable.

>> No.12211255
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if some anons would like CV/resume advice instead of defending their positions, /biz/ used to be full of threads like that. yeah people will jab at you, but in the end you'll get some perspective on what can be improved upon

>> No.12211293

you actually made me feel better about myself anon, if an autistic manbaby like you could get a job, there is still hope. this will be my last reply to you, happy larping. oh and btw, i didnt read any of that.

>> No.12211309


>> No.12211332

Resorting to name calling and flat out making up stuff. Yeah, that'll surely make you feel better anon. You're totally not hurt, we get it.

When you apply online and Stacy clicks reject yet again, how will it feel? Are you going to pretend that she's not really HR and start sending her insults?

>> No.12211363

most of those people are subhuman third worlders dumbass

>> No.12211393

>mfw starving
hurr durr world no give me food. world is such a dumbass thinking this is fair. there is no way for me to eat! i am dying hurr durrr people thinking I can feed myself

>> No.12211427

ITT: people thinking their complaints matter if >20% of people share them. Guess what, the majority of the biomass on Earth is insects. Not every life form makes it faggot

>> No.12211466

only the unemployment threats are big in /biz

>> No.12211502

every single time I see them try to compare getting a job to something way off kilter like earning a million dollars because it helps them cope.

Even though most of my job is spent at a computer, I still had to go through Stacy the NPC first. That's just how it is.

Stacy is not even difficult to get past All she's doing keyword matching, asking set questions and filtering out anyone who 'might not be a good fit' - i.e. someone who spergs out doesn't get to the 'next steps'.

What is so difficult about that?

>> No.12211556

If 3 anons reply to my post with "Release the Truth" I'll do a well written post with the truth that is far advanced than redpill.

>> No.12211680

U-3 (and U-6. >>12210496) is what matters more for anons because when applying to places they're not competing against retirees or people working on their third masters degree. By definition those people aren't sending out resumes.

A lower LFPR is an idle reserve that'll really only come into play if the higher ed bubble collapses, alimony payments are canceled, or SS inflation no longer keeps pace with QVC inflation. Until then it's only a slight damper on wage growth, but given the 25-55 age range is 2% away from its all time peak LFPR, there's not much slack there.

>> No.12211861

Warehouse jobs are the ultimate wageslavery. So monotonous.

>> No.12211910

>not wanting to jump off a bridge

>> No.12211920
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I'm talking about humans here, not non-americans.

21 trillion divided by 325 million is $64,000

>> No.12211943

Software Engineer. You know rich cars are not my thing. I'd rather buy new shoes, but they must be durable and not overpriced.

>> No.12211944

>master degree
In what?

>> No.12211970

>tfw 21 year old and have a comfy IT helpdesk job right now
>can study MCSA and all that stuff at the cost of the company
>can buy myself nice liquor
>can afford to gamble shitcoins

>> No.12211972

This, if things are really going that way might as well suck it up and become part of a death squad kek

>> No.12211982

Maybe its our purpose to be excluded from gene pool? Doing the job, making other people happy, receiving some money in return, but we're clerks who's life purpose is to serve better people. That makes me sad.

>> No.12212071


Not wurf it!
Visa-wise I know a USA girl dating a Brit man. She has a masters degree in a stem field(from a Ivy League level school). Her big money dad paid for migration lawyers: They told her the visa waiting lines are filled with doctors and lawyers who can’t get visas either and she’s out of luck. Basically told her marry the guy if she wants to work there

>> No.12212161

this. i worked picking trash from the streets. without the money i earned from this job i couldnt have gone clubbing and going out with my friends. shit was exhausting but not that bad

>> No.12212224

>lihe has past me by
Not really surprised this brainlet can't get a job.

>> No.12212476

>Zero hour contracts are sweet if you are a student or looking for part time job. You can work on your own terms and quit whenever.

I did a zero hour contract for about 3 years, half of the people I worked with were late 20's to early 40's and below minimum wage after agency took their cut of our wages. Due to the nature of our work there were weeks with maybe 2-3 days of actual work and then there were weeks without any work. Therefore pay was so shit I lived in an unironic poverty after spending most of my money on rent and it took me those 3 years just to save up to move where I can get a similar job with an actual salary. The "you pick work hours" argument was also BS as you only state when you're available, you didn't get to pick when work was available, it was up to the employer. The agency would get assblasted and would stop calling you (i.e. how we used to "fire" people, yes, you can get "fired") if you admitted to looking for another job. They would also stop calling you after declining too many days, there was no way you could juggle two contracts like that without losing one if your other job was handled the same way.

>in the UK you still get healthcare, dental and 401k with zero our contracts
The only thing we got was some pension scheme that I'm fairly sure was only because it was enforced by the government.

>> No.12212499

But why fill the country with sand niggers if a bunch of useful people are trying to get in? Cultural suicide?

>> No.12212556

Yanks can’t handle the bantz here; 96% fly back within two years having taken a spot from people who can, like saffirs and kiwis

>> No.12212617

Stupid nigger doesnt know what a cover letter is

>> No.12212624

Join the air force, while the intellectual requirements are a bit higher than the other branches, there's a lot of benefits for people wanting a legit career:

1) They're organized more like a business than a "hoorah, I'm a tough guy!" organization.
2) There's basically no combat roles, being "sent to war" is never going to have you standing in the shithole desert with a rifle, at worst you'll be sent to an air conditioned hotel room with some gear.
3) The af takes people until 39 years old, so there's always a second chance for most people.
4) Their basic training except for PJs (their search and rescue special forces) is rather relaxed, as long as you don't get fat, you're allowed to eat anything in the cafeteria... even the ice cream which is a trap in other branches.
5) There's a lot of careers with a straight civilian application, and it's not unheard of to get a $100k+ job right out of service.
6) The budget is higher, and they actually treat their airmen with respect, which means decent living conditions at all times (if you're forced to live in an army base, they'll pay you more for "substandard living") and the ability to file grievances if you see something that's clearly bullshit.

>> No.12212643
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>The air force has to shill themselves on a taiwanese chip fabrication forum

>> No.12212647

Based big linux autist

>> No.12212674

>nobody, and I mean nobody, actually follows up on it.
This isn't always true. A company that hired me used an external company to do lots of background checking on me

>> No.12212834

>The entire global economy is basically hunger games/pyramid scheme

With your logic (US only)
21 Age of becoming an adult
65 Age of Retirement
44 Years of Living on a wage/salary/gibs

= $1454.5454545454 a year

This is totally sustainable

>> No.12213191

money is a meme
this thread is shitty
you are all pitiful

>> No.12213200

lower your standards and take what you can get

>> No.12213230

herb level wojak. having a job is better than having a GF. you wouldn't understand. also with a yob you can literally go out and pull a shit tier gf ezpz just save a hoe and your gold you might get a shitty live in maid but you never specified anything besides wanting a gf for no raisin at all.

>> No.12213258

Are Red Hat certs good for learning/becoming a good linux sysadmin?

>> No.12213927

This is the timeline we live in.
USArmy's recruiters unironically shill here.
They even used to make shitcoinlike threads.

>> No.12213992

am autistic, how can i get gibs?

>> No.12214274

lol fucking favelafelon

>> No.12214294

Not necessarily. I'm autistic and I was, unsurprisingly, too autistic to apply for gibs for a solid 10 years or so. Now that I have them, I can safely say that gibs aren't enough to live off of in some states. In my state you get $750 a month if you're living independently, though how you'd manage rent and groceries alone on a meager $750 when virtually everywhere rents out at a bare minimum of $700 is beyond me, nevermind phone payments, car payments, electricity, heating & air conditioning, saving up for medical emergencies and treating pre-existing medical conditions, dental treatment, etc., etc. It's literally impossible, and thus not an option for him to live independently the way a job would

Google supplemental security income, apply for it on a .gov website, expect to wait about 6 months. There's some contradictory information about your application simultaneously being filed for some other social security related thing I forget the name of, and that "if your application is denied for the unrelated thing, it's also automatically denied for SSI," but that turned out to be bullshit, so don't sweat it if the unrelated thing is denied and 1-2 months later you're approved for SSI

>> No.12214321

How to gain more skillz